Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer Jesse Matthew Rittenhouse

Harriman Police Department, Tennessee

End of Watch Thursday, September 16, 2004

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Reflections for Police Officer Jesse Matthew Rittenhouse

Happy Birthday Precious Son. Oh my gosh I miss you so much. I've been looking through pictures so this is probably not the best time to be talking to you because I'm so weepy, actually it probably is, because now I feel you hugging me, kissing the top of my head, and reassuring me it will be ok. I know you see all the wonderful things going on in the family and you are always a part of everything we do. Stronger together, that's us, in Heaven and on Earth.

I love you My Beautiful Smiling Eyes. Son of My Life forever and always.
Have a wonderful Birthday in Heaven.

To eternity and Beyond.


Linda Rittenhouse

May 11, 2021

I still think of you almost everyday. I have made sure that my girls know all about you and they talk about you often. You are very missed ❤.


May 11, 2021

I still think of you every day. I've made sure my girls know all about you and how wonderful you were. We talk about you often. ❤ Missing you like crazy!


May 11, 2021

Hey Uncle Matt,

Was missing you a little extra tonight. Time has flown by, I’m 18 (almost 19) now. It’s been a while but I got to go to the Police Museum and see the eggs I made for you when I was little! That was a crazy experience, I’m glad they ended up there. I feel like that’s your way of showing me how funny it was.

With all of the things going on in the world right now I’m reminded of how grateful I am that you were so dedicated to what you did. From what I can tell it sounds like you were very passionate about your job; we need more people like you in the world nowadays.

Ma and Pa got their first car that isn’t a “shop vehicle” haha. I’m proud of them, they really deserve it. I know you’re proud of them too. They’ve worked so hard and given so much back to people, I’m glad to see them treat themselves for once. Lots of things are changing, but I’m glad the family is still able to get together and have lunch and talk every once in a while. It’s very refreshing, and I know you’re right there with us, laughing at our stories and watching over us.

There’s so much more I want to say to you but I’ll save it for when I get to hug you again, whenever that may be. I love you more than the world, Uncle Matt.

Ella Guinn

April 18, 2021

Linda, hope you had a blessed Easter. Remembering our sons today. It doesn't seem that it has been almost 20 years. I wonder at times what Don and Matt would be doing now. I know they would have advanced in their careers and it would have so nice to see what they would have accomplished. We just have to hang on till we see them again.

Mother of Dep. Donald K. Bond, Jr.

April 6, 2021

Happy St. Patrick's Day in Heaven My beautiful Smiling Eyes.

How Beautiful Heaven must Be!

Love you forever and always, to eternity and beyond.


Linda Rittenhouse
Mother of Matthew Rittenhouse HPD 920
EOW 9/16/2004

March 17, 2021

Remembering you and your supreme sacrifice today. Never forgotten. Always honored. Forever missed. Eternally loved by your family and your friends.

I think of your sweet mother often as she was one of the people that helped me when I begin my own grief journey. I know that she carries you in her heart and in your soul.

Rest in peace, hero.

Phyllis Loya
Mom of fallen California Officer Larry Lasater, Pittsburg PD, eow 4/24/05

January 15, 2021

Merry Christmas Precious Son of My Life. How beautiful Christmas morning must be in heaven. It's beautiful down here today with the snow everywhere. Made dad very happy to see the snow Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Everyone will be here tonight, including you :) I just wish your big body was here too. We continue to take it over the top with crazy, funny things . I can only imagine what it would be like to have you, Jenny, Jessica, and now Ethan and Ella also adults :), all in the same room laughing, hollering, picking at each other, almost tearing my house down and loving each other, always, more than the world. How amazingly blessed we are to have been put together in this world. Together we have everything.

Always, and Forever, my heart is with you, and I know you are holding me close. I feel you by me everyday, and know we will all be together again and see your beautiful smiling eyes.

Merry Christmas Jesse Matthew, Gift of God.

I love you,

Linda Rittenhouse

December 25, 2020

First day of our Christmas Shop! I hung a picture of you, Jenny, and Jessica on one of the walls. You all are dressed up for the Christmas program at church about 35 years ago. It brings a smile to my face and heart (and a laugh at how the three of you are reacting in your own unique way to having your picture made). People love seeing your little faces from so long ago. Had to have my babies there with me like always. I love you and your sisters more than the world. Yes, to eternity and beyond. Forever and always, you all are and always be the best gift I was ever blessed with.


Linda Rittenhouse

November 3, 2020

I love you, I miss you.


Linda Rittenhouse

October 9, 2020

Rest in peace always and know that your service and sacrifice will never, ever be forgotten by your law enforcement brethren.

Detective Cpl/3 Steven Rizzo
Delaware State Police (Retired)

September 16, 2020

It's hard to believe that you have been gone for 16 years. We always find ourselves talking about that old days and the memories that were made. There is no doubt that you left some lasting impressions on people. We miss you and think about you daily.

