Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer Reginald Jake Gutierrez

Tacoma Police Department, Washington

End of Watch Wednesday, November 30, 2016

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Reflections for Police Officer Reginald Jake Gutierrez

Hi big brother,
Today is May 15, 2024. When you were killed I wasn’t sure how I was going to make it. It’s ironic that I had a heart attack on May 15th of 2023…I am trying so hard to be strong and to be the voice that Gabby can turn to when she is in need. She has become an amazing mom. I don’t really get to see the other girls much. Just know that I love and miss you. Every day is hard-some more than others. I hope you see me from Heaven. Your sister, Antonia…

Antoinette Gutierrez-Edmon

May 15, 2024

Hi beautiful brother,
Here we are 2721 days since you were taken away from us. Not a single day goes by that you are not on my mind. I miss our long conversations, all the laughs we used to have, and the times we shared together. We always had the best times. Thank you for always showing me the light in the darkness, and for always protecting those who could not protect themselves. To people you were an officer-to me, you are my brother and best friend…our spirits have always been linked. I miss you EVERY SINGLE DAY. Most people would never guess all the messes you got into when we were kids, and how you always made me laugh. I miss that connection. Unfortunately, now, life is so different without you around. I know how you believed in loyalty, honesty and respect. I hope as you watch from Heaven, you see that all you asked of me was done-I now wait to see you again brother. Know that I offer counsel to the girls as much as possible-some more than others. Know that everything you asked of me has been done…thank you for making me your confidant in all things. I love you and hate that you are gone. I know that someday you will greet me with that giant smile and the biggest hug ever, and I have NEVER forgotten what you said to me…”never forget how important you are to me and how much I love you sister…”. I have never forgotten and I never will-until we meet again…I love you brother, and miss you terribly…Antonia (seester)

Antoinette Gutierrez-Edmon

May 13, 2024

Miss you buddy!

Deputy Michel Volk
King County Sheriff

November 30, 2023

I knew Officer Gutierizz when I lived in Tacoma before on Hannah-Pierce road and was so broken hearted to find out he died in the line of duty. He had a heart for the people of his region of duty. One family needed something to eat, and I saw him actually buy them some food from a food-truck, as well as many other wonderful things several officers have done for others. In a generation where you hear on the news of cops shooting some suspects, and possible murder, I wonder why there are not more stories on the news of some of the wonderful things officers do as well. I have known of others who have coached little league for kids, or similar activities. Why doesn't the news possibly do a special interest story to show the good and wonderful side of officers in various communitites.

True there will be others who may create a bad name for officers of the la, but not for this one, as well as a few others I have known. I wish I still had my notes as to a poem I was writing to create an officer's fund by donating it for print for others to buy to be utilized for the survivors.

Viola Cupps

March 27, 2023

Today on National Law Enforcement Day I still honor you in my heart as I have every day since the day you died. RJG44ever; Yours was an absolutely brutal and felonious death. You saved so many that day including your own work partner, a landlord, a tenant, a wife and two children taken. You and died an absolute warrior's death where you were shot 24 times and beaten to death with multiple broken bones and defensive wounds. I cannot believe it's been 5 years since you walked out our front door that fateful day on Nov 30, 2016. Not a day goes by that I don't still miss you hon. .... We both had the same first two initials and in just 4 days' time we would have shared all three initials forever and been married officially after 5 years of living together, 8 years of being friends and a year being officially engaged. Not a day goes by that I don't still think of that and the life that we would have shared as husband and wife. That forever haunts me. You were the BEST person inside and out to me, my children and our friends we both shared. I was 44 when you died... which was your badge number. The day of your procession was my birthday December 9th. I turned 45 that day and so when you were buried, we were both 45. Numbers and dates have meant so much to me and I have seen 44's everywhere as a sign that you are still with me as much in life as in death. You will remain forever in my heart mi amore; Until we meet again in heaven my job is not done here yet. RJG44ever

Rebecca J Humphrey
Fiancé of R Jake Gutierrez /Board member, WA State C.O.P.S

January 9, 2022

I still remember this day vividly and the funeral following. I was there saluting your flag draped casket when I did Police Explorers and I have never forgotten.

