Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Inspector Kieran Tyon Shields

Orange Police Department, New Jersey

End of Watch Monday, August 7, 2006

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Reflections for Inspector Kieran Tyon Shields


Off.Dannis Drummonds
Homewood Police Alabama

August 15, 2006

Since the first day of the police academy together you became a brother to me. I will never forget you and I know your watching down on the rest of us. I know I speak for the rest of our class Police Academy class 206 when I say your family has 62 extra family members that are there for them. God Bless we love you.

Police Officer
Montclair P.D

August 15, 2006

Rest in peace.

Irvington Police

August 15, 2006

GOD Bless you and your family.

Hero's never die; they just take on a new assignment.

Officer Paladino
Colorado Springs PD

August 15, 2006

It is foolish and wrong to mourn the men who died. Rather we should thank God that such men lived - Patton

God bless


August 15, 2006

Kieran you were a great Leader, Friend and Cop.Your smile, laughter and Cheer brought warm feelings to all. You will be truly missed by everyone. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your entire family. Your legend will carry on forever. You a true American HERO. Good bless.

Det. Pete Cassidy
Orange Police

August 15, 2006

Rest in Peace Detective Shields.

"The wicked flee when no man pursueth but the righteous are bold as a lion......"

Chicago Police Department

August 14, 2006

Det. Shields,
You served on this earth. Now you will serve at a place where the peace is a constant and you can rest easy. Please watch over your brother and sister officer's still have to serve. God bless your family. God speed.

somerset county officer, nj

August 14, 2006

Rest in peace sir. Thank you for your service.

Collins Fire Dept. (Mississippi)

August 14, 2006

Rest in Peace. You are a true hero to all

Rutgers NWK

August 14, 2006

There are no words to express the
sympathy we feel for the profound
loss Detective Kieran's family and friends are feeling.

To all other men and woman that wear
their uniform proudly, please know
you are always in our prayers.

Rest in Peace Detective Shields.

The Lombardo Family

Donna M. Lombardo
Niece of James Brazee, Former Leonia, Chief of Police

August 14, 2006

I'll pray for you brother and for your family. I appreciate what the men and woman of law enforcement do for this country everyday. Everyone should love and care for there community like Officer/Detective Shields did. May he rest in peace.

Orange, nj Resident

August 14, 2006

The Florida Police Chiefs Association would like to express our deepest condolences to the family and friends of Detective Kieran Shields, and the Orange P.D. Our thoughts and prayers are with you during this time of great sadness. Please take comfort in knowing that your extended law enforcement family grieves with you. Detective Shields, we thank you for your service. You will not be forgotten.

Members and Staff
Florida Police Chiefs Association

August 14, 2006

may god bless you always " Blessed are the Peacekeepers for they shall be called the Sons of God". Rest easy brother we have it from here.

"What we do in this life echoes an eternity".
"Death smiles at us all, all we can do is smile back".

Senior Officer Specialist D. Gonzalez
Federal Bureau Of Prisons

August 13, 2006

My heart goes out to your family and fellow officers. May you rest in eternal peace and god comfort your family.

Special Agent Eric J. Blachman
U.S. Departmnent of Justice, OIG

August 13, 2006

God bless Detective Shields, and keep his family safe. Our prayers are with the family. We do not know, or understand the ways of the Almighty, we only know our hearts are broken.

Agnes M. Thalmann
Mother of a fallen officer.

August 13, 2006

As someone who was almost a statistic in the line of duty, I remember that night like it was yesterday. My family and I thank God for every day I have had since. I remember how my father was that night when my family were called. I can only imagine how difficult the loss is for the Shields family right now. God bless you at this impossible time.

MD, Ex-Constable Victoria Police
Victoria Police, Australia, now Law Lecturer London, UK

August 13, 2006

K ind
I nspiring
E nergetic
R esourcful
A mazing
N oble

Kieran you will never be forgotten. You will forever be in the hearts of the ones that loved you. We as your fellow officers will now take over your watch as you rest in peace. Until we meet again. My sincere condolences to your wife and three children.

Off Tingolie
Orange P.D.

August 13, 2006

I am sending out my deepest condolences to the Shields family and the Orange Police Department for this terrible loss. I worked side by side with Kieran at Federal Express before he became a police officer. He told me about his dreams of becoming a musician and or a career in law enforcement. "Special K" as we called him, never missed the chance to make someone smile or laugh. I will always hold those great times close to me and know he is smiling down on all of us. I raise my glass of Old No. 7 in honor and memory of a great friend, father, and a hero. Rest in Peace Kieran.

Greg Burkhardt
Middlesex County Resident

August 13, 2006

Rest in peace brother.

Police Officer
Northern Illinois University Police

August 13, 2006

Officer/ detective shields was a very caring person and was very nice even though i didn't really kno him i could tell that he was a very nice man/ husband and friend. my heart goes out 2 his famliy

R.I.P Detective Shields

Malayah Coker

August 13, 2006

I attended the service yesterday, and it never gets easy to go to one... I could not help shedding a tear when I heard the bagpipes playing going home as they brought Det. Shields out of the church yesterday.. You are in gods hands now brother.. Rest in Peace.. And may the scales of justice give that coward what he deserves...

Officer M. Mularz
Twp Of Union P.D. (Union Co)

August 13, 2006

Your husband and father is a hero to us all. May God give you peace. He will not be forgotten!!

Kentucky State Police

August 13, 2006

Peace of mind and strenght to the family and friends of officer Shields. I will always remember him always smiling, very positive and professional.

Lakeshia Reid
Monoc EMS

August 13, 2006

Standing at your funeral today, I realized that it was more of an expression of love, and that love can conquer all. The many officers and citizens who stood in silence to honor your heroic sacrifice were there out of love and respect for you and your family. We all feel the loss, but I also realized the deep connection that we all have to each other in coming together to honor your sacrifice and celebrate your life. God bless your family.

Fellow NJ P.O.-Anonymous

August 12, 2006

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