Houston Police Department, Texas
End of Watch Wednesday, June 27, 1990
Reflections for Police Officer James Bruce Irby
My wife has read every reflection to me on this thirty year anniversary of the day that will live with me forever. Of all my friends, you were the one guy that I considered to be the best and the only best friend I have ever had. My emotions run high and tears still come when I let myself think of that fateful day. I do know that I will see you again. God gave you back to me to walk and talk with on the day I died after my bad wreck. I get some facts messed up but I will never forget telling you that I had to go back. I still feel that I have unfinished business left to do. I do hope that in my lifetime , I can be in Huntsville and see this nightmare end. PS your children are awesome, your grandsons are beautiful. Cody found a strong and faithful wife that will always stand by him. Love, Larry
Larry Joslin / Solo Ret.
June 27, 2020
Thank you for your service and know that your sacrifice will never be forgotten. Rest in peace always.
Detective Cpl/3 Steven Rizzo
Delaware State Police (Retired)
June 27, 2020
Officer Irby,
I met your brother-in-law today. Small world, he told me he used to work for the Border Patrol and was station in Alpine, that is about 82 miles from where I grew up. He told me the story of you working for HPD, how your wife was a nurse and working at the hospital where you came into on horrific day of June 27th. Words cannot describe how horrible that must have been for your wife. Now here we are 30 years later in just a few days and you are still remembered. Thank you for your service Sir, may you rest in peace.
To Cody,
This world has gone crazy and I do not blame you for hanging up the badge. Thank for holding the line and never crossing it. There will always be room for you to come back to and continue holding the line. Good luck in your next chapter.
Sgt Lance Pendleton
Bartonville PD
June 17, 2020
Hey ole man. Been quite a while I’m sorry. Past few years have seemed to fly by. Both my boys are doing amazing. Wyatt is 2 1/2 and Wade is about to turn 1. Wade looks just like you. I made a huge decision last year decided to hang up my badge. No I wasn’t fired or kicked out. Even got a party when I left. It was just the right time, for the right reasons. Mainly I did it so my boys would never have to grow up without me. I’d give everything I have to make sure they never have to understand what that’s like.
Wyatt is starting to understand family structure now and has just in the past week or so started asking questions about where my daddy is. The other day he was playing in Wade’s closet and found a picture of you we had taken down during the nursery remodel. He carried it out, struggling to hold it up. He asked me “who’s that?” with all the innocence and joy in his voice you’d expect from a little boy. I choked up. I didn’t know what to say. I knew when I said that’s your grandpa there would be follow up questions like “where is he”, or “can we play with grandpa.” I decided it wasn’t time yet. He would understand parts but not all of it and to be honest I’m probably not ready either. For now, I changed the subject but I know that is only temporary. One day soon I’ll have to find a way to explain it. He’s the same age I was when you were taken from us, and knowing that has made this year extremely hard. How do explain what happened without stealing a piece of his innocence?
And now, as we watch the American people completely turn on Law Enforcement, I think should I explain it at all?
Ultimately I will have to regardless, and I am proud for what we have given this country over and over. Where other officers failed, we did not. We held the line, and never crossed it. The true warriors will continue to no matter what names they are called, no matter what argument everyone is having.
I miss you dad. I think about you every single day. Each time I look at one of my boys I feel you next to me.
Cody Irby
June 15, 2020
I'll never forget hearing about this tragedy on the radio (KLOL Stevens & Pruett) and joining my fellow Houstonians in driving with my lights on, seeing and entire city in silent solidarity. The memory of that event still moves me and is something I can't help but to think about from time to time. RIP Cpl. Irby, may your memory live on.
Tom Sampson
July 30, 2019
Not forgotten...
Elizabeth Kurtz
old friend
June 14, 2019
Cpl. Irby,
I'm sorry for your pain and lost. May God be with you always.
Ofc. Cisneros #2039
Ofc. Cisneros
Texas City Police
July 22, 2018
Hey dad. Meg and I had a very difficult day yesterday. We hadnt told anyone yet but she was 12 weeks pregnant again. I guess god had other plans for her (I am convinced it was going to be a girl). Meg is so so strong though and is dealing with it like a trooper, and still being the best mom to Wyatt. I am so blessed to have her in my life. Her strength reminds me to always stand tall, and always be thankful for what I have been given. I sure do miss you old man but I know you’re watching. I can feel it everyday. Wyatt sits in my lap just smiling at me for no other reason than I’m his dad. That’s when I feel you standing there next to me, watching over us, and smiling just like him. Love you dad.
