Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Deputy Constable Micheal Ray Eakin, III

Harris County Constable's Office - Precinct 1, Texas

End of Watch Tuesday, September 29, 1998

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Reflections for Deputy Constable Micheal Ray Eakin, III

Thank you for your dedication and service Michael. May God bless you and may you rest in peace Brother.

Officer Scott Lundegren
Yarmouth Police Department
Yarmouth, Massachusetts

Officer Scott Lundegren
Yarmouth Police Department

July 21, 2004

Remember all of the meetings where you spoke ever so eloquently, so powerfully, so motivating? You were so good at it!

You will be amazed to know that I, your mom, am following your example. It still hurts to talk about your death, but if talking about how you lived and died helps just one of your brother officers, then I will. I hope you will be proud of what I am doing.

I am so glad that you were a part of my life, my son. You made life richer and more fun for all of us. We miss you so much!!!!!!

Much love,
For Micheal's Memory

Janet Green

July 20, 2004

You can tell a lot about a man through the thoughts and words of those he left behind.

You lived life to the fullest. You stood for honor, dignity, pride, and service to your community and fellow man.

May God Bless you and all of those whose hearts continue to miss you and keep your memory alive.

Chief Jim Taylor
Kingsburg Police Department

July 13, 2004

Hey cousin..Just reading through all the wonderful reflections that your friends and family have written to you. Wanted to let you know that I miss you too, and think of you often. Guess what, I am living in the old house at the end of your road. Only it is not an old house any more...your dad completely remodeled it! It is great..I am very happy here...and I am able to keep an eye on Kristie's comings and goings. I can't take your place as big brother but I try and watch out for her too. Guess what else...Chad and I are having a baby. Wish you could be here. Miss you & Love you.

June 29, 2004

I miss you so much. I was always proud to have you drop by and have a glass of chocolate milk.

If I could bring you back, I would tell you "I love you" more often and make you more pineapple cakes.

I miss you and love you!


June 24, 2004

It is Mother's Day, 2004. Someone told me that the pain of the loss gets easier with time. So far I can only tell that the tragedy is farther in the distance-not easier-with time.
I met several of your police buddies recently. We agreed that we all have to stick together in order to remember the reason you died and to make things better for those officers still working the streets. There are so many people who have heard your story and love you for all of the good things you did with your life and the impressions you made on their hearts.
You know that your older sister will finish college soon with a degree in CJ, and your younger sister graduates from high school this year and plans to attend CJ school, too, just like you. Somewhere out there are God and St. Michael who will look out for them and protect them!
I miss you so much--the "midnight chats", the scent of your cologne all over the house, and that beautiful smile. There will never be anyone else like you.
Your memory keeps us strong.

Much love,

Janet Green
Micheal's Mom

May 9, 2004

Hi, Michael, you do not know me, but I know you from my daughter, Kisha Givens, she use to work with your Mother, Barbara Johnson(BJ). May God Bless you and Keep you and your family.....BJ, Kisha sends her love to you, she since moved to North Carolina.....

Theresa Givens

April 23, 2004


December 25, 2003

Dear Michael,
I did not know you but I followed the judicial events that took place after your death. The senseless act committed against you will not go unpunished. I have learned that you were a textbook example of an outstanding law enforcement officer. I wish I had known you. I attend Mim's Baptist Church in Conroe, Texas and we honor you at our annual 4th of July service. Your family is always in attendence at this service and our church family weeps for you. Your family, your friends, fellow police officers and many others like myself will never let your memory pass from us You paid the ultimate sacrifice for your fellow man. Thank you for what you stood for! I will not say "Rest in Peace" my brother because I know you are alive and well in God's Kingdom called heaven.
Fraternally yours,
Steve Roper

Chief Deputy Steve Roper
Montgomery County Pct 2 Constable Department

September 23, 2003

I saw the "Discovery" channel episode of the tragic end of Deputy Eagin's life. I ended up watching it 2 times because I was so interested. I want you to know that I will use this officer's story whenever I discuss the death penalty when I teach at the University of Kentucky or Eastern Kentucky University.

I just want you all to know that there are people outside of Texas who have taken a great interest in this story as well.

My condolensces to his family and fiance



University of Kentucky

Before Micheal wore the Harris County Constable's Uniform, He wore the Official Dress of the FFA (Future Farmers of America). Micheal's enthusiam for this organization was spread to several thousand members of the FFA. He was a mentor to many, an inspriration to others, yet a friend to all. You will always be remembered fondly by this association. I will always remember you and use your life as a positive to share with all FFA members.

Kelly White
Micheal's Ag Teacher


A  Friend
Houston Police Dept

Well Michael, I finally made it... I am now an officer full time and loving it.  I know you are up there taking care of my grandfather and now my father also.  Be sure to let my dad ride along with you sometimes because he never got to ride with me (I got hired a week before he passed away).  Your death really hit everyone around here hard, it really makes me think when I am out there at night by myself now.  I am just glad your killer got what he deserved.  You were a great friend.  I still talk to your mom (Mrs. Green) and you know all your family and friends miss you very much. Just be sure to stay safe up there and do what you do a good cop.

Tracy M. Traylor
Montgomery Police Department

Micheal's smile brightened the room.  He met no strangers.  He had a kind heart and a sweet disposition.  He was loved by many and treasured by his family.  His death left us broken-hearted and empty.  There is nothing that can fill the void that we feel.

As you, his fellow members of the Thin Blue Line, go about your daily business of enforcing the laws of your community, Micheal would tell you to do your best and, at the end of the day, be proud of what you did that day!  His family would tell you to be careful every minute of every day-that there is no criminal worth losing your life or worth the suffering that your injury or death would cause your loved ones.