Chief Deputy Tim Phillips
Roane County Sheriff's Office

September 16, 2020

My Precious Son, I love you. I miss seeing your beautiful smiling eyes and face but I will be forever thankful that I know you are right here beside me always and forever. Have another amazing day in Heaven.


Linda Rittenhouse
Mother of Matthew Rittenhouse HPD 920
EOW 9/16/2004

September 16, 2020

Yesterday I was moving old boxes and found an American Police Beat Magazine (Feb 2005 page 46). It’s the one that has your picture in it. I can’t remember what building we were clearing that night but I’m forever grateful that Jason took those pictures.

Former HPD 912

September 16, 2020

Linda just wanted to leave a message today for you . Today has been 19 years since Don passed away and it seems like yesterday. Remembering you and Matt today and cry tears for you too. We were blessed to have special sons. Take care, we will see them again soon.

Love you Lorraine Bond

September 6, 2020

Rest in peace Officer Rittenhouse.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 11, 2020

Happy Birthday Precious Son. Dad and I have been up to your hill this morning, it's a beautiful day for a beautiful Son. Just stood and looked at your cross, as big as you, and knew you were smiling down on us with your beautiful smiling eyes. Time doesn't mean the same thing anymore. We just Are; and I think that's actually more real. We Are a family; We Are together; We Are thankful. We are living, doing, remembering ,loving, blessed.

Yesterday was Mother's Day, thank you for being the best Mother's Day gift ever! Always and forever I will be grateful for being able to be Your Momma. You and your could I have been given so much. God's gift to me and the world.

Fly High today Baby Boy.

I love you forever, to eternity and beyond.


Linda Rittenhouse

May 11, 2020

Hey Baby Boy,

Well today is the last day in the shop. There are a million thoughts going through my head, so many things I want to say but can barely type for trying to hold back the tears. Not tears of sadness really, just tears from all those million wonderful memories. You, your sisters, Ethan, Ella, Scott, your police buddies,....story after story after story. What an amazing life we have all had together in the shop. It was the best........because we were all together . Still are, and always will be, no matter what. It's kind of scary I have to admit, but I know you are right here with me. Always with your arm around my shoulder, kissing the top of my head, and reminding me to "settle down Mom". We always laughed about being the "richest people in town", but it's true, because we have each other which means we have it all.

I'm thankful for it all. It has been an amazing journey, and now a new one starts. Keep me brave, continue to watch over all of us and have a wonderful day in Heaven.

I love you more than the world, to Eternity and Beyond.


Linda Rittenhouse

January 31, 2020

Merry Christmas my Beautiful Son. I have seen you everywhere this season, and felt your arm around my shoulder constantly. I even caught myself a couple of times while standing a the front desk turning my head to catch you walking in from the side room. Close enough, it seemed like you were "just there". You know, you understand, you keep me going...….until we are all back together we keep on keeping on. Honoring you and each other. Thanking God always that He put us together Forever.

I love you my Smiling Eyes.


Linda Rittenhouse
Mother of Matthew Rittenhouse HPD 920
EOW 9/16/2004

December 27, 2019

I love you.


Linda Rittenhouse
Mother of Matthew Rittenhouse HPD 920
EOW 9/16/2004

October 23, 2019


Thinking of you today! I told some funny Matt stories today! RIP 920!

Chief Deputy Tim Phillips

September 16, 2019

Thank you for being my son; I looked through a thousand pictures last night, from your birth on...…..laughed and laughed, and thanked God for every memory, every experience, every blessing that was brought to my life because YOU were brought to my life. Thank you for always letting me know you are right beside me. I see your beautiful face and hold you as you hold me knowing that next hug is just in the next realm

Thank you for being the brother, uncle, friend, officer you were and are.
Jesse Matthew Rittenhouse You are Loved.


Linda Rittenhouse
Mother of Matthew Rittenhouse HPD 920
EOW 9/16/2004

September 16, 2019

I love you, Matt. You were and are the most precious brother. Thank you for all the ways you continue to make life here something to be appreciated and worked for-thank you for making life there more real and something not to be feared. Forever grateful ❤️

Jenny Rittenhouse-Guinn

September 16, 2019

i work 911 night shift now and i caught myself noticing today is 9/16. wondering how different life would be if you were still here, how interesting our conversations could be. wondering what you’d think of me working in criminal justice and taking the type of calls that you were getting dispatched to. it’s crazy you’d be 40, i still put flowers on ur grave every time i visit grandma and grandpa. crazy i’m 23 now — i still remember that night like it was yesterday. i was so young but you had such an impact on me. u took care of me & momma. she misses u too. i love u, hug my grandparents bc i miss them. i struggle really hard not having grandma. plz squeeze them tightly & let them all know im okay. miss u a lot.


September 16, 2019

Missing you today (and every day).

former HPD 912

September 15, 2019

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