Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Deputy Sheriff William Franklin James, II

Wake County Sheriff's Office, North Carolina

End of Watch Friday, September 5, 2003

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Reflections for Deputy Sheriff William Franklin James, II

To the family, friends and co-workers of Deputy James, my thoughts and prayers are with you. Especially to the officers of the WCSO, know that your brother died doing what he loved and believed in. Continue to do your job with the professionalism and dignity that that will make his memory go on forever.

A family member of a WCSO deputy.

September 8, 2003

A Salute to Deputy Frank James.

"The Final Inspection"
The policeman stood and faced God, Which must always come to pass. He hoped his shoes were shining, just as brightly as his brass.
"Step forward now, policeman. How shall I deal with you?
Have you always turned the other cheek? To my church have you been true?"
The police man squared his shoulders and said, " No Lord, I guess I ain't. Because those of us who carry badges can't always be a saint."
"I've had to work most Sundays and at times my talk was rough, and sometimes I've been violent, because these streets are awfully tough."
"But I've never took a penny, that wasn't mine to keep."
"Though I worked alot of overtime, when the bills got too steep."
"And I never passed a cry for help, though at times I shook with fear."
"And sometimes, God forgive me, I've wept unmanly tears."
"I know I don't deserve a place among the people here. They never wanted me around, except to calm their fear."
"If you've a place for me here, Lord, it needn't be so grand, I never expected or had too much, But if you don't I'll understand."

There was a silence all around the throne; where the angels had often trod, as the policeman waited quietly, for the judgement of his God.
"Step forward now, policeman. You've borne your burdens well. Come walk a beat on Heaven's streets, You've done your time in hell."

Dear Frank,
Thank you so much for being a true friend to Sean. In this world it is hard to find someone whom you can relate to on so many levels. I thank God that he had you for the time he did. You will be missed by many, but never forgotten.

"In the way of righteousness there is life; along the path is immortality." Proverbs 12:28

May God bless and watch over your family.

Kylie Miller
Grateful Wake County citizen

Kylie Miller

September 8, 2003

I am still at a profound sense of loss over your passing. The grief that I have is shared by countless others who both knew you or were simply touched by the death of yet another law enforcement officer. I am glad to have known the man behind the badge and to be called your friend. You made your friends laugh at your crazy antics and smile at your good naturedness about life. I always knew that when you worked our shift, you weren't far away and "had our backs".
Your presence will always be missed on the Apex "C" squad.
To April,
Your inner strength is amazing and inspirational to all. Your husband was simply a great guy.

The Thin Blue Line may be a little worn, but it can never be torn. Rest in Peace brother.

Sgt. Sean Pearson
Apex Police Dept.

Sgt. Sean Pearson
Apex Police Department

September 8, 2003

My prayers are with you and your family Deputy James. It is a sad time for us all. We have lost one of our own. God Bless you man.

Deputy W. R. Dickerson
Wake County Sheriff's Office

September 8, 2003

On Friday, September the 5th nearing midnight I learned of the “In the Line of Duty” fatal accident of Deputy William Franklin James II. I lost a friend this day and I am grieved. I had the pleasure of knowing Frank only a short while. From August the 25th through August the 29th of 2003 I instructed an Officer Survival course that Frank was enrolled in as a student. Throughout the week Frank displayed his outgoing, humorous, and friendly personality. He was a pleasure to be around.
It was evident that Frank loved being apart of this honorable profession, law enforcement. During the training week Frank spoke of many personal experiences he had encountered as a lawman and expressed his interest in broadening his training to further enhance his abilities. Frank took his job serious and was good at it!
Throughout the week of training we often discussed the hazards of our occupation, knowing full well that every week law enforcement officers will lose their lives “In the Line of Duty” while protecting and serving. This past week our comrade, Deputy William Frank James II was one of those fallen warriors, GOD bless his soul. Our thoughts and prayers will be with Frank, his wife April, his son Travis and Frank’s family. - Psalm 23

"Keep the Walls Bare"

Inv. John Kissinger
Dare County Sheriff's Office, NC

September 8, 2003

Deputy James,

I only got the chance to meet you one time, but I will never forget that time. Someday I hope to see you again.

