Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Sergeant Howard King Stevenson

Ceres Police Department, California

End of Watch Sunday, January 9, 2005

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Reflections for Sergeant Howard King Stevenson

Happy Father's Day our forever love,

Thank you for being the best daddy for our kiddos. I see your strength and perseverance and dedication to family in their comings and goings of this life...good job!!!

We miss you daily and look forward to seeing you in the perfect love of our eternal home:)

I will be enjoying this day by allowing my heart to be filled with memories of you as a father... on this special day that celebrates all the amazing dad's past, present and future, you are a true blessing to us!!!

May our Lord cover each father with His great love, wisdom and faithfulness...

I love that our Father in Heaven is the greatest Father of all...Because He showed that we can trust in His faithfulness through His precious Son, Jesus Christ, who paid our sin debt to be reconciled to God the Father after the great fall in the garden. Amen for He shows the most Amazing Love and Grace given to mankind.

Until we see each other again love you with all my heart and soul xoxoxo

your loving wife

June 15, 2024

Hi my forever love,

You are missed in every way possible. I cannot even try to begin, to voice in words, how heavy my heart is these days...

I pray daily for wisdom and discernment, strength and stamina, guidance and grace, hope and mercy, joy and kindness, and love and peace.

The days are moving quickly...which God has promised in His Word. Amen

I love you with all of my heart and soul...I look forward to seeing you and our beloved's in the Glory of our Savior, Jesus !!!

your loving wife

May 13, 2024

You were the best police officer I ever worked with, and a great human being.
Thinking of you often.

Ret.Sgt Jeff Higginbotham
Ceres PD

March 29, 2024

Today is my daughters birthday, we where celebrating her birthday when I found out about the shooting. Howie was a great friend. Spent many times camping at Mountain Madness with the guys at Ceres Police. God bless his family and the Ceres Police Family.

Ca. State Parole Agent (Retired)
Ca. state Parole/Former Ceres PD

January 9, 2024

You are not forgotten. Thinking of you and your family.
Rest in Peace Sergeant Stevenson

P. Richards
Mother of a Police Officer

January 9, 2024

Our dearest Hero... our sweet Howard in Heaven,

There are no words that haven't been said through the years...You are missed and loved constantly by your family and friends!!!

Time truly has no meaning when the heart is involved... so our hearts seek daily for a glimpse of your love...which is transcending the veil that separates Heaven and Earth. We are so grateful for that special gift :)

Please know you are missed as much as one can possibly miss you in this lifetime...

Thankfully, I believe we can look forward to the day that we all are together again in the perfect love of Christ... the day where for eternity we will all know only beauty and peace and all the amazing things to great to imagine here !!!

Until then...We Love you with all our hearts xoxoxo

your loving wife

January 8, 2024


Was just thinking about you and your family today. Can’t believe it’ll be 19 years next week. You are missed by so many. I know you are right here beyond the veil with our Lord waiting to be reunited with your family and friends. All my love.

Jeremy Gatlin

January 5, 2024

My forever love,
I miss you...

You have a Heavenly perspective that we could only imagine from this heavy and clouded Earthly view.

I truly long for the day that I too will be in the perfect love of Jesus.

Love you more than words can share xoxoxo until we see each other again

your loving wife

August 11, 2023

RIP Brother

Lieutenant (Retired) Carl "Rick&quo
Stanislaus County S.O. California

January 9, 2023

You are not forgotten. Thinking of you and your family.
Rest in Peace Sergeant Stevenson.

P. Richards
Mother of a Police Officer

January 9, 2023

Our forever love,

As we start our 18th year, I try (each year) to equate the time since you were called home and our heart-time of missing and loving you...

I have found that there is no way to truly connect our loss with what we know about time here.

But I do know, you are loved and missed continuously by us and so many who you touched...

So that said, the one truth that brings me complete comfort is... I believe we will all be together again in the perfect love of Jesus!!!

Until that day, my forever love, xoxoxo

Thank you Howard, for your selfless sacrifice in serving our community and may God keep safe all those whom are out there doing the same selfless duties each day, but if any are called home...

May our Mighty Mighty Mighty God, comfort their families and friends as He continues to comfort us each day...this is our daily prayer, in Jesus, name!!!

your loving wife

January 9, 2023

Hi my forever love,

I know you know that you are ALWAYS in my heart and close in my thoughts and actions.

You and all our Heavenly beloveds are truly missed everyday!!!

I am looking forward to the day we all are together again in the perfect love of Jesus:)

Love you all xoxoxox

your loving wife

December 13, 2022

Heavenly Father, thank you for loving us so much that you have created a place for us to reunite with those you gave us to love. Rest in peace with Jesus, brother Ron, and with your beloved friend, Howie.

I love you

Sister, Jan
Your sister, Jan

October 14, 2022

My forever Love,

Ron is now with you and all our Heavenly beloveds, I know he was welcome with so more love than he could have ever imagined!!!

We love and miss you and long for the day we are all reunited in the perfect love of our Savior, Jesus Christ!!!

Until then sending our hugs and kisses your way xoxoxo

God Bless the Peace makers

your loving wife

October 1, 2022

Happy Father's Day my love,
Thank you for all you gave as the father of our beautiful kiddos!!!

I know God created father's to be leaders in their home. We could not have asked for a better God given leader for our family than you my love...

