Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Deputy Sheriff Ryan Clinkunbroomer

Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department, California

End of Watch Saturday, September 16, 2023

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Reflections for Deputy Sheriff Ryan Clinkunbroomer

Yet another example of the open hostility against the Law Enforcement Community. Rest in peace my Brother-in-Arms

Detective Joe Flannagan
LA County District Attorney Bureau of Investigation

September 17, 2023

Rest in peace brother

Reserve Officer Steve Durfee

September 17, 2023

Prayers & Condolences
Rest in Peace Deputy Sheriff Ryan Clinkunbroomer

"A Part of America Died"

Somebody killed a deputy today,
and a part of America died.
A piece of our country he swore to protect,
will be buried with him at his side.

The suspect that shot him will stand up in court,
with counsel demanding his rights.
While a young widowed mother must work for her kids,
and spend many long, lonely nights.

The beat that he walked was a battle field too,
just as if he'd gone off to war.
Though the flag of our nation won't fly at half mast,
to his name they will add a gold star.

Yes, somebody killed a deputy today,
in your town or mine.
While we slept in comfort behind our locked doors,
a cop put his life on the line.

Now his ghost walks a beat on a dark city street,
and he stands at each new rookie's side.
He answered the call, of himself gave his all,
and a part of America died.

Sgt. Randy Keenan (retired)
City of Alameda, CA Police Dept.

September 17, 2023

Rest in peach young brother! Thank you for your service and sacrifice.
It's hard to find the words when such heartbreaking evil happens. We all hope this perpetrator is soon brought to justice, and I offer condolences to family, friends and fiancé.

Paul Wunderle
Police Officer
Los Angeles Police Dept, Retired

September 17, 2023

God we lost another brother,a family lost a son,husband,father. Lord I asked that you be with this family and give them the The strength that they need during this time of lost. God I ask that you be with the Officers that work with him.

Stephen Dixon

September 17, 2023

God bless you Deputy Ryan Clinkunbroomer, for your service and sacrifice. Thoughts and prayers go out to your family and friends, and to your brothers and sisters from the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department. Rest in Peace Brother.

Officer Jim Drabos (Retired)
San Gabriel (CA) Police Department

September 17, 2023

Rest in eternal peace brother. My sincere condolences to the family and friends.

Detective (Retired) JUAN TORO

September 17, 2023

Deputy Sheriff Ryan Clinkunbroomer, I am so very sorry to hear of your murder at the hands of a criminal. I pray that person will face judgement soon. May our Lord open His Kingdom to you and grant you a place beside Him. My deepest sympathies to your family, friends and to your Fiancé. I thank you for your brave service to all of us. This madness must stop. Rest In Peace, Brother.

Mary Milam
Sergeant (Ret)
Chicago Police Department

Hudson, FL

September 17, 2023

A wanton and outrageous commission of cold-blooded assassination of a dedicated keeper of the peace shall be judged in the Mansion of our Creator! I pray that the perpetrator(s) shall be soon brought to justice! May the Lord embrace his soul with loving-kindness and compassion for the family left behind.

Chief of Police (retired)
Russell P. Caterinicchio
Oak Creek Police Department
Routt Country, Colorado

September 17, 2023

Beyond heartbreaking. Thank you for your service, sir. Rest in peace.

Louisville, Kentucky

September 17, 2023

Rest in Peace Brother

Thank you for your service and ULTIMATE SACRIFICE

Prayers for you and your family


Firefighter Ronald Lavallee
Lawrence, MA Fire Department

September 17, 2023

Thank you for your service, you will never be forgotten. Your family and your brother Officers will hunt this person down and. bring him to pay for his crimes. Rest in peace

CHP Motor Officer Retired Jim Ayers 7992
California Highway Patrol

September 17, 2023

How affordable,this kind of cowardly act is so demonic. Our Heavenly Father, I ask that You give courage, strength and comfort for this family, co-workers and friends. Father I ask that the shooter be brought to justice. I ask this in Jesus Name. AMEN

Chaplain James Brackeen
Richmond Hill Police Department

September 17, 2023

Godspeed brother.

W. Lott

September 17, 2023

Thank you for your service.

Tim Liddell
CA Hwy Patrol 5342 ( retired )

September 17, 2023

RIP my brother

Captain June Murdock (ret)
Alexandria PD Louisiana

September 17, 2023

"Somebody killed a policeman today,
And a part of America died.
A piece of our country he swore to protect
Will be buried with him at his side.
The suspect who shot him will stand up in court,
With counsel demanding his rights,
While a young widowed mother must work for her kids
And spend alone many long nights.
The beat that he walked was a battlefield, too,
Just as if he'd gone off to war.
Though the flag of our nation won't fly at half mast,
To his name they will add a gold star.
Yes, somebody killed a policeman today,
It happened in your town or mine.
While we slept in comfort behind our locked doors,
A cop put his life on the line.
Now, his ghost walks a beat on a dark city street,
And he stands at each new rookie's side.
He answered the call and gave us his all,
And a part of America died."

Author Unknown

E.C.Proft Chief Criminal Deputy (Retired)
Island County Sheriff's Office

September 17, 2023

Rest in Peace Deputy Clinkunbroomer. Thank you for your service. My thoughts and Prayers go out to your family, coworkers and friends.

Lieutenant Robert T. Mote (ret)
Buena Park, CA Police Department

September 17, 2023

Rest Easy Brother

Deputy Sheriff. Ron Buchholz
Retired Santa Fe County Sheriff NM.

September 17, 2023

Horrendous. Rest in peace brother. This cowardly scumbag will be found.

San Bruno Police Assoc President Tony Pe
San Bruno Police Department

September 17, 2023

Requiescat in Paces

Sergeant (Retired) Mike O'Connor
Branford CT PD

September 17, 2023

Thank you for your service ..
I will try and live my life like yours .
A man of integrity..
Bruce Wilson


September 17, 2023

Hero never forgotten. Prayers to family blood and blue.

Retired Texas dispatcher

September 17, 2023

O God of Peace, so many of America’s Peace Officers who are on the front lines to protect us never make it back home to their families. We pray for these fallen law enforcement officers, Lord God, who gave their lives for us. We pray for the families of these heroes, who have to now endure life without their loved one. Lord God, society tries to move forward, but there is always bloodshed occurring. We approach Your throne of glory and grace to beg of You for peace. Lord God, bring peace to this land – the United States of America. We plead for Your divine intervention to quiet our hearts and unify our communities. Stop the violence that occurs amid our cities. We thank You for all America’s Peace Officers who have died protecting us, and ask that You send an everlasting peace so that America’s Peace Officers on the streets may be safe and return home to their loved ones at the end of their assigned shifts. In Christ Jesus, Your blessed Son, I pray. Amen.

“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons [children] of God.” [Matthew 5:9 ESV]

“And I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?” Then I said, “Here am I! Send me.” [Isaiah 6:8 ESV]

Chaplain Steven R. Closs, DDiv, MSBS, NCCA, FCPO-USA
Intercessor for America’s Peace Officers
Merrimack, NH 03054

Captain Steven R. Closs (Ret.)
Nashua NH Police Department (1974-1998)

September 17, 2023

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