Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Military Police Officer Brian Thomas Gleason

United States Army Military Police Corps, U.S. Government

End of Watch Wednesday, August 9, 2000

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Reflections for Military Police Officer Brian Thomas Gleason

Dear Brian,
I missed you so much today. Another Mothers Day without you here. A piece of my heart will always be missing until I see and hold you in my arms again. Fourteen years have passed and it still seems like yesterday. I had a good weekend and got to spend some time with Kendall. She got her BSN in Nursing and you would be so proud of her. She took your advice about school and has graduated with three college degrees. She talks about you all the time still. I'm so proud of you both and that God allowed me to raise you and her. So proud of all you accomplished in your short time. I know you would have continued to keep moving up also. You are doing a higher calling for God now and I know and trust Him with His decisions even when I do not understand. I love and miss you so much!


Tammy Persin

May 11, 2014

Dear Brian,
We miss you this Easter so very much and as always each day. One day we will all be together as a family again and no one will be missing. Seeing families together brings back precious memories of our Easters past. We love you so very much.

Love you


April 20, 2014

HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRIAN! Hard to believe you would be 34 today! WE love and miss you so so much!

Love you Mom

Tammy Persin

January 14, 2014

I wanted to say Happy Birthday son. You are never far from my thoughts. Your second favorite team won the BCS bowl, the last time they played Auburn you and I were at the game. You are loved and missed.

Retired State of Florida

January 14, 2014

MERRY CHRISTMAS BRIAN! We love and miss you so very much as always. It will just never be the same without you here. Something will always be missing and we will always have an empty chair at the table. I close my eyes and I hold you tight as much as I can in my dreams and heart. WE will think on all the precious memories past and think on making new ones with you in our future! I love you so much!


Tammy Persin

December 25, 2013

Brian, I know you already know and i'm sure you and daddy are having a great time now. We lost daddy on the 9th yesterday to a heart attack. We found him today at his home. I know he is so happy to be with you and mother, but it hurts here on earth. I love you and tell mother and daddy I love them.

I love you

Tammy Persin

December 10, 2013



Love you

Tammy Persin

November 30, 2013

You will be so missed tomorrow. Holidays are a little harder looking at the empty chair remembering the past and good times. We love and miss you so very much!

I love you

Tammy Persin

November 27, 2013

Dear Brian,
Thank you for your service. I know how much you loved doing what you did. It may have been just a short time that you got to serve, but you did make a difference in that short time. Thank you to all who served and are serving.

I love you and miss you so much

Tammy Persin

November 11, 2013

Dear Brian,
You were so very missed this past weekend. Kendall married the man of her dreams and will also be moving. It was a bitter sweet moment happy and sad at the same time. We all wished you could have been there. I know you were in spirit because we never let your name die in our household. We keep alive your memory everyday and it would be a strange day if your name did not come up at least once. She put the military cross pistols on her flowers and also wore a piece of your military uniform under her wedding dress so that she would have a part of you with her. You would have loved the way your little sister looked. She was a breathtaking bride and so in love. She asked if I would mind to let her have a piece of your uniform and I know you would have been so proud for her to wear it in your memory and honor and to feel close to you on her special day. I miss you so much and one day we will all be together again.

I love you

Tammy Persin

September 26, 2013

I went to your grave site yesterday, it seems like only yesterday you were spending the summers with me. I love you and miss you.

Love your Dad!!

Retired Captain Florida

August 12, 2013

Dear Brian,
The day has arrived once again for the 13th year of not having you here with us. It never gets any easier no matter how many years come and go. The pain and the hurt of missing you will always be there in our hearts. I miss you dearly and just as always wish for just one more time to hold you in my arms and see your smile and kiss your face. I thank all the people today for their thoughtful words and for the ones who have lost their child who truly know the pain I carry in my heart. One day we will meet again and just know ahead of time I will never let you go once I get you in my arms! I love and miss you so very much!

I love You

Tammy Persin

August 9, 2013

Thinking of your loved ones today, especially your Mom, as they remember the horrific day, 13 years ago when their lives were forever changed. Thirteen years is such a long time to be apart from someone you love.

Norie Haas
Surviving Mother of Deputy Brian A. Haas

August 9, 2013

The day has arrived once again to remind those that love you of that terrible day they lost you. Some people will say that they can't believe that it has been 13 years already. For those that love you dearly it has felt like a lifetime since they heard your laugh, saw your smile and felt your warm touch. I know your Mom would trade places with you in a heartbeat so that you could be here with those that love you. No parent should outlive their children, I can think of nothing more terrible to experience and live with. Continue to watch over all of your loved ones, protect them from harm and let them feel your presence. You have not been forgotten.

Bob Gordon
Father of Fallen Chicago Officer: Michael P. Gordon, EOW: 8/8/04

August 8, 2013

Dear Brian,
Today is my birthday and if I could have one wish, I would wish to have you back here with all of us if it were only just long enough to kiss your face, hold you tight as I could and to see your smile! I would just wish for only seconds just long enough to see you. I would give anything to just hear your voice just one more time in person. One of the last videos we took was on mothers day and you said I love you mom and little did I know what that video would come to mean to me. The video is PRICELESS! Parents are not suppose to out live their children and you should be the one watching videos of the past one day not me. Life sometimes just does not make since and I trust God He knows what is best no matter how much it hurts. I know you are with me in spirit and I carry you in my heart and in my memories with every breath I take and one day when I take my last breath I will see you face to face and never let you go. I miss and love you so much.


