Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Justice must not biased. It may not be partial. Applied to all facets of life and property your years, Officer Cook, spent toiling for harmony here in Dade County were valued and largely successful. The sweat and enduring hours of always training. learning and practicing all that filled your mind and heart, just humane, honest and quite heroic. Integrity and dignity from a wise man whose belief in others allowed you to cultivate others within the natural processes. We salute your stellar character, staunch commitment to morals and the courage of your unselfish convictions to see the gravity of the situations as through. Sad that Our Creator needed you in heaven rather than be alive and well with your family, friends and grateful comrades. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 16, 2020

Simply divine. A man of faith and values whose life of humility and honor reached out to touch the gracefulness of Dade County and its residents to protect and serve their interests of integrity, respect and tranquility. The love and esteem you showered upon your beloved family, Officer Cook ,so too was heroism and resiliency embraced by all society. Humanity thrives when terror an d turmoil are extinct. You'll never be forgotten for gracing mankind with a gentle touch and a most personable smile. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 16, 2020

Violence just looks to choke the life out of vitality just as Mr. Pearsall took your innocent life, a humbly superb career headed for greater humility and a wonderful life with your beloved Karen, Officer Cook. Everything looking up, a great family, I thank God I got to meet some of your beloved family. You were about the traits of honor, respect and the dignity that integrity carries. Your soul served Dade County with compassion, passion and a perseverance that never wavered. Remembered for being a loyal and esteemed colleague to others, for giving advice and leading those under your direction. Heroes and heroines have their pathways redirected to heaven when God deems their tasks and jobs as completed. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 16, 2020

The flames of ferocity were stoked long ago by your vision and wisdom, Officer Cook and a maturity beyond your efforts and efficient honesty, heroism and the dignity to represent Dade County as a public servant of great humility. All integrity and character integral to your missions in this world to deliver a long lasting staple of security and the enrichments of peace and quiet. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 16, 2020

How can society and Dade County reimburse you, Officer Cook? For what you meant to your family and mankind, taking a page out of the books and applying your honesty, integrity and dignity to battle the diabolical foe that terror and evil are. You gave your heart and heroic soul of compassion to see things through. Too soon as you had more resolve and goals on the horizon. Those skies are surely kept brighter by your angelic presence and may your soul by watched by the Almighty as you walk that proverbial beat. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 16, 2020

With a poignant personality and a forever bright smile, Officer Cook, did you go about your business patrolling Dade County and staying constant in character, integrity and honesty's dignity. Violence just strikes a mean chord and for a man of humility and heroism, your soul brave as it always was and will be forever remembered, well it made a distinctive and clear impression upon those whom you served. Your family continues in your quests for humbleness and resolve. They were the springs of your serene and just nature. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 16, 2020

Your courage, Officer Cook, was so humble and it enabled Dade County folks to live freer and more respectful lives. Honor and dignity, wisdom and integrity from your undying and unselfish character and commitment to fit the right pieces of peace and stability within the frameworks of your unwavering ferocity. Forever enhanced by your sincerest of convictions. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 16, 2020

Grace, grit, gumption and gallantry are not acts of lady luck. Skill and acumen were all important and vital in your journeys around Dade County, Officer Cook, they were most effective tools as you endeavored to keep the sanctity and serenity of the neighborhoods. A man of heroism whose angelic soul floats day and night above protecting us and keeping watch over your family. A helicopter rotates. Resolve, resourcefulness and resiliency revolved twenty four seven. Saluted, treasured and admired for ferocity never ending and tenacity always turning the pieces of peace over. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 15, 2020

A darling son, a devoted husband, a doting uncle and a very heroic family member who is missed beyond any measure of words. Steady and humble come to mind along with dignified and a man of character and honesty whose integrity battled with every last beat of your heart. A caring and beloved officer who never sought the limelight and who built a reputation with Dade County citizens. Officer Cook, you will forever be a hero, so unique and yet mindful of good manners, courtesy and the efforts put forth to curb unfathomable acts of violence. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 15, 2020

Consolation does not completely heal all wounds. Those gaping holes within your family, Officer Cook, may have been patched a bit, your loss still stings and hurts. Dade County I'd like to think has revered, remembered and respected your undying and unselfish character, honor and the morals that open those ledgers of integrity and dignity. The battles keep on brewing. The wars are quite unwelcome and downright rude to humanity. The fights are surely not fickle, as you just had to acquit yourself with as much acumen and common sense as you had in your very mature heart of humbleness. The tears I'm sure keep flowing. memories of your life though short lived are there for your beloved family, peers and close personal friends to cherish. Relish those humanely heroic moments with a most loyal, esteemed and trusted Godsend whose soul carries with it the light to keep the flames of motivation and dedication alive in eternity where perfection is located. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A man of faith whose principles never wavered.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 15, 2020

The yokes, onuses, responsibilities and burdens all were wrapped tightly around your heroic shoulders, Officer Cook, to help carry the central Division. To keep us safe in Dade County and to prevent abominable acts of vile and disrespectful behavior. For maintaining dignity,integrity and respect does Our Lord shield your immortal soul of humility and noble deeds. Forever etched into your family's hearts and minds never to be forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Resolve rested within Badge#1664.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 15, 2020

Bonds of boldness, brave honor, humble heroics, they all went to work to avoid and protect Dade County from evil. Your life and missions, Officer Cook, were indeed a blessing. Men and women of character, commitment to excellence, convictions all trustworthy and truthful to be solemnly honored for generations to come. It's the tranquility and the outstanding work you produced day after day that has your soul of sacred measures rewarded. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 15, 2020

