Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer Chris Edward Clites

Columbus Division of Police, Ohio

End of Watch Friday, December 10, 1993

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Reflections for Police Officer Chris Edward Clites

You are remembered today and thank you Sir for your service. You are a hero by the profession you chose and regardless of what disgraceful things are done, no one can take the respect, and admiration that is bestowed to you.

Pat Van Den Berghe, Manchester, NH
Neighbors for a Better Manchester, NH

December 6, 2007

Chris, I can not believe it is coming up on 14 years, I miss you and think about you daily, I have put your initials and badge number on every piece of paperwork I have ever done since that day, knowing you are always with me. Thank you for being a great friend and a hard charger!
You are talked about among all of us and your stories are told often, you live within all of us,watch over us and keep us safe! LOVE YOU Chuck

PO Charles Distelhorst #1496
Columbus PD Friend

November 23, 2007

Rest In Peace

We continue the fight for you brother and you are not forgotten by your department we honor you daily by wearing the uniform proudly and remembering the fallen brothers and sisters that came before us

detective scott alexander
columbus division of police

July 24, 2007

I was up early getting ready for work while watching Channel 10 Columbus news when I learned of your death. We never met but your death stuck in my head for many years. I got bored today and got on the laptop and just happened to this website where I purposefully looked up your name to see what you looked like. I prayed for many years that you are resting in the peace that you justly deserve. Perhaps you watched over and protected me during some on-duty close calls that I had so that I could make it to retirement. Thank you.

Officer Mike DeVita (retired)
Lima Police

July 22, 2007


I know with all of my heart that you were waiting for Cameron's arrival. Thank you for being there in Heaven with your arms open comforting Cam. I now have to bear the loss of two great brothers. This saddens Mom and I so much. Our family has been through a lot, but we stand firm on accepting salvation and being given eternal life. Through our Lord Jesus Christ we will see you again one day. We miss you at each new sunrise.


Your little sister - Carrie. :)

Carrie Clites

July 7, 2007

I just came across a bumper sticker that was done after you passed away. It was to encourage citizen support for police officers. I started thinking about you and the impact your death, along with the many other officers in Central Ohio have made on our law enforcement families. I 'm going to do another bumper sticker and start getting the message back out to the citizens on how dangerous our job is.. You didn't die in vain, I will always remember you as a HERO!

President Jim Gilbert (CPD)
FOP Capital City #9, Columbus, OHIO

June 11, 2007

Stopped by to see ya on your 40th birthday this week, hard to believe that it's coming up on 14years since you were taken from us. Many of your brothers and sisters are gathering in Washington D.C. this week to send prayers up your way. Thankyou for keeping an eye out as we continue to carry the blue torch. I'll do my best not to let you down. #1557

Police Officer Bret Bodell #1557
Columbus Div. Of Police [Friend]

May 15, 2007

wow i dont know what to say, from what i heard you were a great person and im so sorry i dident get to know you more. you were my uncle and i was only one when you died.i wish you were still around so i could get to know you because you were a great person

love, sarah

sarah snyder
he was my uncle

April 29, 2007

Happy New Year Chris!


January 1, 2007

Be alert to give service. What counts a great deal in life is what we do for others. -Anonymous

You will never be forgotten, continue to watch over and thank you for your service.

Detective James Shockey
Columbus Division of Police

December 10, 2006

Today is the thirteenth anniversary of Chris' ultimate sacrifice. All of us who remain have the moral mandate - we must never allow Chris' sacrifice to be forgotten! We now carry the torch Chris has passed, and continue to help others who cannot help themselves, just like Chris did in his brief lifetime both in and out of uniform. To all who visit this wonderful memoriam, Chris has a wonderful, loving family who misses him more than words can describe.

I pray that when my children are seventy and when their children are seventy that there are men and women EXACTLY like Chris who are willing to put the good people of the community behind them and protect them with their own life, without hesitation. Words are poor instruments to describe the substantive impact Chris had on the lives of others - people Chris never even met.

Chris we know you are now 'walking the beat' in heaven because the Lord has said that we will all be judged by what we have done [Matthew 16:27]. You were judged by what you did and today, like all days, WE MUST NEVER FORGET!

Lt. Bob Meader
77th Recruit Class Columbus Police

December 10, 2006


Officer Jim Gilbert

December 9, 2006

It seems like only yesterday, you brought home that beautiful brand new corvette, I thought you might wash the paint off of it, you washed it so much. My kids would watch you from the door of our home next door. Well, thats when I realize even though it has been so long, you remain so close to our hearts. My kids are almost grown, but we will never forget you. You are a true hero and will always be remembered as one. -Kim, Brecken and Micah

Kim Masi (Sickles)

September 4, 2006

Keep watching over us from aove... you are never forgotten!!!

