Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer Tara Marie Drummond

Kennesaw Police Department, Georgia

End of Watch Tuesday, September 13, 2005

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Reflections for Police Officer Tara Marie Drummond

Just needed to say that I miss you so very much. I love you girl


July 5, 2007

I will never forget all the fun times that we shared. It seems like just yesterday I was looking across the classroom and smiling at you at the academy. I could sit here and use many words to explain my feelings. All I can say is, I miss you. Please look down and keep us safe. We are trying to make your proud. Heros live forever. Love lasts longer than that. Wish we could have seen that movie together......

From Alabama to Whitesburg, You truly made a difference in our hearts. (Class members will get this)

God bless your family....They are full of strength and determination...

Class member of 219

Someone who remembers you everyday...

June 21, 2007

Here's another anniversary. I know it's no different than any other day. Missing someone is missing someone. For some reason, we assign a different value to "the days" higher than the days we live through every day. My mind tells me these things,,, that it's no different than another,,, but my heart just tells me I miss you. It's 18 months since you were taken away. I've been looking through the pictures to remember cause you've been on my mind all day. Keep dancing.

Missing you tonight

June 12, 2007

It is not how one died that is important, it's how they lived their life that makes a difference. Rest in peace my sister. You have already made a lasting difference in your community. Rest in peace.

Lt. Stephen A. Joy #980
Prince George's County Police Department

June 12, 2007


Your park dedication was Friday. It was nice to see it completed. I have made several trips to the park while it was under construction. The Cobb County Memorial Service was yesterday and it still is surreal to hear you name called. It was hard not to cry when I was escorting Westenberger up to lay the rose for you. I know you were watching and I hope I did you proud as you did all of us when you were on earth. Thank you for your short but dedicated service.


May 20, 2007

We all love you and miss you.


May 19, 2007

Happy Birthday sweetheart. Today would have been your 25th. Your sweet face and your voice is ever present in my heart and my thoughts. I carry my memories of you like precious gems; I share them with those that I trust. I miss you baby.


May 19, 2007

Happy birthday Tara !!!! I really miss you!!!! Lindsey

May 18, 2007

I woke up this morning with you on my mind. I miss you so much!!!!!! I wish that you were here just so I could hear your voice. I love you girl I miss you everyday!!!!

April 20, 2007

Love you and miss you girl


April 14, 2007

I miss you. Love, Michael

M Gloyd

April 14, 2007

18 long months without you girl. I miss you everyday. The other day Avery had a balloon that came off of her arm and went up to the sky. At first she got mad and then a few minutes past and she said "Aunt Sara will get it". There are just so many times when something happens that makes me think of you. Just know we all love you, and no matter how much time passes we will always love you and miss you.


March 13, 2007

T.M.,,,,I'm so proud of you and what you've done. Tara is also. Seeing your signature on the post below with rank and an SO. It's been a tough 18 months, I know for you too.

It's a Tuesday and a 13th. I'll be wearing my pink all day.
I still laugh everytime I think about flip-flops, pedicures, and military boots. Thank you for speaking up. I know you've wanted to for so long and weren't able to.

Today, the 12th has been very strange. There's nothing different about 18 months from 17 or 16, but I've been thinking about 18 months all day Monday.

You go T.M. Keep making T proud and always remember. I know you will.


March 12, 2007

Tara and Family
I have not been able to bring myself to write,but today I felt lead. I just want to say that you have truely touch my life. You are alway on my mind the minute I put on my badge. Your grace and beauty will always be remember. We all miss you more then you will know. Hope you are enjoying your flip-flops. I know why you hate those boots. They are no good for the Love you Girl!!

D/S T.M. Baker
Clayton County Sheriff Office

March 10, 2007

Tara I am missing you so much today!!!! I wish that I could talk to you so bad I miss you and love you so much. you could always make me feel better. I think about you all the time and miss you everyday.....

February 28, 2007


It has now been 17 months since you left us. I think about how you have become a beautilful angel looking down and watching over us. I think of you each and everyday and about all the times that we spent together talking and laughing. I want to thank you for allowing me to be apart of your life and being able to hold onto memories of our friendship. The park is almost finished. I can't wait to see it completed as I know that the park will show a symbol of the beauty of your soul that you shared with so many people while you were here with us. I hope when people come to the park that it will bring friends and famlies closer together as your life had brought new friendships to others. I want the park to become a place for people to come and be able to feel your love shining down on them.

Your Dear Friend

February 27, 2007

You have been om my mind so much lately. Sometimes it seems like you left us yesterday and others it feels like it has been forever. So much has changed since you have been gone. I feel you watch and see all from above so you already know that. I know you have to be so proud of the way your park is turning out. I know your family has put a lot of work on getting it to where it is today.
I love you and miss you...


February 15, 2007

Although I didn't know you, I think of you often. We share the same name. I pray for peace for your family, and I hope you are watching over them.

Tara Marie

Tara Marie

February 13, 2007

17 Months, 13 February. Every 13th is "pink" day. 17 months doesn't sound right. It's so long on a calendar, but so short in memory. We'll dedicate the Park in a few months. It's already so beautiful. So many people pass through there every day. The weekends are unbelievable with the traffic on the trail which never seems to stop. I was looking at the bricks and fountain the other night and a guy pulled up with his Yellow Lab. Obviously my thoughts immediately were Tara and Daisy. The guy walked by and I spoke and put a pat on his dog. I realized how much the Park will mean to everyone. I realized how much it means to us.
Loving you and missing you everyday.

From Home

February 12, 2007

I just wanted you to know that you are always on my mind and heart. You always will be, thats one thing that will never change. You would be so proud of your family. They are first class. Everyday I get into the patrol car i know you ride with me. Love, Michael

Officer M Gloyd

February 5, 2007

16 months of missing you. We all love you so much Tara


January 14, 2007

Tara, It is still hard to believe you are gone. I see someone that reminds me of you so often, We all miss you so much. When we all get together on Halloween it just don't seem the same without you here. You were just a big part of our family.
Love you,
The Arendall's

Pam Arendall

January 5, 2007

You are still in our thoughts and prayers Tara.

Detective Michael Brock
Kennesaw P.D.

January 5, 2007

i love you and miss you.


January 2, 2007

Happy 2007 Sweet Cheeks!


January 1, 2007

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