Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Detective James Michael Lett

Benton Police Department, Arkansas

End of Watch Wednesday, November 8, 2023

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Reflections for Detective James Michael Lett

There is a void where you once stood, right here in the middle of us. We still look towards it expecting to see you there, that grin on your face, about to hit us with a witty retort and that laugh that filled the hallways. Some days that void is a knife that hits us hard, right in the gut, taking the breath right out of us. Others it's a comforting presence, as if you're still standing there laughing with us, ribbing us from beyond. Those are the days we can retell the old stories and think about you with a smile. Those days are becoming more frequent than the former, and I'm glad. I know there are still many hard days to come, times when we'd give anything have you here with us. To be able to tell you what we've accomplished thanks to you. Times like today when I'd give anything to hear your chuckle coming down the hall, knowing you're about to come in my office and give me a hard time for something or another. You're absolutely irreplaceable. You were more to us than a coworker or partner or fellow detective. You were our mentor, brother, friend, and safe place. You were ours. Always will be, I'm afraid. We all got tattoos for you, Mike, so you can't escape us now.

Keep those streets safe up there. When I see you again, we'll have some words, my friend. And then you can show me where the big G keeps the good hooch and make up for lost time harassing Richey.

Love you big, Mike. Always will.

P.S. You're still the reigning champ of case files. These young guys just can't compete with yours. I hope that makes you smile.

CID Assistant Diana Smart
Benton Police Department, Benton, Arkansas

July 17, 2024

The true measure of a person
is not found in the
might of their arm,
their wealth
or their power –
it is found in the strength
of their character.

There is no greater testimony to
ones character, than ones
willingness to sacrifice all,
in the noble quest of
providing protection to all
whom they serve.

Author Unknown

"Aim High... Fly, Fight-Win"

Javier Cornejo
Police Officer, Retired
City of Milwaukee Police Department
Milwaukee, Wisconsin

February 7, 2024

Thank you for your sacrifice for our nation. May you be with the Lord and may he be with your family.

Det. Russ Cain

Pittsburgh PD

December 18, 2023

God Bless You, Your Family, & Friends.
Thank you for your unselfish service to protect your community.

James P. Waggle, Jr.
US Army Veteran (SFC)

December 8, 2023

Rest, brother.

Sgt. Steve Headley
Mishawaka, IN police

December 8, 2023

Our thoughts and prayers are with your family, friends and co-workers during this difficult time. Your service and ultimate sacrifice will never be forgotten.

Thomas H. Kelly Jr.
Supervisory Air Marshal in Charge (SAC)
Orlando Field Office
Federal Air Marshal Service

December 7, 2023

Detective Lett, for many years, you dedicated your life to protecting others that they may be safe. Our Lord, who sees all and knows all, will reward you abundantly for your courage, dedication and selfless service. My heart breaks for the sorrow that your loved ones are experiencing. May God immerse you and them in His Divine Mercy. Rest in peace, good and faithful servant.

Jess Espinosa

December 4, 2023

Rest In Peace.

Det. Andreoli

December 1, 2023

Thank you for your devotion to Law Enforcement and to your service to our great Nation while serving in the United States Air Force. RIP sir.

Retired First Sergeant Thomas Webb
New York State Police - Troop "D"

December 1, 2023

Rest In Peace Brother.

Det. Andreoli

November 30, 2023

Rest in Peace my Brother in Arms

Anrae G Godley-Cooper
U.S. Army Military Police

November 30, 2023

RIP Hero. May you forever spend your eternal life with our dear Lord in heaven. My thoughts and prayers are with all your loved ones. Our country is now a little less safe without you. Thank you for your service.


Sergeant Mitchell G. Cheselka (Retired)
Orange County Sheriff, California
Polk County Sheriff, Oregon

November 29, 2023

Rest in Peace my brother.

Captain (Ret.) Bernard Flint
Department of Defense / Police Division

November 29, 2023

On behalf of the Klamath County Sheriff's Office in Klamath Falls Oregon, we send our sincerest sympathy in the recent loss of your Detective, James Michael Lett, in the line of duty. It is always a huge loss when a fellow Detective makes the ultimate sacrifice. His bravery and courage to protect and serve your community has not gone unnoticed. Our prayers and thoughts to the Saline, Pulaski County Sheriff Offices, Arkansas Attorney General's Office, Maumelle and the Salt Lake City Utah Police Department's where Detective Letz had previously served over his 30 year career in Law Enforcement. We thank Detective Lett for his service as a United States Air Force Veteran.

