Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Reserve Corporal Joseph Johnson

Nyssa Police Department, Oregon

End of Watch Saturday, April 15, 2023

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Reflections for Reserve Corporal Joseph Johnson

I am riding the LEU ride from Chesapeake, Virginia to D.C. in your honor. I hope that all who knew Reserve Corporal Joseph Johnson take some comfort in knowing he will never be forgotten.

SA Stefani Brown

May 9, 2024

Cpl. Johnson,
On today, the 1st anniversary of your death I would just like to say thank you for your service and sacrifice for the citizens of Nyssa. And to your Family and loved ones, I wish to extend my deepest sympathy.

BPA Mike Casey
United States Border Patrol(Retired)

April 15, 2024

Lord God of unfailing love, to those families in our beloved nation, the United States of America, who are suffering in the wake of the loss of a law enforcement family member, help us to provide support. Allow us to be their rock and fortress in a time of immense pain and uncertainty. Help us to keep them safe and nourished in their time of grief, suffering beside them as we move toward healing and reconciliation. Lord God, in Your compassionate mercy, hear my prayer. In Christ Jesus, Your beloved Son, and by His authority, I pray. Amen.

Holy Scripture References:

“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons [children] of God.” [Matthew 5:9 ESV]

“Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.” [Matthew 5:4 ESV]

Chaplain Steven R. Closs, DDiv, MSBS, NCCA, FCPO-USA
The Badge 183 Peacemakers Prayer Ministry
“Honoring America’s Fallen Peace Officers”
Merrimack, NH 03054

Captain Steven R. Closs (Ret.)
Nashua NH Police Department (1974-1998)

November 19, 2023

I miss you every day Brother. God has an amazing man protecting the gates now.

Cpl. Joe Johnson was my best friend and hero.
Sgt. Greg Armenta
Nyssa Police Department

June 18, 2023

I will love and miss you forever-you are the best thing I have ever done-Mom


June 4, 2023

Thank you for your service and sacrifice. Rest In Peace Reserve Corporal Johnson. Our deepest heartfelt condolences to all of your family, friends, and brothers and sisters at Nyssa Police Department.

Postal Inspector Scott Horne
US Postal Inspection Service

May 25, 2023

I would like to offer my condolences to the family and friends of Reserve Corporal Joseph Johnson. I am so very sorry for your great loss. The service and sacrifice of Reserve Officer Johnson will not be forgotten. I am praying for your comfort and peace.

Deborah C.
Wife, Mother, Aunt of LEOs

May 12, 2023

It takes a strong man to serve 15 years in correctionals, then go into policing. He and his family did not deserve this. My heart goes out to the Johnson family.

SrA James
Law Enforcement Family

May 10, 2023

Rest in Peace Reserve Corporal Johnson. Thank you for the Service to your Community.
My Prayer for peace and comfort for your Family both Blood and Blue.
Gone but Never Forgotten.

Cpl. Terri Albright, #668
DuPage County Sheriff's Office, Wheaton, Illinois

May 9, 2023

May your rest in-peace Corporal Johnson. The nation is praying for you, and the lord is with you and your family. Thank you for your service.

ECO Ethan Ross

May 8, 2023

You're smile seemed to be infectious and I am sure you were trying your best to serve the community. My condolences to both your family and the department. Someone must stop you're killing of officers.


May 7, 2023

Thank you for your sacrifice for our nation. May you be with the Lord and may he be with your family.

Det. Russ Cain

Pittsburgh PD

May 7, 2023

„Proszę przyjmijcie wyrazy najszczerszego 
współczucia i żalu.
Wiem że nikt i nic nie wypełni już tej luki 
w Waszych sercach,
lecz pamiętajcie że nie umiera ten 
kto trwa w pamięci bliskich. 
Przeznaczenie odebrało Cię 
zbyt szybko rodzinie i przyjaciołom,
ale nigdy nie odbierze Cię 
naszej pamięci i naszym sercom.”

