Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer David Donald Tome

Northern York County Regional Police Department, Pennsylvania

End of Watch Tuesday, October 21, 2008

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Reflections for Police Officer David Donald Tome

11 years old today! Seems like just yesterday she had you wrapped around her finger as you held her. You were so proud then and would be even more so today watching her grow into the beautiful girl she is. But you you already knew that then, I can still see you beaming from ear to ear just looking at her in amazement. Your smile would be just as big now for both of them, as well as the phenomenal job the love of your life is doing! We all miss you and love you so much, yesterday, today, tomorrow, and forever


April 12, 2018

Happy Birthday!

Miss you, Jamie Bell

April 11, 2018

Happy Birthday in Heaven my son.
You will be forever 31. It does not get easier. Wake up crying. But Jamie and Diane helped to make the day special. Good night son. I will cry myself to sleep. Knowing your in a better place then this messed up world. Until we are united again.


April 10, 2018

Just wanted to let you know that we are always thinking about you and miss you very much---especially on a Special Day like today.
When your mother went into labor on Good Friday, we anxiously waited for your arrival on Easter.
And you were well worth the wait.
It's been 10 long years since we could celebrate a birthday with you.
We love you and miss you every day.


April 10, 2018

It’s been a emotional couple of days.
1st blood drive. A lot of hugs, tears and memories shared. Something I think we all needed. Special friends that really do care.
Easter 2018 another holiday with out you.
A lot more planned for this year. All to honor and remember you.
You will always be with us in our hearts.


April 1, 2018

14 years ago this was one of the happiest days of your life. Your wife and you welcomed a beautiful baby boy into this world. You got to spend 4 wonderful years with him and soon became his buddy.
We know you are watching over your family from above but still miss you everyday.


February 3, 2018

David, January 1 2018
Where did the time go?
Nothing is normal anymore.
So glad I know you’re in Heaven.
My prayer is for peace for this world.
Love you and Miss you always


January 1, 2018

Merry Christmas Son. Your children are the most special gift you gave us all. Always a Joy to look at them and see you.
I know your having a great birthday party with Jesus and your Grandparents.
Love you and miss you so much.
DDT 119 My Hero


December 25, 2017

Just thinking its been nine years today that you were taken from us. So many unanswered questions. I have 31 years of memories but should have 40. Trying to understand but getting no answers. It's like time stopped some days and others times goes so fast. Love you and miss you Son.


October 21, 2017

Ma'am as I read your words, I pray that my thoughts are appropriate. As a faternal brother to Officer Tome, the narrative indicates he was not alone when the crash occured. Infact I read he was with his Faternal Brethren. Those who may have known & worked with him. Those who immediately responded to him.
Ma'am throughout this memorial page you may find the one constant - Hero's, support & love for the Families & Friends. Our love for our Fallen Brethren and Sisters wil never cease. We will live our entire lives (on & off duty) to Honor those taken from us. Those who have gone before us. Those that gave all. Ma'am I humbly forward these few words to share my condolences, my support and my most profound Respects to you and to your family. You are in my thoughts and prayers .

Patrol East joseph rico

October 21, 2017

Nine years. Wish you were here.

Miss you, Jamie Bell

October 21, 2017

It has been 9 long years since you were suddenly taken from us by a distracted driver.
I know how much you loved your family and friends and my heart aches that you missed making so many more memories with those you loved.
It used to be a time of year that we looked forward to--Grandpa's birthday, Grandma's birthday and your Mother's birthday.
Now it is a time of year filled with heartache, since you are not here to make more memories and enjoy your family.
We think of you every day and will love you and miss you until we meet again.


October 21, 2017

David, yesterday should had been 16 years that you married your sweetheart. I can only wonder what things will be like today if you were here with us. That was one of many wonderful memories that no one can steal from us.
Anyone that says it gets easier with time is wrong it's just different. Nothing is normal any more.
Miss you so much. Miss talks with you. Just you and me. The peace maker in our family.


September 17, 2017

Man do I wish you were here.
Really need a hug from you.


August 3, 2017

Happy Birthday

Miss you, Jamie Bell

April 10, 2017

Happy birthday David! It's hard to believe you'd be 40 but even harder to believe that your baby girl turns 10 in 2 days! We all miss you and think about you every day!


April 10, 2017

Happy happy birthday in heaven my dear sweet son. Got to take goodies to a lot of your brothers and sisters in blue and told him you had their back's. You will forever be 31 to me. My Easter baby boy. I could not get my hugs I needed today from you,but I got a lot of them from your brothers and sisters in blue. You will never be forgotten. Throughout the pass eight years I have learned time does not stop but, nothing will ever be normal again. You will always be my baby boy and no one can ever steal that from me. My heart is still broken and It will never heal but I'm one day closer to being with you in heaven. Miss you each and every day.
Give Grandma and Grandpa a big hug from me. Love you DDT


April 10, 2017

This would have been your 40th birthday. You touched more lives in your short life on earth than you probably ever knew.
We think of you everyday and especially on a day like today. we love you and miss you very much.


April 10, 2017

A teenager?! Where has the time gone?! We miss you and love you you're ALWAYS on our minds


February 3, 2017

Dear Son,
It's been eight Christmas with out you and I miss you today just as much as I did the first year with out you here. Part of me went with you to heaven that day in October 2008. So many things have changed over the years. Time seems to go faster and faster each year. And one good things about that is one day closer see you again.
Merry Christmas in Heaven. Hope you had a great time Celebrating Jesus Birthday. Knowing you and Grandma and Grandpa were all together this year gives me peace. But wish all three of you were back here with us.
Hopefully 2017 will be a year of peace, hope and love for everyone.


December 26, 2016

we all miss


October 22, 2016

Another year since you were taken from us---though sometimes it seems like yesterday.
You touched many more lives than you will ever know.
Miss you and love you.


October 21, 2016

Such a tragedy. This is occurring too often to our brothers and sisters. May you continue to rest in peace my brother. You are not forgotten.

N.Y.P.D. Lt. Ray Flores (Ret.)

October 21, 2016

Hey son, the last couple days I had lots of time to think. So many different thoughts going through my head. The one person I needed to see was you. The tears have been flowing a lot. But tears are good because of all the wonderful memories I have of you. This journey of life has so many ups and downs but the one thing I know for sure we will get to see each other again someday. Love you and miss you with everything I am.


September 21, 2016

David, give your Grandma a big hug from me. Having a real hard time dealing with anything right now. All the killing of Police Officers just makes me relive the day that your life was take. My heart aches for each and everyone of these families and all the men and women in Law in enforcement. Just doing their job to keep us safe. The job they loved just like I know you did. Miss you and Grandma and Grandpa so so much right now. Like your sister said I'm at a lost right now too. But I know someday I will see u all again. Until that day keep the sings coming.


July 20, 2016

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