Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Correctional Officer Brent W. Lumley

Arizona Department of Corrections, Arizona

End of Watch Friday, March 7, 1997

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Reflections for Correctional Officer Brent W. Lumley

Most people don’t know that Brent and Al were there that day doing some OT. Well, Big Al is now gone. He is in paradise resting. You both were 2 peas in a pod. Rest well and I hope you two are catching up.

G. M

June 3, 2024

March 7th, 1997 is a day that changed my life and that of all of us who were proud and lucky to have served with this man forever, Officer Lumley was a good man, who did his job the right way. I will never forget when the call went out for an officer down, I was assigned Complex Security as the tool control officer at the time and I was conducting my final count of the day, as my shift was ending, once we got all the inmates locked down I was told I could leave, but I declined to leave, instead helping out however I could. At his funeral I had a very emotional talk with my Warden at the time, telling him that I did not think that I could do this anymore, he allowed me to cry and helped me get through all that I was feeling and advised me that I could honor this fine man by continuing to do my job the right way. I did end up leaving about a year later to take a job to better care for my family, nut the events of that day have never left me nor any of us who were on shift that day. Each of us still strive each and every day to honor this man.

COII Ivers #2220

April 4, 2023

It Was An Honor And Pleasure To Serve With You Brother
SALUTE ! Rest Easy !

Officer R. Martinez

March 15, 2023

Will never forget that day brother even 25 years later

Laundry Plant Specialist (Ret)

March 8, 2022

Still remember that day talking to you as you we’re packing out inmates to move to San Pedro or whatever the minimum yard was called. I was filling in for kitchen 25 that day and You were doing OT we we’re always short staffed. What a horrible day that was and will be forever etched in my memories.

Laundry Plant Specialist Mancini (ret)

February 25, 2020

It's been over 22 years since... I still remember.. I remember the lunches you secretly would share with me.. Always had a piece of fresh fruit.. A small piece of candy that you sometimes split with me.. I remember the stories of how beautiful Maine was.. I remember how I rubbed it in every time the Skins lost.. Which was often in those days..
I remember that Friday morning.. We didn't work on Fridays and as usual I was sleeping in.. I remember being woke.. " Mikey I'm going to search your cell " it was Brent.. He was doing some overtime. I spent 6 hours a day 4 times a week with him. He was my supervisor for the ADOT crew. He didn't spend much time on my cell that morning.. I didn't even get out of bed.. "The Oreos are on the top shelf " he took a few and was on his way.. I remember looking out my cell door window before going outside.. I lived on yard 26 d pod.. Something was going on.. Something wasn't right. I saw a guy running up the stairs.. He tried getting on a cell but the door wouldn't open..I seen another guy talking to Brents partner.. Both guys had the same look on their faces.. Something was going on.. Someth I nd bad so I just stood in.. It now was almost shift change.. I watched his buddy Al walk onto the yard.. He walked into the control booth.. Seconds later the door swung open.. Al let out a scream that I will never forget.... I made statements to what I saw.. The state wanted to put me in protective segregation.. I refused. I knew at that moment that I wasn't like those guys who did it. I cried for Brent. I was 20 years old at the time.. Some years later I was stabbed for the statements that I had made. I want Brents son to know that his dad was a great man.. He treated us with respect.. He treated us like men. I will never forget .. He didn't deserve what happened to him.. No One deserves to be hurt like that but least of all him.. Continue to rest in peace Brent.. I remember you.


Mikey Gutierrez
Inmate # 112785. 1994-2005

June 3, 2019

I think of him everytime I talk about my work at AZ DOC. He was such a nice person.

COII Cindy Molland
Az doc

April 30, 2019

Another year goes by but I still haven’t forgot you. I’m still speechless after all these years.

LPM Retired P. Mancini

March 7, 2019

Sad day today is I will always remember working kitchen #25 while you were working overtime on #26 Yard.

