Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer Jesse Matthew Rittenhouse

Harriman Police Department, Tennessee

End of Watch Thursday, September 16, 2004

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Reflections for Police Officer Jesse Matthew Rittenhouse

Twenty years have passed and you have not been forgotten. You will live on in the hearts of those that love you dearly.

"Grief never ends, but it changes. It's a passage not a place to stay. Grief is not a sign of weakness, nor lack of faith....
It is the price of Love." Author Unknown

Robert Gordon, Retired DC, Riverside, IL
Father of fallen officer: Michael P. Gordon, EOW: 8/8/04

October 14, 2024

Linda, thank you for your message. It was beautiful. Yes, one day we will see them again when we can live in love, peace and joy. It has been along time but it will see short when we see them. God bless you and continue to give the comfort that He can give you.


September 25, 2024

Dearest Precious Son of my life,

I’ve been scrolling through the years reading the reflections left on your page. Tonight was the memorial service at the park; we added a new fallen officer dedication plaque; met new families that are trying to learn how to go on without their precious loved ones here on earth; saw smiles on people that have struggled to be able to smile; listened to your Chiefs (past and present ) talk about you and your love for your job ; and shared hugs and the common bond that binds us all together …….how do we keep walking on when our heart has been broken. My prayer tonight is that they feel their officer’s love and sweet spirit right beside them , as I do you, and KNOW that you all continue to watch over us here on earth until that time we are reunited and our hearts and souls are whole again.

I love you, I adore you, and I thank God for you.

My precious son of my life, I love you forever, to eternity and beyond.


Linda Rittenhouse

September 17, 2024

It’s been 20 years, I love you just as much and miss you even more.

We are with you today and you with us, always…

Jenny Rittenhouse-Guinn
Sister of Officer Matt Rittenhouse

September 16, 2024

We will all be in Washington this week to honor you, celebrate you , remember you, and miss you we do every day but With you at the Memorial again this year. Twenty years since you've been gone physically from earth, but never gone from us. You are still, and always will be, right in the middle of everything we do.
Mother's Day, Your Birthday, and Police Week connected forever, not surprising at all that it worked out like that, seems like everything we experience all ties in together now. Just another sign that we all are ALWAYS connected.

I love you, I adore you, I miss you.
I am forever grateful that you are my precious son, my forever smiling eyes.
Continue to watch over all of us, we will say your name a milllion times this week.

Loving you forever,
To eternity and Beyond.


Linda Rittenhouse
Mother of Officer Matthew Rittenhouse EOW 9/16/2004

May 10, 2024

I was trying to write to you the other day and was just pouring my heart out and my hand hit something and it erased it all. I sat there and looked at the blank space and thought I can't do this, I can't rewrite all this right now. And you said, I read it Mom, it's ok. There's just something about another year rolling around. How, how, how, can it be this long since I've seen you. But it brings us closer too. To all being together again. I miss YOU so much. I did get the gift of a new Matthew story the other day. It was so YOU, so Precious, so Professional, so caring, and the person telling me said she had held on to it for so long without telling it to me but felt like it was time. She said she thinks about you all the time and how you had taken care of the situation.

I thank God always for the gift of you. To me, and everyone that knew you.

I love you, I miss you. Forever and Always, To eternity and beyond.


Linda Rittenhouse
Mother of Matthew Rittenhouse HPD 920
EOW 9/16/2004

January 3, 2024

I love you my precious son of my life.


Linda Rittenhouse
Mother of Matthew Rittenhouse HPD 920
EOW 9/16/2004

November 15, 2023

Linda, thank you for remembering Don. Every time I go to Don's page I always remember Jessie. I look and see what notes that have been left for him. And he was precious, so many people loved him. We're OK. The Lord has sustained us and he has promised that we will see them again when He comes. So we wait patiently until He comes. But they always are in our hearts and minds. God continue to comfort you and your family until............

Mother of Fallen Deputy

October 3, 2023

Linda, another year! It seems like a life time now. But in our hearts it was just yesterday. Hope you are doing well. We are just putting one foot in front or another. But each day brings us closer to seeing them again. We have this hope and joy of what is to come. Take care!


September 20, 2023

Nineteen years have passed and I know for those that love you dearly that time has been a lifetime. You will never be forgotten. Continue to keep watch over all of your loved ones and those still out on patrol.

Robert Gordon
Father of fallen officer: Michael P. Gordon, EOW: 8/8/04

September 17, 2023

Beautiful Son of my Life, Jesse Matthew Rittenhouse how I love you, and forever am grateful and thankful you were given to us.
Dad and I just talked and talked this morning about you, telling stories about you, and laughing and crying. Thankful Always for YOU.
One of dad's memories was when he took the deck off the lawn mower and you drove it all over the field like a race car driver. We laughed and laughed about that, although at the time I was probably screaming stop! stop! at you. :) One of mine was putting you in the Pretty Baby contest when you were two, (oddly never put the girls in one lol) but you were just soooo cute with that curly hair and little mischievous adorable face. It seems like yesterday we were watching you walk across that stage. You came in 2nd , were they blind! Hahahahaha. Oh mercy how I love you. All the memories, all the blessings, all because of you.
You are always remembered and talked of. Everyone has a Matthew story. You changed the world of everyone fortunate enough to know you.

Always and forever I love you,
To eternity and beyond,
I hold on to you until we are all back together as it is meant to be.


Linda Rittenhouse
Mother of Matthew Rittenhouse HPD 920
EOW 9/16/2004

September 16, 2023

I love you, I miss you, I need you here.


