Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer Larry Randolph Cox

Chillicothe Police Department, Ohio

End of Watch Thursday, April 21, 2005

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Reflections for Police Officer Larry Randolph Cox

Wow I can't believe it has been four years. A lot of things have changed but one thing for certain is that you are still missed and thought of everyday. I just asked Eric the other day when the poker run was going to be this year and reminded him that he needed to get on that! Well, just wanted to let you know that you were thought of on the anniversary of your EOW as you are everyday.

Daughter of an Officer

April 22, 2009

Your heroism and service is honored today, the 4th anniversary of your death. Your memory lives and you continue to inspire. Thank you for your service.

Time never diminishes respect. Your memory will always be honored and revered. Rest In Peace.

I hold your family, especially your mother/my dear friend
in my heart's embrace today.

Phyllis Loya

Phyllis Loya
mother of Larry Lasater, eow 4/24/05

April 21, 2009

Not a day goes by that you are not thought of. Thinking of you especially on today. It's been four long years but it seems like only yesterday. Take care and know that you are thought of today and always.

Love Julie

Julie Preston
Chillicothe Police Dept

April 21, 2009

We at Bishop Flaget want to remember Larry on this the 4th anniversary of his death. He was our friend, mentor, playmate and hero. He came to school often for D.A.R.E. and more often to just spend time being a friend. The kids all looked up to him so. But so did I. He had a level head, and a sense of humor that was unique. Larry always went on the Junior High trips and as the students this year head out tomorrow they will remember him.
I remember on the first anniversary of his death the class trip stopped at the Peace Officers Memorial and left a book full of all the memories of each child and many of the faculty. Larry will always be in the hearts of all who knew him and I know he still stands watch over Chillicothe, a community who loves him still.
We salute you Larry and all those who have given their lives to protect us.
Cathy Bonner

Mrs. Cathy Bonner
Bishop Flaget School

April 21, 2009

To Officer Larry Randolph Cox, his family and his fellow officers with the Chillicothe Police Department:

Our heartfelt thoughts are with you on the anniversary of Officer Cox’s tragic death and we honor him for his valor and sacrifice to the community. Rest in Peace, Officer Cox and thank you for your service.

Wives Behind The Badge, Inc.
Members and Staff

April 21, 2009

It's been a long time since I've visted this page, but with the anniversary of Larry's EOW right around the corner and recent events in Oakland and Pittsburgh, I was compelled to visit and remember my friend.

I'm still giving "Hollywood" a hard time!


April 8, 2009

Hello my friend. I was just sitting here listening to E on the scanner. He just sent a unit to check on a small black dog failing to use the sidewalk and running out into traffic. The way he said it was so funny. For some reason you have come up in several conversations lately. Im always thinkin about ya, but I thought that was really odd.

Anyway, I really just wanted to say hi and that I miss you. Talk to ya soon.


March 31, 2009


Thanks so much for your reflection. Our sons did have a lot in common. I know you must be thinking of all the special valentines day you shared with Larry when he was a little boy. Love to you and remembering your precious son with reverence today.

Phyllis Loya

Phyllis Loya
mother of fallen officer Larry Lasater, eow 4/24/05

February 14, 2009

A belated Merry Christmas and a early Happy New Year Bro.


December 28, 2008

Larry my friend, Merry Christmas.


December 25, 2008

Yo Bro
The turkey trot went well with alot more people than last year. Gave thanks for just knowing you and for the time you spent with us. Christmas is just around the corner and it will be another day of giving thanks to God like everyday is. Everyone seems to be doing just fine but we all miss you so much. The count down has begun and will be just a blink of an eye until I'm outta here. The years have gone by so quickly and it seems so weird to think that we are the old guys now. Guess your only as old has you want to be.
Keep an eye on everyone and we'll see ya soon.


November 29, 2008

Well, here we are again. The holidays right around the corner. You know I havent put my Christmas tree up since you left? I guess I just lost interest. Please keep an eye out for all of us that still miss you so very much and help us to make it through the holiday season safely. I know you will, but I just feel better by asking you.

Looks like I am moving jobs AGAIN. Man, I just cant find a place to light. Im going back to Jackson. I know, I sound like Johnny Cash. I cant tell you how many people have told me that. Although, I admit I do like that song.

I know you can see my new blue light that I put up outside my front door. Man, I can see that thing from probably 2 miles or so. Its really bright. I have a lot of neighbors that ask me what it means. I cant tell you how much I love to tell them what the "blue" stands for. Besides, I get to brag a little on you too. So that always makes me smile a little more.

Anyway, I hope you are enjoying your time up there. I can only imagine how grand it truly is. I can see you running on the golden highway and passing everyone. You mind your manners and dont pass them too fast. Make them think they can keep up with you running....we all know that nobody can.

Love Ya.


November 20, 2008

Hey Bro
Spoke at a Law Enforcement Appreciation service at Jefferson Ave about my salvation and sang. God got me through it. They had a video that played during the service and at the end of it was a picture of you and Lawrence Barnes. We had a moment of silence for both of you. It was a really great service and just brought to mind of how much you are missed. Things going well and the boy is doing great. Still keeping an eye on the houses and family. Miss ya bro.


