Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer Garrett Crumby

Huntsville Police Department, Alabama

End of Watch Tuesday, March 28, 2023

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Reflections for Police Officer Garrett Crumby

Honor and Respect

-Gina Haga Nielsen
Family of Huntsville Police

Gina Haga Nielsen

March 29, 2023

may HIS light shine perpetual upon his face

Chief Jim Allen (ret.)
Mobile County Child Support Enforcement

March 29, 2023

My family and I would like to extend our sincere condolences to the family, friends, and fellow coworkers of Police Officer Garrett Crumby during this difficult time. May they find comfort and support from those around them. May happy moments from the past bring forth precious memories to cherish for a lifetime. May God help heal their aching hearts. Thank you for your service and may you rest in peace Police Officer Garrett Crumby.

Gail. M Pabst
Aunt of fallen Detroit P.O. Jennifer Fettig eow 2/16/04

March 29, 2023

Heavenly Father, I come before You today grieved in heart over the divisions in our country; the United States of America. I grieve for every life lost to violence, regardless of color or creed. And I especially grieve this day over the senseless deaths of America’s Peace Officers whose sworn duty is to protect us from harm. Please grant comfort and hope to their families. I know from the Holy Scriptures in Romans 13 that Peace Officers have a sacred task, to enforce laws that protect the innocent and punish the guilty. I pray that You will protect them as they serve us. Give them wisdom, discernment, and a deep desire to serve You. Please surround every Peace Officer in our nation, the United States of America, with battalions of warring angels to protect them from harm. We stand together in the powerful and mighty name of the Lord Jesus Christ against every work of Satan intended to inflict injury and death on our Protectors. May Satan’s power be thwarted, in Your mighty and holy name, and his plans exposed by Your Light. Lord Jesus, I know that Your word teaches us that in You there is neither Jew nor Greek, neither slave nor free, neither male nor female. All superficial distinctions between us have been abolished by Your sacrifice on the cross. By Your grace and power, lead us into a new day of racial harmony in our country, a day in which Your name is again lifted high in our nation, the United States of America, and the rule of law is honored by all. Please grant us spiritual, political, and cultural leaders who will speak to us with Your wisdom and Your truth. Please renew us in heart, mind, and spirit that we may once again be “One Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all”. In the mighty and holy name of the Lord Jesus Christ, my Savior, my Redeemer, and the Mediator between me and you, Heavenly Father, in prayer, I pray! Amen.

"And I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?” Then I said, “Here I am! Send me.” [Isaiah 6:8 ESV]

“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons [children] of God.” [Matthew 5:9 ESV]

Chaplain Steven Robert Closs, DD, MSBS, NCCA
Christian Chaplain Ministry
Merrimack, NH 03054

Captain Steven R. Closs (Ret.)
Nashua NH Police Department

March 29, 2023

My thoughts and prayers are with Officer Crumby's family, his collegues and the Huntsville community. May God bless and RIP Officer Crumby.

Jeffrey D. Groh
Indiana Department of Correction

ASAC ATF (Retired)

March 29, 2023

Rest in Peace brother. Rest east, we will take the watch from here.

Officer Ethan Jones

March 29, 2023

Crumby family and friends may God grant all of you with a speedy healing. Ofc. Crumby thank you for your service to your Community and Department. Most of all thank you for your Ultimate Sacrifice in the Line of Duty.

Rudy Jones ( Retired )
Former Res.Sgt Cuyahoga Falls Ohio Police Dept.

March 29, 2023

Rest Now Brother

Officer/EMT Shannon Yates
Collins Police Department (MS)

March 29, 2023

Rest In Peace Officer Crumbly, my sincere condolences to your family and to your departments. God speed as you now patrol the streets of gold. Your ultimate sacrifice will never be forgotten. Fair winds and following seas brother, we have the watch.

Department of Veteran Affairs Police Department Detroit Michigan

March 29, 2023

Rest in Peace my Brother in Arms

Anrae G Godley-Cooper
U.S. Army Military Police

March 29, 2023

Praying for peace and comfort today and in the difficult days ahead. With deepest sympathy,

Rita Rocker
Deputy Executive Director
Georgia State Board of Pardons and Paroles

March 29, 2023

Thank you for your service, brother. RIP.

Lieutenant Brian J. Wills II
Oswego County Sheriff's Office
New York

March 29, 2023

Rest in peace brother. We have the watch from here. Thoughts and prayers for you, your family and your department.

Officer Tommy Thomason
Oklahoma National Memorial Museum Security

March 29, 2023

Another "Hero" taken.
You helped make this world a safer place to live.
May God grant you eternal peace.
Prayers to your loved ones and to your department.

Det. Billy Russo (Ret.)
Nassau County PD, NY

March 29, 2023

Rest in Peace Officer Crumby. Thank you for your service. My thoughts and prayers are with the Crumby Family and the Huntsville Police Department.

Cpl. Gary Hughes (Retired)
Passaic County Sheriff's Office New Jersey

March 29, 2023

Condolences to your friends and family Officer Crumby, Rest in peace brother!

Captain Bruce Ross
USAF, Security Forces, Retired

March 29, 2023

Rest easy brother thank you for your service. May your sacrifice or memory never fade.

Retired #8046 Jerry Matalone
Des Moines Iowa Police Department

March 29, 2023

Thank you for your service Officer Crumby. May God's grace bring peace to your family and fellow officers during this tragic time.

Sgt Wm C Elliott (retired)
Campbell County Sheriff's Office VA

March 29, 2023

Thank you for your service sir. RIP brother. God speed healings to your family and friends.

R. Stines
WCSO Virginia
Deputy Sheriff

March 29, 2023

God bless you Officer Garrett Crumby, for your service and sacrifice. Thoughts and prayers go out to your family and friends, and to your brothers and sisters from the Huntsville Police Department. Rest in Peace Brother.

Officer Jim Drabos (Retired)
San Gabriel (CA) Police Department

March 29, 2023

Thank you for your service. Prayers for your Family and Department.

Sergeant Monica Veney
Baltimore Police Department

March 29, 2023

R.I.P Officer Garrett Crumby

Brian Molyneaux
Citizen Toronto Canada

March 29, 2023

RIP Brother!

Brother in Arms

March 29, 2023

God rest his soul.

Sgt. Robert A. Henne
Jersey City PD/Retired

March 29, 2023

R.I.P. Brave Soul. "Blessed our the peacemakers for they shall be called the children of God".

Officer M. Freer (ret)
Marietta GA PD

March 29, 2023

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