Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Detective Christopher Alexander Ridley

Mount Vernon Police Department, New York

End of Watch Friday, January 25, 2008

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Reflections for Detective Christopher Alexander Ridley

I was in front of the memorial statue of Detective Ridley at White Plains and then I was reading his indemnity case . The mission of the police is protecting the society where are all kind people.
God bless him and his family

Fernando Falconi

June 7, 2024

Continue to forever rest in eternal peace, Chris.

Ret. Lt. Vincent Manzione
Mount Vernon (NY) P.D.

January 25, 2023

Continue to rest in eternal peace, Detective.

On the 13th Anniversary of your LOD Death, 01/25/2008.

It's hard to believe that it's 13 years already, Chris. It seems like only yesterday that you were sitting in the Squad Room with your "brothers and sisters" and listening as I was doing Roll Call. It was an honor to have supervised you and to work with you. The world is a better place because of the time that you were with us. You are truly missed.

Retired Lieutenant Vincent Manzione
Mount Vernon (NY) Police Department

January 24, 2021

From GOD We Come, To GOD We Return!

Thank you Chris for being a great person for the short time I knew you.

WCC Friend

August 20, 2020

I still think about Detective Ridley often ... and still wish very much that he was here with us today. His absence is truly felt.

R.I.P., Chris... One love...

Russell Merritt

September 19, 2019

Rest in peace Detective Ridley.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 8, 2019

See your locker every work day. I remember always how nice of a person you were and how enthusiastic you were to do the job. You are missed and remembered. Patrol the streets of Heaven and be at peace brother.

PO Castelhano

July 18, 2018

Terrible tragedy Detective Ridley. Rest in peace your bravery and honor saved New York citizens.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 17, 2018

Christopher Ridley was a young man that give back to the community. I personally seen him work with the youth at Grace Baptist Church

Jerry Lester
Grace Baptist Church member

July 16, 2018

Not a day passes where we do not think about, reflect on, or remember you Chris. Although you were fairly new to law enforcement, you had a heart of gold and the courage many men wish they had. You inspired me in more ways than you know. Your name and memory will live forever in the Mount Vernon Police Department and the City that you loved and who will always love you. On this 10th year since you were taken from us, we are re-dedicating the street in front of Mount Vernon Police Headquarters in your honor.

"Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends" John 15:13

Shawn D. Harris, Commissioner of Police
City of Mount Vernon Police Department

May 14, 2018

On this your 10th year, rest in perpetual peace. Thank you for your service and sacrifice. Much strength to your family for your loss.

Lieutenant Ray Flores
NYPD (retired)

January 25, 2018

Rest in peace, Christopher Ridley. May God keep you always.

Sgt Edmund Vize
Irvington PD, Irvington, NY

January 25, 2018

Rest In Peace Brother in Blue. Thank you and your family for your sacrifice and service.

Officer Mike Robinson (Ret)
Upland Police Dept. CA

January 25, 2018

You are a hero my brother. So sad to leave this world at such a young age for caring to take action. As tragic as this was, you will be remembered. May God keep you in his hands, and watch over your loving family. All blue lives matter!

N.Y.P.D. Lt. Ray Flores (Ret.)

January 25, 2017

I salute you!!!!

Sgt Paul Nelson
Sleepy Hollow PD

May 17, 2016

What an awful, awful tragedy.

Danielle, Police Captain's Granddaughter

February 16, 2016

Chris, you were a good cop who always represented the Mount Vernon Police Department in a positive manner. You were a role model to our youth and your peers. It was my honor to work in the same squad with you. I think if you often and miss you every day my brother! You made us all PROUD to be your brother in Blue! Never forgotten!

Retired Sergeant Shawn Harris
City of Mount Vernon Police Department

May 10, 2015


I heard about your sacrifice at our 10 year high school reunion in June 2013. It took me a long time to bring myself to this page. On this anniversary, I wanted to leave a note to let you know we are all thinking about you.

Rest in peace, brother.

Special Agent
US Treasury Department - Philadelphia Field Office

January 25, 2015

Recent events brought me to this site and I decided to search your name. People will never know the risks we face when we take action. Heros react, just as you did. Sometimes we win and sometimes we dont, but we still go out there every day and do what other refuse to do. You sir are a hero, you stepped up when other would have chose to hide. You are the definition of what a cop is and does. May god watch over you, and may we all meet again.

Detective Mastrogiorgio #173
Mount Vernon Police Department

December 11, 2014

Chris my heart is with you, I had been an officer with the Mount Vernon Police Dept. as a young police cadet and CSA officer. in 1971 to 1975 then went on the U.S. border patrol and and i am retired after 35 years.but you are always in my heart and prays as we both walked them streets and fought crime and made the city safer.Rest in peace Young police officer Christopher A. Ridley thank you for your service.

lieutenant Alber Randy Cook
U.S. Border Patrol

January 10, 2014

He was such a good person who didn't deserve this. So kind and humble. Someone that always went out of his way to help others. Til this day his phone number stays in my phone list. Just in case this is a dream and he might call me. Only God knows why him. I trust that he was just to good for Earth and he needed Chris home with him. Rest in perfect peace Chris, you will forever be missed


January 25, 2013

I Dont understand how i ended up on this page, but i believe God knows all things and nothing just happens. I was thinking about my brother tonight and began to search the web but i ended up here, I never had the chance to send my deepest sympathy to a well respected officer Ridley and family. I am truly humbled and saddened that a well respected and honored life was taken and ended in such tragedy! I send my love, respect, and comfort to you all. I am sooo sorry for your loss, even though i never met you i walk with you in my heart everyday (officer Ridley) My prayers and love go out to you and family from the deepest part of my heart. R.I.P MAN OF HONOR!!!


October 31, 2012

Chris after hearing about the treyvon story, it made me sad because you are not here. You are truly missed!!!


March 24, 2012

Chris,,Here I am,just finished a day tour. Its 5:10pm on 3/1/12. I honestly have no idea what brought me to this page. I guess i hit the wrong button AGAIN! I just wanted to say that "I miss you greatly my friend still & until" Rest easy Pal. I love & miss you ALWAYS!!!

PO Daniel J. O'Grady

March 1, 2012

Chris, I continue to visit your locker every day and think of how you paid the ultimate sacrifice for 'just doing your job'. You will NEVER be forgotten. Thank you Chris for blessing us with your smile and friendship while you were here.

Sgt. Gregory Addison
Mount Vernon, NY Police Department

January 28, 2012

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