Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer Jesse Matthew Rittenhouse

Harriman Police Department, Tennessee

End of Watch Thursday, September 16, 2004

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Reflections for Police Officer Jesse Matthew Rittenhouse

Heaven must surely be worth it all.

I love you my precious son.

You are always my smiling eyes.


November 21, 2015

Matt just want you to know you have not been forgotten and never will be. Still hard to think about what happened and never be able to understand. But your soul and spirit lives on in your family I see them occasionally out and about they are one strong family.


October 23, 2015

I love you.
My heart and mind is filled with YOU.


September 16, 2015

There's not a day that goes by that I don't think about you. May 11th and September 16th are very memorable days. Just know that you will never be forgotten and always missed!

Chief Deputy Tim Phillips
Roane County Sheriff's Office

September 16, 2015

Blessed are the Peacemakers.

I love you.

I miss you.


September 11, 2015

I love you.


July 25, 2015

Thank you sir. Thin blue line is a little thinner without you but others with the dedication and courage it takes are stepping up. My son is an officer in Jacksonville fl., I know what it takes to be a part of a small band of brothers and sisters. Thank you sir for doing your part most do not have the backbone to do.

Special Agent, retired.
Norfolk Southern RR Police.

May 26, 2015

Matt, I never had the pleasure of meeting you, however, I did have the honor of lifting your name from the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial. After meeting your Father on the Metro Rail at King St. And hearing your story I was compelled to visit the Memorial. By chance, I happened to be in town during Police week and shared a few stories with your Dad as we waited for the metro to take him to the airport and me into town. I wanted your family to know your memories and service will never be forgotten. My condolences to your family and extended family. God Bless.

Mr. Gabriel Pierce
Army & Air Force Exchange Service

May 16, 2015

Happy Birthday Matt!

Chief Deputy
Roane County Sheriff's Office

May 11, 2015

I love you. You were the best Mother's Day gift I could have ever gotten.


May 9, 2015

Its the funny little things that make me think of you. I've been keeping track of the Indiegogo for Super Troopers 2 and I can't imagine how many of the Perks you would've bought. I would pay a lot more than $100 for them to leave you a voicemail with some of your favorite phrases from the first movie. I remember fighting over that movie at the Dirty Santa Gift Exchange and neither one of us ended up getting it. Miss you brother, each and every day.

Former HPD

April 23, 2015

Happy Easter My Beautiful Son. This day above all I feel the peace, and hope, and reassurance that I Will see and be with you again. Without that I would not be able to go on. I just keep looking at your pictures as I walk by them and smiling at you knowing you are in an amazing place and longing for when we are all back together again. You are always in the midst of everything we do and loved more than earthly words can convey.


April 6, 2015

Happy St. Patrick's Day My Beautiful "Smiling Eyes" Boy.
I love you and Miss you. We will toast you tonight at our Irish Supper. (My house smells like an authentic Irish Pub I used so much Guiness last night while I was simmering the meat for the Beef and Stout Pies!!!! How I wish you were here. Love you Love you Love you.


March 17, 2015

The reflection I left you for Valentine's Day has never appeared, maybe it sounded too sad and you wanted me to do it over, so okay :)! I missed you missed you.....(.can't make me stop saying that) but when I got home that night after finishing everything up, and finally crawled into bed I was able to lay there and just remember YOU......and what you always brought to every holiday at the shop.....the hysterical laughter, the threats from me that I was going to "fire" you, the hugs and big arm around me telling me "to settle down", the delivery races with your sisters, sneaking next door to Vickie's to hide from me and lay on her couch while I frantically wondered what was taking you so long on the delivery.......on and on and on.......but always underlying it all was the devotedness of you to us and our family business. The pride you felt making the holidays be successful, making sure we always had plenty of your police buddies helping deliver, postponing your own valentine celebrations and being so happy that the girl understood. What I don't, and never will understand is the why of this life. I don't ask or dwell on that too much anymore, just occasionally I can't press it down and it tries to take me down. Then I just think of YOU and all you were, and all you gave us, and still give us, and all I have here still, and what I have to look forward to seeing you again. That keeps me going until I don't have to anymore. I love love love you and am soooooooo thankful that I was your momma. You are the best.

