Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer Daryle S. Holloway

New Orleans Police Department, Louisiana

End of Watch Saturday, June 20, 2015

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Reflections for Police Officer Daryle S. Holloway

My Condolences to the Family, Friends, Community and the New Orleans Police Department
May the love of our Lord and Savior comfort and guide through this most difficult time.
Thank you for your Heroism Officer Daryle Holloway
God Bless

Detention Officer A.Zambito

June 21, 2015

From all of us here at Trey Ganem Designs, we Thank You for your service and pray that your family and friends find peace in the words of the Lord.

Trey Ganem, Civilian

June 21, 2015

God Speed, Brother.

P.O. K.Murphy
Union PD, NJ

June 21, 2015

God Bless You and Rest in Peace Officer Holloway. This a great tragedy to the entire Law Enforcement community. This also makes me think considerably hard due to the fact I am a transport deputy for my department and have transported both mental patients and prisoners to different facilities in my state. My prayers and condolence to the family, friends and department.

Sheriff Deputy Brian Cashion
Iredell County Sheriffs Office (NC)

June 21, 2015

Police Officer Daryle Holloway, during your tour of duty you served the citizens of New Orleans with dignity and honor it is now your time to rest with all of the other heroes that have gone before you. We will carry on from here. To the family of Police Officer Daryle Holloway you all are in our thoughts and prayers. The Law Enforcement family will stand beside you. To the men and women of the New Orleans Police Department hold your heads high as you all carry on during these difficult times. Stay Safe. Fair Winds and Following Seas WARRIOR.

Detective Grade One Robert F. Jackson
Metropolitan Police Department Homicide Branch

June 21, 2015

For Officer Daryle Holloway:

The killing of a police officer is an egregious offense. We stand firm in our commitment to hunt-down cop-killers in steadfast unity. We always have - and we always will.

We regret that our brother Daryle would be the next law-officer slain under such horrendous circumstances. We pray for Daryle's family, co-workers, friends, and all who care about him. May they be ready to reach-out to one another at this time.

We are proud to render Officer Daryle Hollowy, a soldier-of-the-law, a final salute.

Cpl. Ralph D, Fiorenza (Ret.)
Pennsylvania State Police

June 21, 2015

Our thoughts and prayers are with your family and fellow officers.

Chief of EMS Operations (Retired) Daniel
Medina Life Support Team

June 21, 2015

You served your country and its people every day to keep us safe. I pray for your family and loved ones. My God hold you in the palm of his hands for your service and bravery every day. R.I.P.

Andrea, SA

June 21, 2015

Daryle may you rest in peace! Thank you for your courageous service! You were truly a hero! Our thoughts and prayers go out to your family, brothers and sisters in blue, and your community! God bless you all during this tragic time!

Police officer Alex Cordova's wife Brian
Rio Rancho police department, NM

June 21, 2015

Avenue of the Fallen

Standing at attention in their class “A“uniforms, badges gleaming and shoes like glass, are your brothers and sisters of Law Enforcement. All of whom have previously paid the ultimate price.
Today, like many others, they welcome you to this wonderful place.
As you march down the Avenue of the Fallen, all eyes focus on you as if to say “it’s OK, you’re with your eternal partners.”
A salute is followed and a tear can be seen on so many faces.
Welcome, you served well.
Now come join us in the ranks, another is coming home.
Officer Jim Weaver (#11452), Los Angeles Police Department retired

Sheriff Jim Weaver (Retired)
Jerome County Idaho Sheriffs Office

June 21, 2015

Rest in peace my brother. Our thoughts and prayers are with you, your family and the New Orleans Police Department.

James J. Scanlon (Retired CPD)
North American SWAT Training Assoc.

June 21, 2015

God Bless and Godspeed, Sir. I hope justice is swift and sure. I hope your friends and loved find comfort knowing you are safe in the arms of Jesus.

Lisa B.

June 21, 2015

RIP and we will never forget your ultimate sacrifice. We will take it from here.

Detective John Mick
Lower Merion Police, PA

June 21, 2015

Good news, suspect arrested by NOPD SWAT this morning.

RIP Officer Holloway.

SGT Michael A Thiac

June 21, 2015

God's peace and speed Officer Holloway. Thank you for your many years of brave, dedicated service. RIP Brother.

P/O R. Popelka #7903
Chicago P.D.

June 21, 2015

Rest easy Officer Holloway. Thank you for your service. God's peace to you and your family.

J. Guldager

June 21, 2015

On this day, as we honor Fathers across the nation, I ask that we pause for a moment and say a pray not only for a fallen brother, but a father, as he,s All Mighty Father accepts another of his trusted warriors of good into his heavenly embrace.

Deputy Sheriff
Orange County Sheriffs Office, Florida

June 21, 2015

Feel His presence as God answers the prayers of many who have fallen to their knees on your behalf. Since the day of my son's death, I have carried every law enforcement officer and their family in my heart.

Every morning I go to my knees. During that time I pray:

“Lord, Be with all law enforcement officers. Keep them safe and free from harm. They are Your soldiers on the front line of the battle against evil. If one should fall this day - wrap their family in your loving arms. Surround them with Your angels, loving family, friends, neighbors and caring people to comfort them. Ease their pain. Help them to mourn well. In Jesus' name and for Your Glory, Amen.”

I have lifted you and your family to God every morning for over four years. Feel those prayers. God is with you; He knows and will ease your pain.

Our faith helps us to see beyond the grave.

Pamela Hotsinpiller
Mother of
Deputy United States Marshal
Derek W. Hotsinpiller
EOW 2-16-2011

June 21, 2015

Rest easy brother, you have stood your watch with pride and professionalism. Go to the promised place where you can look down to see your brothers continue what you have started. Thank you for your service. May the light of Christ ease the pain on the ones you have loved, and those who have loved you in return.

Sean D. Creamer; Chief
TPSU, New Bern NC

June 21, 2015

RIP. You will never be forgotten.

Detective Scott Bruinsma
Orange County Sheriffs Office

June 21, 2015

Rest in peace

Captain Hollis
Nashville Fire Dept

June 21, 2015

Thank you for your service. RIP. Prayers to the family and those affected.

Squad Leader Jimmy Z
CF Academy

June 21, 2015

God Bless you. your family, & friends. Thank you for your unselfish service.

James Waggle

June 21, 2015

Officer Holloway,

Words cannot express the sorrow I feel when I heard of your ultimate sacrifice. May your family and friends know that you are a TRUE AMERICAN HERO. To the men and women of NOPD stay strong lean on each other and never forget Officer Holloway. To Officer Holloway's three children, stay strong you will soon learn that you have another family of blue and that we all stand with you in this difficult time. R.I.P. Office Holloway you will not be forgotten.

PO Daniel DeSalvo
NYPD 44pct

June 21, 2015

RIP Officer Holloway. Your dedication, devotion, and ultimate sacrifice will never be forgotten. Prayers for your family during this time in their lives.

Retired Police Offier Bob Lester
Midland, Texas Police Department

June 21, 2015

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