Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer Dayle Weston "Wes" Hardy

Plano Police Department, Texas

End of Watch Saturday, July 7, 2007

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Reflections for Police Officer Dayle Weston "Wes" Hardy

Rest in Peace
My GOD bless all the loved ones and friends and watch over them.

Mark Powell - Exalted Ruler
Plano-Richardson Elk's Lodge # 2485

July 15, 2007

Wes, From the sound of things you were a well respected and loved man. You pulled double duty by being one of Plano's finest, and the volunteering of your time to the Howe Fire department. Even though we never met or worked together you will be missed. God Bless you and your family. Your brothers and sisters in blue have your watch now, and your brothers and sisters in red cover your shift now.

Prosper Texas Fire Rescue

July 15, 2007

Wes, it was a pleasure and honor to know you and work with you these last years. You were always so upbeat and pleasant while being professional; you made my job easier. In person, you always had a big smile or a ready laugh, which reflected on everyone around you. I'll never forget you swinging Ashlee around while dancing at our awards banquet and laughing that big laugh when I told my husband to do the same with me. The love you and Ashlee shared will be reflected in the eyes of your beautiful girls as they grow older and learn more and more how very special their daddy was. They will be proud of the mark you made on Plano Police Dept. and on the lives of everyone you touched.

Now that God has accepted you into His everloving arms, rest in the peace that you will always be remembered by those of us who knew you.

Debbie Panduru
Plano Dispatcher

July 15, 2007

Good bye Wes.... Rest in Peace. God bless your family.

Former Officer

July 15, 2007

I remember when we started here together. I will never forget the fun we had in the academy. I was fortunate enough to be stationed with you again here at 801. I was able to see you and talk to all the time. I feel blessed for having been given that opportunity. You will be missed, but never forgotten. Godspeed Wes.

Michelle Sanders
Plano Police Department

July 14, 2007

Wes, I will always remember when Ashlee first started working in dispatch, and you would send me messages on the MDC's about the HOT NEW BLONDE! I love you Wes, and Ashlee we will always love you and the girls, if there is ever anything I can do for you, I am here for you.
We will never forget you.


Former Plano Dispatcher/Cori Trammell
Durant PD/Bryan County Dispatch/ Friend

July 14, 2007

I have never been more proud to be the wife of an officer than after Officer Hardy's funeral. It was a beautiful ceremony in which he was greatly honored and I think it really paid tribute to all of our police heros. Although I did not know him, I left the church missing him and knowing that the world was a better place because of his impact on so many people.

To Ashlee and the girls, thank you for sharing Wes with all of us and for helping make him into the man that he was. My heart aches for your loss and I am praying for your comfort. He made an impression on so many and will live on in their memories.
To the Plano PD, may God help comfort you as well. You have lost a brother and I know that this is tough. Keep Wes' memory alive by renewing your passion for the job and continuing to serve your community with a kind heart. You are true heros that rarely get the thanks that you deserve. You have an Angel watching over you now - make him proud!

Nicki Pace
Wife of Plano PD Shane Pace

July 14, 2007

May the good Lord comfort this fallen hero and stand watch over his family. May God Bless.

Joe Jewett
Citizen in Fairview, Tx.

July 14, 2007

Motor Officer's Poem

It sounds like thunder far away, but the skies are blue and bright...
And soon they crest the hill nearby, and ride into our sight.
They shake the ground with powerful sound, and they make some hearts beat fast...
They look so proud and noble, like Knights come from the past.

Side by side, they always ride, and seem to move as one...
From early in the morning light, to the setting of the sun.
And children point and wave to them, from cars that pass them by...
And young ones ask their parents, why the men have mirrors for eyes.

They ride the roads, and fight for good, and defend small ones like you...
They ask to ride, and do with pride, and sometimes they are few.
Like men of steel, on Silver Wings, they sparkle in the light...
then with a roar and rumble, they ride out of our sight.

Sometimes when one has fallen, never to ride again...
You can hear the others calling, like thunder on the wind.
Side by side, they slowly ride, and their thunder is a mournful sound...
And the mirrors hide their eyes from us, when teardrops fall to ground.

So if you see one riding, and you look into his face...
You see your reflection in his eyes, you know that you are safe.
For motormen are a special breed, they love to ride the wind...
And when you hear the thunder boom, the fallen ones ride again.

Brandon V.
Former Plano Dispatch & PD

July 14, 2007

Although we never met, I feel as if I know you. I've heard the awesome stories of you. You left an indent on many of hearts and lives, You will be sorely missed Wes... Godspeed. PLEASE look after your fellow Plano Motor Officers.. They can always use an Angel on their side..

