Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Sheriff Harold A. Steele

Vinton County Sheriff's Office, Ohio

End of Watch Sunday, August 30, 1970

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Reflections for Sheriff Harold A. Steele

NEVER FORGET! Honoring the dedicated service and ultimate sacrifice of Sheriff Harold A. Steele of the Vinton County Sheriff's Office, Ohio, and the additional 72 American Peace Officers who have paid the ultimate sacrifice on this date in history.

Superintendent Joe Morbitzer (Retired)
Ohio Attorney General, Bureau of Criminal Investigation

August 30, 2024

NEVER FORGET! On behalf of the Ohio Attorneys General Bureau of Criminal Identification & Investigation, we honor the dedicated service and ultimate sacrifice of Sheriff Harold A. Steele of the Vinton County Sheriff's Office, Ohio and the additional 72 American Peace Officers who have paid the ultimate sacrifice on this date in history.

Superintendent Joe Morbitzer
Ohio Attorney General, Bureau of Criminal Investigation

August 30, 2023

NEVER FORGET! On behalf of the Ohio Attorneys General Bureau of Criminal Identification & Investigation, we honor the dedicated service and ultimate sacrifice of Sheriff Harold A. Steele of the Vinton County Sheriff's Office, Ohio and the additional 71 American Peace Officers who have paid the ultimate sacrifice on this date in history.

Superintendent Joe Morbitzer
Ohio Attorney General, Bureau of Criminal Investigation

August 30, 2022

NEVER FORGET! On behalf of the Ohio Attorneys General Bureau of Criminal Identification & Investigation, we honor the dedicated service and ultimate sacrifice of Sheriff Harold A. Steele of the Vinton County Sheriff's Office, Ohio and the additional 66 American Peace Officers who have paid the ultimate sacrifice on this date in history.

Superintendent Joe Morbitzer
Ohio Attorney General, Bureau of Criminal Investigation

August 30, 2021

A fine man who's life ended too early. Your name is still spoken in family conversations. Your grandchildren missed your warmth and guidance. Your cousins miss the family reunions and connections to your and yours. Gone but not forgotten, RIP Cousin Harold Steele.

Steele Cousin

October 14, 2020

Sheriff Steele,
On today, the 50th anniversary of your death I would just like to say thank you for your service and sacrifice for the citizens of Vinton County. And to your Family and loved ones, I wish to extend my deepest sympathy.


United States Border Patrol

August 30, 2020

Rest in peace always knowing that your service and sacrifice will never, ever be forgotten by your law enforcement brethren.

Detective Cpl/3 Steven RizzoDelaware State Police (Retired)

August 30, 2020

So vivid memories. Being a young new officer with the Middleport, Ohio PD and arriving on scene with Meigs Co. Sheriff Bob Hartenbach and Middleport Chief of Police J. J. Cremeans that day was a day that will never leave me. I still remember the rage, and sickening feeling of the loss of Sheriff Steel. Listening to his wife dispatch responding officers from surrounding counties while we were responding, while she knew that something so terrible happened to her husband was heart wrenching. Mrs. Steel was a true warrior that day. God Bless You Brother. God Bless Deputy Wilbur who was seriously wounded. Sheriff Steel was revered by the citizens of Vinton County. Best of the Best.

Middleport Police Department

June 2, 2020

NEVER FORGET! On behalf of the Ohio Bureau of Criminal Identification & Investigation, we honor the dedicated service and ultimate sacrifice of Sheriff Harold A. Steele of the Vinton County Sheriff's Office, Ohio and the additional 62 American Peace Officers who have paid the ultimate sacrifice on this date in history.

Superintendent Joe Morbitzer
Ohio Bureau of Criminal Identification & Investigation

August 30, 2019

I was at Ohio State Fair in the youth choir and I looked across the table where another member was reading the CJ and the Headline stated. Vinton County Sheriff murdered. Needless to say I lost my breakfast and had to go to dorm where we were staying during the fair. On many occasions Harold, Dutch, Robert, and some of us young boys would ride to the fair and park on 11th Ave and with the press tickets that Dorothy Wells would give us from the Republican Tribune we would do the fair in that day. Then it was back to McArthur. On many occasions Harold would come to the orchard and get peaches,apples, and cider. Then sometimes on my birthday Harold and Cora would show up with a German Chocolate cake. Miss Cora was a great cook. To this day I still tear up about this sad loss. Robert if you read this may the Lord Jesus Christ give you peace because He is the only one who can.

Frank Wells
Forever friend

March 1, 2019

I remember this well. I thought Sheriff Stelle was a great man. He watched over our county and protected the people with the greatest honor. He was and still is sadly missed. I remember the family well.
Bless them all.


August 31, 2018

NEVER FORGET! On behalf of the Westerville, Ohio Division of Police, we honor the dedicated service and ultimate sacrifice of Sheriff Harold A. Steele of the Vinton County Sheriff's Office, Ohio and the additional 61 American Peace Officers who have paid the ultimate sacrifice on this date in history.

