Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Patrolman Tobin Craig Thomas

Eagle Lake Police Department, Texas

End of Watch Thursday, June 18, 1998

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Reflections for Patrolman Tobin Craig Thomas

Hey brother .
I was out at Sherwood cemetery the other day . I told someone I would do something for them when ever I could . So for that person reading this , task performed . I miss you in so many new ways all the time . Ways I never thought I could . It's coming up on father's day . Your daughters birthday . The anniversary of your death . The anniversary of two other unnecessary passings . There is always a memory I have of you that used to drive me crazy . When we worked for Randy Scott . You would roll around and play with every dog in every back yard that we mowed or did lawn sprinkler work in . You truly had a child's heart . I have been avoiding these emotions for some time now . There is a great amount of sludge that is released before the waters flow clear . In reading others reflections your ripples in life's pond have affected so many others . To ALL of those who have been touched by Tobin's wake , please let there be hope , love , understanding , forgiveness and peace .

Gilbert Wade Thomas

June 10, 2024

Hello my name is Calvin Holloway I am the son of Betty Lou Holloway the woman that was killed I know it's been a long time and I've been wanting to get this off my chest to the family of Mr Thomas I just like to say thank you for everything that Mr Thomas persevere and trying to save my mother. Thank him for his gratitude thank him for his service and thank him for being the police who tried to protect the community my heart is with the family of Mr Thomas and my love sincerely goes out to everyone that was involved that night it's much more than I want to say but words can't explain thank you so much from the bottom of my heart Calvin Holloway

Calvin holloway

May 20, 2024

Hey , Tobin , my brother . It's been a long time since you left us . You would have been 57 today . You were born in Oklahoma City , August 22 , 1966 . I always think of you when I hear Three Dog Night , I've never been to Spain . " I've never been to Spain , but I've been to Oklahoma . They tell me I was born there , but it doesn't really matter " . I was on the bus from Manchester , New Hampshire coming to your burial . They routed me through Oklahoma . The exact hour of your funeral in Eagle Lake I had an hour stop in OKC . It was as if God realized if I couldn't be at your Omega , I could be at your Alpha . I miss you . I know you are with God . " No greater love does a man have , that he would lay down his live for his friends " . I know your sacrifice has produced a great harvest of life and love . Reading the reflections of those that were with you and those that came after . You are a true hero . Much love .
- Wade Thomas

Gilbert Wade Thomas

August 22, 2023

I did officer thomas" funeral
He was a good man who put his life on the line for our commmunity

Rev. Joe c. Fling

July 8, 2023

Officer Thomas, You are not forgotten by the men and women who work in Massachusetts law enforcement. RIP

Mike Kane
Retired Detective, Boston Police Dept.

June 18, 2023

Officer Thomas,
On today, the 25th anniversary of your death I would just like to say thank you for your service and sacrifice-not just for your Community but for our Country as well when you served with the U.S. Navy. And to your Family and loved ones, I wish to extend my deepest sympathy.

Fair Winds And Following Seas

United States Border Patrol

June 18, 2023

It's been 25 years since you passed . Hard to believe . I love you brother .

Wade Thomas

June 18, 2023

Hey . Thinking about you today . I miss you .

Wade Thomas

June 17, 2023

Rest in peace Patrolman Thomas.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 12, 2022

My brother , you would have been 55 yesterday . I miss you . I remember how you loved dogs . Every lawn sprinkler job we were on you would spend time with the dogs . God is dog spelled backwards .

Wade Thomas

August 23, 2021

We haven't forgotten. We are forever grateful. Still holding the line. Be at peace.

Detective Andrew Lattimore #540
Longview Police Department

June 18, 2021

In this time of hatred and sorrow I wish you were here dear brother...


July 15, 2020

I was just talking about you this morning and you pop up in my memory, this was the hardest 911 call ever and I think about you and your family often, especially with the way the world is going . You truly were a hero

Andrea Scherer Gross
Colorado County Sheriffs Dept

June 20, 2020

You have not been forgotten. Time passes but the memory of you saving my father's life does not fade. Thank you again. We're still holding the line.

