Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Deputy Sheriff William Franklin James, II

Wake County Sheriff's Office, North Carolina

End of Watch Friday, September 5, 2003

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Reflections for Deputy Sheriff William Franklin James, II

Where in the world has 8 years of life gone??? It still doesn't seem possible. I was just talking about you yesterday and it felt as if you were still here. I just wonder when and if the saddness will ever go away? I miss you just as much now as I did the day I found out that you left us. I know you are in a much better place but I am trying to be a little selfish with wanting you here. But while you are up there I will ask you to do me a favor. Please watch over Frank as he serves his tour in Afghanistan. I love you very much and miss you!!!


September 9, 2011

Hey Frank!

I cant believe how long its been! Lets see...Im still at Cary PD and Holly Springs. I have to say that working with Kristin at Holly springs is very enjoyable. I look forward to catching up with her when I see her. She and Ronnie are doing well. Oh, you probably already know Susan got married and shes gonna have a little one! Im very happy for her... Im trying to sell my house and Im hoping to move to the mts one day. When Im there life seems to make sense...a house on a lake is my hopes. We shall see. Thanks again for looking out for my family...I know you were watching. My brother has a few does my sister but other wise doing. I miss you Frank. I'll talk to you again soon....


Senior Telecommunicator
Town Of Cary

September 4, 2011

I never did forget....but I wanted to tell you thank you for watching over my daughter. Tell her I miss her and love her. My blue light still shines for you.


August 24, 2011

Just wanted to say hi :) I was sitting here thinking about you and turned on I Can Only Imagine. It is still all surreal!!! Going on 8 years of a lose yet it still seems like yesterday. It still tears me up as if it were yesterday. I love you and miss you...


June 27, 2011

Once again, it's that time of the year!! I still laugh like crazy when I think about that night at Sean's house for the squad Christmas party. Not a day goes by that I don't think about something dealing with you or thinking about how short life can really be. It's amazing!!!

Merry Christmas, Happy New Year adn Happy Birthday Frank. I love you and miss you. Please continue to watch over me


December 25, 2010

Miss you Dink. 7 years now but feels like yesterday. RIP brother.


September 4, 2010

I wish we had more time to get to know eachother. You really were a special funny person. Take care in heaven and watch out for the rest of us.


February 28, 2010

So I was driving around the Peak tonight and I all the memories started coming back and they were so darn vivid... just like it was just yesterday. I miss you like crazy. I have spoke of you often to my "friend" FRANK and it's like he knows you just by the funny stories. I really like that name too!! I just wonder who made that happen?? I just thought I would say hello and that I was thinking about. I love you


February 9, 2010

still thinking of you are a hero.


February 2, 2010

I just wanted to stop by and tell you Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and Happy Birthday. I think about you even more on the holidays. I miss you so much!! Continue to watch over me... I love you:)


December 27, 2009

Merry Christmas brother. Thinking you this time of the year and missing you..Your Birthday is coming up soon too.
Love you, miss you.


December 24, 2009

Your heroism and service is honored today, the 6th anniversary of your death. Your memory lives and you continue to inspire. Thank you for your service to my home state and the birthplace of my son. My cherished son Larry Lasater was a fellow police officer murdered in the line of duty on April 24, 2005 while serving as a Pittsburg, CA police officer.

Your family and friends are in my heart's embrace today.

Rest In Peace

Phyllis Loya
mother of fallen officer Larry Lasater

September 8, 2009

Dink, I'm thinking of you on this anniversary...I love you brother.


