Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer Tiffany Catherine Hickey

Cockrell Hill Police Department, Texas

End of Watch Sunday, May 30, 1999

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Reflections for Police Officer Tiffany Catherine Hickey

Well it is getting near the time we do the memorial ride with your mom and dad. I can not beleive how strong they are, we have a daughter that we love very much along with two sons, I do not know if we could be as strong in our faith as your mom and dad are if we lost one of our children, I know you watch over them every day and see thier pain. I want you to know that you are missed and loved by so many people, me included, you were always a bright spot when you rode with us. I will continue to do the memorial ride as long as the good Lord allows me and will never forget you. Your mom and dad and brother are very special people and it has been my pleasure to call them friends. Watch over us.

Michael Wood

April 6, 2007

I have written before & stated that my partner was your partner. He have had some troubles as of late & not my partner anymore. I had lunch yesterday with the officer who found you in the car.It saddens me. I thank God every day! I look forward to meeting you one fine day in Heaven!


February 19, 2007

Merry Christmas sweet Tiff!! Tell Jesus Happy Birthday for us!! Sure do miss you so very much, you are so precious and so are all the memories of you, so very precious!!

December 24, 2006

Hi Tiffany,

I wanted you and your family to know that I think about you every single day and miss you so much. It still hurts. Like I have said before, if there was anything I could do to go back and change things, I would in a heartbeat. You were such a secial young lady and there is no doubt in my mind that you would be one heck of an officer.

Dallas PD

November 4, 2006

Hi Tiffany,

I was thinking about you today, my heart heavy still. I took your picture out of my wallet and stared at it till the tears blurred my vision and I could see you no more.

Then I got to thinking how much you have meant to Joshua and me and I felt the overwhelming urge to thank you, once again. Thank you not for who you were, but for who you are, and forever will be.

In Christ,

Adabelle H. Rodriguez

September 18, 2006

Remembering you on your birthday.

August 28, 2006

I went to your gravesite today.

The hot wind was blowing which made the chimes in the tree branch leaning down over your tombstone sing out.

I couldn't help but have my eyes swell up with tears as I wished you a happy birthday in heaven. I know it's 7 days early, and I know I'll be celebrating your life and I know you will be too... just in heaven! I sure did enjoy my few moments there.

May our God of comfort and peace be real to all who hurt because you're not here with us, this birthday of yours.

"We do not want you to be uninformed, brothers, concerning those who are asleep, so that you will not grieve like the rest, who have no hope. Since we believe that Jesus died and rose again, in the same way God will bring with Him those who have fallen asleep through Jesus. For we say this to you by a revelation from the Lord: We who are still alive at the Lord's coming will certainly have no advantage over those who have fallen asleep. For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the archangel's voice, and with the trumpet of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are still alive will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air; and so we will always be with the Lord. Therefore encourage one another with these words." ( 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18)

August 21, 2006

The policeman stood and faced God,
Which must always come to pass.
He hoped his shoes were shining,
Just as brightly as his brass.

"Step forward now, policeman.
How shall I deal with you?
Have you always turned the other cheek?
To my church have you been true?"

The policeman squared his shoulders and said,
"No lord, I guess I ain't,
Because those of us who carry a badge
can't always be a saint."

I've had to work most Sundays,
and at times my talk was rough,
and sometimes I've been violent,
Because the streets are awfully tough.

But I never took a penny,
That wasn't mine to keep
Though I worked a lot of overtime
When the bills got just too steep.

And I never passed a cry for help,
Though at time I shook with fear.
And sometimes, God forgive me,
I've wept unmanly tears.

I know I don't deserve a place
Among the people here.
They never wanted me around
Except to calm their fear.

If you've a place for me here, Lord,
It needn't be so grand.
I never expected or had too much,
But if you don't I'll understand.

There was a silence all around the throne
Where the saints had often trod.
As the policeman waited quietly,
For the judgement of his god.

"Step forward now, policeman,
You've born your burdens well.
Come walk a beat on Heaven's streets,
You've done your time in hell"
“The final inspection”
Author Unknown


August 13, 2006

I have the pleasure of working with your partner, he is a wonderful man & loved you dearly, wearing your badge # & initials on his arm. You & I also share the same birthday. I feel like I know you & I wish I had the pleasure. I will meet you someday. May God continue to bless your family & friends with wonderful memories.


August 13, 2006

in may of 2000 we started hosting a supper for a motorcycle ride in honor Tiffany Hickey. Our son and daughter-in-law Michael and Stacy Wood, and children J.R. and K.C. ride with this group and they come every year on the second week-end in May.

The group comes to our home for a crawfish boil. We have made many friends and feel honored to be a part of this ride in honor of Tiffany.

Bill & Joan Bookout

warden bill bookout
suilphur police dept.sulohue

August 12, 2006

I was fortunate enough to go to school with this young lady. We were both taking Criminal Justice classes at Hill College. We had several classes together and I was very impressed by her dedication to becoming a police officer. I remember the day she was involved in the accident and I prayed that she would be ok. I am sorry that she is gone and will never be forgotten. You are a hero and thank you for your dedication and love of police work.

Robert Gault

August 8, 2006

I know you had a life long dream of being a police officer, as did my son Michael. Parents can not keep their children from attaining their dreams and we can find some solace in our loss that you lost your life completing a dream of something you loved so much. People may ask, what kind of officer would she have become in the future, but I'm sure you already were that caliber of officer. You will never be forgotten and are a true hero. Keep watch over your loved ones, wrap your wings around them and help heal their broken hearts and protect them.

