Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer Isaac Anthony Espinoza

San Francisco Police Department, California

End of Watch Saturday, April 10, 2004

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Reflections for Police Officer Isaac Anthony Espinoza

First, I am happy to see that your murderer will likely never see the light of day again. Second, to be honest, I am not sure why your death has hit me the way that it has. I learned of your death, like many others, I am sure, via this web page. I have been a police officer, in Indiana, for nearly 14 years. ODMP was acknowledged, on my part, for what it is; a needed venue, for honor.

On December 13, 2003, I lost two brothers, Bryan Verkler and Thomas Roberts, two friends, to a (expletive deleted) coward, who, after being shot four times by one of my guys, decided to off himself. At that point, ODMP became a necessity, for me. It, and its staff, do an incredible job maintaining the need to memorialize you, Bryan, Tom, and every other fellow brother and sister that gives their all, to protect us, from the scum.

In July 2006, I was able to make it to DC, to see my brother's names on the wall. It was good. But also, in the lobby of the "store" I saw the SFPD patch, and your name, in a display. Needless to say, that was not a great time for me, but thanks to my wife and son, I coped.

Sorry for being long winded here, but, I hope that your family, colleagues and friends can get (some (I know second degree was not right)) closure now.

Rest, brother. And thanks for helping me, because you have.

Cpl Steve Headley
Mishawaka, IN police

Cpl Steve Headley
Mishawaka, IN police

January 5, 2007

Angry,angry,angry, thats what a lot of us feel, you were never given the option to live or die, he just took your life, yet he will stay on and live, feel, touch, smell and laugh. Its not fair.

January 5, 2007

As a long ago friend of both Carol and Isaac, I would like to send my deepest sympathy to their entire family. I know that this young man's specialness was rooted in a strong, loving family. My heart goes out for such an immense loss of life. Isaac's desire to protect others, his bravery to stand up and put himself out there for all of us is what made him unique. My thoughts, and prayers go to this very special young man now and always.
Rita (Montero) Emelia-Mclinn

rita montero
friend of Carol and Isaac, Snr.

January 5, 2007

Hey Isaac,
Sad by the verdict, but still hopeful that he will get life without parole.
Miss you.

January 5, 2007

What kind of world are we living in when a jury finds a cop murderer guilty in the 2nd degree??? He should be executed for what he has done, but life in prison is probably the next best thing (if that is possible). I just pray that this nightmare of a trial will all be over soon. I pray that you, Renata and family, will have a peaceful 2007.

Officer's wife

January 4, 2007

Isaac, another year gone, this was not a very good Holiday for me, don't know why, tried to get myself to the cemetary to see my mom, peggy and you, and just was not able to. I tried to leave you a note but when I got to this page I just could not do it, looking at your picture seemed like you were ready to speak to me, and just couldnt do it, and other times I can look at your picture and laugh at all the things you use to do., just last week Monica and I were having lunch at a restaurant and somehow someone cute, dont get ,excited, looked like you and we ended talking about that awful April 10th and just ended crying at the restaurant. You were after all our dear neighbor, your house is the first thing I see when I get up, and when you were here and made any kind of noise, that was the first thing I would hear, you are missed so very much. Now that the verdict is in, your loved ones will have some kind of closure, your dear family's wound will never heal but the pain wont be as bad, I keep your mom,dad, regina, renata and bella in our prayers. Your daughter is an amazing little girl, just like her papi, playing little jokes, she does that when she comes over. When she came over the last time, she knock on the door very softly, and I wasnt sure it was the door, so I went to check, because we were expecting her and I saw her in her little pj's, I opened the door, and she said, I thought you were not home, and when she came in I told her, "Bella when you knock on our door you need to knock really hard, like you are going to break the door down, just like your papi use to do it, she giggled and laughed and said, my papi use to do that, and I said yes, thats why my door is so chipped, and she gave us the biggest smile, that it made me sad, but she loved the fact that we were talking about her 'papi'. Many will now move on with their lives, not necessarily meaning that you have been forgotten, believe me the people that truly love you, have set you permantly in their hearts, you left behind a beautiful little angel, and because of her, you will live through her. You are and always will be missed and loved very much.
Always in our hearts and prayers

