Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Officer Albee Volney Forney

United States Department of Defense - Walter Reed Army Medical Center Police, U.S. Government

End of Watch Wednesday, July 24, 1991

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Reflections for Officer Albee Volney Forney

No greater love than to lay down one's life!
Rest in peace brother.

DoD Detective Joseph A Sparacino
WRAMC PMO Investigations 1986-1990

July 5, 2024

Thinking of all of you today Uncle Albee
Miss all of you
Love all of you

Sgt Cowfer

July 24, 2023

Hi Uncle Albee
Well it's been 31 years since you were taken. Hope Aunt Betty Ann and Ricky are hanging with you.
Be Cool

Sgt Mike Cowfer
US Army

July 24, 2022

Officer Forney,
On today, the 30th anniversary of your death I would just like to say thank you for your service and sacrifice for our Country. And to your Family and loved ones, I wish to extend my deepest sympathy.


United States Border Patrol

July 24, 2021

Rest in peace Officer Forney.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 22, 2021

I'm the same as you are now. Tell Ma I miss her ok ?

Cowfer Michael L

April 3, 2021

26 years wow
Uncle Vic is with you now
Only Mamma left
She misses you


MikeSGT US Army (Ret)

August 22, 2017

I was just beginning my law enforcement career when Al gave the ultimate sacrifice. We had worked together everyday and as side partners often. He had been police a lot longer than I at the time and I learned a lot from him. Everyone of us looked up to him and knew that we could count on him. Thanks Al. Your presence is sorely missed

Don Watson

March 6, 2015

Officer Forney, thank you for your service to our military and hence, our nation. You are truly a hero. The passage of time does not diminish that fact. I pray the nurse made a total recovery both physically and emotionally. I also hope that the retired staff sergeant got the help he apparently needed and did no further harm to anyone.

God Bless and may you continue to forever Rest in Peace, Brother.

Ptl. Jim Leahy, Jr.
Harvard University Police Dept.

January 24, 2014

Hi Uncle Albee, just finished picking the blackberries on the Forney property. You know it's the last piece left since Uncle Phil let those foreigners steal the rest of it. Momma misses you. Her and Uncle Vic are the only ones left now.

Be cool,


August 18, 2013

It's been 22 years Uncle Albee since that insane jerk took you from us. If truth be told he is still living in some jail claiming "insanity".

You'll never be forgotten. You died doing what you loved to do.

God Bless You


July 24, 2013



ETD 07/24/91

SGT.Ronnie G. Embry

April 30, 2013

Thank you for your service and for helping to make America a safer place.

Deputy Brian Jones
Boulder County Sheriff's Office, CO

January 25, 2013

Hi uncle Albee, 20 years to the day that scumbag took you from us. I miss you and momma misses you as well. You will never be forgotten.

Be cool,


July 24, 2011

Hi Uncle Albee,

Tell Aunt Edie that momma is glad she can remember you again, now that she is in heaven with you.



June 8, 2011

Hi Uncle Albee,
19 years now since that scumbag killed you. We all miss you very much. Your grandfather's house was recently taken off the register of historic homes in Maryland. But I still own the land behind it. I will NEVER sell the last piece of our family's land. I pick the red rasberries that grow on it every year. Be cool.


August 17, 2010

Your heroism and service is honored today, the 19th anniversary of your death. Your memory lives and you continue to inspire. Thank you for your service. My cherished son Larry Lasater was a fellow police officer who was murdered in the line of duty on April 24, 2005 while serving as a Pittsburg, CA police officer.

Time never diminishes respect. Your memory will always be honored and revered. I pray for the solace of all those who love and miss you for I know both the pain and pride are forever.

Rest In Peace.

Phyllis Loya

Phyllis Loya
mother of fallen officer Larry Lasater

July 24, 2010

I returned today to read any new reflections, and I realized I did not get my name entered for my entry which was the last or previous one. Reflections once posted can not be edited, so this is to update my last entry and to say "Albee, we will never forget your sacrafice."

Love ya, miss ya!