Parker Lucey

January 1, 2022

Thoughts of you on this day my friend.

Retired Leslie Belford
Tacoma wa.

December 10, 2021

Today, 10/12/2020, I was lucky enough to meet your proud parents. They introduced themselves to me as I was in uniform, and they were so proud of you. Our talk was short but I could tell they love you and are still so so proud of you.

Rest easy

Officer Hayley
Plano Police Department

October 12, 2020

God Bless you, Warrior. Wish I could have been there for you. God Speed.

Former Sgt. Glen Carpenter
Pierce County Sheriff's Department

November 30, 2019

God bless you, Warrior. I wish I could have been there for you brother.

Sgt. Glen Carpenter
Pierce County Sheriff's Department

November 30, 2019

God Bless you, Warrior. Wish I could have been there for you. God Speed. I am

Former Sgt. Glen Carpenter
Pierce County Sheriff's Department

November 30, 2019

Rest in peace Officer Gutierrez.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 24, 2019

John 5:28, 29 - "Do not be amazed at this, for the hour is coming in which all those in the memorial tombs will hear his voice and come out". I pray that everyone can find peace in knowing that we will see this officer as well as many others again in Paradise soon. Until then, please accept my condolences.

A.W. Montgomery
Concerned Citizen

August 30, 2018

Jake, nothing can replace in the hearts of your family in blood and in blue. Thank you for being my brother. Thank you to all of you that have left your warmest regards for his families, both in blood and in blue. We, his family, can never thank you enough for your show of support. Our thoughts and prayers are with each and every one of you. Jake, we will see each other again. We love you brother.

Ray Dominique Gutierrez
Older brother

June 1, 2018

Another protector gone. All I can say is.... we have got your 6. Because we know you have ours. We are with you. Always.

Mary Schorr

January 9, 2018

It's been one year since you were taken away.
I had only met you a few times, and now I wish I had tried harder and taken more time to know you. You were always nice to everyone when you called Records, and you were a damn fine officer. You're missed everyday.

South Sound 911 Records

November 30, 2017

May God bless you and keep you, make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you. May God lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace.

P-044, Gone but not forgotten.

Detective Eric Kothstein
Tacoma Police Department

November 30, 2017

Remembering you today Sir. You are not forgotten.

Det. Michele Nelson
Riverside County Sheriff's Department, CA

November 30, 2017

Rest in peace brother and thank you for your service. As you join our brothers and sisters in the hall of heroes, my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

Vires et Honorem

Ptlm FrankKapusta
Mohawk PD

March 30, 2017

My heartfelt Condolences to Your Family and Department.Thank You For Your Service.Earth Has No Sorrow That Heaven Cannot Heal. Fly High My Brother In Blue. Your Job Here On Earth is Done.

Deputy Regena Pellerin
Lafayette Parish Sheriff Dept Lafayette,La

January 9, 2017

Blessings and love to my brothers and sisters at Tacoma P.D. I know that Jake Gutierrez would be proud of how beautifully you are handling this tragedy, and confident in your ability to keep going and keep serving with courage and compassion.

Chaplain Kate Braestrup
Maine Warden Service

January 8, 2017

RIP Jake. You will be missed. God Bless you and your family.

PPO Kevin Lorberau
Tacoma Police Dept

December 24, 2016

God's peace and speed Officer Gutierrez. Thank you for your many years of brave, dedicated service. RIP Brother.

P/O R. Popelka #7903
Chicago P.D.

December 16, 2016

Sincerest condolences for the tragic loss of Officer Guttierrez.
My thoughts and prayers are with you at this very difficult time.

Yehuda Rossler
ramapo PD Chaplain

December 15, 2016

To the family of Police Officer Jake Gutierrez, friends, Chief of Police Donald Ramsdell and the Tacoma Police Department.
You are lifted up in thoughts and prayers. May God comfort, hold you close and give you peace now and always. Thank you for your service. John 15:13 / Matthew 5:9

Patrolman A.S. Batson
Cherry / O'Berry Police Department

December 15, 2016

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