Furthering our peaceful journeys, it was your unselfish heroism and the highest of honor, Officer Cook, that forever bridged those gaps where serenity and safety are essential for Dade County to continue to prosper fruitfully and with humility. Your dignity and inspiring integrity are to be nobly saluted and so duly honored. You made a solemn affirmation to serve loyally and remain a very cherished and respected gentleman. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 15, 2020

Your smile and good humor, Officer Cook, are surely and certainly very much missed. Your mother passed last year and I'm sure all these years after your death she had missed you tremendously. Her darling, beloved and heroic son who sacrificed his life for Dade County to live peacefully, humbly and with a renewed sense of kindred spirit. If Mr. Pearsall had only thought before he discharged your friend, Officer Keith Di Genova's weapon that very tragic day in Liberty City the circumstance and whole account would have been much different. Your heroic honor, integrity and dignity assisted you in serving as a much dedicated, devoted an done sure fire determined young man. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Humility,sanctity and nobility all seated by God's throne's of truth and trust to the left and right. Nothing but eternal perfection to compliment the many angels of courage and commitment. Your father, mother and yourself, Officer Cook, reunited forever in the palms of Our Lord.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 14, 2020

Our futures would be made brighter if all the angels of bravery were alive and present with their loved ones. God has graduated and uplifted their souls of honor and dignity to heaven where perfect integrity and character was never better. You will be revered as a Dade County hero of humbleness forever, Officer Cook, where life, joy and health were where you accentuated your patrols to see this miserable evil done away with finally. You tried and performed in a special way with virtue and vigor all vitally relevant. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Heroism lives in your family's hearts forevermore.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 14, 2020

Those snakes in the grass pop up and shake the fear out of all citizens. You were relentless and fierce in all your pursuits, Officer Cook, never a worry regarding your upstanding reverence and respect for honesty, dignity and the assurances of integrity. Great character and stellar principles that saw security placed firmly on those maps of mettle and morals. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 14, 2020

Starting later this year your department, Officer Cook, will have an elected sheriff and many other various changes. But nothing that ever will endanger society and its folks. Dade County depended upon your truth and loyalty to see justice and dignity until its closure whenever peace was compromised. Never a more devoted man whose journeys ended way too soon but you remain fondly honored. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 14, 2020

The job has its tasks and assignments that differ everyday. The obstacles of peril and danger are still lurking . It was yourself, Officer Cook, a trusted and loyal gentleman of humility, dignity and integrity that interceded on behalf of Dade County. Honored and humble. As a heroic soul may your spirit of resolve and character fly with every angel in heaven while looking down upon your department and family. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 14, 2020

Terror is that violent storm that just charges in without warning uprooting life and property. You were a very good man, Officer Cook, brave and honored, whose heroism and respect forever changed the landscape of Dade County. You'll always be noted for exemplary care, pride in wearing a crisp and pristine uniform of conviction and commitment to morals and ethics. You are to be sacredly saluted and solemnly honored for true professional service. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 14, 2020

Nothing is a cinch, even keeping honorable and resolute. Police are human beings and have faults though their lives and careers must be above par excellence regarding dignity and the integrity of one's humbly heroic character. All the evidence you were the consummate and loyal servant , Officer Cook, who ventured on into Dade County to reclaim the serenity and safety that belongs to the residents. Never more treasured and always humane and giving. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 14, 2020

A refreshing source of personality and that beautiful smile that is greatly missed forever. Honesty, dignity and integrity were you best of colleagues, Officer Cook, whenever Dade County needed your inspiring ingenuity and thoughtful intuition. The wars continue onward and it's your character, truth and trust that have made your legacy of heroism shine on up in those deep blue skies. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Serenity and harmony will be that trademark that enhances our world.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 13, 2020

When wild stallions are free to run loose no one knows where they will head. When evil, terror and wickedness runs rampant all good servants are dispatched to answer in the name of stability and freedom. You were a courageous man of mettle, no doubt honesty, respect and integrity allowed you, Officer Cook, the sacred and humble opportunity to serve Dade County most heroically. The effort and resolve never waning. Diligence and vigilance lend credence to one's boldness and humility. Our Master has a flock of that in His eternal home where angels roam, soar and humbly encircle those pearly gates of gallantry. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 13, 2020

A very unselfish public servant giving Dade County every bit of energy from your caring and considerate heart of gold. A warrior of honor and dignity embracing the challenges that police work and its burdens place on one's heroic shoulders of serenity. You were the consummate professional, Officer Cook, dearly beloved by your family and cherished by your peers. All of your journeys and missions on behalf of mankind have been humbly safe guarded in heaven where never anything will harm you again. When police face evil there is no telling the outcome only of course that you would have survived that day and lived to see your retirement. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 13, 2020

The motto of the marines is the few and proud. pride sometime has to be put aside in order for integrity, dignity and honorable humility to summon its traits to battle evil. Your life and career serving Dade County, Officer Cook, was legit and genuine. A real humble man with undying, unwavering and relentless pursuits of tranquility and togetherness. Your commitment to excellence and pride are all a very distinct part of your heroic legacy to be revered, respected, treasured and greatly admired. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 13, 2020

The day of calling arrives when we least expect it to. You were a fine young man, Officer Cook, a real honored hero here in Dade County whose unselfish desire and leadership allowed other brave and decent servants to witness true resolve, trusted character, morally desired dignity and the integrity focused on fighting off violence and evil. Humility right from your sacred heart. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 13, 2020

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