Annette~ Dispatcher (friend of ur friend
Bakersfield Ca PD/Porteville Ca Sheriff's Dept

July 14, 2007

Rest in Peace Officer Dayle Weston Hardy. God Bless you and your family and all the members of the Plano Police Department.

Cpl Jean Paul Rochat
Swiss Army, MP Service, Traffic Unit

July 14, 2007

Please know that you and the girls will always be in the thoughts and prayers of all of us at Plano PD. Wes was a very special man. He was an excellent officer, and very good at his job. Everyone that knew him loved him. His personality was second to none. He had a contagious smile that always brightened the mood of whomever he was around. I thank God that Wes was (and will forever be) a member of the Plano Police Department. We are a better department today because of Wes. May God wrap his arms around your family and keep you warm and safe now and always.

Courtney and Jenny Pero

Courtney and Jenny Pero
Plano PD Sergeant and wife

July 13, 2007

No one can fully appreciate the sacrifice that these men and women go through on a daily basis to keep citizens safe until the ultimate sacrifice is reported. God bless this officer and his family. There are no words to describe the loss, no words to show the appreciation for his and his families service, and no words to heal the pain in the hearts for those left behind. Your department, and the officer's family is in our departments thoughts and prayers.

CSO H Barnes
Fontana PD, Fontana CA

July 13, 2007

I will cherish your memory and remember you always Wes.

Alan Hassan #1564
Plano PD

July 13, 2007

Rest in Peace Motorman !! God Bless all !!

Calif Hwy Patrol..Ret.

July 13, 2007

My heart felt sympathy go out to all who knew officer Hardy. Anyone who gives their life to" Protect and Serve"
are true heros!


July 13, 2007

To the family of Officer Dayle Weston (Wes) Hardy,

I am shattered by the senseless loss of another wheel officer. Only God knows the reasons why such things happen. I can only pray for peace and understanding while you struggle with the loss of such a fine son, brother, father and friend.

Motor officers are the best of the best! It takes a special breed of officer to saddle such a motor and take on the challenges associated with such a job. I never had the priviledge of meeting you face to face, but I am sure we will meet once again. For now, continue to keep the streets of Heaven safe...

Officer Michael E. Howell, #1704
Kansas City, Kansas Police Department
Kansas CIty, KS

Master Patrolman I Michael E. Howell
Kansas City Kansas Police Department

July 13, 2007

I hope to someday be as great of an officer as you were. Rest in peace, Officer Hardy.

Police Recruit Hopeful

July 13, 2007

Rest in peace Officer Hardy. My prayers to your loved ones.

Dispatcher-ABQ, NM

July 13, 2007

I had the pleasure of meeting you and talking with you a few times and as everyone else has shared, you always had a smile. Ashlee always had plenty of things to share about you when she worked with us in dispatch and it was apparent how much you loved one another. You will be missed by so many. God Bless and we will see you on the other side.

Plano PSC

July 13, 2007


We miss you. We hope we made you proud yesterday.

Plano Police Honor Guard

July 13, 2007

may god watch over the family of officer hardy. rest in peace brother. you are not forgotten.

joe winterer patrol officer
carlin city police. carlin, nevada

July 13, 2007

I too lost my partner 11/21/03, Motor Officer James O'brien to an on duty crash. I was there moments after it happened understand your loss and my prayers are with his fellow officers, family and extended family. As James would have wanted, we jumped back into the saddle and got back to work. It was hard but that is what he would have done. I am certian that Wes would want the same thing. Temple PD's prayers and thoughts are with you.

Motor Officer J. Fiedler #433
Temple PD

July 13, 2007

I was never fortunate enough to meet Officer Hardy. I did however, meet his fellow officers, while attending the services provided by the City of Plano and the surrounding participating agencies. Our hearts and prayer go out to his wife and twin daughters as well as the rest of his family. He has been called home but not without leaving his mark on this world. A great man, I sure we all will meet, either again or for the first time in the Great Kingdom. I am proud to call this man a brother officer.

God Bless You Officer Hardy!

Officer Bill McMahan
Pasadena Independent School District Police Department

Officer Bill McMahan
Pasadena ISD Police Department

July 13, 2007

I only new you for 7 weeks but you made me felli like we have been firneds for years. I learned alot from you in that 7 weeks. Everything that they said about you today was so true. Great Father, Husband and Friend.

You are a true inspiration to me. God Bless you and Rest in Peace.

John Forsythe
Brother of Fellow officer

July 13, 2007

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