September 5, 2009

Ahhh, such a somber day. Six years ago today, God decided to take a wonderful man off this earth to be with him. I have been so selfish telling him that he took the wrong one. You should be here with all of your friends and family. But I know that it was your time and I don't have to agree with the decision.
As I sit here I remember exactly what was going on 6 years ago. It was a Friday, just like today, and I was on day shift. As I was going home I picked the phone up to call you to see how your and Aprils beach trip was and to see if you were coming to our "C-squad" gathering. But I got interupted by my momma calling. I told myself that I would call you on my way in Saturday morning. I was in the bed sleeping and the phone rang. It was Captain Stephens, Sgt. Moore then, telling me there had been a wreck and you were involved. She told me that she wanted to be the one to tell me since she knew we were close and did not want me to see it on the news. She then said that you had passed away. At that point I was done. I could not even think of what to say or do besides call the guys. They all had the same reaction that I did. Complete disbelief. So that Saturday I went to work confused, with no sleep, puffy eyes and toilet paper in hand. Nobody really knew what to say. Obviously police work from our squad was not done that day. We all went to the flower shop and shared a few chuckles about you. We were trying to figure out what type of flowers you would like. When we thought about it we were like Frank don't want no stinking flowers. We shared a few funny stories in there which was nice. Then there was this man with his daughter in there buying flowers for his wife who was in the hospital. As he left we ordered the flowers and was paying and they told us the man and daughter infront of us paid $50.00 towards our bill. Wow how generous he was. He knew the reason why we were in there. We looked like idiots because one minute we were laughing and the next we were crying. Grown adults in a police uniform carring a gun. I know you were looking at us saying everything was going to be okay and to not be upset.
Later we went back to get the flowers and Jack, Tom and I took the flowers to April. As we were driving over there more stories arose and more tears and laughter. I kept saying that I needed to hold it together for April. When we walked in your house we all three stood there on the hardwoods in the foyer as we were told to come on in and have a seat. I was unsure if I should take my shoes off or not. I looked at Jack and said we needed to take our shoes off because you would be mad that we had shoes on your carpet. We started to laugh because of our last conversation about Travis getting peanut butter on the floor. We went in to the kitchen and April came in and was very strong. I looked like a blubbering idiot. She gave me a hug and asked ME if I was okay. From that moment on, I realized that she was a very wonderful and powerful woman. I needed her strength to get through it.
I miss my best friend, my confidant, the peacemaker, the person who always made me laugh and my brother. I am so glad I have all the good memories of you. You were a wonderful man that always saw the good in everything and everybody (even though you didn't agree with somethings). You were very positive and had a great out look on things. If only there were more people like you. You have so many friends out here that you made an impact on. I am very lucky to call someone like you my best friend. I love you very much and I miss you. Continue to watch over us. God speed Frank. You will NEVER be forgotten!!!


September 5, 2009

Hey Frank

I can not believe it has been six years now! Where has the time gone? I miss you and our morning talks over ICQ lol. I dont know if I ever told you but Ty Sellers works with me now at Cary. Has for at least a year or two. We were just talking about you. He remembers your last conversation with him in the Swift Creek Shopping Center PVA. Time has flown by. We were both saying you just never really forget something like you having to leave us. I know you are watching over us though. Oh I almost forgot. I met Susan...your friend Susan...she and I started talking this past year. Tonight I mentioned you and we talked about how you made us laugh. I told her I still carry the picture April gave me in my wallet. She said she has a carnation that she lets no one touch. I'm sure you had something to do with bringing us together :) I will write again soon. You may be gone but you will never be forgotten. Miss you

Joy VanDruff ECO II
Cary Police Department

September 5, 2009

Howdy! Just wanted to drop by to say hello! Man have I been thinking about you recently. Its been unreal. You and April must be talking or thinking about me because both of you have been steadily on my mind. I miss you! Things just aren't the same with out you here. Well please continue to watch over Blair and his men in Iraq. They have already lost a few too many and we all need them to come home safe and sound. i love you Frank and I miss you. Please continue to watch over me too:)


July 10, 2009

Thinking of you today. I'll never forget your birthday and all the good times we had. One day I'll tell Travis a few. He'll get a kick out of them. I just wanted to wish you have a Happy Birthday and let you know I think about you a lot.
Oh, I don't know what it is lately but I thought I saw you like three or four times in the last 2 months. I had to do a double take.

RIP my brother....Love you.