Blessed are the peace makers for they will be called sons of GOD........ MATTHEW 5:9 Rest in Peace BROTHER

#554 J.S. McLamb Wake County Sheriffs Office

Deputy J.S. McLamb
Wake County Sheriffs Office

September 8, 2003

Most know you as Deputy Frank James, but for me you have and still remain Jesse. Since meeting you three years ago when you were recruited for "operation starbust" I knew when interviewing you in your small camper trailer that you would be just the ideal person needed for the operation. As it turned out "I wasn't wrong". When we all ( Jesse, Perry, Black, Max, Sam, Carlos, John, and me Clyde) finally developed as a team, you have the honors of being the most funniest. On many days when monitoring you from the "bat cave" me, Max, Sam, Carlos, and John would roll in pain in laughter, watching how flustered you would get at times when making stolen property buy's from some of our regular clients.
Ahhh the times you would have to go to the Resco Mart 10-12 times daily for all our special needs. (Remember the sign I taped to your back, while at least 25 people from inside the Resco Mart read as they laughed and walked away from you) All these memories of you Jes will never be forgotten. I appreciate the times you would come to my office or call me on Nextel for advise on a personal matter or a work related matter. It made me feel good to know the strong bond we carried throughout our friendship.
It is tragic for us left behind to wonder why it had to be you. But as you know, God has his reasons and I can assure you he chose you for a special operation that only you could do. So I guess as painfull as it is to loose you as a personal friend of mine, I will just have to understand that you won't obviously be buying stolen property in heaven, but whatever your purpose, you will be the best.
I remember you telling the story when you were arriving in Norfolk Va. on you naval ship from a tour in the Persian Gulf that on the loud speaker from the radio, the song "Mama I'm cominhg home" from Oz was playing and how excited you were to be seeing your family again, Well Jes the song really has special meaning now, because you now will see your dad and you are going home.
Jes, thanks for three special years of knowing you and working with you and you will always be remembered in my heart. God Bless You. CLYDE.......

Detective Larry Hancock
Wake County Sheriff's Office

September 8, 2003

Deputy James,
I would like to say rest in peace my brother my brother in Law Enforcement,because you have paid the ultimate price.God has called you home in the way he wanted to,and its not for us to ask why or how come.I did not know you well,and seen you only in passing,but you were still my brother and we both shared the thin blue line.Dont worry about your family,because God has them in his care and they will be alright.I wont you to continue to protect and serve along with angels,and know that you will always be a part of the Wake County Sheriff's Office.Rest in peace and well done....I salute you and 10-42 my friend.

Deputy R D Davis
Wake County Sheriff's Office

September 8, 2003

Although we didn’t work together in the same platoon we did talk once. That one time you talked to me you talk to me like we had been long life friends. You will be missed my brother someday we will meet again in heaven and become that long life friend. God bless you and your family and all the brothers and sisters in law enforcement.


Deputy R.A. McLaughlin
Wake County Sheriffs Offices

September 8, 2003



September 8, 2003

The family of Deputy W. Frank James

My thoughts and prayers are with you. Deputy James you will not be forgotten.

Blesses are the peace makers for they shall be called the sons of GOD..... MATTHEW 5:9

Deputy J.S. McLamb
Wake County Sheriffs Office

September 8, 2003

God bless you and your family. Although we only passed in our profession a few times, you are considered a brother. Our hearts go out to your family, The Wake Co. S.O., and your friends. I am sure you will be missed in the future Wake Co K-9 Unit. Rest in peace.