Officer Jim Gilbert

June 21, 2006

A hero truly does live forever, in the thoughts and prayers of your family and friends, and through the everyday deeds of your brothers and sisters that wear the badge with honor. You are one of those heroes.

Fellow L.E.O.

January 22, 2006

Merry Christmas...Keep us safe from up in Heaven..

Officer Jim Gilbert

December 24, 2005

12years have past since we've lost you brother, at times it seems like yesterday. We continue the fight, good against evil everyday. I know your watching over us, your soul can be felt from time to time. Sometimes when I'm standing alone a tear or two may fall as I remember just how great of a Police officer and person you were. Our memory of you will never be forgotten, and the rookies will always know your story. It was the greatest pleasure to serve with you, so many new Officer's wish they would of known you. As the world changes, many more challanges are given to the law enforcement family and I know you are looking down and looking out for us. We miss you brother and always will.. 1557

Columbus Div. of Police

December 5, 2005

Dear Chris,
Radio made an announcement at the moment you passed away in the hospital. At the time, I was on some BS paper run down on 13 precinct. Like so many others on duty that fateful day, I had to go out to my as to hide my tears from the public. So many thoughts whirled through my head. You had recently returned from a dream honeymoon with your beautiful excelled as a frontline were so very had just begun a very new and exciting life.
I was beside myself when I read the footnote to your memorial on this a person or persons have defaced your gravesite on several occasions. It never ceases to amaze me, the number of bottom feeders we have in this the one who took your life away. Or the ones who stepped outside of their government subsidized homes near the crime scene, chanting their hate speech at the police.
You are a true hero. I salute you for your courage. Sleep well my brother.

Retired P.O. Dan Cockerham
Columbus Div. of Police

November 18, 2005

"Who You’d Be Today"

Sunny days seem to hurt the most
I wear the pain like a heavy coat
I feel you everywhere I go
I see your smile
I see your face
I hear you laughing in the rain
I still can’t believe you’re gone
It aint fair you died too young
Like the story that had just begun
But death tore the pages all away
God knows how I miss you
All the hell that I’ve been through
Just knowing no one could take your place
Sometimes I wonder who you’d be today
Would you see the world?
Would you chase your dreams?
Settle down with a family
I wonder what would you name your babies
Some days the sky’s so blue
I feel like I can talk to you
I know it might sound crazy
It aint fair you died too young
Like a story that had just begun
But death tore the pages all away
God knows how I miss you
All the hell that I’ve been through
Just knowing no one could take your place
Sometimes I wonder who you’d be today
Today (repeats 5 more times)
Sunny days seem to hurt the most
I wear the pain like a heavy coat
The only thing that gives me hope
Is I know I’ll see you again some day
Some day
Some day

October 21, 2005

this is the first time i have ever had the nerve to write but here it is i was 16 years old when officer clites got shot the events that surrounded the situation inspired me so much it was like a calling into law enforcement and im proud to say i listened to it always know officers never die in vain for there is always an inspiration god bless and continue to do so officer clites family and loved ones

October 21, 2005

Chris, I came on years after your death and never had the honor of meeting you. From hearing the stories and reading the facts of the incident that took your life, there is no doubt that you are a hero and a legend. Your closest friends are the most respected men on the division. Rest in peace and take care of our other brothers and sisters.

Officer J. Ashenhurst #1204
Columbus (Ohio) Police

May 31, 2005

Chris, I want to let you know that you were a great person and friend through through high school and the years when I returned from the Marine Corps.

You are still in my Prayers daily.

God bless,

February 14, 2005

Chris: I only knew you for a short time. The times we spent in the cruiser as partners on my days off my regular job are times I will remember for the rest of my life.
If and when I become a full time officer, you will be my role model that I will try my best to follow.

Rest my friend for when we all dance in the streets above there will be no crime-only celebrations with our Father above. God has a special resort for those who have shepherd is flock on His earth.

I see your brother on a regular basis and he too is a Clites through and through, a hero to his family.

Thanks for making Columbus a better place !

Your friend,

Larry P. Bush

Former CPD Reserve Officer

January 28, 2005



January 14, 2005

I only knew you in Elementary school when I moved from Columbus, but I'll never forget the day I heard the news on the radio. Even though I only knew you a couple of years and it was at a very young age I still think about you and your family.

Mark Paxton

January 4, 2005

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