Laurens County Sheriff's Office, Georgia
End of Watch Monday, January 12, 1998
Reflections for Deputy Kyle Wayne Dinkheller
We watched this video in our police academy traffic stop phase. Ibecame a deputy sheriff. There was never a traffic stop I made where I did not think of you. How quickly everything went wrong and how far away your help was. I'm so proud of you. I'm so thankful for officers like you. You have had a profound impact on my life. It still hurts my heart to remember this video of you. I don't need to watch it again because your screams reach across and transcend a barrier that words cannot explain. We were never too quick to pull our guns brother. It's just that we never knew what we were walking up on. There were times that my closest backup was 18 miles away. I am proud to call you brother. I love you. I thank you. Rest in peace my friend. You are still touching lives.
former patrol officer
Eastland police
December 3, 2015
I am an actor and have been doing research for a role as a police officer who gets shot. This video had such an emotional effect on me, felt so bad for Kyle! How come they don't show more videos like this instead of just cops shooting unarmed citizens? Bet the public would think differently if they saw these instead
November 21, 2015
I, like many others, saw the videos of the incident which claimed this Officers life. It moved me to such an extent, I felt compelled to try and find something like this memorial page, so, I could express my respect to Deputy Dinkheller, and his family.
Special Constable Hooper
Sussex Police, England
October 19, 2015
I am not connected to this directly as I am from Norwich, UK. But I have seen this footage and for me it is a perfect demonstration about the gun crime issue the US faces. In the UK I cannot remember an incident like this ever happening.
I have FULL respect for what the law enforcement agencies in the US face, however I find it very strange that you can have combat trained individuals driving around with assault rifles in their vehicles. A recipe for disaster.
This footage will haunt me for the rest of my life and I have full respect for the police and emergency services in the US.
I would also like to pass my condolences to Kyles family and wish them all the best in life.
Best and kindest regards,
Stuart Kemp
Norwich, England.
Stuart Kemp
October 17, 2015
Why did it take 17 years almost to the day for justice to be served?
Rest in peace now Deputy.
Captain Mike McAllister
Washington State Firefighter
September 26, 2015
I heard the call go out over state band radio that night. An officer was down in Laurens County and the Sheriff's Office there was calling for any and all assistance. Six of my co-workers and I loaded up in our patrol cars and struck out from Byron, Ga for the scene . When we got to Hwy 96 and I-16, we couldn't get on the interstate because of the almost never ending caravan of police and sheriff's cars that were also rushing to the scene from All over middle Georgia. After arriving, we laid in a wet cotton field till sunrise, guns at the ready, waiting for the killer to show himself. Kyle, We never knew you personally but we all talk of that night often and we will never forget you, our fallen brother. God bless you and your family
Captain Bill Lavender
Byron, Georgia Police Department
September 1, 2015
Kyle, I'll say a prayer for your children tonight. Their father was very brave. Rest in peace brother.
SDS Mark McCormack
August 27, 2015
I seen the video of that animal killing you. It was heart breaking. I know you're in a better place . Thank you for your service. RIP.
Future Detroit PO Ali .
Dearborn, MI
August 15, 2015
This has to be one of the saddest things i have ever seen. I really feel for Kyle because he seems to want to be patient with someone who was clearly mentally ill. I saw the video at the school where i just received a arm security officer certicate. Im 63 year's old and in honor of Kyle's i still want to best the best i can be. RIP Kyle.
Moody Church
August 3, 2015
I am a soldier in Brazil and I'm here doing a virtual course of military police of my state appears suddenly this video and I was curious about this case then clicked on google to research more and came vine here on this page and I want to just write this: Mr Dinkheller you are good friend !!and it did what should be done, but someone with skills in weapons did not respect you and you do not expect that. God be with you..
Soldado Ambrosio
Polcia Miltiar de Minas Gerais.Brasil.
July 2, 2015
As I graduate the law enforcement academy today I will think about you and the other fallen brothers and sisters in blue. What happened to you is horrifying, you showed incredible bravery. Today will not be about me and my classmates, today is for you. Thank you for your sacrifice.
