Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Deputy Sheriff Saul Gallegos

Chelan County Sheriff's Office, Washington

End of Watch Thursday, June 26, 2003

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Reflections for Deputy Sheriff Saul Gallegos

To the family and friends of Deputy Gallegos-my thoughts and prayers are with you.


To the family of Deputy Saul Gallegos:
Our heart goes out to you at this time. May God be close to you and his fellow officers and give you peace.
Joyce Edie
Wife of a deputy and cousin of Scott Edie, fallen officer from Chelan County Sheriff's Department

We don't understand what happened Saul. We are angry, hurt, bewildered, are sad. Please understand that we will bring this man to justice and work together to honor your name as an example of the best PEACE OFFICER we ever knew! Rest easy. Through compassion and power, you were the epitome of a peace officer!

Mark Mann, CCD

To Deputy Gallegos family and friends our hearts and prayers go out to you.

God Bless you

Terry Miyares, surviving spouse
Officer Emilio F. Miyares, Hialeah PD, FL, EOW 11/6/86

Rest in peace brother may God be with your loved ones a job well done brother.

Sgt L Fear
Oblong Il Police Dpt



To the family, Friends and fellow brothers and sisters of Deputy Gallegos, Today as I grieve the loss of one of my own brothers from my department, I can't help but notice the erie similarities of deputy Gallegos' death and that of Officer Pocceschi of my department. I share your pain and feel your sorrow. To Mrs. Galleogos and children, your husband, and father died a HERO. He will never be forgotten.

Virginia Beach Police, Virginia Beach , Virgnia

I had the good fortune to meet Saul when I volunteered to work the Memorial day festivities in Chelan several years ago. We will miss you brother.

Cpl Peter Linde
King County Sheriff, Seattle

We have yet lost another brother to what we all know is senseless violence. Will it ever stop????We know the answer to that, and yet we still press on each and everyday. Deputy Sheriff Gallegos you served and served WELL, so let me be one to say, Well done and THANKS...I know how often tahe goes unsaid, but still we press on..To the family you left behind May GOD continue to watch over them and protect them as you did . Peace Be Still my brother Peace Be Still.

Detective K.A.Purnell
NPD-Norfolk Police Department

I wish to express my sincere condolences to his wife,sons,family,friends,and co-workers. Deputy Gallegos has made the ultimate sacrifice and we'll remember as a true HERO.

Trooper C.E. Johnson Jr
Virginia State Police

Words cannot express the sorrow and the pride that is felt by all in Law Enforcement. From your brothers and sisters in Washington State, you will never be forgotten. Your family will be in our prayers. God Bless you Deputy.

Officer P Kennedy
Vancouver WA PD

May your memory, Saul be eternal.
To the family and friends of Deputy Saul :
I am so sorry for the loss of Deputy Saul Gallegos. I didn't know the deputy or his family. Yet as a citzen of Chelan county, I am sadden by this senseless act and by the grief of his family and friends.

I want to thank you, Saul for the years you served as a police officer, to thank all of law enforcement for giving us peace and freedom.. Saul, may you rest in peace in God's arms.
To the person who did this awful act.. I pray that he will be caught soon and that justice will be done..

Pam Durr
Chelan, Wa

On behalf of the men and women of the Virginia State University Police Department, our thoughts and prayers to the Gallegos family and the Chelan County Sheriff's Department.

"Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends."
John 15:13

"Blessed are the peacemakers; for they shall be called the children of God."
Matthew 5:9

"God is not unjust; He will not forget your work and the love you have shown Him as you have helped His people and continue to help them."
Hebrews 6:10

Ptlm. D.W. Reichhardt U-125
Virginia State University Police Department

Words cannot begin to express our heartfelt sorrow for the Gallegos family. Saul was a husband, a father, a friend, a role model, and a protector. What a tragic loss.

Manson, WA

Our hearts break every time another law enforcement officer dies. We mourn for your loss and we are so painfully reminded of our own. We do truely know your pain. We wish you God's peace in this most trying time.

Marge and Todd Herzog
Mother and Father of Whatcom Co Deputy
Matthew T. Herzog, E.O.W. 9-13-01

May god bless you and your family, brother.

Patrolman Ron Voshell
Oelwein, IA Police Dept

We are sorry for your lose. Rest in peace blue angel

concerned citizen

To the family, friends and co-worker of Deptuy Gallegos you have my deepest condolences..may God be with you all in this most difficult time..another Hero gone to soon

Jr. Johnson - Brother
SCHP Trooper Corporal Jeff Johnson - EOW 7/7/02

Jr. Johnson

From the men and women of the Polk County Sheriff's Office, Bartow, Florida, please accept our heartfelt sorrow and sympathy for the loss of D/S Saul Gallegos. May his family, friends, and co workers be comforted by a kind and loving God now and in the days ahead. Saul is now in a far better place than we. Rest in peace, sir.