Laundry Plant Manager
Federal Bureau of Prisons, Retired

March 7, 2018

21 years later and I still remember that day like it was yesterday.

Your sacrifice will never be forgotten.

Deputy Thomas Harman
Fairfax County Sheriff's Office

March 7, 2018

I was an inmate at Perryville when Officer Lumley was killed. He was a great CO who was firm but fair. The scum that killed him will rot on death row. The other scum will rot on a yard. May Officer Lumley rest in peace.

business relationship

August 3, 2017

20 years later, that Friday afternoon in the ASPC-PV, complex parking lot seems like yesterday and will never be forgotten. Working San Juan unit in the 90s was a challenge. The yard always seemed on edge. The "cornfeds" stuck together and made things tight. I will always respect all of you. More importantly I will always remember the sacrifice Brent made. In reflection 20 years later the Lumley family has my continued condolences and respect. Brent will always be remembered.

Jason Carpenter, ADC CO, TSU team leader

March 7, 2017

I live only a few minutes from the Perryville Prison Complex. The name Lumley is forever associated with it, and the citizens of Arizona are grateful for your service.

Stan Jefferson
Citizen of Arizona

March 6, 2017

You were the reason I became an officer with ADC. I wish I would have known you. I retired as a Lieutenant. Through my time I worked all over the state, and even spent some time in the unit named for you. You are still an inspiration. Thank you.

Lieutenant, Retired Anonymous Anonymous

February 9, 2017

I was working Tucson Complex Control when the radio traffic shook us at the core. Your final words, Brent, still echo through my mind. Rest in peace.

Sue Tinder (former Sgt)
Classmate - C.O.T.A. (DOC)

July 9, 2016

It's hard to believe that it has been 14 years but a day that I will remember forever. I spoke yo you on that doomed day. You were sitting in the chow hall after lunch preparing paperwork. I told forget that paperwork and eat your lunch.

Mike Daniel
MCSO D.O ( retired Nov. 2012 )

March 6, 2014

I was a neighbor to the LUmleys during this horrific event. I have lost touch with my dear friend Doreena who touched my heart with her bravery during this. I think of this family often and my prayers still are offered for them. I loved Blake like my own son. I wish you well and hope to find you again.....we need to catch up! Brent is always in my heart and mind and you and Blake are loved by many!
Denise Grover
Peoria, AZ

Denise Grover
Friend of Doreena

May 10, 2013

"Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God."
Matthew 5:9

Marshal Chris Di Gerolamo
Federal Air Marshal Service

March 6, 2013

Brent , I remember when I first started in 1994 at San Juan ,that yard was active.

We had alot of assaults and fights on that yard . I worked on swing shift but you always were a good dude and always said hello.

Rest in peace my friend,..

Border patrol

January 15, 2013

Thank you for your service and for helping to make America a safer place.

Deputy Brian Jones
Boulder County Sheriff's Office, CO

November 29, 2012

A day that I will never forget as long as I live.

Officer Mike Daniel A6423
Maricopa County Sheriff's Office

August 6, 2012

Hey Lumley, I still think of you all these years later. You were a heck of an officer. Miss you.

Sgt. Ely

June 28, 2012

I will never forget you packing out inmates and joking with me in that day in Kitchen 25. You will always be remembered and missed by me. I still remember so much of that day.

Laundry Plant Manager, P. Mancini
Federal Bureau of Prisons

March 11, 2012

"Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God."
Matthew 5:9

Marshal Chris Di Gerolamo
Federal Air Marshal Service

March 7, 2012

Brent was a good friend. We were both on work crews at the prison, and our kids were the same age also. He was a good man who treated you like family and had your back if you needed help. Always quick with a smile and some kind of joke, he had a good heart and loved life. Taken too soon that Friday working some o/t, he'll not be forgotten anytime soon. God bless you Brent for all you did and were to your friends at work and family.

D Dyer A.D.O.C. Officer
State fo Arizona

March 7, 2012

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