Sheriff Chris Kaber
Klamath County Sheriff's Office

November 26, 2023

RIP Detective Lett. Thank you for your service to the Country and the citizens of Benton, Saline County, Pulaski County, Maumelle, Salt Lake City (Utah) and the state of Arkansas

Lieutenant Darren Weisse
Tufts University Police
Boston, Ma. 02120

November 26, 2023

Rest In Peace Brother.

Det Andreoli

November 25, 2023

Officer Lett worked for me for a while at SLCPD in patrol on the west side of town.

He was a hard charger, eager and overall a good cop. As his sergeant, I can say that he could sometimes be a handful to supervise, but always produced good work.

RIP, brother. We've got it from here.

Sgt. Jim Bryant (Ret.)
Salt Lake City Police Department

November 25, 2023

God bless and thank you for your service

Detective Tim F
Chicago PD

November 25, 2023

I met Mike on my third day in Arkansas after moving from California. We quickly became very close friends being there for each other during good times as well as difficult times. We were there for weddings and birth of children. For 27years Mike was my work partner, my best friend, and most importantly, my brother, my brother in Christ. My heart aches for the void I now have. I miss my brother.
Mike earned many scars here on earth. It’s comforting knowing that the only scars now, are on the hands that hold him now.
I will see you again one day when we patrol the streets of gold together.

Special Agent JayP Massiet
Arkansas Attorney General’s Office

November 25, 2023

So sad to hear the news.

May you rest in peace after having served those around you. My thoughts are with you, your family, fellow officers, and friends.

Reserve Police Officer G. Krystof
Los Angeles Police Department

November 24, 2023

Thank you for your service and sacrifice. Rest In Peace Detective Lett. Our deepest heartfelt condolences to all of your family, friends, and brothers and sisters at Benton Police Department.

Postal Inspector Scott Horne
US Postal Inspection Service

November 24, 2023

On behalf of the 68 dedicated volunteers associated with POINT 27 across the United States, we would like to offer condolences for Detective James Mitchel Lett. Please know we are eternally grateful for James’ service and his ultimate sacrifice.

To honor Detective Lett, POINT 27 sent 27 Thin Blue Line Dog Tag Necklaces, engraved with “Blessed are the Peacemakers for they will be called children of God” Matthew 5:9, to the Benton Police Department in Benton, Arkansas for James’ partner and fellow officers. POINT 27 also sent two Folded Flag Necklaces engraved with “Greater Love has no one than this; than to lay down one’s life for one’s friend” John 15:13 for Detective James Mitchel Lett’s parents.

Also sent to James’ parents was a Forever Grateful Military Challenge coin to honor James’ dedication to the United States Air Force.

POINT 27 is a Non-Profit organization with a mission to strengthen and encourage members of the Armed Forces, First Responders, and their families, by sharing scripture on Dog Tags and Jewelry called Shields of Strength.

We will never forget and we are forever grateful.


Colonel David Dodd,
United States Army Retired
Executive Director-POINT 27

Detective Jerry M. Rhodes #R309
Dallas Police Department-Reserve Division (Retired)
POINT 27 National Outreach Coordinator
Law Enforcement Liaison
[email protected]

Detective Jerry M. Rhodes (Retired)
Dallas Police Department Reserve Division
POINT 27- National Out Reach Coordinator
Law Enforcement Liaison

November 23, 2023

Godspeed My Brother-Rest in Peace

SGT. Donald Harvey retired
Maricopa County Sheriffs Office - Arizona

November 22, 2023

Rest In Peace Detective James Michael "Mike" Lett! Thank you for your 30+ years of Law Enforcement serving with the Benton Police Department, Saline County Sheriff's Department, Pulaski County Sheriff's Department, Arkansas Attorney General's Office, Maumelle Police Department, and the Salt Lake City (Utah) Police Department, and for your service as a United States Air Force Veteran. We thank you for your devotion and your sacrifices, and also to your family and friends for their sacrifices. Our hearts break for your four daughters, your son, your two sisters, your adopted parents, your two grandchildren and your friends during this terrible tragedy, and we want them to know that you will never be forgotten! Our thoughts and Prayers also go out to all of your sisters and brothers in Blue that protect us. God bless you all!! (Matthew 5:9)

Eddie & Kelly King

November 22, 2023

R I P Brother

Herbie Buck Ret. Officer

November 22, 2023

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