Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer Tara Marie Drummond

Kennesaw Police Department, Georgia

End of Watch Tuesday, September 13, 2005

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Reflections for Police Officer Tara Marie Drummond

Good afternoon Tara,

September is always a tough month for me. Earlier this year I left Georgia, probably for good and returned home to California to be with my family. I didn't get the opportunity to visit with you at GPSTC as I always did during training, but I want you and your family to know you are sill remembered for the brave woman you STILL ARE! Every recruit I had since you left us on earth has heard your story from my point of view. God Bless and I'll see you in Heaven!

Paul Vargas
Former Kennesaw PD and Smyrna PD

September 9, 2016

Tara, your birthday is in a couple days, but here is an early birthday wish. I can't listen to this song without remembering you. "I Can Only Imagine"

I can only imagine what it will be like
When I walk by your side
I can only imagine what my eyes will see
When your face is before me
I can only imagine


Surrounded by your glory
What will my heart feel
Will I dance for your Jesus
Or in awe of you be still
Will I stand in your presence
Or to my knees will I fall
Will I sing hallelujah
Will I be able to speak at all
I can only imagine
I can only imagine

I can only imagine when that day comes
And I find myself standing in the Son
I can only imagine when all I will do
Is forever, forever worship you
I can only imagine, yeah
I can only imagine

Surrounded by your glory
What will my heart feel
Will I dance for your Jesus
Or in awe of you be still
Will I stand in your presence
Or to my knees will I fall
Will I sing hallelujah
Will I be able to speak at all
I can only imagine
I can only imagine

Surrounded by your glory
What will my heart feel
Will I dance for your Jesus
Or in awe of you be still
Will I stand in your presence
Or to my knees will I fall
Will I sing hallelujah
Will I be able to speak at all
I can only imagine
I can only imagine

I can only imagine
I can only imagine
I can only imagine
I can only imagine

I can only imagine
When all I will do
Is forever, forever worship you

I can only imagine

Sergeant Brice Barth
Kennesaw Police Department

May 15, 2016

Thank you for your service. You must have been a very special person to make such an impact on so many people in such a short time.

Civilian Anonymous Anonymous
Social Services

February 5, 2016

I wish there was a way to "Like" these posts. You don't know how often I have come here to read your comments about my daughter when my heart has been hurting. Even after ten years, your words still bring comfort. Thank you for taking the time to share your kind words and your heart whether you were a co-worker, friend, family or stranger. Be thankful for every single day you have on this earth. Use each day to be salt and light in a dark world, Law enforcement friends, you have my deepest respect. Thank you for all you do.

Tina Drummond
Tara's mother

October 20, 2015

Tara, it just does not seem like 10 years have passed. Rarely does a day go by that I don't remember you. I have a copy of your police picture above my desk. We posted a memorial for you on our Face Book page. A lot of folks in the community remember you and have had very kind things to say.

Sergeant Brice Barth
Kennesaw Police Department

September 17, 2015

Heavy on my heart as always this time of year. Ten years has both been an eternity and seems like you just left. Your baby brother is now 23........the same age you were when you died. He has his Mechanical Engineering degree and a great career and life ahead of him. He is a good man. Your little sister is now a college professor. She is living her dream and so good at it. I know there would be no one prouder of them than you, Tara. I try to fill in the blanks.....what accomplishments would you have, husband, children, joy. Just know you are in my heart and on my mind every day. I love you, baby girl.


September 12, 2015

Good Morning Tara,

Ten years ago this week, our world at the City of Kennesaw stopped for longer than I can remember. Thank you for your service to our profession. I'll post to you again down the road Tara.


Officer Paul Vargas
Smyrna Police (Formerly Kennesaw Police)

September 11, 2015

The last time I saw Tara, she was an 11 year old lover of life. She would have made an incredibly good law enforcement officer. She had compassion...something far too few people have.

And now, she's dancing for Jesus. And I suspect her enjoyment of life is beyond any measure we who remain could ever imagine.

Dance, Tara. Dance!

Pfc Len Johnson
Beaufort County Detention Center

May 20, 2015

Happy 33 Birthday Tara I miss you everyday! I wish I could talk to you everyday! I really wish you were her so we could celebrate your birthday! I miss you and love you!!!



May 19, 2015

Tara, Happy birthday. Sorry I missed it yesterday. Still haven't forgotten you.

Sergeant Brice Barth
Kennesaw Police Department

May 19, 2015

Again, Happy Birthday in Heaven, Tara. 33 years ago today, you entered this world and God showed me His Love through you. I had no idea I could love anyone as much as I loved you, my first-born. I still love you and miss you and think of you every single day. Daisy turned 14 years old this week. She is so precious to us because she was yours. I will give her treats from you today to celebrate your day. Love forever,


May 19, 2015

Thinking of you and talking of you today, as we always do. Miss you so very much, sweetheart. Love, Mom

Tina Drummond

December 25, 2014


I just want you to know that I still think of you often. Every single time I see a butterfly, I think of you.