Tammy Persin

June 3, 2013

Dear Brian,
My heart is so heavy missing you tonight. I would give anything if it were only a few seconds to hold you tight in my arms be able to kiss your cheek and as I always did listen to your heart beat before we said goodbye just one more time. I never got to kiss your precious face goodbye except through your casket and wanting to hold you in my arms so bad. Life sure seems so unfair at times and I seem to never understand why? You were taken so fast that we didn't even get to share many stories of basic or life at Ft Polk. Life has never been the same and it will never be without you here and to make new memories. My heart hurts so bad at times and this is one of those days. A mothers love for her children is a strong bond from the first time I felt you kick before you were born my love was so strong for you. I try so hard to hold on to precious memories and never forget one minute of your life and the joy you brought to all our lives. Time keeps moving on but part of me and my heart will always be in the past. For the twenty years I did get to have you here I'm so thankful and was so very blessed. I miss you so very much and love you with all my heart. One day we will all be together again.

I love you

Tammy Persin

May 20, 2013

Dear Brian,
Today is mothers day and the 13th year I have not been able to share it with you on this earth. I know you are with me in spirit and I will always have you in my heart and our treasured memories. My heart will always have a missing piece until we meet again and I get to hold you in my arms once again. I will visit your grave and take you flowers for that is all I can share with you on this earth and spend time thinking about past memories and what could have been. I could not have been blessed more than to have you and Kendall as my children. She even got me a mothers day card with both your names on it and one just from her. She tries so hard to fill in for you and to also keep your memory and the memories we all shared together alive. We miss you so very much and we cannot wait for the day we can all be a family together once again. I have so many memories I try my best to hang on to and never forget and they keep me strong and bring back so many smiles and joy to my heart. I will never get over the pain and missing you so much and seeing your great big smile! You had such a beautiful smile and I know it"s even more beautiful in heaven. Until I see you again I will close my eyes and touch your face and hold you in my arms as tight as i can imagine. I love and miss you so much my precious Brian.

Sending you my love on angels wings

Tammy Persin

May 12, 2013

I will be going to Boston this week to teach. I hope the message will help save another officer's life and honor your name. You are missed my son.

Love Dad


April 14, 2013

I still look at our memories, I still secretly visit your grave, and I know you are with Brianne Jeanne'. I miss you, and often see your breath-taking smile when I close my eyes. can't wait till I can one day see y'all again.


March 28, 2013

The new seat at your grave site turned out nice! I now have a place to sit and reflect when I come to where you were placed to rest.

You are loved and missed!!


Retired Captain Father
State of Floirda

February 28, 2013

Brian, your father and I have become good friends just this past month of February 2013. We know that you are looking down on us. You have passed the torch on to us. R.I.P. my brother. We will continue the mission from hear. God Bless...

Trooper Demetrius Tucker

February 25, 2013

All of us who served with you think of you everyday.Every August 9th I reflect on you and have a beer and a quiet moment to remember you.That will live with me forever,as will you my friend.i'm always thinking of you and love you brother. 209th "Warrior Spirit"

Always in my heart,

Pat "Ski" Omiecinski

SGT Patrick T. Omiecinski
209th MP Co Oct.1999-Nov.2003

February 14, 2013

Dear Brian,

I'm talking from a mothers heart and the pain and burden that not only me but our family carries everyday in the loss of your life. You were somebody who meant something to us, loved and cared for very much. Our family has to live by the actions of others that could have been prevented and did not have to happen. I have a hard time understanding how someone's life could be taken by other's actions and they are the ones who feel they were done wrong and mistreated! There are consequences for the actions which we choose to make, and no one is the blame but the ones who made that choice period. My son is dead and we will never see him again on this earth. He had a right to live out his dream, marry, and have children. Its true that no one will ever know my son's thoughts before he died and its true that dead men tell no tales. One of the things that helps keep me going is that God knows and that's all that matters. I have learned a very hard lesson in trusting people no matter how nice and sincere they may seem. As time goes on the truth of how sincere they were and their thoughts of what they really thought come to light. I'm not a bitter person, just a mother with a broken heart that can never be mended on this earth and to finally realize that your life meant nothing to some people, only what they wanted for theirs. I feel that I have been used to find out what was really wanted from me and how much you really meant to them. You are in heaven which is the best place you could be and no one can ever hurt or take advantage of you again. I know the talks we had the week you died and I haven't forgotten anything you told me. I love and miss you so much. I'm just a mother whose heart's pieces can never be put back together on this earth and some days are just harder than others and this is one of them. You still mean the world to me and no matter how much time passes, right is right and wrong is wrong. No one can give me back my sons life on this earth but his life did count even if some thought it wasn't that important. He was to our family!

WE love you

Tammy Persin

February 13, 2013

There is no greater sorrow than a parent losing a child. I hold your mom, sister and other loved ones in my heart's embrace. Although moms may only hold our sons hands for a little while, our sons hold our hearts forever.

Brian, you are remembered today with much respect and affection.

Phyllis Lasater Loya
mom of fallen Pittsburg (CA) officer Larry Lasater

February 4, 2013

Dear Brian,
WE went to visit your grave today and to my surprise someone had put the most beautiful bench with the sweetest words and your name in big bold letters across the front. I have no idea who has done this special act of kindness but I want to thank them from the bottom of my heart! Words cannot express the heart felt love that I felt when I seen the bench in your memory and honor. What a blessing to know that someone thought so much of you to do such a wonderful thing and to know you are not forgotten. Who ever you are once again THANK YOU!

I love you

tammy persin

February 2, 2013

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