October 20, 2008

I just wanted to say hi. I have had you on my mind a lot lately. I wonder if you are trying to tell me something?

I miss you so very much. I still cry everytime I look at your picture. I cant believe that I can only talk to you on a computer. I would love to hear your laugh and see you throw your head back one more time. Love Ya.


September 3, 2008

I was just reading through all your reflections again like times I have before and it reminded me of something I thought I would share with you. On the first anniversary of your death I was in Washington D.C. and visited the Law Enforcement Memorial there. The men were there engraving the names that would be added that year. I looked up to see where your name would be and it wasn't there yet. As I walked around the wall I came to the place the engravers were at. They asked me if they could help me find a name. I explained to them that I had already found where your name would be added but it was on the other side of the memorial. They had a notebook with them and looked up your name. I was so impressed to find out that not only did they have the list of names but they had the story behind those names. They were not there just to add names to a wall but to honor the names they were adding. They told me they were the ones who had add all the names to the wall. Just thought that you would like to know that your name was added with honor and respect just like all of the other heros that have been etched into the wall. You are thought about and missed still everyday by so many. That was evident at the poker run this year. It just keeps growing! And thank you for a beautiful day this year! Rest in Peace Brother.

daughter of an officer

July 27, 2008

Hey Bro
Had a awsome day on Saturday. Bigger crowd than last year and everything went great. God was so good to us. Teresa seemed to enjoy herself and Ev won the moped. Miss Ya.


July 15, 2008

Hi. I just wanted to wish you a Happy Father's Day up there. I still think about you every day and wonder what you would be doing if you were here with us still?

Anyway, I just wanted to say Hi and I miss you so very much.


June 15, 2008

Happy Fathers Day Brother
Just thinking about you and the boy. He's a awsome young man and reminds me so much of you, wonder why. Miss Ya.


June 15, 2008

Larry it has been just over 3 years since you went to walk the streets in Heaven. A lot has changed since that day good and bad, but one thing is for certain you are still thought of everyday. I now work at the LEC and know that there are many reminders of you there. Some of your brothers and sisters still wear your memorial braceletts. Just wanted to thank you once again for your sacrifice and let you know that you are not forgotten. Your family and friends are in my prays during this time and always.

Daughter of an officer

April 26, 2008

I last left a message three years ago and talked about the times when we worked out together in the YMCA from 1996-1999. Today, a friend of my wife whose first name was "Larry" passed away. Like you, he was a man who gave everything of himself to his community and showed true kindness and caring towards people. This Larry was a university professor who struggled with kidney failure for 19 years, yet did significant research to find a cure for cancer. Larry, it is people like you and him, the true "heros" of this world, that make life better for us all. My thoughts are with you as you look down upon this earth from heaven.

Eric K Fisher
Friend, Used To Live in Chillicothe

April 25, 2008


It's hard to believe that you were taken from us 3 years ago.Sometimes it seems longer then other times it seems like just yesterday. I think of you often.Monday I was at your grave site to put stuff on and I also had a little chat with you. You are still thought of and missed dearly.
I also visited Chris Payne's grave. I remember how you
was there for Jeremy and helped him through his brother's death. That was just how you were. You was there for the kids and tried hard to help them.
You was truely a kind and caring person and even though
you are with God and the angels I hope that you will watch over the kids. There is so much evil going on.
Well,I hadn't been on here for a while but I wanted to let you know that I will never forget that horrible night that you were taken by that scum. And I will always remember you.

your friend,
Sandy Mowrey

to pray for the kids.

Sandy Mowrey

April 22, 2008

R.I.P. Officer Cox, you will never be forgotten.

Deputy M. Reed
EPSO (Coloardo)

April 21, 2008

Tomorrow, it will have been 3 years since I last heard your voice, saw your face and was warmed by your smile. I remember all those things as if they happened yesterday. I still miss you my dear friend and always will. Memories of the past and knowing that we will someday meet again are what keep us moving into the future. Till then Larry, Rest in Peace.


April 20, 2008

Another year has gone by and we will gather together again to remember you as if anyone of us can forget you. Remembering your laugh, your smile and just the good natured person that you are. I say "are" because although you are not here with us physically you are always with us in spirit. We all miss the physical person not being here with us but are warmed by the spirit that lingers.There are not many days that go by that you do not hear a story about you or a memory of you doing something funny doesn't come to mind. Time seems to fly by but on the other hand stands still. Your family is amazing with the strenght they show and love they give to whom ever cross their path. I talked to your Mom Friday just to let her know what time and where and she is so very strong in her faith in God and knowing that God has a plan for us all and we just have to do is be patient and wait to see what the Lord has in store for us. If we stayed focused on him it is all good.
Just wanted to say I miss you and look forwarded to seeing you again one day and walking the streets of heaven with you and the rest who have went on to meet the Father.
God Bless you Brother.
Love Ya.


April 20, 2008

Officer Cox,
Its been three years since you've left us. I know for me it has been hard. I miss being able to talk to you about my personal problems. Now that you're gone i can't even tell you in person. I know have a child on the way and I wish you were here for him/her to meet you. I know my child would have liked you as much as I did. You taught me a lot Officer Cox. I miss you..


April 17, 2008

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