Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Trooper James Scott Burns

Texas Department of Public Safety - Texas Highway Patrol, Texas

End of Watch Tuesday, April 29, 2008

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Reflections for Trooper James Scott Burns

How ironic that when I looked at this site today, the most recent post I saw was from Kristy and Brandon Crow. That just goes to show you how much Scott was loved and what a tight group of people we were back in the 90s at Telford Unit. I think of Scott very often, and wonder how something this horrific could have happened to him. On this day before Thanksgiving, I give thanks for all the law enforcement officers out there who put their lives on the line every day to keep us safe - and I send my prayers to Scott's entire family during this holiday season that will, once again, be very sad.

Celeste Lunceford Havis
Former friend/colleague; sister of Scott's DPS FTO

November 25, 2009

Its almost been a year and a half since that dreadful night .. I just hope to keep your memory strong .. so from time to time I look at this site, hopeing that other people too, contiunue to leave messages, so your memory will never fade... Your daughter needs to know how many friends you had, and how good of a man that you were ! We all miss you Beedie ... Thanks for all the great memories !

Kristy & Brandon Crow

September 20, 2009

I was honored last weekend to wear the name of Trooper James Scott Burns in the National Police Week 2009 5K run (sponsored by Concerns of Police Survivors) in Washington, DC. The race, which circled the Capitol Building, was my first race ever, and wearing his name gave me great pride as well as strong motivation to do well.


Peter Piazza
ASIS International

May 18, 2009

Trooper Burns, It will truly be an honor to ride for you in the 2009 Police Unity Tour. Rest in peace and Godspeed.

Ptl. Robert Stober
Branchburg Police Department (NJ)

May 7, 2009

Your heroism and service is honored today, the first anniversary of your death. Your memory lives and you continue to inspire. Thank you for your service. My cherished son Larry Lasater was a fellow police officer who was murdered in the line of duty on April 24, 2005 while serving as a Pittsburg, CA police officer.

Time never diminishes respect. Your memory will always be honored and revered.

Rest In Peace.

Phyllis Loya


April 29, 2009

Scott, Michaela and Micah you are always in my thoughts and prayers.


April 29, 2009

To Trooper James Scott Burns, his family and his fellow officers with the Texas Department of Public Safety-Texas Highway Patrol:

Our heartfelt thoughts are with you on the anniversary of Trooper Burns’s tragic death and we honor him for his valor and sacrifice to the community. Rest in Peace, Trooper Burns and thank you for your service.

Wives Behind The Badge, Inc.
Members & Staff

April 29, 2009

I Just wanted to let the family know we are still think of him and missing him as a friend even though it has been a year now since he left us. We will keep your memory strong... You are and always will be missed Beedie ...
Kristy & Brandon Crow

Kristy Crow

April 18, 2009

To the family of Trooper Burns,

My name is Mike Dilmore and I will be riding my bicycle in the Police Unity Tour this May to raise awareness of officer killed in the line of duty and the National Law Enforcement Officer's Memorial. I wanted to tell you that I will be riding the 250 miles to Washington DC in honor of Trooper Burns. I did not know Trooper Burns, but I appreciate and respect the sacrifice he made in the line of duty. I will be wearing a bracelet with his name on it during the ride, and would love to be able to meet you and present that bracelet to you at the Candlelight Vigil on May 13, 2009. Please feel free to contact me.

God Bless you and your family,

Inv. Mike Dilmore
Tallahassee Police Department (Florida)

April 16, 2009

Never a day goes by when we all reflect on our brothers and sisters in law enforcement who have passed on in the line of duty. Even though we have never met we all are a part of our fabric.

We are one big uniform that never ends we all put our lives on the line for persons whom we may never know but there is one thing that can never break us apart we are family. And our badges link us together.

May you rest in Peace and God Bless your family and our
brothers and sisters of the Texas Highway Patrol.

Vince Iello
NYPD Retired

March 5, 2009

may god bless you and your loved ones. May he give them the strength to carry on. You are never forgotten. Rest in peace, hero!

Friend of Off. Kris Fairbanks 9-20-08


February 27, 2009

To the family of Trooper Burns, as I watched the events of April 29th 2008 unfold, my heart hurt for you. Though I never had the pleasure of meeting Trooper Burns in person, I had heard of him. I just wanted to take a moment to say "Thank You" for all he did during his 5 years of service. We don't often think about the sacrifices an officer and their families make everyday to serve and protect us, until something like this happens. It's been close to a year now since that tragic night, but rest assured he is not forgotten. Everytime I drive down 729, I think of you all and hope you are doing okay. You are still in many thoughts and prayers, and one can only hope you have found some comfort in knowing Trooper Burns left this world a Hero. May he rest in peace and may you have peace in knowing, he made a difference in this world by being the man, son, husband, daddy, friend and officer that he was and will always be remembered for. God Bless you all.

Citizen of Harrison County, Texas

February 23, 2009

The story of Trooper Burns death was heartbreaking. Although I did not know him personally, I know several people who did and they all said what a great person, husband and trooper he was. To his wife and family, just wanted you to know that he is not forgotten and I am still praying for you during what I'm sure is a difficult holiday season.


