Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Deputy Kyle Wayne Dinkheller

Laurens County Sheriff's Office, Georgia

End of Watch Monday, January 12, 1998

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Reflections for Deputy Kyle Wayne Dinkheller

Today I learned about you from your Dad. It was good to get to know who you were as a person. I know it can’t be easy for him to share you with us but I am so thankful he did. Your memory is not forgotten. Thank you for your service. Rest In Peace, we will take it from here.

Lt. Eric Gray

November 12, 2019

RIP brave hero

No RANK Max Wulz

August 31, 2019

Rest in peace Deputy Dinkheller.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 6, 2019

Angela, as we just remembered our Officer, John Paul Monego, 12/12/1998,
I recall knowing you, tracing your husbands name from the Memorial
Wall n Washington, D.c. when we
visited Police Memorial Week.
Please, if you, or any of the folks who know you see this, please give my email address to Angela.
We will never forget.
Wendi Rank
[email protected]
Wendi Rank (FB)

Wendi Rank
Police Wives

December 10, 2018

Rest in peace brother!

Detective Sergeant Jeremy Sims

August 23, 2018

I am late in my entry. I just became aware of this officer's sacrifice. I am praying for him and his family. I want his family to know when I pray for him I receive assurance he is with our Lord. One of my best friends and brother in Christ is a Sherriff's officer in my community. All law enforcement deserves a great deal of respect. In Jesus name we should be thankful every day. God bless the Dinkheller family. If any of you would like to pray please let me know. I left an accurate email address. Much agape.

Charles Wilson, civilian
I am a respectful and thankful citizen

August 19, 2018

I have never forgotten the dash cam footage. I will never forget the sacrifice you gave to help save countless lives of police and security officers. Prayers go out to your family, friends, and fellow officers.

Leila R. Smith
Civilian/Security Officer

July 10, 2018

I have not forgotten. I will never forget. Your service and sacrifice has saved countless lives. Your legacy will always live on.

Erin Gibson-Darrow
Wife of a CSPD Officer (Ret.)

January 13, 2018

That was a terrifying video... You were so young... Thank you for your service and God bless your family!

Dmytro Goloborodko

September 22, 2017

One of the most saddest footage I have ever seen. I will never forget his sacrifice. He was a great officer and a brave one. No sympathy for Cop killers as that cops are hear to protect you. Since I was young I wanted to be one and this gave me the determination to stop people who are sick like this killing anymore great people. RIP Kyle Dinkheller

Callan -civilian
citizen -australia

May 15, 2017

Such a sad story. Glad the offender no longer walks among us.


April 17, 2017

Thinking of you today Deputy Dinkheller on the 19th anniversary of your untimely passing. I have learned a great deal from the video of your incident & I'm sure It will save many Officers lives.

Patrolman Stephen Hall
Dalton Borough Police

January 12, 2017

I saw this video on Facebook and it has forever changed the way that I view and think of officers! That video left me scared and speechless! That is something NO ONE should have to face or go through...and officers face that very possibly every time they go on duty! You died way too soon! I am glad that the Monster who took your life has finally been brought to justice! Your story has helped I am sure save countless officers lives! You are a HERO! RIP OFFICER DINKHELLER!

Robyn McAllister

December 14, 2016

Officer Dinkheller, you are a true HERO in every sense of the word. I just saw this video for the first time today and my heart is filled with so much sadness. I then read about your life and who you were. You sir were robbed of a great life you truly deserved and a beautiful little girl who I am sure adored her daddy. A son you never got the privilege of meeting who I pray has been told his entire life how much he would have meant to you and how much you would have loved him. Sir, thank you so much for your service and your protection of others. Your life was one of honor and I just want to pay the respect of saluting you and your brave family. Many officers have learned and been saved because of your tragedy. Thank you Officer Dinkheller for your service. Thank you Mrs. Dinkheller for your courage in keeping this video out there to teach others. May God always bless you and your family. With much love and respect.


September 29, 2016

He gave the offender every chance to stop. The officers devotion to avoid an incident led to his murder. Thank you for your service, hero.

Citizen 414

September 21, 2016

I learned valuable lessons from this video that ultimately saved a brother officer's life and maybe my own. God speed, brother.

Sergeant 640

September 6, 2016

This is an unfortunately infamous death and I have heard it is actually used for police training. This is why police officers shoot quickly and think fast, people get all the time they want to question cops later and try to paint all cops badly when in reality only a tiny percent of cops are actually bad.

This is more tragic in the fact that you were so young, you weren't 50, 40, or even 30, you were just 22 years old, just old enough to be on active duty I think. It is sad that such a young man had to die.

And may god have mercy upon Andrew Brannan's soul, I hope that remorse he expressed before he was put to death was real.


August 11, 2016

Thank you Kyle your death is not in vain may the son of a bitch burn in hell for taking your precious life

tracey Robinson private citizen

August 5, 2016

Deputy Dinkheller,
We never knew one another, but for some reason you had come to my mind today. I found it interesting that when I typed your name in my search bar, I learned that today was your birthday. If my math is correct, you'd be 41 today. My heart weighs heavy at the thought that your children never got to know you. I hope that if there is anything beyond this life, you are at peace and watching over your loved ones.
Happy birthday Deputy Dinkheller.

J. Weant

June 18, 2016

Watched your video today and as a cadet in the police academy it was a real reality check for me to always be cautious. Your father came and spoke to the class about how important officer safety is and seems to be a great man. Thank you for your service and my prayers go out to your family sir. Rest in peace brother


April 22, 2016

Sir, I have watched your final moments many times and it keeps me alert and ready on every traffic stop that I make. Though your loss was exceptionally tragic, I know it has served to help others. To this day, you are a blessing. I just wish you could be here with your loving family.

Sergeant Di Leonardo
U.S. Deptartment of Veterans Affairs Police

February 16, 2016

The way that you were taken from your family and brothers in service was tragic. The only silver lining is that your death is being used to train other officers - saving lives. Thank You for your service.

Civilian E S
Social Services

February 5, 2016

Today the animal who murdered you was put to death! May he forever rot in hell.

Gone but not forgotten. A true hero taken way too soon.

Detective L. Garcia
Los Angeles Police Dept.

January 17, 2016

I was researching another subject when I came across this video. I was, and still am shocked. I was just sickened by it. I am comforted in knowing that, you Kyle, are now in heaven and can't be hurt anymore. someday you will be reuinited with your loved ones in heaven. Police officers are trained to make it home at the end of every shift. Kyle, God says , "you made it home. now take your rest".

Jenna Morgan, civilian
retired volunteer for L.A. County Sheriffs Dept.

January 3, 2016

We watched this video in our police academy traffic stop phase. Ibecame a deputy sheriff. There was never a traffic stop I made where I did not think of you. How quickly everything went wrong and how far away your help was. I'm so proud of you. I'm so thankful for officers like you. You have had a profound impact on my life. It still hurts my heart to remember this video of you. I don't need to watch it again because your screams reach across and transcend a barrier that words cannot explain. We were never too quick to pull our guns brother. It's just that we never knew what we were walking up on. There were times that my closest backup was 18 miles away. I am proud to call you brother. I love you. I thank you. Rest in peace my friend. You are still touching lives.

former patrol officer
Eastland police

December 3, 2015

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