LE academy graduate L Thomas
May 21, 2015
I've followed this case from time to time during my career as it is one of the most horrifying ones I know. I am a cop in a Major City - Toronto , Ontario , Canada and have been since 1991. This Incident I think about often and I believe it keeps me more aware of evil in the world. I recently visited this case and was glad to hear the they finally put the evil person to rest that took his precious life. I know Kyle is in heaven - Matthew 5:9 “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God. And I'm hoping that his murderer is not granted entry through the gates of heaven.
Police Constable
Toronto Police Service
April 10, 2015
Kyle love you and miss you Dearly . You will live in our hearts for as long as they beat . I can still see you smile .
Doug and Adriene Pauley
friends of family
April 5, 2015
You can finally now Rest In Peace my Brother! Thank you for your service and may God Bless you and your family now and Forever.
Deputy Sheriff III Brian Wade
Alexandria Sheriffs Office
February 2, 2015
Thank you for your service. I'm at a loss somewhat for words. What I can say is I appreciate what you and other officers have done & continue to so, which is to serve & protect. To many take you for granted. RIP Kyle.
Andrew, Civilian
January 27, 2015
Rest in peace. Thank you for your service, Kyle.
January 20, 2015
Eu vi esse vídeo alguns anos atrás em um programa de TV aqui no Brasil e fiquei bastante triste. Nas imagens, percebe-se que o oficial Dinkheller fez de tudo para preservar a vida do motorista da caminhoneta e isso acabou ocasionando essa tragédia. Ele teve oportunidade de neutralizar o veterano de guerra, mais não o fez porque era muito jovem e inexperiente, ao contrário do veterano, que além de ser frio era também um bom atirador. Depois desse incidente tenho certeza que muitas vidas de policiais não só nos Estados Unidos da América, mas como de todo o mundo já foram salvas. Aqui no Brasil nós sempre tomamos esses casos como exemplos, e serve para mostrar o quanto é perigosa essa atividade de policial, onde muitas vezes oficiais que estão representando a lei são assassinados de forma brutal e covarde. Nas academias de formação de policiais de todo o mundo, essas imagens, além de outras devem ser mostradas em cursos de formação dos agentes da lei para que eles fiquem ainda mais vigilantes durante o serviço e assim o número de policiais mortos venha a diminuir bastante. A justiça tarda, mas não falha. O assassino do oficial Dinkheller vai queimar eternamente no inferno.
Subtenente Ronaldo de Oliveira
Polícia Militar do Rio Grande do Norte, Brasil
January 19, 2015
I just watched the video of the incident that took Officer Dinkheller's life. I am sorry that it happened, I cannot find the words to express my thoughts. I am just so sorry, my condolences to his family. I just really felt led to send my thoughts and prayers after viewing that.
January 16, 2015
I hadn't seen the video until today, very sad. I don't know how a man could kill another man, let alone a man of the law. Just goes to show you how sick this world is. I know he was executed a couple days ago but it's not enough, especially such a quick, painless death. He should've been stabbed and left to bleed out. I can't get this video out of my mind, hopefully this will help teach other officers. I can't fathom why such a rural area didn't have two officers per car. Kyle had his whole life to live and this selfish old man with no more potential decided to take his life.
Andrew P
Concerned Citizen
January 15, 2015
At long last your murderer is burning in hell!
God bless you brother, RIP!
J carrigan police officer
Heyworth PD
January 15, 2015
May the family of this fine young man finally have peace.
civilian from police family
January 15, 2015
i'm glad the scum that took you is now gone from this Earth, as you were taken 17 years ago. I've been thinking about your death recently. I hope your wife and children are at peace.
January 14, 2015
Justice has finally been served. Your killer was executed yesterday. May your spirit find peace.
Lt. Milton E. Proctor
Deer Park Police Dept, Oh (Ret)
January 14, 2015
The man who stole you from your family and friends was executed for his crimes yesterday. Know that the justice you sought to uphold has been maintained. I pray your family can rest tonight better than they have these past 17 years. Thank you for your sacrifice.
Andrew F.
Floridian LE Supporter
January 14, 2015
Rest in peace Deputy Dinkheller. Your ultimate sacrifice will never be forgotten.
Your killer has now got what has been long over due. May your killers soul burn in Hell for all eternity.
US Citizen
Show no mercy for cop Killers
January 14, 2015
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