Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Detective Vicky Anne Owen Armel

Fairfax County Police Department, Virginia

End of Watch Monday, May 8, 2006

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Reflections for Detective Vicky Anne Owen Armel

Merry Christmas Vicky

A J Abdo

December 24, 2009

Vicky, I keep you close to my heart and your family faithfully in prayer. I miss you! I just thank God he let you bless my life, share in laughter and dream our dreams! I'll see you again, one day soon! All my love!


November 18, 2009

I was talking about you and Mike today to some police recruits. Always remembered!

Fairfax County Police Retired

September 8, 2009

Vicky has an awesome memorial website that is life changing. Just google "honoring Vicky Armel."

Det. Cpl. M.C. Williams
Fairplay Police Dept., CO

August 9, 2009

Happy Birthday Vicky
I think about you everyday.


July 24, 2009

We never met but I worked with your brother in-law for 3 years in the fire service.

I have now moved on to the police side of public safety and think about you and your family. I still proudly wear the tribute shirt your fellow officers had made in your memory and make it a point to stop and pray for you and Gabby each year at the Memorial.

Both of you were true WARRIORS, Rest in Peace

Deputy F.D. Winston
Calvert County Sheriff

June 2, 2009

Vicky, I think of you and Gabby often... You heroism continues to be inspire all of us! 3 years have passed, but your memory lives on stronger than ever before!


PFC Tommy Thompson

May 20, 2009

Det. Armel,
Maam, on today, the 2nd anniversary of your death I would just like to say thank you to you and your fellow officer for your service and sacrifice for the citizens of Fairfax County. And to your family and loved ones, I wish to extend my deepest sympathy.



May 8, 2009

We remember... God Speed


Brother in Blue

May 8, 2009


Thank you for watching over all the men and women that protect us from satin. My your sacrafice be a reminder of what God has done for all of us. He sent his only son to lay down his life, so that we may be free and have eternal life. As Jesus did, you have done.

God Speed Ty

City of Bryan PD and Former FCPD officer

May 8, 2009

Never forgotten and often thought of...


May 8, 2009

To Det. Vicky Anne Owen Armel, her family and her fellow officers with the Fairfax County Police Department:

Our heartfelt thoughts are with you on the anniversary of Det. Armel’s tragic death and we honor her for her valor and sacrifice to the community. Rest in Peace, Det. Armel and thank you for your service.

Wives Behind The Badge, Inc.
Members and Staff

May 8, 2009

It has been 3 years and your story still makes a positive impact on people. I know you are in a better place and watch over your brothers in blue and your family.

A J Abdo

May 7, 2009

Tomorrow it will be 3 years since that senseless day. I still think about you and wish I had gotten to know you better. Life is too short. Rest in Peace and watch over us.


May 7, 2009

I think about you everyday. It's hard to believe its beeen almost 3 yrs.


April 8, 2009

Vicky please continue to watch over our man and woman in blue!


April 4, 2009

I hope that the Angels are there to comfort you all for the comfort is for us that you all had this special lady in your life-Blessings

Barbara Dixon/citizen

March 28, 2009

Hi Vicky,
You don't know me but I've heard of you. I met Mason at Kids Camp. She is a cute girl. For school I had to write of some ammendment and to see if regular people should be able to handle high powered guns. I said no and I instantly thought of you. So I told your story for my essay. Thank you for your service.

Jessica Orr

Jessica Orr
Daughter of Det. Kevin Orr EOW11-22-06

February 24, 2009

You are a brave woman and I know you are missed greatly by all who knew you, worked with you, and loved you. Furthermore, I know you are in heaven now and finally you are eternally at rest!


January 30, 2009

Merry Christmas Vicky..........


December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas Vicky


December 24, 2008

Hey Vicky,
I was thinking about you today and how much you loved Christmas. Wish you were here.Everytime I see a blue Christmas light I think about you.


December 22, 2008

We sent another one of our brothers home to you, Gabby, Tommy and Karen. Take care of Frank and each other and may God bless and keep you all. Rest in peace.


October 30, 2008

I thought about you the other day as wellas today. We lost another memeber of our family and it when he initially vanished I thought of you and Gabby. You all are missed so much. My thoughts and prayers go out to you, Tyler and the kids each and everyday. Thank you for your heroism. God bless you all.

PFC RN Thompson

October 29, 2008

Det. Armel served proudly and was deeply loved and respected by those who
knew her. It is a tragedy to lose her. We never know when our lives on this
earth will end, but we can make a reservation in Heaven now and assure us a
place when God calls us to Himself. Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life
(John 14:6) and He PAID the price for our sins on the Cross so we don't have to pay the penalty for our sins. Yipee! If we accept His payment by faith we can have salvation and spend eternity with Him in Heaven. It is not something we must earn, it is a gift. The most precious one we can ever receive. "For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith_and this not from yourselves, it is the GIFT of God_not by good deeds, so that no one can boast." Ephesians 2: 8,9. For without faith, it is impossible to please God. And our faith must be in God's only Son, Jesus Christ.
You were a credit to the uniform, Det. Armel My heart goes out to your
loved ones left behind and may the Lord comfort them as only He can.
Never forgotten. Can't wait to meet you!! With love from one coast of America
to the other!
Lynn Kole
Bellingham, WA


October 11, 2008

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