Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Patrolman Damon Talbott

New Mexico State Police, New Mexico

End of Watch Friday, October 19, 2001

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Reflections for Patrolman Damon Talbott

Well Damon, you now have another NMSP brother with you. Help take care of Chris. I know right now that his family is missing him like we miss you. You sit on my desk and watch over me every day. I love you son. Dad

Kim Talbott
Damon's Dad

June 14, 2007

Rest in Peace Brother.

Officer Cameron Reeves
Clovis NM Police Department

April 13, 2007

Thinking of you and those who are missing you. Life is
too short, especially when it ends at 21.
The Absent One
As we gather at the table and watch each smiling face
The heart fills with emotion to see the vacant place.
We may strive to hide our longing in the midst of mirth
And fun
But we're thinking, thinking, thinking
Of the loved- the absent one.

When we gather 'round the fireside with merry laughter
And jest
How we wish the absent dear one was here with all
The rest.
Still we join in all the frolic, but we wish the day was done
For we're thinking, thinking, thinking
Of the loved- the absent one.

Yet when the day is over and they all have gone to rest
We feel the Heavenly Father does all things for the best
So we cheer our drooping spirits with the rising
Of the sun
But we can't help thinking, thinking, thinking
Of the loved- the absent one. author unknown

Lynn Kole
Washington State

October 20, 2006

It has been 5 years since this tragic accident occurred. I am certain your family, friends and co-workers have grieved much in this time. I hope that God grants peace and comfort on this most difficult date.

God bless, rest well warrior. Your brothers and sisters in blue will take it from here.

Thank you for your service to New Mexico.


October 19, 2006

A man so remembered with love and respect never dies but continues to live on in the hearts and minds of others.G-d Bless Damon Talbott and May He also Bless his loved ones and give them His comfort.

October 19, 2006

It has been almost 5 years since your tour of duty ended and I know your loved ones think of you every single day. I know the pain your parents feel, especially your Dad. I read somewhere that when you lose your parents you lose your past, but when you lose a child you lose your future, how true. There is no greater loss than to lose a child and you never fully recover from the loss, you just learn to take one day at a time and continue on. There are no magic words to help with your loved ones grief except that they are not alone. They will keep your memory alive by telling great stories to the children and I'm sure some great stories that they didn't know have come to light. You are a true hero and will never be forgoteen. Keep watch over your loved ones and those still out on patrol.

Bob Gordon, father of fallen Chicago Officer
Michael P. Gordon, EOW: 8/8/04

Bob Gordon, Chicago Gold Star Father

August 13, 2006

Hi Damon, I just want to tell you again how much we miss you. We went to the Flying J last night for Garrett's 5th birthday. You would be so proud of him. He talks about you all the time and he prays for you a lot. I Love you so much.

Love Dad, Kim Talbott

Kim Talbott

June 20, 2006

Hi Son, Well it has now been 4 long years. I miss you so much each and every day. I look forward to the day that I can be with you again. Until then, please watch over me,Mom,Sabrina, Levi, Garret, and your name sake, Kylee. We all love you. Love, DAD

Kim Talbott

October 24, 2005

To the family and friends of Patrolman Damon Talbott and his fellow officers with the New Mexico State Police, and most especially to Damon.

It has been four years since you were so tragically taken from your loved ones. Your valor and bravery are not forgotten. Your family has so many loving memories of you and I know they treasure each one of them. It is obvious from reading the reflections you were well-loved and well-respected.

May his loved ones continue to be embraced the caring and comfort of their law enforcement family, and other police survivors.

This reflection is sent with the utmost respect for the service Patrolman Talbott gave to his community and the citizens of New Mexico and the supreme sacrifice he and his family made on October 19, 2001.

Phyllis Loya,mother of fallen officer Larry Lasater, Pittsburg PD eow 4/24/05

October 19, 2005

Damon was an incredible young man. I had the luck to go on a SCUBA diving vacation with Damon. He talked non stop about being a cop. We talked about the good and the bad. Damon soon went to the NMSP academy. The pride Damon showed while in his uniform was an incredible thing. Damon backed me a few times during his time on the street and showed just how good a cop could be.