Chief Joe Morbitzer
Westerville, Ohio Division of Police

August 30, 2018

NEVER FORGET! On behalf of the Westerville, Ohio Division of Police, we honor the dedicated service and ultimate sacrifice of Sheriff Harold A. Steele of the Vinton County Sheriff's Office, Ohio and the additional 70 American Peace Officers who have paid the ultimate sacrifice on this date in history.

End of Watch: Sunday, August 30, 1970

Chief Joe Morbitzer
Westerville, Ohio Division of Police

August 30, 2017

In 1967, Sheriff Steele arrested me and another fool for stealing gasoline from the State of Ohio. The gasoline was stacked up next to the side of the road in 5 gallon cans. My friend and I each grabbed two cans, put them in the trunk of my car and took off.

We were both enrolled at Ohio University at the time and were not yet 20 years old. After the arrest, Sheriff Steele talked to both of us for a long time, trying to impress upon us the fact that only idiots steal.

The ODOT Foreman came to the jail and wanted us prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Sheriff Steele slowly and calmly talked the foreman out of prosecution.

Instead, he called both of our parents and made them come down to Vinton County to pick us up. He had both of my parents come so that someone could drive my car all the way back home. He said I didn't need it. Sheriff Steele also called the University and notified them of what we had done. Afterwards, we waited on the front steps of the jail until the parents arrived, nearly 2 hours later.

The actions taken by Sheriff Steele that day will never be forgotten by either my friend or myself. It has caused me to become a much more honest and responsible person and I thank him every time that I think of it. He was truly a good, decent man.


March 28, 2016

May the memory of Sheriff Steele remain with all who had the privilege to know him. His untimely death was certainly a wake up call for all of the police officers and deputies in rural counties during that time. It was an honor to have known him.

Deputy Sheriff
Meigs County SO

February 8, 2016

I remember Sheriff also, I was a teenager and was friends with his son, Bobby. I remember when I came to the funeral home to pay my respects that the line to get into the funeral home was blocks long. Mr. Steele was very loved.

Bev Smith Womeldorf

August 31, 2014

Gone 44 years now, we still love and miss you very much Uncle Harold.

With Love,

Ivy (Steele) McCollum


August 30, 2014

I was 17 and remember the Sheriff. He came out to our place several times to talk with my dad. I remember that he was a lot like Andy Griffith, easy going, honest, good natured. He had a gun with him but seldom carried it. I liked him a great deal. He always tried to anyone the benefit of doubt and was good even to the offenders.

Steve Pariscoff
Citizen of the county

February 13, 2014

Me and dad went to see the old farm
House last weekend. He showed me
The barn and where the old garden used
To be. Dad showed be the things he made when he was little that were still in the barn. He always tells me
That he misses you and how
Great of a man you are. I know your watching
Over me in heaven.
I love you grandpa

Grand daughter

October 16, 2013

Gone, but not forgotten.

Sgt. T. J. Jones
Greater Cleveland Transit Police Department, Ohio

August 30, 2013

To fully appreciate the heroes of the present, we must recognize our heroes of the past. Your heroism and service is honored today, the 43rd anniversary year of your death. I am priviliged to leave a tribute to you. Your memory lives and you continue to inspire. Thank you for your service. My cherished son Larry Lasater was a fellow police officer who was murdered in the line of duty on April 24, 2005 while serving as a Pittsburg, CA police officer.

Time never diminishes respect. Your memory will always be honored and revered. Rest In Peace.

Phyllis Lasater Loya
mom of fallen Pittsburg (CA) officer Larry Lasater

April 21, 2013

Gone, but not forgotten.
Continue to keep watch over us all.

Sgt. T. J. Jones
Greater Cleveland Transit Police Department

August 30, 2012

I was 4 yrs. old when this happened. My mom has told me that we moved there in McArthur, Ohio because my dad wanted to be in a country setting to get away from the crime. The first week we lived there my mom said; that Sheriff Steele was the man who was shot & killed. I remember there was a big man-hunt for him. I am 46 now and remember this event at such a young age! Shocking that this is one of my earliest memories that I can recall!

The man I guess didn't want the power lines to run on his property and told them not to come back or he would shoot them and when they did; he killed this man! Horrible incident to murder a human being over something so petty! Mills deserved the death penalty in my book!

Jeff Dempsey
Former resident

August 26, 2012

This is my grandpa I'm proud to call him this I never got to to met him but yet he is still dearly missed . My father tells me much about him and how great he was. I only wish to grow up to be half as brave as him <3 I will see you in heaven one day grandpa

Grand daughter

February 26, 2012

I was 9 years old when this man was killed. I remember it well. I was in Radcliff, OH the day it happened. This has always stood out in my mind because I remember a Sheriffs' cruiser speeding up SR 160. I saw the deputy put his arm out the window of the cruiser and I remember hearing two shots being fired. I learned later that dayHarold Steele had been shot & killed by Oliver Mills. I will always remember Harold Steele as the best Sheriff Vinton county has ever had. He could always recognize my uncle simply by hearing his footsteps long before he ever saw him. AMAZING!!! R.I.P

Laurie Cardillo
Former Vinton County Resident

May 11, 2011

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