To eternity and beyond I love you.


February 18, 2015

I kept trying to sit down here on Christmas Eve like I always do and close the evening out with you after I close the shop but one thing kept leading to another and all of a sudden it was Christmas night and I was laying in bed wondering what in the world. I went up on your hill and talked to you and daddy and just shook my head like I always do as I left trying to either shake reality into or out of my head, I am never really sure on that point. The only thing I am sure of is how much I miss you and need you simultaneously knowing you are right beside me. I love you Matthew. You were right in the middle of all of our celebrating yesterday; it was almost bedlam as the gifts were being handed out and unwrapped; thank you for never leaving us.

loving you to eternity and beyond

December 26, 2014

Matt remembering you and your family today.
This is such a hard time of year.
It brings back good and bad memories, why couldn't you be here for your Mom and Dad and family?
We all try to do a "new normal" but most of the time it doesn't work, I know that you are missed so much.
God bless your family and continue to give them comfort.


December 24, 2014

Precious Son there have been so many officer deaths recently. My heart breaks for what the families will be going through now. I know you are there as they enter heaven with your beautiful smile. Make sure they know how important it is to send those signs that we all need so badly down here to keep going on. A customer brought a "new" picture of you in the other day, she's had it for more than 10 years and it was the "right" time to bring it in. It was like you were here.....and you were. I love you forever and beyond.

Always missing you.

October 31, 2014

It's 9/20 and we are on the way to the Alamo!!! Thanks my precious 920 Son. I love you dearly and know you are with us as we take this trip for Daddy/Grandpa.


September 20, 2014


It's been 10 years and you are missed by so many. I often wonder how things would be if you were here. I stopped by the cemetery this morning and I decided to take a picture of your giant cross, as I went to unlock my phone to take a picture the time was 920. I don't think that was by chance. Thanks for all the funny memories!

Chief Deputy Tim Phillips
Roane County Sheriff's Office

September 16, 2014

Matt - We honor your memory today, we honor the officer you were, the friend you were, the son and brother you were. We know that everyday is tough for your family, 10 years has went by very fast it seems, we know in heaven it is just a blink of an eye and you are rejoicing everyday. Down here is much different, we must carry on without you which is hard, we try to look after your family but your shoes cannot be filled. We will see you soon brother, you will NEVER be forgotten.

Deputy Chris Massengill
Roane County Sheriff's Office

September 16, 2014

My Precious Son of My Life,

I keep typing and erasing. I have nothing and everything to say. Ten years is too much. My baby, my giant of a son. So much in between. How can words do justice to you; today I can't find them; I just keep seeing you and hearing you; and needing you. And there you are, always. Keeping me standing, helping me take one more step, one more breath; giving me one more memory, one more story, one more smile. Matthew, My Gift from God.

Loving you through all eternity


September 16, 2014

It doesn't seem possible for 10 years to have gone by since we last heard you laugh or felt one of your bear hugs. Everyone says grief goes away with time but it doesn't. Its as fresh today as it was 10 years ago. Today instead of watching the Heavens for you I'll be watching the ground for your sign, "In GOD We Trust." We love you brother, today, tomorrow and always until we meet again. 920

Former Sgt Amanda Godin
Former HPD

September 16, 2014

10 years man! Still thinking of you my friend.

Sgt. Charlie Graham
Oliver Springs Police Department

September 15, 2014

The 10th anniversary of you being called away is just about here. People will say that it doesn't seem that long, but for those that love you dearly it has felt like a lifetime since they felt your warm touch, seen your smile and heard your voice. Continue to keep watch over all of your loved ones. You have not been forgotten.

"The sense of loss does not diminish with time. In truth, the expression 'time heals all wounds' is a myth. For parents, the loss of a child is permanent and mental scar tissue really does not grow over the grim memory. Rather, all tears are expended and a dull ache remains."
by Rose Kennedy.

You have not been forgotten.

Bob Gordon
Father of Fallen Chicago Officer: Michael P. Gordon, EOW: 8/8/04

September 10, 2014

Remembering Jesse's family, remembering you and hoping that you are OK. (I know just, "ok".) It will not be more than OK until we see them again.

Lorraine Bond

September 7, 2014

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