Damon will always be missed.

Deputy Todd Clark
Chaves County SO

September 12, 2005

Rest in Peace Damon. You are not forgotten. Please watch over those of us still "down here". My thoughts and prayers are with your family, friends and co-workers.

P.O. Paul Tillotson
Elizabeth, NJ P.D.

June 3, 2005

Damon, I had the privilege to escort your Mother at the Southern New Mexcio Police Memorial last week and it was an Honor. Its the first time I had the opportunity to meet anyone from your family and I can assure you that you will live on in their lives forever. Rest in Peace Brother.

Sergeant Stephen P. Cary
New Mexico State Police

May 31, 2005

Hey brother!! Well, we just wrapped up police week for 2005. What a hectic time. I was honored to give the thoughts of a family member at the Southern New Mexico Law Enforcement Memorial. I got more emotional than I wanted to, but there isn't anything I can go about it now. I hope I didn't disappoint you or mom and dad. I just want everyone to be proud of me in my endevours to keep our memory alive. I was so glad to get to speak, but was a nervous wreck. Hey, there is a little white butterfly who keeps hanging around Garrett and Kylee when they are swimming. It even landing on Kylee's bum one day. Wouldn't be you would it? I love you and miss you so much. Don't be a stranger.


May 25, 2005

Hi Brother. 3 years ago, about this time, I was finding out that you had passed away. What a crazy night that was. So, many unanswered quesions and so many details to see to. Family and friends lending their support for our family in our time of need. Numbness set in and we pushed through the next few days until we were done with your funeral and burial. Now, all we had to do was live the rest of our lives without you. What? How are we suppose to do that? We've managed I guess since we don't have a choice, but we miss you so much. Garrett is now 3 years old. He see pictures of you and says, "Hey, there's my Uncle!" He's pretty proud of you, just like you were of him. Kylee is 9 months old and such a happy princess. She is a special gift who got your special name. I miss you so much. You live on everyday with me and the things I do. With our NM COPS chapter, I am tryng to make the transistion a little easier for families yet to come to the COPS family. We are proud of you and all you accomplished. However, on this the 3rd anniversary of your death, I wish we didn't have to mark such a dreaded occasion.
I love you forever


October 19, 2004

On the anniversary of your death, I salute you for your service and honor you for your sacrifice.

Rest in peace. God bless.

October 19, 2004

Hi Damon. It's been a few months since I've left a reflection on here. But you've been on my mind a lot. We've had my birthday and Mom's birthday since I wrote last and you know that our precious Kylee is here now. She is about 3 1/2 months old. Garrett was about her age when you were killed in the accident. It's hard to believe he will be 3 in about 2 months. He's growing up so quick. I dreamt about you all night last night. Was that your way of visiting me? I know I was having a hard night last night, and I wonder if you were trying to comfort me...Levi is gone and Garrett was at mom and dad's, so once I had Kylee down it was very quiet. Lots of time for me to think and miss ya. I tell Kylee everyday that you love her and are proud of her. Garrett knows the same. I am so proud to tell people that Kylee is named after you, her Uncle Damon Kyle. She's very special and I only wish you were here to hold her. Watch over us all especially the kids. I love you Damon and I miss you so much.


April 14, 2004

Damon, you are greatly missed each and every day. Rest in peace.

Montgomery County Police, MD

March 10, 2004

Hi Damon, When you left us just over 2 years ago you and I were just getting ready to go deer hunting. We did not get to make that trip. I am getting ready to go out hunting with Coy. It has been really hard trying to get motivated to do this without you. Mom told me this morning that you would want me to go and have a good time so I am getting ready to leave now. Please be with me!!! I miss you so very much!!! Love you Dad

Kim Talbott Dad

November 14, 2003

Hi Damon. Happy 24th birthday! You were on my mind all day today. Garrett knew what day it was too. We went to dinner with mom and dad to celebrate and he said "Damon's Party?" We miss you now more than ever. Please keep watching over sweet Garrett. He loves you and misses you to...and will say "wanna see damon". That's pretty hard to answer. I just tell him any time we want to see you we can look at your pictures. Watch over your new niece too. I know she isn't here yet, but keep her in your arms until she's delivered to me. I want her to know you too. You are so much a part of me Damon. I miss you and I love you. Stay close
Love you


November 5, 2003

I never had the honor of meeting you but think the world of your mom. She is one of the nicest I have ever met. I know you meant to word to her and your entire family. God bless you all. Thanks for all you did for your community. It will never be forgotton. Please watch over your family and us officers while we continue the fight.