January 4, 2007

Isaac...a new year is upon us and you and your family are still in the hearts and prayers of many of us here at the academy. You are still an inspiration to many new rookie officers and deputies, former partners, as well as those who knew you or missed out on knowing you. I'm sure by now you have met up with Tony Zeppetella and Larry Lasater
who have joined you in the "Hall of Warriors." May you all continue to watch over your loved ones, until you meet again.

Carol, Isaac Sr. and Regina, Renata and Bella: Happy New Year. I will be up in June 2007, (I'll try to bring Damian with me, I know he would love to see everyone!) You have been in my thoughts and prayers. I miss you.

Shanon Dreyer
Palomar College Police Academy

January 1, 2007

To all of Isaac's family and friends:

I know what a torturous time this must be for all of you, but I also know of your strong faith. May it give you comfort now. My thoughts and prayers are with all of you.
May your beloved Isaac continue to rest in peace and may you feel his special love for you.

Carol, you are constantly in my thoughts and my mind embraces you each and every day.

Phyllis Loya, mother of Larry Lasater, eow 4/24/05

December 30, 2006

Isaac, I sit here at work watching my brothers getting ready and heading out the door to the funeral of Officer Bryan Tuvera. All dessed up in their Class A uniform, brase polished, shoes shined. I can't tell you how sad I am today, another brother is taken away from us. Shot down in his youth, just like you. A few days before a major holiday, just like you. God Bless him and God Bless you and God Bless all of us who remain.


December 29, 2006

Dear Renata, Isabella & Espinoza Family,

My thoughts are with all of you at this time. I think about how hard it must be trying to celebrate the holidays and yet feel very sad. I am also so sad for Off. Tuvera's wife and family. My husband is an SFPD officer too and I don't know what I would do if anything ever happened to him. I pray for God's continuing strength and peace for your lives. God Bless!

wife of an officer

December 29, 2006

Hi Renata & Family,

Just wanted to leave a note to let you know that you are in my prayers. I'm keeping a close eye on the trial. I pray that God in heaven gives you the strength you need at this time and in the coming month.
Its amazing how quickly time goes by, how quickly our kids grow, in the blink of an eye. I have two boys now, can you believe that? After doctors had said I would NEVER have kids. God really has everything in His control after all, even if we can't understand what HE is doing.
May you have a Blessed New Year, please give my best to everyone.
Love always!


December 27, 2006

I Love you, I miss you now more than ever. Thinking of you always. Thanks for watching over us you are always in my heart and in my thoughts.


December 26, 2006


I can't believe how Bella has grown, we have pictures all over Bayview, she's looking more like you now and her hair is darker too- a beautiful little girl with that smile! I got to see your family during the closing arguments and as always, they welcomed me with open arms. Thank-you. They showed your picture in court and I looked over at Regina, I'm so sorry you guys...I don't even hurt for me anymore, I hurt for your family, they love and miss you so very much. I pray for a safe and blessed holidays and new year for you and yours, you are missed Zak. When will it end? PB

Ofc. Patty B. USMC

December 25, 2006

Dear Brother in Blue, and those that love Officer Espinoza:

my heart is with you and your loved ones on Christmas. and now another SF brother joins you. my brother followed you in 2005. MY HEART IS SICK FOR ALL OF US. Christmas is verrrrry hard for all of us. we share your never ending heartbreak and grief. I said to someone today; "it never gets better, just somehow easier to accept the unacceptable". my family is remembering you and yours during today, for the holidays, in the coming new year. ALWAYS. YOU WILL NEVER BE FORGOTTEN. MY FAMILY CRIES WITH YOU, YOURS,

with deepest sincerity and respect,
sister of
Howard Stevenson, EOW 1/9/05

December 25, 2006

I watched as Class 12 worked so hard to emulate the "Isaac Would" motto and how your memory served as the start of something miraculous at our academy. Your honored photo hangs proudly in the "Hall of Warriors" alongside Tony and Larry. I am saddened by your department losing another officer this week. I am so sorry. I know that you will be there taking him under your angel's wing and welcoming him into the family up there. One of my local brothers in blue joined you this week too. Please watch over him as well. This is an especially hard time to be reminded that life is precious. Thank you for watching over us all left behind down here. Thank you for your service and thank you for your sacrifice. Merry Christmas.