Linda Rittenhouse
Mother of Matthew Rittenhouse HPD 920
EOW 9/16/2004

June 21, 2023


Mortimer J Keane RET PO

June 11, 2023

What a day! I left a reflection a little earlier just to check in with you. I don't know if it will show up here now but doesn't matter. The family just left from celebrating your birthday ; helps just to be together and talk about you. Laugh at things you would say and do, look at pictures and remember, always remember; laugh some more, explain to your precious niece what in the world was happening in some of the pictures lol, and just miss you. Had to retell the story of you being born on Mother's Day weekend and since we owned a flower shop, waiting as long as I could before calling your dad telling him he had to get home so we could get to the hospital. Only other florists will understand :). And then having You, BEST Mother's Day present EVER. I love you Matthew. I will never be able to say that enough; but someday time on earth will end, and then I will have eternity to tell you again.

I love you my precious smiling eyes. Thank you for everything. Happy, Happy Birthday.

Linda Rittenhouse
Mother of Matthew Rittenhouse HPD 920
EOW 9/16/2004

May 11, 2023

Happy Birthday Precious son of my life.
I could have used those big arms around me right now telling me to" settle down Mom".
I'll write more later. Just know how much I love you, miss you, and need you. Be with dad right now in DC with the boys for police week.


Linda Rittenhouse

May 11, 2023

Happy birthday Matt!! Hopefully this makes it by the 11th. We’ll be listening to your Triangle Park remix all day tomorrow.

former HPD 912

May 10, 2023

Today is one of those days. There is something (always something) that reminds me of you (the penny on the floor as a student had a total come apart yesterday, kicking and hitting with no relief and no effect on his outcome). Then there was something new today-can you believe a Dateline episode that said her name over and over?! We know you have our precious Lynnlee right there with you. But to hear her name over and over. Such a blessing. The same as we keep your name ever present in our world-we keep hers. Please keep her loved and cared for until we get there. We know you will. Having you, and now having her, be part of our lives is a gift that no one can understand if they haven't loved and sacrificed like we have. What a joy to have been your sister in this broken world... to have been her aunt. This world is not our home. We hold tight to our joy, and the hope in knowing we will see you again. Hebrews 13:14 'For here we have no lasting city, but we seek the city that is to come'.

Give her a hug from her Aunt Jenny...know that I love and miss you always, as well.

Jenny Rittenhouse-Guinn

March 25, 2023

I love you, I miss you.
Christmas was wonderful as always, and as always you are right in the middle of it with us.
Ethan had his precious Kendall with him, they were married in October you know, and they just make us all laugh and feel thankful and blessed to be around them. Their love radiates.
You are always missed, especially your big hugs, but your big heart and laugh and silliness will always be a part of everything we do as a family. Can hardly wait to go see Kevin James!!!! You two are so much alike you are almost twins. Dad and I watched a TV episode the other night and laughed our heads off even as we wiped the tears :).
We all look forward to the day we can be wrapped in each others arms again.

I love you forever,
To eternity and beyond my beautiful, precious, Smiling Eyes Son.


Linda Rittenhouse

December 27, 2022

Paw Patrol was a big hit at Trunk or Treat last night!!! It made me so happy to see all the little kids dressed up as Police Officers. They loved the Paw Patrol Pumpkin in full gear with his handcuffs, whistle, badge, walkie talkie, name it he had it. Every time I look at the PP things I see your precious face.

I love you,
To Eternity and Beyond.


Linda Rittenhouse

October 28, 2022

I love you forever my smiling eyes.


Linda Rittenhouse
Mother of Matthew Rittenhouse HPD 920
EOW 9/16/2004

September 16, 2022

I love you and miss you and will forever until I see your beautiful smiling eyes again .......and then it will all be ok again.


Linda Rittenhouse

July 13, 2022

Precious Son of my Life, Thank you for my funny, precious, so You, Mother's Day cards. Way to beat your sisters by getting your card by my pillow before 6:00 a.m. They got a laugh out of that. Then your 920 sign to Ella!!!! Of Course you could do that!!! Seriously?? On a scratch off lottery card hahahahaha??? Oh how I love you. Thank you for your never ending love, and laughter, and just everything you manage to do, that keeps saying to all of us, you're right here with us. Forever.

Thank you for the gift of being YOUR Mom.

To Eternity and Beyond, I love you.

Linda Rittenhouse
Mother of Matthew Rittenhouse HPD 920
EOW 9/16/2004

May 8, 2022

I am thinking of your sweet momma today and how much she misses and loves you. You are never forgotten, always honored, and forever missed by those who love you.

Phyllis Loya
Mom of fallen California Officer Larry Lasater, Pittsburg PD, eow 4/24/05

May 1, 2022

Still can’t forget that night! I wish I had answered my phone first! Miss you!

Sgt. JW

January 1, 2022

I know your Christmas in heaven was beautiful. We had a wonderful time together down here but sure missed you. I felt you watching all the goings on and heard you laughing at all the funny gifts. The claw machine especially lol. I'm in love with Paw Patrol so there was a lot of that, even a game ( for 5year olds) that all of us played.

Spent some time up on the hill with you. Will never seem real; thank you for being so close to me. I know you never leave my side. I love you and am forever grateful that you are my son. My Smiling Eyes, My Gift from God.

Love you baby boy.
Forever and always,
To eternity and beyond.


Linda Rittenhouse

December 28, 2021

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