Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Sergeant Robert Craig Douglas

Oklahoma City Police Department, Oklahoma

End of Watch Sunday, September 28, 2008

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Reflections for Sergeant Robert Craig Douglas

Thinking about you brother


December 4, 2009

Robert , I sit here at my extra jobs and look at this site every week. I remember how you made everybody laugh everytime I was around you. I hope I leave this department with as many good friends as you had..
Alycia, I hope everything is going as good as can be for you and Bobby.. Have a good Thanksgiving..


November 18, 2009

To my Uncle Robert I cannot believe how long it has been, throughout that time we have missed you so much! You were a father to all of us and we miss you so much! I wish I could hear you laugh or see you eating something at the holidays dinners we would have because you would ALWAYS finish first and would be the first to go back for 2nd's. Just know I love you very much and I hope you konw I will never forget you! Your first born hookhead neice!!!

Chaunte' Manuel

October 6, 2009

Sgt. Douglas it has been a little over a year since you left us. Your wife has carried on your memory so well, not only at our state services for you, but during Police Week. She is such a strong woman it makes all of your brothers and sisters in grey proud of how she honors you. Let it be known that you will never be forgotton. Rest in peace and like your pastor said at your funeral. Keep the angles in heaven going the speed limit!

Oklahoma City Police Dept.

September 30, 2009

Sergeant Douglas, Your dedication to duty is remembered by your brother officers of the Boston Police Department. RIP

Boston Police Department

September 28, 2009

Your heroism and service is honored today, the first anniversary of your death. Your memory lives and you continue to inspire. Thank you for your service. My cherished son Larry Lasater was a fellow police officer murdered in the line of duty on April 24, 2005 while serving as a Pittsburg, CA police officer.

Rest In Peace

Phyllis Loya


September 28, 2009

To Sgt. Robert Craig Douglas, his family and his fellow officers with the Oklahoma City Police Department:

Our heartfelt thoughts are with you on the anniversary of Sgt. Douglas’s tragic death and we honor him for his valor and sacrifice to the community. Rest in Peace, Sgt. Douglas and thank you for your service.

Wives Behind The Badge, Inc
Members and Staff

September 28, 2009

Sgt. Douglas,
Tomorrow will marked a year since you left this earth and became an angel in heaven. I know it was a very hard year for your family as I walked the same path in life this year that they did. My son was taken from us 2 short weeks before you were taken. You'll always be remembered and honored as the Hero you were and will forever be. To your family, please know your not alone, we all stand together with support, love and respect.

With the deepest of respect and love.
Kim Weigand
Mom of Sgt. Michael C. Weigand
E.O.W. 9/14/2008

Kim Weigand

September 27, 2009

I come to the ODMP often to remember my late fiancé Dennis. Every time I come here it breaks my heart to know that yet another officer has fallen and that yet another family has to live their lives without the man they loved. My heart goes out to everyone who knew and loved Sergeant Douglas. Know that you are not alone in the "journey" that you walk. Should you ever need anything please don't hesitate to contact me. (The Davis Co. Sheriff's Office in Iowa will always know how to reach me. I can also be found on Face Book.) You will be in my thoughts.

From reading the reflections left for Robert, he sounds like he was a great man with a beautiful spirit. Those of you who knew him in life were so blessed to have been able to share in it. I hope that you will all continue to find a way to celebrate and remember Robert's life and the MAN that he was. Remember that Robert's life was about so much more than the way he died. Robert will continue to live on as long as we continue to remember him.

Sergeant Douglas, thank you for helping to make this world a little safer for us all. YOU will not be forgotten. Please continue to watch over all of us as only you can. If you happen to bump into my late fiancé Dennis up there give him a big hug for me and the kids. It's been almost seven years but he's still very much missed and forever loved.