Ryan Reichert
Class mate and former MPD.

December 1, 2014


Last week I was in GPSTC two separate days and I checked in with you on the memorial as always. I just wanted you to know we will never forget you even in the short time I got to know you.


Officer Vargas
Smyrna Police STEP Unit

November 15, 2014

This morning is so peaceful and serene. There's almost a misty fog over the pastures and every now and then a little breeze. I could see us sitting in the rockers while you tell me how you're conquering the world. And the anxiety is just under the surface. The dichotomy that develops every year around this date, I suppose will be forever, I would want it to be forever. 9 years have passed since we've talked so I'm scrolling memories and missing Tara this morning.


September 13, 2014

With much respect for the career path you chose I know you must be a special person and I am sure you would be an outstanding officer. Your story breaks my heart and I send my deepest condolences to the Drummond family.

Cherie Hatmaker

September 12, 2014

Tara, For the past 9 years, this has been a bitter sweet day for me. As well as your passing it is my wedding aniversary... so I cant forget one without forgetting the other. So I forget neither. We had a promotional assessment recently, and I am sure you would have made Sergeant. We all miss you every day and keep your memory alive.

Sergeant Brice Barth
Kennesaw Police Department

September 12, 2014

Its been so long already, you are turly missed by many! Happy birthday Tara!


May 22, 2014

32 today. I can only imagine the Officer, woman, daughter you would be today. As many lives that have impacted through your death, there would have been ten times ad many through your life. Still love our COPS and PCSO friends. Most of all the amazing folks of Kennesaw and KPD. Happy Birthday Sweetheart.


May 19, 2014

Happy Birthday sweet girl. Brittney & I are going to spend the day celebrating you with makeovers, shopping, and doing anything else we know you would have wanted to do for your birthday. Brittney & I are not really the "makeover" type....we would be more likely to spend the day at a used book store & Whole Foods.....but we are celebrating your birthday so we will make our memories with you in our hearts and plans. I so wish I could see the 32 year old Tara. I know you would be my pride and joy.


May 19, 2014

Happy Birthday angel. We miss you and love you.


May 19, 2014

Tara, it is Police Memorial Week. Been thinking of being in DC for the Candle Light Vigil when your name was added to the wall. Its been a while since then. Your birthday is Monday... Happy Birthday! We Miss You and have not forgotten.

Sergeant Brice Barth
Kennesaw Police Department

May 15, 2014

To Joshua, Brice, Paul.......each of you who still post on here, Thank you. I still come here and read and re-read posts...even those from the beginning. Thank you for remembering her. Thank you for sharing the little details of your memories. You make me smile. Joshua, I love that song, but can't listen to it. It breaks my heart.

Tara, as we approach the season of your birthday and the police memorials, my heart gets heavy again. You are so loved.

Tina Drummond

April 18, 2014

Tonight while I was working on shift a song came on the radio that I hadn’t heard in quite some time. As I was sing along with it I felt as emotional as I always had when I heard it because it made me think of you . I had only discovered the ODMP website this past year and I thought that I just might check to see if you were honored by this website. I see that you have been. You have been honored by those who love you, and those that don’t even know you, but by the ties of Blue they honor you by recognizing you as a sister law enforcement officer. I recognize you as not only being my “Sister Officer” but as my friend. The friend that sat next to me during basic training and would give me the wake up nudge before the instructor would see me snoozing and I would return the favor when the day was long and the topic was dry for you. I remember the sound of your voice when we talked about how the day was going. It’s funny because I can actually hear the sound of your voice when I remember you talking to me. I will never forget that sound and how I felt when the tragic event of September 13, 2005 changed so many lives all at once, including my own. And after I remember myself in tears and holding hands with our class mates and praying for you as tears drowned my face. Though it was short I miss the time we had here on earth but somehow I know that you’re still my friend and watching over me. I know it was you that made me go back into the class the next day bare through the rest of my training and receive my certification. It was me that did want to, but it was you that would not let me quit. I know that it’s also you that is looking over me and your other classmates and friends and keeping us safe. I’ve learned quite a bit more about you by reading all of the heart felt posts on ODMP and I have to say to your mother that tonight I heard the song “Who You’d be Today” by Kenny Chesney come on the radio and every time I hear that song I think of your daughter. To your father I absolutely love pumpkin pie and from reading your post so did Tara, so the next time I have a piece of pumpkin pie will most assuredly remember Tara. And to Michael Gloyd I know it was hard for you like it was me to return to that building and pursue the career we gathered at that building for but every time I look at my class shirt and see “Strength and Unity” it is made clear. Tara we will all see you again someday and until then please sister watch over us and we will remember you.

Joshua Dills
Classmate and Friend
East Ellijay Police Department

March 4, 2014

Since this terrible accident in 2005, this sad story has become part of our opening firearms safety review for in-service and new hire training and the importance of a sterile environment when conducting demonstrations and NOT having live ammunition in the classroom setting.

Firearms Instructor / Training Crd.
Tompkins County Sheriff's Office

November 13, 2013

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