Bob Gordon, father of fallen Chicago Officer
Michael P. Gordon, EOW: 8/8/04

Bob Gordon

June 28, 2006

Last week I went to an Instructors course in collin county, and I ran across one officer who knew you and another who worked for Cockrell Hill now. It's amazing the number of lives that you continue to touch on a daily basis. I know that you are still looking out for all of us and I am thankful for that every day.

Field Training Officer Keith Clicque
Dallas ISD Police

June 16, 2006

Officer Hickey, I see your picture everyday in the court building before I clock in for shift and I see it everyday when I clock out. I am a shift supervisor and an FTO. I have never met you, but I think of you often and it helps remind me how precious life is and how I need to take advantage of my position to help people by protecting them and serving everyday. You gave the ultimate sacrafice. I don't know when my day will come, but I pray that when it does I am as as blessed, missed and loved as you are by all here in Cockrell Hill PD and the world.

Corporal D. Beckman #319
Cockrell Hill PD

June 4, 2006

May your spirt be shard with me throught out my police career God Bless you

Cpl Davila, Ed
Cockrell Hill PD

June 2, 2006


You were on your way to setting a remarkable precedent as a Law Enforcement Officer yet God had other plans for you. Although we may not ever understand, or want to understand why He chose to take you from us, we can only try to accept that He needed you more by His side than we did.

Joshua was only seven years old when you left us and he immediately claimed you as his Guardian Angel. For Christmas, the year your little brother took his oath as a Police Officer, Joshua gave you back to him to be his Guardian Angel. I know you watch over both of them. I thank you.

We know it was your desire to serve and to protect people's lives and to make a difference. You did.

Adabelle H. Rodriguez
Resident of Cockrell Hill, TX

Adabelle Rodriguez
resident of Cockrell Hill, TX

May 31, 2006

Police Officer Tiffany Catherine Hickey has passed on, seven years ago, "In the Line of Duty," and in giving her LAST FULL MEASURE, has left a "Light of Love & Service"
that only grows brighter, day by day, for her family, peers, friends & especially for all young men & women who aspire to follow her lead into a law enforcement career.

Well done Officer Hickey! Your Light Shines brightly, even to Los Angeles, where I only know of you & your ultimate sacrifice by way of an email friend in Cockrell Hill, who knew you and misses you still.

And now Tiff, please beam down an extra bright smile on your loving Mom Cathy, Dad Lee & Brother Chad, to let them know that many more people still, will learn of your Love & Service to Cockrell Hill, Texas & your ultimate sacrifice!

With respect and admiration for Officer Tiffany Hickey,

Ed Hensley, USN Retired - Viet Nam Veteran
Harbor City (Los Angeles) California

Ed Hensley, AW2(Aircrew)
U.S. Navy (Retired)

May 31, 2006

On this seventh anniversary, May God Grant Officer Hickey's Family, Fellow Officers, and Friends the Serenity to accept the things they cannot Change, the Courage to change the things they Can, and the Wisdom to Know the difference..May we never forget this young Warriors sacrifice..Rest in Peace Blue Angel...

Officer Debra McFall Ross
East Buffalo Twp Pd Lewisburg, Pa

May 30, 2006

Officer Hickey you are a hero. It has been seven years since the end of your watch and you are still remembered, you will never be forgotten. Rest in peace my sister. May God bless your loved ones.

State Constable J.L. Green
S.C. State Constables

May 30, 2006

A person remembered with so much love and respect never dies but continues to live on in the hearts and minds of others.G-d's Will hath no Why but one day all will be made clear to us.Until then Rest in Peace and may Our Lord Comfort and Strengthen your family and friends.

May 30, 2006

Tiffany, tomorrow marks the day that seven years ago your tragic accident happened. Cannot tell you enough how much and how often you are thought of. Just wanted to let you and your family know that you are thought of and missed. Keep being that angel in the sky that watches over me at work.

May 23, 2006

I never met you but I met some friends of yours tonight at a resturant in a small town in Louisiana your mom and dad were there but I did not get the chance to meet them. I looked up your picture to see the wonderful young woman that so many people loved and adored. What a beautiful young woman. I was at the resturant tonight celebrating my oldest daughters high school graduation. I thought your friends were great and I loved the t-shirts they had on in memory of you. Im happy I was able to find page.


May 13, 2006

Saw your mom and dad last weekend, been thinking about you a lot, seems to happen this time of year, is so hard to believe it has been almost seven years now since you have not been with us. Went out to see you the other day, gives me a very calm feeling to come by, known you must be at peace and reflects in all of us each day. Your brother is a fine officer now I hear, hope to see him one of these days soon. Will be thinking about you again this year come the end of the month,, knowning you would have become a great officer, leader and inspiration to all you touch
Take care my friend

Lt. M.E. Iwanicki
Seven Points P.D.

May 9, 2006

I was thinking today about things that happened so long ago and your name came into my head. It's hard to believe that time has passed so quickly since you left. And, although I did not know you well, the moments I had with you have stuck with me forever. I look up to you for all your accomplishments and hard work and I hope that your family is doing well.

In our hearts forever,

Tristan Williams

Tristan Williams

March 14, 2006


All officers in bureaus now have to ride a week in patrol every six months. I completed by week yesterday. I worked at the SW Division. On the way to the station I always drove past your picture at Illinois and Cockrell Hill. Every day I asked that you watch after me and all the others. You did, thank you guardian angel.

Dallas PD

February 6, 2006

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