Senior K-9 Officer R.E. Nantz
Raleigh Police Dept. K-9 Unit

September 8, 2003

Frank, I can not find the words to express my grief over this tragedy. I know now, you were like a brother to me. Like brothers, we had our good times and our bad times. I will remember the good times, like your last footchase in Willow Spring where you got your man! I will remember us having code 2 with the Southside Boys, joking and laughing. You and I did not know much about each other's families or homelife, but on the street all that mattered was the Gray and Black we wore.

You died a hero. You died doing the job we all love so much. This job after all, is the hardest job we will ever love. We will never forget the ultimate sacrifice you gave on that fateful night. Your tour is over my friend. Go 10-42 and take your well deserved place in Heaven where we will meet again some day.


Deputy K.M. Wahl
Wake County Sheriff's Office

September 8, 2003

As I serve as a member of the honor guard at your funeral service, there will be a degree of sadness however there will be a higher degree of pride. Pride for having known you and having had the opportunity to have served with you in this most honorable profession. My salute will be not only for you, but for every other man and woman who risks his or her own life so that others may live in peace. We will miss you Frank. You will never be forgotten.

Sgt. CR Ridley
Wake County Sheriff's Office

September 8, 2003

May God be with the family and co - workers of this fine officer durng this tragic time. Thank you Deputy James for your service.

Captain Scott Wright
Mount Holly Police Department, NC

September 8, 2003

Rest in Peace will never be forgotten. May God comfort your loved ones during this most difficult time and may he hold you forever in his arms.


September 8, 2003

My prayers and deepest condolences are with
your Department, and especially with the friends
and family of your fallen hero. Stay strong,
stay focused, and know that Deputy James will never be forgotten.
Mike Bradford; Tallahassee Police Dept., Ret.

Invest. MIke Bradford-Ret
Tallahassee Police Dept

September 8, 2003

My condolence to family & friends.

Sr. Trooper Keith Miller
Oregon State Police

September 8, 2003

You will be forever in our thoughts! You were taken from us doing the most honorable job in the world. Rest in Peace Brother!!! Your family will be watched over by us all.


Deputy Sheriff
Wake County Sheriff's Office

September 8, 2003

To the family and co-workers of Deputy Frank James,
I am so sorry for your loss. It is easy to identify with you because we lost one of our own Deputies on the 29th of August in an automobile accident. You will be in my thoughts and prayers.

Cindy Thompson Comm Supv
Spokane County Sheriff's Office

September 8, 2003



September 8, 2003

Deputy James,
It saddens me to speak with you this way. It breaks my heart knowing that you protected these streets with me, however, you never got a chance to come home. Please know that we miss you and admire what you stood for. To your family, my deepest sympathies.

First Class Deputy Karen Battle
Wake County Sheriff's Office

September 8, 2003

Friday, September 5th, 2003, at approximately 2025 hours, while making an emergency response to a Domestic Violence Assault call, Deputy William Franklin James II, was killed in the line of duty when his patrol car was involved in a tragic accident. All of our prayers go out to his family.

"Frank...Rest in Peace, for you have done your part to make this a better place for all...God has a special place for you...For there is no greater love than that of a man laying down his life for another...Blessed are the Peacemakers, for they will be called Sons of God...Watch over us and ride with us always...

Your Brothers and Sisters of Law Enforcement
Wake County Sheriffs Office
Peace Always A-636

Deputy David A. Wilson
Wake County Sheriffs Office

September 8, 2003

It was only last week that you came to Sunset Beach for a visit. You had the same bright smile that you did the very first time you walked into my office to apply for a job. I only wish I would have taken more time to talk about old times and catch up on the new. Rest well my friend. You will never be forgotten.

Deputy Chief Lisa Massey
Sunset Beach Police Department

September 8, 2003

Brother, Rest in peace. Your memory will live on forever. We all know that you will guide us and protect us from above. My prayers are with you and your family.

Special Agent
Department of Homeland Security

September 8, 2003

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