Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Detective Jonathan Diller

New York City Police Department, New York

End of Watch Monday, March 25, 2024

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Reflections for Detective Jonathan Diller

Rest in peace, Detective Jonathan Diller Thank you for your service. Your dedication to your community will not be forgotten.

May the lord comfort your family, friends, and fellow officers of the NYPD.

LASD 477

June 26, 2024

The true measure of a person
is not found in the
might of their arm,
their wealth
or their power –
it is found in the strength
of their character.

There is no greater testimony to
ones character, than ones
willingness to sacrifice all,
in the noble quest of
providing protection to all
whom they serve.

Author Unknown

Javier Cornejo
Police Officer, Retired
City of Milwaukee Police Department
Milwaukee, Wisconsin

April 25, 2024

God bless you, and your family. Your heroism is self-evident. May your family be comforted by your memory, and may God protect your family always, most specifically your wife and baby boy. We have the watch, brother.

Special Agent Bryan W. Kling
Virginia Alcoholic Beverage Control Authority

April 25, 2024

We know from the Holy Scriptures that Peace Officers have a sacred task to enforce the laws of the land to protect the innocent and punish the guilty:

"For the policeman [Peace Officer] does not frighten people who are doing right; but those doing evil will always fear him [her]. So, if you don't want to be afraid, keep the laws and you will get along well. The policeman [Peace Officer] is sent by God to help you. But if you are doing something wrong, of course you should be afraid, for he [she] will have you punished. He [She] is sent by God for that very purpose. Obey the laws, then, for two reasons: first, to keep from being punished, and second, just because you know you should." [Romans 13: 3-5 TLB]

Chaplain Steven R. Closs, DDiv, MSBS, NCCA
Ordained/Licensed/Certified Independent Christian Clergy
Independent Christian Law Enforcement Chaplain
Member: Fellowship of Christian Peace Officers - USA

Captain Steven R. Closs (Retired)
Nashua NH Police Department (1974-1998)

April 17, 2024

Your murderer should have never been freed from incarceration. An EXTENSIVE criminal record just means a few extra days in jail these days. You are mourned and your sacrifice is felt throughout the nation, especially by those in 'the family'.

God Bless you, Brother, may you forever Rest in Peace and thank you for your service, it was far too short.

Ptl. Jim Leahy, Jr.
Harvard University Police Department

April 14, 2024

Detective Diller

Thank you so much for your selfless service to the people of New York City. You were a hero. I will pray for your wife and son, as well as your friends, loved ones and colleagues. Rest in peace.

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God. – Matthew 5:9

Daniel Ryan
Private Investigator (Retired)

April 10, 2024

My deepest condolences to the family of Detective Diller. It brings me to tears to see that another officer has been lost in the line of duty. May he Rest in Peace and in the unconditional love that is the Lord.

Paula, Los Angeles CA

April 8, 2024

RIP brother, we have the watch from here. Thank you for making the ultimate sacrifice.

Ocean City Police Department

April 7, 2024

Rest in power, king!


April 5, 2024

Thank you for your service and sacrifice. Rest In Peace Detective First Grade Diller. Our deepest heartfelt condolences to all of your family, friends, and brothers and sisters at New York City Police Department.

Postal Inspector Scott Horne
US Postal Inspection Service

April 5, 2024

We lost our fallen officer and sibling Bill who died at 34 in ‘88 and is missed and I want to express our condolences for ur officer’s End of Watch too!

Brother of fallen Police Officer William "Billy" Cohan of NRPD in MA. EOW 5-14-88.

April 5, 2024

It’s so sad you were forced to leave your small, beautiful family, extended family, friends, and co-workers. You were taken way too soon. Rest peacefully, young officer. You are in the eternally loving embrace of our Lord, in the everlasting beauty of Paradise.

Yvonne Buoncora, Civilian
Concerned civilian

April 4, 2024

I give my condolances to the family of Officer Diller and RIP.


April 3, 2024

I give my condolances to the family of Officer Diller and RIP.


April 3, 2024

Rest in Peace brother, we will take it from here.

PO Anthony DiMarino

April 3, 2024

Rest in peace, Detective Diller. To your wife, son, family, and grieving colleagues - please accept my sincere condolences for your tragic loss. To all of the brave women and men of the NYPD, stay strong and may God bless you with safety always...sending much love and support from your Canadian brothers and sisters in blue.

Superintendent Paul Hallett
Durham Regional Police Service, Whitby, Ontario, Canada

April 2, 2024

Many prayers to your family and co-workers. Thank you for your sacrifice and service, it will never be forgotten.

LT. Tom Larsen
Ormond Beach Police Dept.
Ormond Beach, FL

April 1, 2024

Thank you for your sacrifice for our nation. May you be with the Lord and may he be with your family.

Det. Russ Cain

Pittsburgh PD

April 1, 2024

Rest in peace Jonathan.

(former 29 year member) Auxiliary Lieute
NYPD 105 Pct

April 1, 2024

Sincerest condolences to the family and friends of Jonathan and to his mourning brother and sister officers.

A/Lt. (former 29 year member) George Reu
NYPD 105 Pct

April 1, 2024

My thoughts and prayers are with all of your loved ones, friends, & co-workers.
Your service and ultimate sacrifice will never be forgotten.
Thank you for your service to protect.

James P. Waggle, Jr.
US Army Veteran (SFC)

April 1, 2024

Sincerest condolences to Jonathan’s family and friends and to the brother and sister officers who also deeply mourn your senseless death. Rest in peace.

A/Lt. retired George Reuter
NYPD 105 Pct

March 31, 2024

Rest in peace Jonathan! You are missed

A/Lt. retired George Reuter
NYPD 105 Pct

March 31, 2024

Eternal rest grant unto Jonathan , O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him. May he rest in peace, AMEN.

A/Lt. retired George Reuter
NYPD 105 Pct

March 31, 2024

Officer Diller, you lived as a hero and you were lost as a hero. You will never be forgotten, the law enforcement family will forever reflect upon and remember your legacy. Godspeed.

Second Lieutenant Jayden J. Bossian
U.S. Marine Corps Military Police, Badge #9147

March 31, 2024

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