Sierżant Policji w Stanie Spoczynku Jace
Wydział Kryminalny Polska

May 7, 2023

My deepest condolences to the family of Corporal Joseph Johnson. May his soul rest in peace.

Retired First Sergeant Thomas Webb
New York State Police - Troop "D"

May 3, 2023

God Bless you Officer Johnson . Another heroic officer gone to soon . My deepest condolences to everyone touched by the loss of Officer Johnson.

Clark Police Dept.

May 2, 2023

I was on shift just across the bridge when all hell broke loose and our dispatch didn't send us to help you. We were stuck on our side of the river trying to run down leads to find the POS that was responsible. I already miss our conversations on the bridge when we helped each other on calls.

Your funeral was well represented. We have Officers from all over the West. The procession from CCSO to TVCC was over 4 miles long and when we brought you back to Nyssa we had the entire Highway covered from Ontario to Nyssa. It was awesome to see all the people lined up to show support for your sacrifice.

God speed brother we have your shift covered. Rest easy my friend we will miss you.

Sergeant Chris Cullen
Parma Police Department

April 28, 2023

Until Valhalla Brother.

SSG. C. Clemons

April 28, 2023

Rest In Peace…

Retired Detective Ed Falkowski
Syracuse Police Dept, NY

April 26, 2023

Corporal Johnson, our world is full of evil people, and yet, for many years, you dedicated your life to protecting others that they may be safe. Our Lord, who sees all and knows all, will reward you abundantly for your courage, dedication and selfless service. My heart breaks for the sorrow that your loved ones are experiencing. May God immerse you and them in His Divine Mercy. Rest in peace, good and faithful servant.

Jess Espinosa

April 23, 2023

Rest easy, we have the watch from here. May God bless your family and community.

Spc. David Sommers
Oregon National Guard, former reserve officer Talent Police Department

April 19, 2023

The true measure of a person
is not found in the
might of their arm,
their wealth
or their power –
it is found in the strength
of their character.

There is no greater testimony to
ones character, than ones
willingness to sacrifice all,
in the noble quest of
providing protection to all
whom they serve.

Author Unknown

Javier Cornejo
Police Officer, Retired
City of Milwaukee Police Department
Milwaukee, Wisconsin

April 19, 2023

I am sad to learn of the passing of a Brother and Hero in Reserve Corporal Joseph Johnson. I believe our Heavenly Father has welcomed him home into his loving arms where he will now patrol the Golden Streets of Heaven. May the Lord deliver Blessings, Comfort and Peace to his Family, Friends and all Members of the Nyssa Police Department, Oregon.

Retired, T W Martinez
FOP member
State of New Mexico/JJS

April 19, 2023

So sad & tragic, RIP Sheepdog. May God bless and comfort your wife and children, as well as your brothers & sisters with NPD. Well done thou good and faithful servant.

Mike Nixon
High Point, NC Police Dept, Retired

April 19, 2023

Rest in Peace Reserve Corporal Joseph Johnson! Thank you for your 5years of service with the Nyssa Police Department, Oregon and for your service with the Oregon Department of Corrections for 15 years and for your work as a civilian employee. We thank you for your devotion and your sacrifices, and also to your family and friends for their sacrifices. Our hearts break for your wife and your two children during this terrible tragedy, and we want them to know that you will never be forgotten! Our thoughts and Prayers go out to the rest of your family and to all of your sisters and brothers in Blue that protect us. God bless you all!! (Matthew 5:9)

Kelly King

April 19, 2023

A sad day for Oregonians. Praying for his family. Gratitude to him and all public protectors. Rest Peacefully, Sir. My husband and I were driving west from Ontario to Pendleton, and saw 10 police / sheriff vehicles, lights flashing, heading towards Ontario. We knew immediately that Reserve Corporal Johnson was being honored, by his family in blue. God Bless You ALL!!!

Merlynne Parker

April 18, 2023

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