Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Game Warden Wesley Warren Wagstaff

Texas Parks and Wildlife Department - Law Enforcement Division, Texas

End of Watch Tuesday, August 5, 2003

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Reflections for Game Warden Wesley Warren Wagstaff

Another brother lost, but an angel gained. Rest in peace brother. Condolences to the family, friends, and fellow officers.

Officer Doug Cruz
Florida Park Patrol (DEP POLICE)

God bless, brother. Not long enough, yet, more than enough to love. Rest easy, hero.

Deputy M. Moore
Warren County S.O. (OH)

Although I never had the pleasure of meeting Wesley Wagstaff, I feel that I know him by reading the tributes to him in this forum. My partner and I work very closely with the Texas Game Wardens in our area, along with the Refuge Officers of the US Fish and Wildlife Service (Federal Game Wardens). In 20 years of law-enforcement, I have never worked with folks more dedicated to their jobs. The ones who get into the business for the wrong reasons simply don't last! The length of time Wesley had on the job means that he was good at it and loved what he did. He will be missed.

Sgt Howard L. Hawbaker
Hidalgo Co (TX) Sheriff's Department

My thoughts and prayers are with the family and co-workers of this fine officer. May the coming days grow to be more peaceful for you.

Captain Scott Wright
Mount Holly Police Department, NC

As a friend and a co-worker I know that Wesley is looking down on us and telling us that every thing will be all right. Welsey was a true professional who was decidated to his job and family. He is missed. I want to thank evryone for their comments and prayers, it means a lot to Elena and Kyle as they check this site daily.

Garry K. Collins - Captain
Texas Parks and Wildlife

My prayers and deepest condolences are with your Department, and especially
with the friends and family of your fallen hero.
Stay strong, stay focused, and know that Game Warden Wesley Wagstaff will never be forgotten.
Mike Bradford; Tallahassee Police Dept., Ret.

Invest. Mike Bradford-Ret
Tallahassee Police Dept

Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God, Matthew 5:9. Rest in peace brother, you did your duty now you patrol a beat on heavens streets.

Officer Steven E. Gau
Miamisburg Police Dept.

Rest in peace Brother Wesley, you will not be forgotten.

Son of G. Truman Wortham EOW 7/15/73

Assistant Chief Carl Wortham
Sand Springs PD OK

Condolences and blessings to the family,friends,and co-workers of Game Warden Wesley Wagstaff. My God be by your sides during these difficult times. Rest assured he is in a much better place.

God Bless

Patrol Ofc R.Gomez
Pinecrest Police Department

It's always hard to read about the loss of a brother or sister thats an LEO, but it is especially tough when it's a fellow Game Warden. To Warden Wagstaff's family and co-workers, know that you are in our hearts and prayers that God may give you comfort and peace. Speaking on behalf of the officers in my unit we salute Warden Wagstaff, may you rest in peace brother.

Warden B. J. Davis
Davidson Co. Sheriff Lake Patrol Unit

Wesley was great outdoorsman and a truly good man. I have talked to many people who met him through his job and they all say the same thing "It was a terrible loss to the job and to the area." He left behind a son that he was very proud of. He was a very dedicated family man. Nothing gave him more pleasure than that of watching his son grow up. I finally had the pleasure of meeting his wife and son yesterday. I felt as though I already knew them from how he talked about them. Wesley was a fine man and officer and I wish more people had the opportunity to get to know him. I will truly miss seeing him around the office and sharing fishing stories with him. My deepest sympathies go out to his family, co-workers and friends, for we shall all miss him greatly. UNIT 4208 is 10-41 (in service) in Heaven.

Captain Coy Collins
Hardin County Sheriff's Office

To the family of Game Warden Wesley Wagstaff our prayers are with you. May you always know you have your Game Warden Family to lean on in your time of need. God Bless You.

Teri Champlin
Wife of Game Warden Billy Champlin


I am sitting here at my desk, feeling vacant and empty inside. Side by side I worked with you. Your smile your wit often gave me relief from my duties. That’s where I will hold you my brother in my heart. My thoughts and prayers are with Your wife, son, and family. We are here for them Wes. Watch over us my brother from on high. 4208 Hardin County……..10-42.

