Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Captain Chad Allen Reed, Sr.

Dixie County Sheriff's Office, Florida

End of Watch Thursday, January 14, 2010

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Reflections for Captain Chad Allen Reed, Sr.

I visited this page for the first time today. I must say, although I don't know Captain Chad Reed, by the time I finished reading all of the reflections and all info on this page..I feel as if I know him personally. I could feel the warmth in my heart as I read each sentence. The tears began to well up and fall. I must give the utmost respect to his wife Mrs. Reed. Her letter,very heartfelt and touching, expresses her deep love for her best friend/husband. I will share my Angels with you, Mrs.Reed so that they can join those that are already surrounding your family with blessings and strength. You will be fine raising your boys,because I'm sure Captain Reed knew what he was doing when he chose you to be his wife and the mother of his children...Your letter is proof of this.

Female, NC


May 19, 2010


I have looked over these pages on numerous of occassions to view the reflections of others or to just make sure it was still here. I was at a loss for words on January 14, 2010 when I received the call that you were no longer with us. And now on May 14, 2010 I am still loss for words. I find myself working really hard to accomplish your dream of building a Well to help people get clean water. I bury my grief of your loss in the thoughts of helping bring life to others, but I know the day will come when I will have to find the words to say goodbye, but until then I will keep working to build the Chad Allen Reed, Sr Memorial Well. One day I will find the courage to say farewell, but to date it escapes me.

Denise Williams-Butler
Race Director
Captain Chad Reed Memorial 5K Run/Walk & BBQ

Denise Williams - Butler

May 14, 2010

They say one of the things you must have to be in this line of work is courage. Chad showed that he had no shortage of courage during the event that unfolded here in our community on January 14, 2010. Chad was younger than most others who work for this department, but his knowledge was that of a 40 year veteran. If there was a question that needed answering, you can bet that Chad could give that answer. I like to think daily that I have the needed courage to continue my required duties, but constantly still think, "maybe I should call Chad and make sure on this one", but then I pop back to reality and the sobering truth hits that Chad is no longer available to take that call.
The one piece of courage I have not been able to muster, no matter how hard I try, is to talk to Holly, Chad's wife. I want so much to thank her for allowing Chad to spend the countless hours at the office to try to make things happen that made our jobs safer and less difficult. If there was something you needed to get the job done safer or more efficiently, Chad would do his best to get it for you.
Thank you Chad for your courage and unselfish support for our community and our department.

Deputy Gary Hill
Dixie County Sheriff's Office

April 27, 2010

To all who reflect:

I want to say "Thank You" to my family, my law enforcement family, my community and all the agencies who have provided support since Chad was taken from us. He would have been proud and honored to know how everyone has shown their support to us during this tragic time. We continue to miss Chad on a daily basis...sometimes moment by moment. Reading these words of encouragement from everywhere truly help. I have always known that Chad made an impact wherever he went, but I had no idea the sacrifice that we would live with. Chad stood tall on January 14, 2010 as he always did - no matter what the call.


I have taken your lead and am trying to stand tall and stay strong for C.J. and Caden. I miss you constantly, even in a room full of people - I feel alone because you are no longer with me here on earth. My heart is deeply broken, but through my faith in our God - I will make it. You were my best friend and a wonderful husband and father. Please know we are very proud of you and will never, ever forget your sacrifice and service to others. C.J. and Caden talk about you daily trying to process why daddy isn't coming home. We knew how much you loved us and Dixie everyone else knows how much you loved Dixie County.

Our small town will never be the same because of the impact and statement you left in life. Your legacy will remain - you would be so proud of C.J. and Caden. We now try to live our lives as normal as possible without you being here, however, know that you will live in our hearts forever. You paid the ultimate sacrifice with putting yourself in harm's way, but that is just who you were and knowing you - you would do it again tomorrow to save someone. Even when others may forget...know that me and the boys will never forget! I miss you more than words can truly express.

