Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer Owen David Fisher

Flint Police Department, Michigan

End of Watch Saturday, July 16, 2005

Leave a Reflection

Reflections for Police Officer Owen David Fisher

Hey O-
I miss you, man. It'll be 1 year in a couple weeks-doesn't seem possible. But know that your positive spirit lives on in all of us. You are missed and you are loved. Every day.
George Hamo, Flint

George Hamo, Flint

July 1, 2006

Owen, I watched as your parents received your purple heart at the Flint Police awards cermony, you received a standing ovation - very deserving,very moving. I watched your parents as they were returning to their seats holding one another so lovingly with tears in their eyes looking at your medal as they sat. The love your family and friends have for you is so overwhelmingly obvious as I am reading your postings. In the very brief time you had spent in both life and at the department it appeares you have made a diffence in many people's lives, for this you are truly a hero.
The citizens who did there best in assisting you and the other injuried officers that horrific night were also recognized for their heroic actions, they also received a standing ovation - very well deserved.
We must never forget that at anytime we also could be taken from this earth. We must make everyday count, be kind to one another and always try and make a diffence, it only takes one.

Sergeant Richard Besson
Flint Police Department

June 14, 2006

Hi, O,
Well, the memorials are done. They were all fitting and proper, the sort of thing people need and should do to commemorate a loss. Through all that busy-ness, though, I had forgotten how to mourn your leaving, and it took a few days to recover the ability to do so. Sorrow is a solitary thing. I love you and miss you so.
Love you,

David Fisher

June 4, 2006

Its still not real. I still miss you more than ever. There are so many times that I can feel you near me. It could all be my imagination, but thats ok with me. Its comforting nonetheless. So much has been going on, and it drives me crazy that you aren't here for it! I know that Police week will be tough- but I also know that with your family (and you too i'm sure) there, we'll all be fine. You'll always be in my heart, on my mind and in my dreams. Thank you for looking out for me my love...

Amy Jarrous

May 8, 2006

We will be in Washington with honor and respect to hear your name read.

Linda Rittenhouse, Matt's Mom
Matthew Rittenhouse EOW 9/16/04

Linda Rittenhouse

May 8, 2006

Well, we head off to National Police Week in DC on Thursday. I can't explain it, but it seems like it's getting tougher to be here without you. You are missed by everyone. I think about you nonstop and talk to you daily (but I guess you know that). I found a picture that we took of ourselves towards the end of the night on your 21st. birthday--it made think of the good times we've shared. Those reminders are what makes it ok and helps me realize I was blessed to have you in my life as long as I did.

Katie Fisher

May 8, 2006

O Fish- what's up bro?!? It's so weird not having you around still to this day. I was talking about you yesterday to my girl (reliving memories), there were so many! I miss you man, tell Merrick i said hi. Watch over us and i'll see you again someday. I love u bro!

Marcus Fisher- Friend

May 1, 2006

O-Saw some Steel Reserve in the store the other day. Made me smile & laugh remembering all the good times I had with you, Pete, and your boys.
Miss you, brother.

G Hamo

April 27, 2006

'Love you, O.

April 9, 2006

A lot of people die and never help a single person, Owen died trying to help all he could


March 22, 2006

Just thinking about you, missing you, wishing you were here. The usual. I'm trying to be patient, its just not fun nor is it easy.
I love you always,


Amy Jarrous

March 12, 2006

Officer Fisher,

I met you in high school when you were a freshman, and I was a senior, and I have always remembered you You were always smiling and making me laugh. Every time I saw you in the halls I would throw you a head nod. When I found out you were a Police Officer, I felt pride and happiness for you. I remember you as a kid and I will always remember you as a man, of honor and dedication. I am proud to have worn the uniform and badge for Officers like you.




March 10, 2006

The feelings of you actually being gone feel stronger in the last few weeks. I called your phone the other and wished so badly that you would actually answer. It helps to know I'll see you again someday (it's be nicer if you were here, though!). I love you.

Katie, sister

February 28, 2006

Owen - Thank you for your service to the city. I wish I knew you better in school, but I am proud just to be able to say that I went to school with you. You chose a noble profession. You made the ultimate sacrifice while serving those you swore to protect. Thank you for watching over my family and friends back home in the city I grew up in. You will be missed. When I next return home, I'll be over to see you and thank you in person.

