Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Special Agent Benjamin P. Grogan

United States Department of Justice - Federal Bureau of Investigation, U.S. Government

End of Watch Friday, April 11, 1986

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Reflections for Special Agent Benjamin P. Grogan

I am right now watching In the line of duty as I have for the past few weeks, I would like to say that it is truly very sad to me that these brave soldiers Agent Grogan and Agent Dove of the FBI lost their lives to those demented demons whom relished in harming innocent people , I watch this movie and find myself trying to change the outcome, screaming duck , get behind that car , watch this and that , where are you machine guns and so on , praying that everyone comes out on top and even wishing I was there to somehow help , however on April 11 , 1986 , I too had to deal with the murder of my infant daughter whose body was found on this very day , I pray that your souls are at rest and your families have found some peace and comfort through the Lord Jesus Christ!

May you always be honored for your courage, bravery and sacrifice! In Jesus name Amen!

A US citizen
Some one honoring the fallen

June 26, 2024

Today is the anniversary of the day you died. I received the email today honoring you and SA Dove, as we do for all of the service martyrs on their anniversaries, and I wanted to say something about you. One of my bay instructors at the Academy was a friend of yours and was there the day you died. In order to honor him and you, my Academy class selected you as our class martyr. I never knew you or SA Dove, but our class heard stories about the great people you were. And, on this 38th anniversary of your death, I’ve noticed you were the same age as I am now when you died, which makes this a poignant post for me. I’m about to retire, and it saddens me that you never got the chance to retire and live out the rest of your life in peace after dedicating most of your adult life to our country. Thank you, SA Grogan, for your service in the military and as an FBI agent, and for your ultimate sacrifice. Many changes were made in the FBI because of that day, changes that have saved the lives of future agents. Your sacrifice was not in vain. Who you were and the sacrifice you made lives on to this day in the Bu. Rest in peace brother.

Special Agent

April 12, 2024

On May 1, the Law Enforecement United- Long Riders visited the scene, and paid tribute to S/A Grogan and S/A Dove.
We honored and remebered your sacrifice!

Capt. (Ret.) Steve Fermon
Illinois State Police

May 9, 2023

Special Agent Grogan,

I recall watching "In The Line Of Duty" shortly after I was married. I still vividly remember seeing the recreation of the shootout on that residential street in Miami. I recall the rage welling up inside as I watched you and your partner SA Jerry Dove being so callously murdered by suspect Michael Platt. You were all heroes that day. You and SA Dove most of all. Rest in peace. I pray for yours and SA Dove's families.

Daniel Ryan
Private Investigator (Retired)

February 8, 2023

Like other catastrophic police shootings, involving multiple killed/and or injured, the Miami incident was thoroughly analyzed, critiqued and used later to save others. I got a hold of a training video of this incident and often showed it patrol and detective training sessions. Newhall was a good training video as well. With that said, the FBI and other agencies looked at their weaponry and equipment, because that was a factor in the high casualties, since the perps were ex-military, and proficient with firearms,--having possessed several guns when stopped. They also had at least one long gun (mini-14) and to some degree had agents outgunned. As a result, the FBI modernized their issue weapons. SA Dove and Grogan fought with extreme valor and poise despite the chaotic nature and positioning of the various vehicles. We all should be proud of how all of SAs met evil that day, because they all fought with uncommon valor and prompted all of us to evaluate our own tactics and equipment., which probably saved lives later.

Jim Lopey, Asst. Sheriff (ret.)
Washoe County Sheriff's Office (Reno, Nv.) & NVDPS &FBINA

November 7, 2022

It still amazes me how such a senseless killing of a law enforcement officer that happened before I was even born could affect me so deeply. This man is a true hero and shall never be forgotten

Jacob Beha

July 31, 2022

I first became familiar with this incident when I was in college and saw the movie that was made about it. A few years later this was one of the incidents my academy class learned about for training purposes. A few years after that while attending the Homicide Conference my agency hosts every year, I had the pleasure of meeting a Sergeant who was one of the investigators from the local PD who handled the investigation. These two brave FBI Agents and all of the other Agents who were part of the investigative team, surveillance and subsequent critical incident, as well as their families, will always be in my thoughts and prayers for the change their lives took that terrible day and their heroic actions. Thank you for your service and please know that your sacrifice is one that will never, ever be forgotten by your law enforcement brethren. Rest in peace always.