November 29, 2008

I only met you once but you were a really awesome guy!
I really hope to see you seen in fact i will see you really really soon!

friend of the family

October 16, 2008

Rest in Peace Trooper Burns....

Deputy Christopher French
Wharton County Sheriffs Office, Wharton Texas

September 30, 2008

To the family and friends of Trooper James Scott Burns and the members of the Texas Highway Patrol, and most especially to Trooper Burns:

On behalf of my family, I extend our sincerest condolences on the grievous loss you suffered when Trooper Burns was tragically killed.

To Trooper Burns' family, my heart goes out to all of you and may you find comfort in your loved ones and your strength in your faith. When my son was killed, the entire law enforcement community in the Bay Area embraced us in a circle of love and support, and I know you will receive the same support. It makes the unbearable less torturous, and I pray for your solace.

This reflection is sent with the utmost respect for the service Trooper Burns gave to his community and the citizens of Texas, and for the supreme sacrifice he and his family made on April 29, 2008

Phyllis Loya, mother of fallen officer Larry Lasater, Pittsburg PD (CA), eow 4/24/05

Phyllis Loya
mother of Officer Larry Lasater, eow 4/24/05

September 25, 2008

Hey Trp. Burns, we never met but part of me died inside when i saw on the news that you had been called home to God. I'm goin' to be a Texas State Trooper when i get old enough. I'm only 14 now. I honor you for what you did. There should be more people like you. My thoughts are with your family. Hopefully there won't be a 84th TXDPS Trooper to be called home. Rest in peace brother. Semper Fi

Trent Welborn

August 24, 2008

To those who loved Trooper Burns, my heart goes to you all. Know that you're not alone in this journey you walk. I lost my fiance in the line of duty January 2003 and my world was forever changed. It's been a long hard road, and even as time as gone forward, and I've found many reasons and ways to smile, I still have not forgotten the man that he was. Dennis was a beautiful person and he forever has a part of my heart, just as I'm sure Scott will always be a part of yours.

It takes a special person to put their lives on the line everyday to make this world a little safer for us all. I know many of these men never would've thought of themselves as "heroes" but they were in so many ways. It's sad that it they had to lose their lives for some of us to see that. Having said that, thank you Trooper Burns for helping to make this world a better place. You will not be forgotten here in Winnipeg. I know this isn't a very manly thing to do, but if you happen to run into Dennis up there, please give him a big hug for the kids and I. Dennis was a good man and we miss him more than words can say.

Wishing those who loved you brighter and better days,


"Forever Remembering 26-3"

Jocelyne Brar (Winnipeg, MB Canada)
Fiancee of Deputy Dennis Ray McElderry (EOW: 01/03/03)

August 3, 2008


Grand Prairie Police Department

July 18, 2008

You were just featured on AMWs In The Line of Duty segment and I came here to read more about you. Look over us from the big precinct in the sky and we have the watch down here. RIP Brother!

Aaron Zevgolis

July 12, 2008


I met your parents today. What a great day for me. You need to know, we will do everything we can to help with the healing of Ronnie & Judy. Also, please know, you will never be forgotten. Thank you sir for your commiment and sacrifice. Walk proud on the golden streets and know your brothers & sisters have the watch down here. When you see Shane, give him our love. Rest in Peace Brother.

1st Vice President GH C.O.P.S.
Father of Shane Bennett E.O.W. 6-12-02

July 9, 2008

Our heartfelt sympathy goes out to the Texas Highway Patrol. May peace be with you during this tragic time. We grieve with you and know that your Hero will never be forgotten. To Trooper Burns' family, our thoughts and prayers are with you.

The CSPD Wives Association
Colorado Springs Police Department

June 23, 2008

Great guy with a smile on his face all the time. Went 4-wheeler riding a few times on some late night trails. Meet his wife and baby and I know he will always be watching over them. You will not be forgotten.
Godspeed my friend.

Sgt David Rumsey
Atlanta Police Department

June 19, 2008

"The Final Inspection"

The policeman stood and faced his God,
Which must always come to pass.
He hoped his shoes were shining.
Just as brightly as his brass.

"Step forward now, policeman.
How shall I deal with you?
Have you always turned the other cheek?
To My church have you been true?"

The policeman squared his shoulders and said,
"No, Lord, I guess I ain't,
Because those of us who carry badges
can't always be a saint.

I've had to work most Sundays,
and at times my talk was rough,
and sometimes I've been violent,
Because the streets are awfully tough.

But I never took a penny,
That wasn't mine to keep....
Though I worked a lot of overtime
When the bills got just too steep.

And I never passed a cry for help,
Though at times I shook with fear.
And sometimes, God forgive me,
I've wept unmanly tears.

I know I don't deserve a place
Among the people here.
They never wanted me around
Except to calm their fear.

If you've a place for me here,
Lord, It needn't be so grand.
I never expected or had too much,
But if you don't.....I'll understand.

There was silence all around the throne
Where the saints had often trod.
As the policeman waited quietly,
For the judgment of his God.

"Step forward now, policeman,
You've borne your burdens well.
Come walk a beat on Heaven's streets,
You've done your time in hell."

Author Unknown

Machelle Brian - Landreneaux

June 6, 2008




May 31, 2008

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