Detective Dan Sanderson
Hardin County Sheriff's Office

To the family, friends and co-workers of Game Warden Wagstaff,
I am so sad to read of your loss. My heart crys for those who miss him, I have been there, and I know how bad it hurts!! No words can take away the pain, but know that you are in my prayers. Lean on God and eachother. Live each day to the fullest, for tomorrow is not promised.
I wish you peace in this difficult time.
Kristi Robinson
Girlfriend of Officer Steve Linen
CA Highway Patrol
EOW 8/12/01

Kristi Robinson
Survivor 2001

Rest in peace my brother warden. Your bluebadge brothers and sisters in the field will continue the dedicated work for which we are proud to do- protecting the natural resources of our great state.

Game Warden Ray Spears
Texas Parks & Wildlife Department-Brewster County

May God Bless and comfort your family, friends and co workers. Know that those of us that have walked this path are praying for you and are here to help in any way we can.
Our thoughts and prayers for the days and weeks ahead as you face the future without your loved one.

Stephanie Hires Duplantis
surviving spouse 3-6-1993

Stephanie Hires Duplantis
Metroplex Chapter COPS

Well its hard to find something to say here. As the first unit to arrive at your accident I am still in disbelief it was you involved. Always a plotter and a thinker you were always one step ahead of those you were after and did everything by the book. Always a kind and soft spoken person whom it was a pleasure to talk too and as I will miss that I know everyone who knew you feels the same. Your family is in my thoughts and prayers during this truly heartbreaking time. Wes, you will be dearly missed but what a great impression you left on those who knew you. Until we meet again friend, goodbye.

Deputy Cory LeBlanc
Hardin County Sheriff's Dept.

My fiance, Dennis McElderry, was the first law enforcement casualty of 2003. Dennis died doing a job he loved, just as I'm sure Wesley did. It saddens me to know that Dennis was not the first to die in the line of duty, nor will he and Wesley be the be the last to die this way.

Having gone through the pain of losing Dennis I can truly understand and feel the pain that Game Warden Wagstaff's family, friends, and co-workers must be feeling. My heart goes out to you all, especially to his wife. No one can truly understand the pain of our loss until they've walked in our shoes. I wish I could give you a few words of wisdom to help you through this tough time, but there isn't anything I can really say or do to make the situation better. Just know that my thoughts are with you.

Please accept my condolences on behalf of the McElderry family and remember that Wesley is part of huge law enforcement family. If you ever need anything any number of them will be there for you (as I've quickly found out!) From reading the many reflections posted here, I am certain Wesley was well respected and well loved. Thank you for a job well done and for helping to make this world a safer place for us all. Please take care of my fiance Dennis.

Peace, Love, Luck, and Happiness!

Jocelyne Brar (Drakesville, IA)
Fiancee of Deputy Dennis McElderry - EOW (01/03/03)





We are sorry for your lose. Rest in peace.

private citizen

Dear Warrior, I'm sadened to know that we have lost another officer in the line of duty. But, you did what you do because you chose it. You chose to walk the thin blue line between warrior and servant and we are grateful for your sacrifice. May God provide your family with swift closure in their loss, and to yourself, swift winds to your next assignment in heaven, as you walk those streets under his command. A huge reward is awaiting you. In the meantime, please watch over us and the remaining peace officers that will continue the watch in your absence. Goodnight sir.

Concerned Military Member

It seems so unreal that you are gone. I just spent three days sitting at a booth across from you at a hunting show. As I am writing this, my husband is at your funeral. Please know that your wife and son will be taken care of by your fellow officers and their families. I know that you are standing watch above and heaven is a better place with you there.

Tammie Harrison Lang
wife of Deputy JD Lang, Jefferson Co. SO, Beaumont, TX

Rest in peace brother. Your untimely death is a tragedy. You will be missed but not forgotten. God bless.


God's Blessings be upon you and your loved ones. Your sacrifice will not be forgotten.

Sr. Trooper Keith Miller
Oregon State Police

My prayers are with the Wagstaff family and the fellow officers in TPW. God Speed.

Sgt Darin Clifton
Alabama DCNR Enforcement

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