To Owens family - I didnt know your son well. I went to high school with him. I never knew he had become a police officer until I learned of his death. I learned of his death when I checked the local news page as I do daily. I didnt realize it was Owen until I checked the yearbook. I'm sorry for your loss. Owen made the ultimate sacrifice. I am often reminded of him. Again, I'm sorry for your loss.
Gwinnett County, GA

Firefighter / Paramedic
Gwinnett County Fire Department

February 24, 2006

I have been thinking about you a lot lately! I keep replaying the last time that I saw you! You were one of the officers responding to a call that I was also at! I remeber you looking up at me and I couldnt believe how much you had changed! I called everyone in amazement that you were an officer and everyone but me had already known that! I know your up there looking down but its not the same as being here! We love and miss you very much!


February 22, 2006

Hey Fish I was just thinking about you. I got into a pretty good fight the other night and I knew you were laugh at me as I was throwing the knee strikes from downtown you liked so much. Miss ya buddy.

Ofc. Banaszak
Sturgis PD

February 22, 2006

Hey O-
Think about you every day. I've had a chance to talk about you more often recently, and it helps. But I'd rather hear your voice, and see your smile. Just thinking about your laugh puts a smile on my face. Know that you are loved, my boy. Give Merrick a hug from me.
George Hamo, Flint

February 19, 2006

Hi my love...
As always, I've been thinking about you and missing you. They say I should try to find a "new normal". I still don't know what that is. I'm working on it though, I know its what you want. I miss you sweetheart. As much today as ever. I know that you are watching over all of us, and in a way, you're sharing every minute with everyone who loves you. Smiling with us, etc. I've just been feeling a little extra selfish lately. I want to SEE that smile O, I want to hear you laugh. I just want you here. Don't worry, no tears. (Lets be honest...maybe a couple, but not too many!) I know we'll be together again someday. Until then, keep on being my perfect gaurdian angel. I love you O.


February 19, 2006

You and Merrick take care of each other up there. I love and miss you both.

Love, Jillian

Jillian Breece

February 17, 2006

I still can't tell north from south.

Officer Dale

February 17, 2006


I came to visit where you lay the other day.
Overhead a hawk scribed lazy circles in the north.
He spiraled south to where I stood over you
And ,like a school child who has the answer,
I silently said, “Make it me. Make it me.”
Silently, so that others would not hear or see.
He spiraled clockwise toward us, a little off:
He’d need to go counterclockwise to hit us,
But still I hoped you’d sent him.
Then suddenly, still lazily scribing, he turned
Counterclockwise, as if to turn back time
And flew overhead. It was me! It was me!
Then I turned counterclockwise to leave.

David Fisher

February 13, 2006

Been thinking a lot about you lately. Your sacrifice for a better Flint keeps me grounded when unimportant things get too important. My thoughts and prayers were with your family this entire holiday season as I'm certain they missed you every second of every day.

Even to this day, I still look to see if you'll walk in to spot me at the Y.


Rey Farah

February 10, 2006

to the family of officer fisher

i am visiting my parents in flushing this week and thoughts of you have been often on my mind. when owens accident occured we were notified immediately by a friend in california. it seemed like we were reliving our precious daniel accident. not a day goes by that we dont miss our precious son, brother and fiancee. we wish we could share with you that you will get through each day, and owen will not be forgotten. our prayers include each of you. hopefully we will meet this year in washington.

to officer fisher

i know it was a job you loved. im sure you and daniel are patrolling the streets of heaven, thank you for being the wonderful man you were.

kathe starks
mother of
officer daniel starks
eow 10/25/03

February 10, 2006

Hey Fisher. Just thinking of you and wanted to leave a message. I'm off the road until June and working in the school as a liason Officer. I thought you would get a kick out of that. We all still talk and think about you from the 65th. My thoughts and prays are with you and your family.

PSO Rieser

February 8, 2006

You've been on my mind a lot lately and it still doesnt seem real that your gone. I know youre up there watchin over all of us, and that makes me feel safer. Miss you.

Kelli Richardson-Friend

February 7, 2006

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