Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer Jesse Matthew Rittenhouse

Harriman Police Department, Tennessee

End of Watch Thursday, September 16, 2004

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Reflections for Police Officer Jesse Matthew Rittenhouse

Happy Birthday My Precious, Precious, Son of My Life!!
39 years ago today (the Friday before Mother's Day :) you were born....tonight we all celebrated you as we ate supper together, told stories about you, displayed your picture on the restaurant table ( the sweet waitress thought we were waiting on you and offered to have the staff sing Happy Birthday to you....we laughed and declined, but after she left decided you would have gotten a kick out of being sung to.....and indeed, we were waiting for you, always, until we can all be together again. Dad saw a penny on the parking lot on the way in and leaned down to get it, but it was stuck in the asphalt and he couldn't dig it out. He hated to leave it, but then when we got in and got to our table there was one under one of the chairs lol, so I leaned down and picked it up off the floor hahaha, never leave a penny if at all possible!!! A sign straight from you; I gave it to Dad to take on his trip to Police Week tomorrow. I'm sure you will show him more while in D.C.

Ethan delivered at the shop today, and will again tomorrow. It was great, as were his stories lol. He was keeping one close to the vest but gave it up over supper and we had a good laugh. I can only picture you and him delivering together, it's a picture that brings a big smile to my face, and a little shudder at what all you could have gotten into!!

Your guys are riding on the Police Unity Tour again, just got a couple of pictures from them.....your name band on their wrists, and their birthday toast to you. I Love them for always doing that.

You know you are ALWAYS in the middle of everything we do. We love you, miss you, need you, and laugh with you.

Forever and always I am most blessed to be your momma.


May 11, 2018

Miss you 920.

Jama Walker

May 11, 2018

Happy Birthday Matt! We miss you buddy!

Chief Deputy Tim Phillips
Roane County Sheriff's Office

May 11, 2018

I love you


May 3, 2018

Our small town lost an officer last Friday: 26 years old, his wife delivered their 2nd baby boy yesterday. He had his whole life ahead of him. I've been reading messages his friends have written to him. He was a good fella who grew up in a small town, the one who knew how to make everybody laugh, who was always up for doing something crazy, he loved to drive around and listen to good music, he loved with his whole heart, he loved being a police officer, and most of all he loved his family. Being in such a small town, I had seen Officer Maddox around some, always with a smile on his face. Everything I read about him reminds me of you. Our small town has been so quiet this week. Church on Sunday was so somber, and every trip out it feels like we all have lost one of our own. I never thought about it, but I guess that's how it must have been in Harriman. Monday was 12 years since we lost Momma. I'm sure y'all often get together up there; she really had a soft spot for you. My kiddos are doing good. Riley acts just like Erin; I fear I may go crazy before it's all over- she hasn't even started kindergarten yet. Thank you for always knowing how to brighten my day. You taught me so much about strength and courage; I am blessed to still feel your own strength around me when I feel overwhelmed. You are loved and missed every day.

Amy Macedo

February 14, 2018

Yep, the big day has rolled around again :), wish you were physically here to push me to the edge, then put your arm around me and tell to "settle down". It has been a crazzzzy holiday, your sisters keep me going with their nuttiness; you have to laugh at this life. I love you, we love you, and it's always the best with you right in the middle of it all.


February 14, 2018

I love you


February 3, 2018

I see my Christmas listing did not make it on here, but that's ok, yesterday (Christmas Day) was filled with more love than ever it seemed like, and you were there, as always, right in the middle of the fun and the love, and laughter. You are ALWAYS with us and I thank God and you for that reassurance.

I love you forever and always, to eternity and beyond.


December 26, 2017

What a bright spot in this world people can make with their unexpected acts of overwhelming kindness. A new officer with HPD came in today with a Christmas wreath she had made in your and silver, your number 920, the HPD decal, the Tennessee stars.....just beautiful. And, she has never met you. Said she has heard so much about you from the other officers , who you were, and who you are, she wanted to do this for you. I went to your hill this morning to see how she placed beautiful that she had hung it right in the center of your Celtic Cross. I have no words to describe what that sight meant to me. But you know, and God knows, and I hope she knows.

Loving you Forever,
To eternity and beyond


November 26, 2017

There are very few people in this world that are remembered and remain a part of people's lives like you do.
That is a testament to you and your life. You live on Matt.

Forever a Friend

October 14, 2017

Oh how I miss you.


September 29, 2017

Matt where have the years gone. You are not forgotten, and never will be. Some people make an impact on the world and people lives that change it and them and you are one of those. Thank you for what you mean to my life.


September 18, 2017

Still finding pennies everywhere we go!

Karen B. Joseph
District Attorney General

September 15, 2017

My beautiful, precious Son of My Life, how we were so blessed to get you, and be a part of everything you were and continue to be, is one of Life's great mysteries and blessings. You are my Smiling Eyes now and forever. Thank you for every second of every day reassuring us that you are still with us, all of us, in everything we do and experience. You always were bigger than this life; you loved Life and you Lived Life, on this earth and in the Forever. Thank you for the opportunity to Love you to Eternity and Beyond.


September 15, 2017

Loving your family today and everyday! Still finding pennies everywhere we go.

Karen B. Joseph
District Attorney General

September 15, 2017

So many ask where Ethan gets his size and strength, I love being able to say you and show them your picture if they don't already know...thank you for always being here. Time brings new difficulties and new adventures, but you're right with us through every storm. Love you more than ever.


September 10, 2017

I love you


July 31, 2017

Today is Ethan's first day in college....he is so amazing and is doing great. I know you are watching over him. Not much more I can say right now. I love you and miss you.


July 10, 2017

Ethan graduates tonight. I know you are watching over him and are so proud of him. What an amazing boy!! I'm so glad you two had each other on earth even though the time was so short; but that short time forged a bond that is eternal.

I love you


May 19, 2017

Happy birthday Matt! We miss you!

Chief Deputy Tim Phillips
Roane County Sheriff's Office

May 11, 2017

I love you


May 4, 2017

Happy Easter in Heaven!!


April 14, 2017

I love you.
I have seen you a thousand times this week.
I wish you were here, but I know you are.


April 8, 2017

I miss you. Its been too long.


March 14, 2017

Today is Ethan's 18th birthday. Cried this morning thinking of you and him, two of the best gifts ever given to us. You all started out best buds.....from the very moment you blew your engine out in the chevelle trying to make it to the hospital, to all the precious moments you two had together. The pictures and memories we have of the two of you are priceless treasures. I know you and God are watching over him together and that brings great comfort to me.

I love you and miss you being physically here with us, but I know you are always with us and always will be.


February 28, 2017

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