Tony Holstein

December 31, 2008

Hello there! It's been a while. Like always, you have been on my mind like crazy, especially during the holidays. I wanted to wish you a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year and just in case internet is not hooked up at the new house by then, Happy Birthday (old man). I miss you like crazy. As I sit here and remember the good 'ol days, I remember the last Christmas party we were at together at Sean Pearsons house (Mamers Mullet, does that come to mind). That was a good night. I laughed so hard at you and Jack. Man, I miss those days.... back on the West side when you had no worries. Why could you have not been move back over there before that horrible night? Please watch over Blair as he serves his second tour in Iraq. Let him come back to me safe and sound.
I love you and miss you


December 26, 2008

Merry X-Mas brother.

Lt Michael Patterson
Holly Springs Police Department

December 26, 2008

To the family and loved ones of Deputy Frank James, his fellow officers with the Wake County Sheriff's Office, and most especially to Frank:

On this the fifth anniversary month of your tragic death, please know that you are honored and revered today and everyday.

From all the loving reflections left about you, I can see that you were an amazing man and what a grievous loss your loved ones have endured.

May your spirit continue to soar and your memory continue to inspire. You are loved and missed by so many.

Rest in Peace, Frank. A body is but for a lifetime, but spirits and souls are for eternity and yours is forever a part of those who call you beloved.

This reflection is sent with the utmost respect for the service Frank gave to his community and the citizens of North Carolina, and for the supreme sacrifice he and his family made on September 5, 2003.

Phyllis Loya, mother of fallen officer Larry Lasater, Pittsburg Police Dept. eow 4/24/05


September 14, 2008

Hey Frank!

I came in to work tonight here at Cary with every intention of writing you but with all the rain and winds from a hurricane headed this way, I had to do my job for awhile lol. So, now that things are settling down, I just wanted to check in and let you know I was thinking of you. Not just tonight or this week...but often. Things here are wonderful. Both jobs are going well, I just bought a house...well a townhouse but it's all the fur kids and I need. April and Travis, I hope you and all your family are doing well. You are all in my thoughts. Frank, I still carry your photo...please know you will always have a place in my heart dear friend. Take care up there...

Joy VanDruff ECO II
Cary Police Department

September 6, 2008

My thoughts are with all of your loved ones as they face today and everyday since you were called away. I know you are constantly in their thoughts each and every day and you will never be forgotten. Continue to keep watch over all those that love and miss you dearly. You have not been forgotten.

Bob Gordon
Father of Michael P. Gordon, EOW: 8/8/04

September 5, 2008

Tomorrow will be 5 long years that you left us. I still think about you all of the time. There's been a lot going on and I so wish you were here for me to talk to. You always made me feel better after our talks. I enjoyed stopping by and seeing you the past 2 months. It had been a while, but I was not going to pass up 2 chances to be that close to you and not stop by and see you. I miss you so much. Continue to watch over us... until next time!
I love you


September 4, 2008

I really can't believe 5 years have gone by. Travis will be 18 next March. He looks great and is doing well. He wants to go on a 11 night cruise for his graduation present. I am making him something meaningful. I hope he likes it. Trish has really done a great job raising him. I hope to make one of his football games this season.
I miss you so much.

Tony Holstein

September 4, 2008

Hey Frank

I was sitting at work tonight and heard the song Imagine. It always makes me think of you. So I thought I would drop a line to say Hello.

Things here are good. I live in Apex and I am still working for Cary PD. I also work for Holly Springs PD part time. And it's so funny, I work with Kristin Campbell again Ha! You know we had a lot of fun at Wake County, but we really have a blast at Holly Springs. Time flys by when were working together. She wanted me to tell you Hello and we wanted you to know we think about you often. Oh good news, her and Ronnie are engaged! They are getting married in August.

I still carry the picture that April gave me of you in my wallet. Thank you for watching over all of us. We love and miss you.

Joy VanDruff ECO II
Cary Police Department

June 4, 2008

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