Deputy Sheriff
Polk County Sheriff's Office, Florida

Saul, buddy, I miss you so much. You heard me say that in your driveway last week, and I hope you're hearing me now. I enjoyed working with you so much, you were so patient with me, our community, and our department. I truly looked up to you, and your passing is devastating. I hope you can somehow see the massive response from citizens who loved you, from your law enforcement family who admired you, and from total strangers who appreciated you. We are all outraged, and I promise you from the bottom of my heart that we will never stop until you are served some justice for the pain caused to you and yours. I miss you so much and I'm so, so sorry that I wasn't there for you. I know that you are in the greatest of care right now, and I want you to know that Maria has an enormous family here doing everything we possibly can to comfort her, and your precious little boys. You will be in my heart for my entire life, thank you for all your wisdom as my supervisor, I will never ever forget you, never.

Maria, dear, as we have already expressed, we will do anything for you and your 4 boys. Just name it, and I will be there for you. Remember the twins hacking away at the pinata at the company picnic? That happy memory will forever be engraved in my mind. They are all so precious, and I will gladly be here for you to help in any way I can. I know that there was nothing in the world that Saul was more devoted to than you and your children. He talked of you all every day, so lovingly and so proudly. I feel that all he would ask right now is for us to tend to your needs, so above all, I hope you feel that we are doing just that. You will forever be a part of my family Maria, and I hope I get to see you again real soon.

Saul, I just have to say it one more time, buddy I miss you, and I hope you are resting peacefully at this time. God speed brother, mentor, co-worker, and friend. Peace and love to the entire Gallegos family, I will see you all soon.

Love always,
Bonnie Stearns, # 2K6
Chelan PD

Officer Bonnie Stearns
Chelan Police Department

To the family and friends of Deputy Gallegos,

I am so sorry to hear of your loss. Whoever took his life, no matter what judgement they get here, will someday have to face the *real* judge of all, and answer for causing this tragedy. I hope that in this painful time you can come together to support each other, and that you will keep his memory alive for his children. God bless and comfort you all!


You helped countless people as they cried and bled,
You saw the worst nightmares aren't those in your head.

You took on a mission to protect and serve,
Showed kindness to strangers some didn't deserve.

You battled with evil and fought off dispair.
You entertained angels, were you unaware?

You had many dinners so rushed and so cold,
To be there for others through horrors untold.

You missed time with family to answer the call,
For the unknown person you always risked all.

You gave us your best years for not enough pay.
Your life was cut too short, we know that today...

We cherish each moment, no matter how small.
Your smile, your laughter were gifts to us all.

We take comfort knowing you now see God's face,
Yet beside us is still this sad, empty space.

For a few days, at least, the media shows
The grief that engulfs us, the pain as it grows.

The public pays homage to a hero lost.
For our safety and lives, we now see the cost.

What we pray people see past your uniform:
A husband, a father with a heart so warm.

People comfort each other as best as they can.
How can we get over the loss of this man?

Today we say goodbye, hero, "brother in blue",
You are so loved and missed, we won't forget you!

Thank you, Deputy Gallegos, for all of the sacrifices that you made to make your community and the world a better place. You are truly the definition of a hero.

Mountain View, CO



My heartfelt sympathy to the Gallegos family.

Rest in peace, we have the watch.

Detective Tom Shattuck

I had the honor of working with Deputy Gallegos while at the Chelan Police Dept. He then moved on to Chelan County SO, but still stopped at the PD every shift to say hello. He was a wonderful person, always smiling, and his laughter would ring through the PD. He always took the time to come in and see how I was doing, ask about my husband (an Okanogan County Deputy), and then ask me what “little craft project was I working on now!” And, if you ever said anything bad about the Kansas City Chiefs, he would just give you this indescribable look!! His love and care for the Chelan/Manson community was shown constantly by his actions. The community lost a wonderful friend and Law Enforcement lost a great Servant.

Saul, you were a wonderful friend, officer and coworker. You will always be in my heart. Thank you for your years of friendship. You will be missed so greatly.

Nicole Davis, E911
Okanogan County SO; formerly from Chelan PD

What a tragic deadly week this has been!...The sacrifice these officers and their families have given are the greatest anyone could ever imagine...Law enforcement officers must fight on harder than ever after tragedy strikes like this!...The ones we have lost are gone but never ever forgotten!...Life has a flavor the protected will never know!!


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