I live the loss.  Be careful!!!

Micheal's  Mom
For Micheal's Memory

I have never had the pleasure of working with you Michael.  My deepest and warmest sympathy goes out to your family and friends.  As I watched the television that early morning of your death I stood in awe and in rage.  That a man that gave his all in law enforcement was suddenly cheated by a kid that wasn't thinking about consequences.  Stand tall young Eakin...You are know looking down on us all.  Spread your wings and protect each and every one of us.  I salute you Deputy Eakin!!


: Mike, even though we never met, you have had more of an impact on me than you will ever know. Your experience has made me ever-mindful of the tremendous courage, strength and dedication it takes to be an officer in today's violent, oftentimes unforgiving society. I am the same age you are, and am just starting my career as an Orange County Deputy Sheriff. May God bless you, your family, and every law enforcement officer who makes the ultimate sacrifice so that others may live in a peaceful society.

Trainee Sean Robert DeGrilla
Orange County Sheriff's Office (Orlando, FL)

I remember Mike when he was with Montgomery County Pct.1 Lake Patrol he was always fun loving and ready with a joke or a smile. He never acted as he was better then anyone as some cops do. Mike had a good heart and was missed when he went to Harris county. and he will remain missed. Till we meet again Mike.

W.R. Brown
Del Lago Security



THE POLICEMAN SQUARED his shoulders and said, "No, Lord, I guess I ain’t. Because those of us who carry badges can’t always be a Saint. I’ve had to work most Sundays, and at times my talk was rough, and sometimes I’ve been violent because the streets are awfully tough. But I never took a penny that wasn’t mine to keep, though I worked a lot of overtime when the bills just got to steep. And I never passed a cry for help, though times I shook with fear. And sometimes, God forgive me, I’ve wept many unmanly tears. I know I don’t deserve a place among the people here, they never wanted me around except to calm their fear. If you’ve a place for me Lord, it needn’t be so grand. I never expected or had too much, but if you don’t, I’ll understand."

There was silence all around the throne where the Saints had often trod. As the policeman waited quietly, for the judgement of his God. "Step forward now, policeman, you’ve borne your burdens well. Come walk a beat on Heaven’s streets, you’ve done your time in hell."

Author Unknown


Mike, Justice was served when the jury handed your killer the Death Penalty. They didn't believe his story any more than the rest of us. Keep the peace in Heaven until I get there to see you.

Deputy D.A. Green
Harris County Constable's Office Pct 1

It took the jury just over 5 hours to put your killer to death Michael. He cried and pleaded for his life after being sentenced by the judge saying through sobs and tears, "I didn't shoot to kill. I didnt mean to kill him ." he was ordered out of the courtroom by the judge and had to be pysically removed by the bailif. RIP Deputy Eakin.


Mike was a fine deputy, gungho and ready to catch the bad
guys. I'll never forget the night when Mike was killed by this idiot teenager whose only reason for executing Mike was, "because he didn't want Mike to chase him anymore." I miss Mike's sense of humor and sharing a joke or two with him. I know in my heart that he's on duty in Heaven right now and that he rides with me each time I'm on patrol. Take care Mike and save a spot for me. Your friend…

Deputy D. A. Green
Harris County PCT 1

Michael was a fun loving and very outgoing person.  He was just beginning his life, and it was taken away to early by a senseless crime.  I was Michael's fiancee and best friend.  We had a lot of good times together, whether it was at the deer lease or just cuddled up watching a movie together.  Those are the times that I will always cherish in my heart, and I know that someday we will be together again.  Michael is missed very much by me, his family, and his many friends.

Casey Mills

Although we only knew each other through mutual friends and the occasional beer at Papa's, I think about you on a regular basis. I remember the night this happened too; I was a rookie training on the southwest side of Houston and they told us all over the MDT. I didn't say a word the rest of the shift. I moved to patrol the northside where the worthless excuse for a human being lived and took your life. I will continue where you left off by targeting the area you were murdered. It's the best way I know to try to honor your memory. I will always remember that night when heaven got another angel.... and I will wait for the day when the State of Texas will send the demon that killed you back to hell.

Houston PD

Houston PD

Dearest Micheal,

I am doing my very best to keep my promise to you to make a difference for all officers everywhere and for your memory!

Hopefully in the near future all of the agencies in our area will be sending representatives to learn how to deal with law enforcement trauma. Greater Houston COPS is making a difference for the memory of our lost loved ones!

I miss you every minute and love you so much!


Janet Green
Parent survivor

Micheal, Well a little over three weeks ago on the 22nd day of March, Ryan & I made it official by saying the big "I do". We had the ceremony at a beautiful church in April Sound & had the reception at the April Sound Country Club on the lake. As crazy as I am my girls had lime colored dresses & the flowers & decor was pink & orange. I used all oldies music during the ceremony like "Aint No Mountain High Enough" which was the best. Just so you know up at the front near Ryan & the groomsmen there was a pedastal with a picture of you where Kris layed a white boutineer down so that everyone knew you were a best man in our wedding. Even though you weren't there Ryan & I both talked afterwards & decided you saw it all from a much better place & view. Also I made personalized CDs for the guests & on the cover I put mine & Ryan's name on it along with our wedding date, but at the bottom I put the phrase you always told me, "Live each day to the fullest for tommorrow is never promised." A few days after the wedding I took some flowers & placed them on your and Papa's grave & watched petals blow in the wind. You would be so proud of everyone & everything that has taken place in the past few years. We miss you dearly & will never forget you. We love you.

Sis (and now Michelle Green-Wallace)

Sister, Michelle Green-Wallace

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