JB #375
EPD / PCPA Staff

December 25, 2006

This is a tough time for your family and your department family. Help those that need help and look out for each other. Their are so many wonderfull people on these pages. It breaks my heart to read some of these passages. Some one out their is thinking about you every minute.


December 25, 2006

My thoughts are with your loved ones this Christmas Day. They miss you and think of you ever day, but today they will be thinking of you more than other days becuase of the holiday. You will be the topic of conversation where everyone will be sharing stories and memories of you. This is a good thing as it keeps your memory alive and can bring a smile to their faces even though their hearts are filled with pain. Continue to watch over your loved ones and protect them. Merry Christmas Hero.

Bob Gordon
Father of Fallen Officer: Michael P. Gordon, EOW: 8/8/04

December 25, 2006

You would of loved last night. The whole family was there, everyone smiling. Your wife looked as beautiful as she always does. Your daughter, you would of been so proud of her. She got up with her other cousins and sang. Remember how we all sang when we were all younger. There was all Popo's food too, Calimari, Jumbot. Everyone looked happy. The children made it happy for us. They we all so good. It was wonderful, magical. Now today, back to reality. You were missed.


December 25, 2006

Merry Christmas Eve Isaac. I will miss seeing you tonight. Auntie

December 24, 2006

Isaac, we lost another brother. Take care of him, as I know you will. You will be missed this Christmas.

December 23, 2006

To the family of Officer Espinoza~
My husband Rich May was killed in the line of duty on January 7, 2006 in East Palo Alto, Ca. Although he worked in the Bay area, we do not live there. He has family that lives in the Bay area, and I live in Santa Maria Ca. with my children. My family told me your trial has finished and the jury is in deliberations. I check the SF Gate online every day to see if there is a verdict. I pray that monster gets life in prison. It makes no sense to me why the DA did not seek the death penalty. These monsters that kill our husband's, sons and our children's daddy's don't deserve to breath. Our trial won't start until probably Oct. 2007.
Please know I am thinking about you all and praying for you.

Diana May
Wife of Fallen Police Officer Richard May EOW 1/07/06

December 19, 2006

Left Behind

Those that are left behind
when others have gone,
are the ones that cry
all night long.

Under the cover of the night
so many tears fall,
we cry ourselves to sleep
until there is nothing within us left
to weep.

our tears will start anew
for those that are left behind,
what else is there to do?

(From The Broken Badge)

December 13, 2006

My thoughts and prayers to the family and friends of Officer Espinoza. I'm sorry for your loss. When I lost my brother suddenly in 1999 I would look to this passage and it gave me comfort. It still does:

...but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary; they will walk and not be faint. -Isaiah 40:31

Blessed be to Officer Espinoza and his wife and daughter.

Animal Control

December 11, 2006

isaac i miss you so much, please come back.


December 5, 2006

Stephanie's baptism came and went yesterday. I thought about you and your mother, and I also thought about you and your daughter when Father Cameron put his hand on my shoulder and said, "Stephanie is your daughter and your souls are intwined. You will be together for all eternity."

I told Father Cameron how touched I was that he said that. I believe that Isaac. I believe that when you have a child they are your TRUE TRUE soulmate. People have mentioned soulmates throughout my life, but it never felt more real than when I baptised my daughter. I am now a true believer in "Soulmates." They ARE our children.

I know you watch over your daughter and mother everyday. They are and will forever be apart of you.

November 27, 2006

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