Cpl. Cody Irby
Pflugerville Police Department (Son)
April 30, 2018
RIP Brother. I never met you but the day you were killed I took up a collection and drive to the Hard Rock Cafe where Houston DJ Moby did a live remote in your honor. If Texas ever executes Carl Buntion I will be there and God help anyone who tells me they oppose the death penalty.
Captain P. M. Larkin
Galveston County Pct. 1
April 5, 2018
Jim its been a long time, my wife and I had lunch with your partner Paco yesterday in Centerville. had a good time talking over old times. miss you bud.
Chief Deputy Brent (BK) Walter Leon County Sheriff's Office
Retired HPD
friend of Jim Irby
January 19, 2018
Hey old man. Well we’re starting into 2018 and man did last year fly by. My wife gave birth to an amazing beautiful baby boy. Wyatt James Irby, and I promise he will know why his middle name is James. He looks just like you. Meg is doing amazing and has been instantly an incredible mom. I’m a very lucky man. I’m a detective now and my K-9 is retiring soon and will get to come home permantly. It’s ok though because he has chosen a new career path protecting your grandson. His devotion to our new child is shocking to me because he has never really like children. I guess he just knows how precious he is. Our new life has definitely been an adjustment for me, and I can’t say I’m doing everything perfect. I’m trying hard to take care of both of them the best I can. I wish he could expierence more family from my side but I guess for now the way things are is the best for him. I know you are watching over us all. I sure do miss you these days. I sit with my son in my lap and talk to him. He will smile and laugh back at me (maybe slober a bit). When he does I can’t help but let my mind wonder if you did the same with me. I love you dad.
CPL. Cody Irby
Pflugerville Police Department (Son)
January 2, 2018
Hey dad. I'm sorry it's been a while. You wouldn't believe the year I've had. My wonderful wife is due to have our baby here soon and I really wish everyday you were here to see it. She looks beautiful and I know our baby boy will be amazing. You're on my mind a lot lately. I know you'd be here giving me all kinds of good advise if you could and in many ways you are. Just know I'm listening. I don't always hear it but I'm trying my best to listen. I love you dad and I promise your grandson will know what an amazing man you were.
Cpl. Cody Irby (Son)
Pflugerville Police Department
August 21, 2017
I still remember. Love you brother.
Deputy Constable TC Jacobs
Bell Co. Pct.3 , former HPD
June 27, 2017
Happy late birthday dad. Sorry I was a little late this year, its been a busy few months. I was blessed to have been sent to Washington DC for police week this year with some help from HPOU. They always take amazing care of us. I found your name on the national wall, and made an etching to bring home. I can't describe the feelings I had seeing the lights at the candle light vigil while I was there. It was humbling to say the least. I was recently promoted, and I'm learning the further I progress in my career, the more people I meet, the more hearts I know you touched. Rest in Peace dad. Until I see you again.
Corporal K-9 C. Irby
Pflugerville Police Department (Son)
May 30, 2017
Just wanted to let you know that I knew you father and grew up in the same neighbor hood together in Southeast Houston. I also knew your grandfather also, I do believe he was a Detective for the Houston Police dept. Jimmy and I went to the same elementry school and Hartman Jr. high school. In high school I do believe he ended up at Jones high school and I went to Milby high school. I did not know that he was killed in the line of duty He was a very good man, and liked by many. I now live in Pflugerville, Texas. If you are still an officer for Pflugerville Police Department, look me up. Your dad was a very good man.
Jim Burtis
602 Indian Run Dr.
Pflugerville, Texas 78660
James M. Burtis
Friend of James Irby
May 24, 2017
Sure do miss you dad. Spent some time at the Houston rodeo this weekend. Saw some of your old pals. I got to tell them I'm going to be a dad soon. It's a boy and we are naming him Wyatt James Irby. Wish you were here for this next adventure. I love you.
Senior Officer Cody Irby #225
Pflugerville Police Department (Son)
March 23, 2017
Officer Irby’s family,
I recently attended the LEMIT Texas Police Chiefs Leadership Series at Sam Houston St. University. HPD Asst. Chief Dan Perales and Harker Heights Police Chief Mike Gentry taught a session on the nobility of policing (Blue Courage). As part of the lesson, groups of chiefs were assigned to learn about and make a presentation to the class on officers killed in the line of duty. I and seven other chiefs were assigned Officer Irby.
