Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Detective Vicky Anne Owen Armel

Fairfax County Police Department, Virginia

End of Watch Monday, May 8, 2006

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Reflections for Detective Vicky Anne Owen Armel

Thank you for your service my sister. May you always watch over your loving family from a better place. Your memory will always be in the hearts of all the people whom you have touched. Rest in perpetual peace.

Lieutenant Ray Flores
N.Y.P.D. (retired)

May 8, 2017

You were a great mom, and I think of you everyday, and I can only hope to be as great a person and mother as you were, from the French-fry Fridays, to the mornings before you went to work sitting in front of the TV and eating those tiny bags of muffins with you, you always showed me you loved me and I couldn't have asked for anyone better to be my mother, love you

Masen Armel

January 4, 2017

IN HONORE CASORUM - Gone but not forgotten

Officer R. Miller
T/Durham PD NY

May 8, 2016

Rest in Peace Detective Vicky Anne Owen Armel. Thank You for your Service and Sacrifice.

I Pray for Peace for your Family on this Mother's Day. You are certainly a Mother to be proud of.


Senior Special Agent B.L. Sherwood (Ret)
Port Terminal Railroad Police Houston, Texas

May 8, 2016

Thinking of you and Mike this week. Never forget...

MPO Terri Doyle (Ret)
Fairfax County Police

May 7, 2016

Sister Armel your story touched me so deeply when I was in the academy and still Today. This morning while I was reflecting on Gods Loving Word, the Most High reminded me of your sacrifice and how so similar it was to the Ultimate sacrifice our Lord Jesus performed for the world to see and Behold! Even now at this moment I type with tears falling down my face with Joy knowing that "We will receive not what we idly wish for but what we justly earn. So, Our rewards will always be in exact proportion to our service."
In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.

For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality.

So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory.

O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?

The sting of death is sin; and the strength of sin is the law.

But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ!!!!!!! See You Soon Sister Armel!

PFC Jones
FFX County Sheriff's Office

February 24, 2016

My Sophmore daughter was tasked a school assignment/paper on "sacrifice" and "character" and came to me for ideas. I had the distinct honor of speaking about you and Mike this evening at the kitchen table with her at length. Forever in my heart.

Former Detective/OCN
Fairfax County Police

September 9, 2015

Vicky O. Golly do I miss ya. I can always see your smile and hear your laugh, reminds me of the good times. I have one of the guys on my shift up there for Police Week, I've asked him to find your name and say a little prayer.


Sgt. Mike Barker
Simpsonville Police Dept., Fairfax County Sheriff's Office (ret.)

May 14, 2015

Hard to believe it has been 9 years. You live in our hearts and in heaven forever.

MPO Chip Owens (ret.)
Fairfax County Police

May 8, 2015

Never Forgotten.


May 8, 2015

God Bless you both, my sister and brother...

MPO / Detective
Fairfax County Police (ret.)

May 7, 2015

Just thinking about you today Vicky. Time does not heal all wounds or memories.. Lovely, Lovely Lady..

Retired MPO Terri Doyle
Fairfax County Police Department

May 6, 2015

It's been nearly nine years since this tragic event, but I often think of the officers killed that that day and the officers that continue to put their lines on the line for my safety. So, this is a reflection simply to say, "Thank you." I have no rank in the police department. I'm simply one of the many Fairfax County residents you officers protect everyday.

La Voyce Reid
Fairfax County resident

February 13, 2015

Still miss ya Gal. Your life was cut way to short due to a crazy man. May he rot in hell.

Sgt Dennis EIN 99
Fairfax County

October 17, 2014

May the family find peace. My thoughts and prayers are with you all.

Paula Gelunas
a reader

September 16, 2014

Vicky, I was thinking about you recently and how much fun we used to have working together.

From the bible studies at Reston to your amazing peace and strength through the end, "you finished the race" as a faithful servant. Thanks for being a friend and sister in Christ. I miss you.

Former Coworker

May 8, 2014

The class of 83 will never forget you Vickey. May god bless your family and all your co-workers.

RIP: Vickey O Armel

Pete Sheil
Classmate and friend

May 8, 2014

Thinking of you tonight Vicky. It's still hard to face the station on May 8th. I will be honoring you in my heart and memories tomorrow. God bless you.


May 7, 2014

good bye miss ruby tuesdays. who can hang a name on you. when you change with every new day, still I'm going to miss you. will love you forever. hope to see you in heaven some day. Dean Phillips Manassas, Va.

Dean Phillips

April 7, 2014

Thinking of you and Mike today. Always

Terri Doyle

May 13, 2013

Happy Mother's Day Vicky.

M.D.S. FFX. Sheriff's Office

May 12, 2013

I was on the road today Vicky - you were with me as usual.


May 8, 2013

Vicky - You were a delight to deal with--always smiling, fair, and professional. You are sorely missed.

Brian C. Drummond, Esq.

May 8, 2013

You are in my thoughts today...

Detective Craig Paul

May 1, 2013

You came to mind today Vicky, will never forget.

Detective Greg Holloway (ret.)
Fairfax Co. Police (ret.)

March 29, 2013

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