Your true love shined through on the good days and the challenging days. What a wonderful example of a man with integrity, strength, perseverance, humbleness and true heart!!!

How blessed are we to have such wonderful memories tied to your fatherhood!!!

I know God our Father, calls each of us to learn to look to Him, for ALL things... including wisdom, discernment, and good judgement. So that, we too can live with a heart of integrity, do all things in His strength, and with perseverance walk humbly before Him.

That is my prayers daily for all of us who are finishing our journey on Earth...

We love and miss you and all our Heavenly beloveds....

Until we are reunited xoxoxoxo forever and ever

Happy Father's Day

your loving wife

June 20, 2022

Thinking of you and your family today. You are missed and forever loved.

Jeff Higginbotham
Retired Sergeant Jeff Higginbotham

May 15, 2022

My Dearest forever love,
I know it has been a bit since I left a message here...oh my how time is flying by...

Yet, there is not a day that goes by that you are not a part my heart and in spirit!!!

I see you in so many ways during the day!!! and I am not surprised because I know you and all our Heavenly beloveds are just a veil away... cheering each of us we navigate all that is ahead.

I look always forward to the day we all are together again in the perfect love of Jesus :)

Until then I thank our Lord Jesus, that you are near to though who love you and miss you greatly as well as all our Heavenly beloveds


your loving soulmate

May 2, 2022

17 years have gone by. You are not forgotten. Thinking of you and your family.
Rest in Peace Sergeant Stevenson.

P. Richards
Mother of a Police Officer

January 9, 2022

Good Morning My Love,
On this Christmas Eve, I am remembering all the lovely Christmas's we spent together with our friends and family. We were very blessed then and remain very blessed today...

I see everyday the Love of our Lord, Jesus through His many blessings.

I love how He provides His strength, His comfort, His peace, and His Healing, as we trust in His Perfect Loving Sovereignty over EVERYTHING!

I know you Howard, and all our beloveds who have gone on before us, are well aware of the Love our Father, God has for His children and all that He has created.

Tomorrow we celebrate the birth of our precious Christ, Jesus, who came down from His thrown in Heaven, to become the Perfect Lamb of God, born in a lowly manger, for the purpose of showing God's Love for His creation...

God the Father, gave His one and only Son, to pay the sin debt of this whole cursed world.... So that, we who trust in this truth, will be forever with Him in Eternal Life in Heaven.

What other God, would choose to give such an amazing Gift, His only precious Son, on behalf of sinful and doomed people like us? None !!!

So, I am looking continually to the day we are all reunited in the Perfect Love of Jesus forever and ever...

your loving wife

December 24, 2021

Good Morning my forever love,
I miss you so very much, every single day... As the years pass by, God has been very good to sustain us and keep us in His loving care.

I am grateful for ALL the blessings and it brings me so much comfort to know you are just a veil away, with all our loved ones who have passed on...

Thank you for leaving us with wonderful memories, ones we can hold on to, until we are together again...for eternity in God's Perfect LOVE, in Jesus

Love you with all my being xoxoxo

your loving soul mate

November 27, 2021

Today is Father's Day my my love, and as always, you and our Heavenly beloveds are in our hearts, and thoughts...we miss you all dearly and love you with all our hearts...

As the day gets closer to being eternally reunited in Heaven, I know it is good to make every day watch continually for God the Father's daily blessings, with both anticipation and humble gratitude...

Thank you, Heavenly Father, God, that we can trust in Your precious son, Jesus... The One, who paid our sin debt, once and for that, we have His perfect peace, and assurance of our eternal life, in Your perfect LOVE!!!

xoxoxo Thank you, Howard for being a wonderful father, and leaving us with beautiful memories to reflect on today and everyday!!!

with all my love forever
your wife

June 20, 2021

Good Morning my forever love,
You are always in our hearts...missed and loved more than words can express...

As time marches on, like a diligent soldier, I trust that means we are one day closer to seeing you and all our beloveds in Heaven.

Each day brings challenges...but also many blessings. Yet, it isn't always easy to see the blessings among the challenges of the day...

So, I asked our Lord Jesus, every morning, to help us all; to see His unfailing love, His mercy and His grace throughout each day...

I trust God hears all our prayers; and is willing to give us all, His wisdom, His discernment, and His Mighty Mighty Mighty protection, and is ready to bring us all, His comfort, His peace, His strength, and His healing, to those who seek Him.

It is a precious gift to know all our beloveds are safe in the arms of Jesus. I look forward to the day that we all are in His PERFECT LOVE again, in Heaven...

Thank you Howard, for all you did while you were here with are a continued presence in our lives, just a veil away, and on our side, with Jesus!!! Amen

Sending all my love, hugs and kisses xoxoxo...

your loving wife

May 23, 2021

My forever love,
I know you are just a veil you with all my being!!!

loving wife forever

April 6, 2021

Thinking of you and your wonderful family today. You are forever honored, never forgotten, and always missed by those who call you beloved.

Phyllis Loya
Mom of fallen California Officer Larry Lasater, Pittsburg PD, eow 4/24/05

February 2, 2021

Sgt. Stevenson was a great police officer and police supervisor. It was an honer to serve, and work with such a fine man, husband and father.

He will always be remembered for the great man he was. It was and honer knowing him, and working with him. He was one of the very best.

Retired Sergeant Jeff Higginbotham
Ceres Police Department, friend and colleague

February 1, 2021

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