Rest easy, warrior.

Detective Andrew Lattimore #540
Longview Police Department

June 18, 2020

Darkness lay upon the street after love was driven away.

Red Jealousy arose and mindlessly took Timid love’s place.

Past seeing clearly.
Past heeding love’s restraint.

Until. Until. Until.

Angry thoughts.
Angry words.
Angry gunfire.

Proud love mumbling, “I told her.”

Light comes into the darkness. Rescuing love is borne in the hearts of two, chasing away the thickness.

Until. Until. Until.

Proud love swells amidst pain and declares quietly, “I will not go with Rescuing love.”

Anger catches another breath and, surging, fires at love.

Strong love falters and falls, staggers, and sinking, fires desperately... wildly into the dark.

Second love comes and joins Strong love as Strong love is finding Ever Love.

Second love is paralyzed.

Until. Until. Until.

Second love is made strong by the Watchers.

Seeds of forgiveness disguised as tears are planted by Second love where Timid love was taken, where Strong love gave, where Proud love fell.

Quietly, the seeds grow into small love and on into big love and finally into Purifying Love where pride is consumed and all that remains is Redeeming Love.

Rest in that Love Tobin.

Chief W.E. Lattimore (Ret.)
Columbus Police Department

June 18, 2020

I forgot your day this year. I'm sorry. I think about what you did on the regular and I am grateful.

Enjoy your rest, warrior. You earned it.

FTO Andrew Lattimore #540
Longview Police Department

July 4, 2019

Tobin, I think of you often. A couple of my children visited your resting place yesterday for the first time. They placed flowers. Your memory runs strong and deep in my family! Be at Peace Brave One.

Chief W. E. Lattimore (Ret.)
Columbus Police Department

June 18, 2019

I took my husband and son to visit you at your resting place yesterday. Not a day goes by that you are not remembered. Thank you again for the ultimate sacrifice that you made. I am forever grateful for what you did for my daddy. Be at peace, warrior.

Kelly Kanz (Lattimore)
Family friend

June 18, 2019

Tobin, 20 years ago you gave all you had. I honor your sacrifice and your memory is sacred to me. I've had an incredibly difficult time this year, during this season, but I will not dis-honor the gift of life that you gave me. I have retired from the field of service with honor and will continue to live fully and appreciate the time that you gave me.

Be at Peace!

Chief W. E. Lattimore (Ret.)
Columbus Police Department

June 18, 2018

It's been another year and we are still holding the line. You are not forgotten. I'll be training rookies soon and your story will be told. Thank you.

Be at peace.

Officer Andrew Lattimore
Longview Police Department

June 18, 2018

I grew up with Tobin. We drifted apart as our lives became more complex. I became a Juvenile Correction Officer while he went into Law Enforcement. I have nothing but high regard for Tobin, and I am eternally grateful for his service to the U.S. Navy, and his service to the people of Texas as a Law Enforcement Officer. It broke my heart when I found he had passed, but he will forever be a great friend and brother in my heart. Rest in Peace my friend...May God bless your family and other friends.

Frank Jones
Forever Friend

April 12, 2018

RIP Brother. You got the one that got you. You were a good cop and he a piece of crap. Rest easy Warrior.

Captain P. M. Larkin
Galveston County Pct. 1

April 11, 2018

May Officer Thomas wife and child found the peace love and grace of our Lord God. Also, May his soul rest in Heaven.

First Sergeant Tom Webb, Retired
New York State Police

December 14, 2017

The gift you gave me has not been squandered. I remember...peace!

Chief W. E. Lattimore
Columbus Police Department

June 18, 2017

Another year has passed but what you did for us is not forgotten. We are keeping watch and holding the line. Rest well.

Officer Andrew Lattimore #540
Longview Police Department

June 18, 2017

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