Inspector Kerry Todd, K-9 Handler
FPS Police, Dept. of Homeland Security

November 24, 2009

I worked with Albee for a few years when he was a Sergeant with NASA Security at Goddard Space Fight Center in Greenbelt Maryland;he worked here prior to going to the DOD Walter Reed Army Medical Center Police. He was my supervisor at NASA Security. He was a good supervisor and a great officer. I was very proud to work with him. I looked forward to going to work, when I knew he was going to be the on-duty sergeant. He was a pleasure to work with.

I was saddened to learn that he was the one who lost his life and paid the ultimate sacrifice that day at Walter Reed. My heart goes out to his family. We all lost a great friend, co-worker and/or relative. He made this world a much better and safer place. We miss you greatly Albee. God Bless!

FPS Police, Dept. of Homeland Security

September 16, 2008

Uncle Albee. Hard to believe it was 17 years ago today. You were always like a second father to me and you are missed and still thought of a lot. I hope you and Daddy are up in heaven watching over fact I know you are. God Love ya!


His Niece

July 24, 2008

Officer Forney thank you for the service you provided to our country. It has been seventeen years since the end of your watch and you are still remembered. May God continue to bless you. Rest in peace my brother.

State Constable J.L. Green
S.C. State Constables

July 24, 2008

Officer Forney,
On today, the 17th anniversary of your death, I would just like to say thank you for your service and sacrifice for our Country. And to your family and loved ones, I wish to extend my deepest sympathy.



July 24, 2008

"The Badge"

He starts his shift each day
To respond to calls unknown.
He drives a marked patrol car.
A police officer he is known.

He's paid by the citizens' taxes
To make it safe on the streets.
But he usually has a second job
'Cause a waitress has his salary beat.

Now he doesn't know a holiday
'Cause he works all year round.
And when Thanksgiving and Christmas finally arrive
At his home he cannot be found.

He's cursed and assaulted often,
The one whos blood runs blue.
He seldom ever gets a thanks,
To some he's just a fool.

His friends are always other cops
'Cause people just don't understand
That underneath his badge and gun,
He's just another man.

He knows there might not be a tomorrow
In this world of drugs and crime.
And he gets so mad at the court system
'Cause the crooks don't get any time.

And each day when he leaves for work,
He prays to God above.
Please bring me home after my shift
So I can see the ones I love.

But tonight he stops a speeding car,
He's alone down this ole' highway.
It's just a little traffic infraction.
He does it everyday.

Well, he walks up to the driver's window,
And his badge is shining bright.
He asked the guy for a driver's license,
When a shot rang through the night.

Yes, the bullet hit its mark,
Striking the officer in the chest.
But the Department's budget didn't buy
Each officer a bullet-proof vest.

So he lay on the ground bleeding.
His blood wasn't blue - His blood was red.
And briefly he thought of his loved ones
'Cause in a moment the officer was dead.

In the news they told the story
Of how this officer had died.
And some who listened cared less,
But those who loved him cried.

Well, they buried him in uniform
With his badge pinned on his chest.
He even had his revolver,
He died doing his best.

Written By:
David L. Bell
Richland County Sheriff's Department
Columbia, South Carolina
Used with Special Permission of the Author
Copyright © 1993 - All Rights Reserved
and may not be duplicated without permission

Investigator David L Bell
Richland County Sheriff's Dept., Columbia, SC

March 18, 2008

I remember we were going to start riding to work together when you got your transfer to Navy Medical Hospital. I found out that the phone call came in to let you know your transfer went through as you lay there dead. Momma has never been the same since you left us. I think of you often. You were the only one that didn't want to sell the land. It was stolen from us. I made Uncle Phil cut out a piece for Momma before he let those thieves steal it from him. I wish all your grandchildren had a chance to meet and know you. You were a cool dude
Your nephew Mike


January 5, 2008

This is my grandfather. He died when i was 6 months old and even though i never met him, i know he was a good strong man. im sixteen years old now and even though its been a long time, he is still missed and remembered.


November 9, 2007

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