Wishing you brighter and better days,

Jocelyne :)

"Forever Remembering 26-3"

Jocelyne Brar (Winnipeg, MB Canada)
Fiancée of Deputy Dennis R. McElderry (EOW: 01/03/03)

September 13, 2009

Robert , i come to this site every week and it still seems hard to believe that you had your accident and are now gone.
It seems like yesterday that you were smarting off on the radio. Knowing you , you probably wouldn't care that our commission numbers show on the screen when you talk on these new radios. Alot of the fun we used to have on the radio is over.
Alycia , I hope you and Bobby had a good summer and are doing okay..


August 26, 2009

You are still missed. Our prayers are always with your
family who will always be a part of our family...


July 28, 2009

Robert , You were such a great guy. I laughed when Alycia told stories about you . I hope your family reads these and understands how much you meant to your friends on this department. You are missed and talked about often..


July 1, 2009

I saw the picture of all the solo guys in the Bricktown station tonight and thought of you.. You were so funny on the radio.. I wish you were in that picture

Alycia , I hope you and Bobby are doing well...


March 21, 2009

Sgt. Douglas,
As I read through your reflections I am overwhelmed with emotion. I see those who knew you in person and those who wish you god speed and pray for your family who likely have never knew you before. In our line of work we all too often see the worst that humanity has to offer. As I am saddened by your passing, I also see the loving side of people who pour out their hearts ad souls here to pay their respects to a fallen hero. I pray for your family as May approaches. This will be a difficult time with the local an national memorial services. May you and god be with them. Rest in peace brother may we continue to 'serve with pride' in you honor.

Sgt. Bennett #1350
Oklahoma City Police Dept.

March 8, 2009

The wicked fleee where no man pursueth, but the righteous are bold as a lion.
Proverbs 28:1

May God be with you and all who mourn you. May he give them the strength to carry on.

To his son: Your daddy is a hero. He will never, ever be forgotten. He loves you now and always. Never forget that. Ever.

Friend of Off. Kris Fairbanks RIP 9-20-08


March 6, 2009

Rest in Peace.

Lt. Stephen A. Joy #980
Prince George's County Police, Md.

February 16, 2009

sitting here at an extra job thinking about you and your family. I hope Alycia and Bobby are doing well.


January 14, 2009

They had a tribute to you on Americas Most Wanted tonight..
You are thought of often and I hope Bobby & Alicia are doing OK and have a good Christmas..


December 20, 2008

sitting here at an extra job hoping your family will have a good christmas


December 12, 2008

Thinking of you today on thanksgiving

sgt. oklahoma city police dept.

November 27, 2008

Wish I could of known are missed


November 1, 2008

May God's grace sustain you, May His arms hold you during this very sad time. My deepest sympathy to each of you who knew, loved and worked with Sergeant Douglas. My prayers are with you.
Sergeant Douglas, Thank you for your service to your country, you will be missed but never forgotten, as our Hero's live forever in our hearts.

Summit Co


October 28, 2008

May God lay his healing hand upon the family of Sergeant Douglas and may they know he will never be forgotten. Thank you Sergeant Douglas for your dedicated service to the people of Oklahoma and the United States.

James Sheppard
Father of Jason L. Sheppard EOW 12/7/06

October 17, 2008

Dear Family, Friends, and Co-Workers of Sergeant Robert Douglas,

We are so sorry to here about your tragic loss of Sergeant Robert Douglas. Our thoughts and prayers go out to you in support during this very difficult time. We know that sometimes there is little comfort that comes from words. Keep focused as you can on the memories and joyous times for these things may bring you comfort. Rely heavily on family, friends, and other law enforcement for support. Honor your fallen loved one, for their sacrifice will not be forgotten. Sergeant Robert Douglas is a hero.


Alissa Scott
Widow of Beryl Wayne Scott
E.O.W. 09-10-02

Lisa Schultz
Widow of Don Schultz
E.O.W. 05-12-04

Co-Founders of Survivor Help Network


October 16, 2008

My thoughts and prayers are with you. Rest Easy.

Cindy, Arkansas
Sister of slain Officer Randy Basnett, EOW 9-24-1976

October 15, 2008

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