Mostly from the reflections posted here on ODMP, we learned what a great father, husband and police officer that Jim was. The enduring love and support for him from his family, friends and colleagues is a true testament that his life influenced so many and will continue to for years to come. Add eight Texas police chiefs to that list. Every one of us were deeply touched after reading about his life from the reflections.
I spoke to Chief Perales after the presentation and found out even more what a great person Jim was. He also confirmed what we had concluded...that Jim would be very proud of all his family members.
I believe I speak for the others in my group that it was an honor to learn about Houston Police Officer James Bruce Irby.
Wishing you all God’s blessings.
"It is not how these officers died that made them heroes, it is how they lived."
Chief J. Michael Ragan
Texas A&M University Police Dept.
January 27, 2017
Mr. Irby, I was not fortunate enough to meet you, though I've heard many great things and some pretty funny stories. With that being said, I wanted to leave a little message for you sir. I know its listed as anonymous but you know who its from and that's all that matters.
I have had the pleasure of working with your son for many years now. To put it blunt sir, you made Cody one hell of a man and police officer. Over the years he has befriended me and shown me a few of the ropes. He's also given me a few "reality checks " hopefully you didn't have to witness those haha. We've had some pretty good laughs too.
Since you have the best seats in the house I'm sure you are already aware of his accomplishments and work ethic... but let's not forget his stubbornness either. You know what I'm talking about lol.
I wish you were here to see it all in person. Though I know you have the best seats in the house sir. Until we meet, much love and respect to you and your family.
PS keep giving Cody much of his knowledge... because I know a guy that young cant have all that working knowledge just from himself ;)
September 27, 2016
You are on my mind tonight dad and the only way that I can find peace is to write you.... Cody got married a week or so ago it was a great day for him and our fmaily you would be so proud! but your brothers in blue were there to stand in for you just as they always have been and always will be even though you could not be there, that is a family with out compare ... I have just finished paramedic school I am working on my clinical and ride outs it's my calling and I love it. your grandson is doing wonderful. Truett James Irby is getting bigger, smarter and more bull headed every day, I love him more than anything and I know you would also. He does not have a father who wants to be apart of his life and maybe never will, so I pray that you guide me and him and I hope that I will be enough. I love you dad rest well
Your loving daughter Cally Irby.
September 25, 2015
Jim Irby was my friend. I was in high school with Jim and after he graduated Jim became a Houston Police officer. Jim taught me how to shoot before I joined the army and became part of the military police. I am proud to have known Jim, he is missed but never forgotten. Jim was killed in a senseless act. Jim was brave, thoughtful and helpful.
Bob Drury
September 22, 2015
Well dad these past few months have been a blur. I got married a few days ago to a fantastic woman who I'm proud to call my wife. Many of your old pals came to the wedding and stood in for you. It was one hek of a party complete with whiskey and BBQ... You would have loved it. I miss you more and more as adult life catches up with me. I wish you could be here to see these exciting things, and to tell me what to do sometimes. I know you are up there watching over us all, and I feel it everyday. I love you dad.
Senior Officer/ K-9 Cody Irby #225
Pflugerville Police Department/Son
September 16, 2015
Time may have passed but you are not forgotten. I believe as long as someone remembers you or speaks your name, you are still with us.
Thank you for your heroism.
GOD Bless
Detention Officer A.Zambito
July 4, 2015
Jim, I always remember your smile. You always had a cup of coffee for me upon meeting up for our assignments. I miss you. You were a good friend and a great Police Officer. I hope to see you one day again.
James R. Boy, Sergeant (Retired)
Houston Police Department
June 29, 2015
Jimbo, I think of you often. You and I have been friends since JR. High, as well as Brothers in Blue. I miss you my friend and we will be together again one day.
Greg Grymes Police Officer (Ret)
Houston PD
June 28, 2015
Jim- Don and I still talk of you and all the fun we had at the rodeo and bbq cook off at Farm and Ranch. I have had the pleasure of meeting Cody at the police memorial when he comes to honor your memory. Don has met him also and has shared a few stories with him. He is a fine young man that would make you proud. I have heard him speak of Cally and her baby and that they are doing well. We will never forget you and some day we will all meet again!
Don & Barbara Cotten
June 28, 2015
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