Detective Cpl/3 Steven Rizzo
Delaware State Police (Retired)

April 11, 2021

Requiem æternam dona ei, Domine, et lux perpetua luceat ei. Requiescant in pace. Amen.

Don Whicker

January 24, 2021

Agent Grogan, I did not know you back in 1986, but I lived in Miami at the time in the vicinity of the robberies and the shootout where your life was taken. I remember thinking then how very brave you and agent Dove were to confront the evil men that were perpetrating violent crimes on innocent victims in Southwest Miami in those days. I read the biographies of both you and agent Dove, and I will pray for your wonderful souls tonight. I also pray for the safety and well-being of the many law enforcement officers who protect the citizens of this great and free country. Your service is so greatly appreciated by me and my family every single day. May you, agent Dove, and all fallen law enforcement officers rest in the peace that you so greatly deserve.

David Rakouskas
Citizen of Miami in 1986

September 14, 2019

Rest in peace Special Agent Grogan. A very sad day in MIami for the FBI!

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 28, 2019

That day was a sad one. RIP Agent Dove. The sacrifice you and Agent Grogan made changed how L/E officers everywhere approach suspects.

Deputy Constable

April 23, 2018

What a sad day for Dade County. Rest in peace Agent Grogan. Bravery and honor together make a dynamite pair.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 11, 2018

Agent Grogan,
On today, the 32nd anniversary of your death I would just like to say thank you to you and your fellow Agent who was also killed in that shootout for your service and sacrifice for our Country. And to your Family and loved ones, I wish to extend my deepest sympathy.


United States Border Patrol

April 11, 2018

You and your family were thought of on this day. Our prayers are always with you. God bless

Special Agent-in-Charge Diane Upchurch
FBI - Little Rock

April 13, 2017

This incident happened while I was in the Police academy. Terrible day for Law Enforcement.

Rest in Peace Agents Grogan and Dove. True Hero's.

"Blue Lives Matter"

Steve Van Slyke, retired K9 Officer
El Cajon Police Department

April 11, 2017

I was a cop with Pinecrest for 10 years. Every time I drove by 122 and 82, I remembered that horrific day where two angels were taken from us. RIP Agents Grogan and Dove.

Officer Eduardo Blineau Jr (retired)

April 12, 2016

On this 30th anniversary of your death, you are not forgotten. Special Agent Benjamin Grogan will never be forgotten. Thank you for your service and valiant sacrifice. The lessons of your sacrifice have proven invaluable to our profession. There is no doubt that others survived because you were among the first of those "in the arena" on April 11, 1986.

Sgt. G.H. Williams
University of NC Greensboro Police Dept.

April 11, 2016

It's hard to believe it's been 27 years. My partner and I (USSS) were in Lake Worth doing interviews when we received word of the shooting. I've never forgotten your sacrifice. Rest in peace.

L. A. Bykowsky
ATF K-9 Handler, retired
K-9 L. E. EOW 5/10/09

April 13, 2013

Ben, I attended your funeral so many years ago. I was serving my first week in Miami as a new DEA Special Agent. Your bravery and steadfast dedication to duty will always be remembered. Rest in peace.

Supervisory Special Agent James Benisek

April 24, 2012

A Hero is honored today

James Kotke
Civilian / Former Officer
WSF Park Police (Wi.)

April 11, 2012

"Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God."
Matthew 5:9

Marshal Chris Di Gerolamo
Federal Air Marshal Service

April 11, 2012

You were a Hero Sir, I remember watching training footage of your incident in college, during my law enforcment training. Many students have seen it and learned from it. You made the ultimate sacrifice but saved lots of life, more than you know. Thank you for your service Sir. RIP

James Kotke
Civilian / Former Officer
WSF Park Police (Wi.)

January 31, 2012

I was 10 years old when you died,your passing left a void in my soul that i still feel today 25 years later.You were more than an uncle to me,much more like a father figure.I'll always remember our fishing trips out to the Everglades,and i can assure you everyday that lots of people think of you.

eric romer

May 28, 2011

Brother Ben, we worked together in Kansas City and I'll always remember your dedication to duty, God and Country, and your unquestionable integrity and honor. Rejoice in Heaven, my brother.

B. Tim McCoy, Former Special Agent
Federal Bureau of Investigation

May 24, 2011

God Speed, Brother.

P.O. K.Murphy
Union PD, NJ

March 26, 2011

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