Until we meet again in heaven, I will do my best to raise C.J. and Caden to have a true understanding of service to others, honesty, integrity, character, and respect. All of these words truly describe the gentle man you were.

The citizens of our community truly do not know the countless hours you spent working on things from "behind the scenes" because things just needed to be done and it never crossed your mind that Dixie was too small. In your mind, if other counties could do it - so could Dixie! You helped increase the number of ambulances, fire trucks, rescue equipment and emergency management technology that most small counties don't have because you wouldn't take no for an answer. We live in a safer community because of your proactive thinking.

You stood between an evil that entered our community on January 14 and I truly thank you from the bottom of my heart. You protected our community from an evil that we generally only hear about on the news. On numerous occasions we have had conversations about how bad things happen in small towns too, I just never believed it until that sad day. I hope and pray that I can raise C.J. and Caden to be as honorable as you were during your life.

With all of my love,

Holly - 1437

Holly Reed
Wife of Captain Chad Reed

April 23, 2010

Its been a few months now since you left us. I drive by you every day and though it may seem silly to some, I bump my siren as i drive by just to tell you hello and pay my respects.
Holly is so very strong, she actually made me feel better when I finally got the courage to speak to her. C.J. is missing his daddy, as well as Caden, though life is moving's not the same around here.
All the Agencies that came together the day and the days after you departed us would have amazed even you!
Alachua County's Honor Guard protected you day in and day out.
Lafayette, Levy, Taylor, Citrus, Hernando, Gilchrist, Alachua counties as well as FWC, FDLE, FHP, and many many more not mentioned (no way possible to mention them all) came to our assistance.
It was a sight to behold, several hundred, maybe a thousand patrol cars and emergency vehicles were present to honor you. The entire community came together to tell you good-bye.
My only wish is that in our loss we will become closer as a Sheriff's Office, and Your sacrafice will not be forgotten.
Take Care....God Bless, and Keep you.

Sgt. C.P. Hart
Dixie County Sheriff's Office - Patrol Division

April 15, 2010

Dear Family, Friends, and Co-Workers of Captain Chad Reed,

We are so sorry to here about your tragic loss of your loved one. Our thoughts and prayers go out to you in support during this very difficult time. We wish we could be there in person to offer support. We know that sometimes there is little comfort that comes from words. During the holidays remember those special moments you have shared together and the love you shared. Keep focused as you can on the memories and joyous times for these things may bring you comfort. Rely heavily on family, friends, and other law enforcement for support. Honor your fallen loved one, for their sacrifice will not be forgotten. Captian Chad Reed is a hero. He will live on through all of you forever.


Alissa Scott
Widow of Beryl Wayne Scott
E.O.W. 09-10-02

Lisa Schultz
Widow of Don Schultz
E.O.W. 05-12-04

Co-Founders of Survivor Help Network


March 28, 2010

God bless you for your service as a peace officer. May you rest in eternal peace.

Deputy Doug Sullivan
Fresno County Sheriff's Office

March 22, 2010

Capt. Reed,
Sir, I would just like to say thank you for your service and sacrifice for the citizens of Dixie County. And to your family and loved ones, I wish to extend my deepest sympathy.



March 19, 2010

Rest in peace, Captain Reed. Thank you for your service to the community. You will be missed. Prayers for your family, friends, and fellow law enforcement brothers & sisters.

Kathy Bubb
Former FL Resident

March 14, 2010

You will be missed by all, your family is in our prayers.

Roger Crase
Retired LEO-Court Officer

March 2, 2010

i loved him sooo much he always made me smile with just a glance theres a hole in my heart we miss u chad!

staci ross
first cousin

February 16, 2010

Your heroism and service is honored today. Your memory lives and you continue to inspire. Thank you for your service.

Rest In Peace and I'll see you on the other side.