Bonnie I lost a good friend (Joe Herrera Friona PD) and partner to a vehicle pursuit in April 03. I only know part of the pain that you went through and still are going through. If there is anything you or your family needs please let us know. God Bless you all.

Sgt. Keith Payne

October 18, 2003

Damon, Not a day goes by that you are not on my mind. I miss you so very much and look forward to the day I can see you again. Love you so much. You were and still are my best friend. Love Dad

Hi Damon. Well, since I wrote last we've celebrated your 23rd birthday, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, mom and dad's anniversary, Valentines Day, my birthday and moms birthday. I know you were with us for all those celebrations, but there was still a spot missing at all of them too. I try to make holidays and birthdays good days but its hard. I don't want Garrett to remember tears and sadness at Christmas. I get pretty stressed on mom and dads birthdays and anniversary because I know all they want is for you to be there with them. I can't make that happen, so it is like nothing I can do or say is good enough. That is my eyes, they have NEVER made me feel that way, its just me. I just know they'd give up any gift to have you back, as would I, so I stress on what to do for them. I know it won't be good enough. In about a month we start memorials again for National Police Week. You will be on the hearts of many. But for those of us who knew you and loved you, you are in our hearts, thoughts, prayers, and dreams every day. I miss you so much. Words can't describe. I love you. Love, Sissy.


I just want you to know how much I miss you. It has been very hard for me going on with out you. The survivors guilt is slow starting to get easier, but there is not a day that goes by that I don't think about you and that Day. I know that you and Robert watch over me and I know that you guys are with me, but how I wish that you guys were still here so that myself and your families would not have to go through this.
Thank you for being a part of my life and the memories that we had.
God Bless You and watch over all those who would also give that ultimate sacrafice.

Patrolman Jennifer Schurman
New Mexico State Police

Hey Damon. We just marked the one year anniversary of your death. It was a stressful time as we prepared for the Memorial Poker Run and the Candlelight Vigil. But, I know you were with us every step of the way. Although, I would have so much rather you be here, because then that would have meant we weren't planning this Memorial Events. There were times I got so angry and mad that I was having to plan this. I didn't want to do it anymore. I just wanted you back. I miss you so much. Some one said to me that they were afraid we weren't letting go of some things. I don't know what they want us to let go of!! I can't let go of you. Neither can mom and dad. What are we suppose to let go of? There are times I feel you around me, but then others when I feel so alone and sad. Even with mom, dad, Levi, and precious Garrett...I feel so empty. I miss you hon. I'd give anything to have you back. I still dread the thought of my life without you. There is just too much of it to go through to do it without you. Help me and show me youre there. I love you Damon. Things just aren't the same.


Hi Damon. We are preparing for Garrett's first birthday party this weekend. It's hard to believe he is already a year old. I have been caught up in the excitement of it all...invitations, food, goody bags, etc. I have stopped several times, dead in my tracks, and thought about you. This party will not be the same. His birthday will never be the same for us. Of course it will be a day of celebration and happiness...but it is difficult to think of you not being here. I have been thinking about how I found out that they were going to induce me and I called to tell you, but you were going to patrol the motorcycle rally. You stopped by as soon as you got home. Garrett was three days old then. You were so proud of him. He had your side burns...I remember telling you that in the hospital when I talked to you after he was born. Things aren't the same without you. I miss you terribly and I think about you all the time. You are constantly with me and a part of me and all that I do. I know you are watching over us down here. You will always be a part of all of our celebrations. Take care Damon and watch over Garrett. I know you do everyday. He looks at your picture with him and gives it a kiss every now and then. He knows his Uncle Damon. I love you!


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