Sgt Don "Boots" Jensen

Don P Jensen
Milwaukee Wisconsin Police, Retired

February 15, 2010


Dare County Sheriffs Office, NC

February 11, 2010

I just returned to work today and know I am late with my condolences, but I wanted to send them anyway. I am most terribly sorry for your loss to his family, co-workers and friends. God is the Great Comforter and will bring you peace. God bless you all.

Rusty Cox,Information Clerk
Asheville Police Dept., Asheville, NC

February 8, 2010

Rest in peace Captain Reed. It was a weighted honor to help with your memorial. May God bless and comfort your family and welcome you with open arms to your calling in heaven. You and your family will continue to be in my thoughts and prayers.

Sergeant Kaley Behl
Alachua County Sheriff's Office

February 3, 2010

On behalf of the entire Colorado Springs Police Department Wives Association, we extend our deepest sympathies to the Dixie County Sheriff's Office and the family and friends of Captain Reed. Our hearts and prayers are with you all as you honor one of our nation's true heroes. His service and sacrifice will never be forgotten.

Lauren Yanez
Colorado Springs Police Department Wives Association

February 2, 2010

Chad was a classmate and friend of my son, Tim. They were in Environmental Studies classes together all during High School. I first remember meeting Chad in March 1993, during the Storm of the Century. Here was a young 17 year old kid not only working along side men twice and three times his age, but leading them and directing them to meet the needs of others who were hurting. My wife and I were very impressed with him. He was an Eagle Scout and well deserved that honor.
God took home one of the true leaders among men. Everyone who met him came away a better person for the experience.

Tom L. Knapp

January 31, 2010

Chad my brother may you rest in peace. It was my honor to have met you and spend a very short period of time with you at the NA. I will always remember our time in media class when no one could understand what either of us were saying! Seeing you catch up to us on the SECOND yellow brick road run is something I will never forget even through your pain. What a man to sacrifice himself for another brother, you are something special! Then the Navy football game in Annapolis. That is one of the best times I had at the NA and I was fortunate enough to have spent the day with you. I will never forget you or our time together.

Sgt Joel P. Dolan
Salem, NH PD/ FBINA 238 Section 4

January 28, 2010

Rest in peace brother. May God bless you and your family.

A Texas Street Cop #614


January 26, 2010

Rest in peace and my prayers are with your family

Deputy Latour ( retired)
Jefferson Parish Sheriff's Office

January 26, 2010

Thoughts and prayers are with your family and your agency. RIP Brother in Blue.

Police Officer D. Kirk #309
Round Lake Heights PD (IL)

January 26, 2010

It was the day that I would never live again! In 2004 I lost my Lt. Corey Dahlem to drunk driver at a celebration for the Florida Gators. Hearing officer down, officer down, rings in your ears for life! I had just talked to him about being in route to relieve him to go home to his precious love! Those piercing sounds and sirens on sceane live there forever. Nothing anyone of us could do was be comfort to each other and our family. The next week were a blur.....
What I can say is that in light of bad, Capt. Reed saved hundreds of injuries and lives. Believe me he will live on through every law enforcement officer you ever encounter! Keep them close they will harvest and help you grow!!

Mary Catherine Mack
Gainesville Police Dept.

FL Certifired Officer
Former Gainesville Police PD

January 24, 2010

My thoughts and prayers are with Chad's family. I was fortunate to be one of his instructors at the FBI Academy Session 238. I will always remember his smile, his dedication and his love of family. Those of us who have been touched by Chad will never forget him, and will keep him alive in our hearts forever. Rest in peace Chad.

Penny Parrish
FBI Academy

January 22, 2010

Rest in Peace. My condolences to the family and department in your loss.

Lt. C. Yarbro
DeKalb Police Dept. Georgia, NA239

January 22, 2010

Thank you for your service, you will not beforgotten by the thin blue line. You have served your community and country well. Rest in peace brother. Our prayers go out to you and your family

Ofc. Charles Robson

January 21, 2010

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