Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer Daniel S. Bessant

Oceanside Police Department, California

End of Watch Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Leave a Reflection

Reflections for Police Officer Daniel S. Bessant


I was sitting with my family yesterday, but I didn't feel right. I thought hard about what it could be, then it hit me when I woke up. I had to tell you and your family Happy Father's Day. As bittersweet as it sounds, I just had to tell you. Thanks for helping me thru the hard times, I appreciate it brother.

Cadet Glen Gerber
PCPA Class 15

June 18, 2007

Today is father's day and in between thinking of my long deceased dad and all of my life’s accomplishments I couldn't share with him, and being hugged by my beautiful 11 year old daughter looking forward to watching her make her way through the trials and tribulations to come, I thought of you. I thought of what a tragedy it is that this would have been your first as a dad and of what a great father you would have been throughout Wyatt's life. I thought of how lucky you were to have had one of the best men I have ever known as your dad and how lucky he is to have had two sons such as you and Drew. Selfishly, I generally think of what a loss I have suffered but today I regret the far greater loss born by your son and dad as well as the rest of your family, friends, department and community. Rest easy my friend, knowing you will never be forgotten, and Wyatt still has many wonderful people in his life who will teach him who you were.


June 18, 2007

Hi Danny... thinking of you today, and Wyatt... and of course, your dad... I know today is a hard day for him... but I also know of the love you shared and continue to share so he knows you are with him... I miss you Danny... everyone misses you so much... Happy Father's Day my friend...


June 17, 2007

"May you enjoy your new life."


Matt Lyons
Oceanside Police Department

June 15, 2007

Go maire sibh bhur saol nua.


Matt Lyons
Oceanside Police Dept.

June 15, 2007

You sound like a very, very special person and I know that such a man, remebered with so much love and respect, never dies but continues to live on in the hearts of those he has left to follow him.G-d bless you and your loved ones.
G-d Bless Police Officers.

June 13, 2007

Officer Dan Bessant,

I never had the pleasure of knowing you. I never had the opportunity to shake your hand. But I know one day we will meet.

Life is so short that we do not reflect upon it until someone else is taken from us. I have in the past year with so many good officers and loved ones taken, had the chance to reflect on life. I want you to know that even up there, as you shine down upon us, you will continue to inspire us to be the best and live life to its fullest.

As I write this reflection, I look at my twin boys an tear. Hoping that they will not have to indure the pain of lossing there father. There is no preparation I can give them to help them deal with such a loss.

This profession that I have choosen can one day deal them the same faith that your family must now indure. I pray that no other officers has to pay the ultimate price for there service to the city, county or country they have sworn to protect.

My prayers go out to your family and friends that knew and loved you so dearly.

Anthony Punchard
(Former)Cadet Palomar Academy 14

June 12, 2007

We miss you so much! There isn't a day that goes by that we haven't been thinking about you. We love you and miss you so much. We had so little time it seems now, but all the memories of all the fun we have had with you and Richie are now so precious. We miss you...

With All Our Love,
Zoe and Richard

Richard and Zoe Scaggs

June 9, 2007

We miss you so much! There isn't a day that goes by that we haven't been thinking about you. We love you and miss you so much. We had so little time it seems now, but all the memories of all the fun we have had with you and Richie are now so precious. We miss you...

With All Our Love,
Zoe and Richard

Richard and Zoe Scaggs

June 9, 2007


I don't know how many times I have sat here typing a reflection, only to not submit it. It has never felt right. Today I realized it will never feel completely right. You never knew me, and until your death I didn't know you. But that doesn't mean you haven't affected my life.

Last year I decided to become a police officer. I began training and joined the Palomar Police Academy. A week and a half before my academy started, your watch tragically ended. I felt an instant connection to you. You were practically my age, from my city, went to my high school, and died in the line of duty protecting our community.

I went to your funeral. Other's have described it here for you already, but I will say it was the single biggest outpouring of respect I have ever seen. All for you Dan. Every class from our academy is dedicated to a fallen officer, and I wanted more than anything for our class to honor you. I got my wish.

Every day I run into the academy I run by your picture. Every time we do push ups we shout your name. Every day we honor your sacrifice, and push ourselves as hard as we can. We give as much as we can because you gave it all.

We've been raising money for Wyatt, too. We had a motorcycle rally last month in your honor. Over a thousand people came. I don't want to say the value where it is not my place, but we've raised a lot of money for Wyatt's trust and we are just getting started.

Most importantly I find myself thinking about the sacrifice your family has made. I look at your picture and think of my fiancee, and future children I am sure to have. Can I leave them every day with the chance of not returning? Can I make the sacrifice you did?

So far I think I can. And I push myself every day. And it's hard for me to write you, and I will try to again, but I wanted to take the time to say thank you, you won't be forgotten. Your spirit pushes all of us at the academy. Thousands of officers showed up at your memorial, the motorcycle rally, post here, and more in remembrance of you. Your family was invited to Sacramento to the California Peace Officer's Memorial and recently to Washington, D.C. to meet the President at the Peace Officers' Memorial Service. We remember you Dan.

I'm not the best at writing feelings like this, so I'll leave you with someone who is good at it. This is "The Monument", by Sgt. George Hahn, L.A.P.D. It's from the California Peace Officer's Memorial where your name was just added:

I never dreamed it would be me
My name for all eternity
Recorded here at this hallowed place
Alas, my name, no more my face

"In the line of duty" I hear them say
My family now the price will pay
My folded flag stained with their tears
We only had those few short years

The badge no longer on my chest
I sleep now in eternal rest
My sword I pass to those behind
And pray they keep this thought in mind

I never dreamed it would be me
And with heavy heart and bended knee
I ask for all here from the past
Dear God, let my name be the last

Cadet Cody J. Williams
PCPA Class 15

June 7, 2007


Well it has been a hard road. The roller coaster is not over. I just remember how we always laughed at everything. I am trying to laugh but at times it is hard. Gordon and I had long talk about what happened. He said he was very sad. We laughed a bit whiched helped. He still remebers the jolly boy with the dog. I was with him at the ball field where you pegged the first base coach with the softball and spun him around. I had to laugh and tried to the tell story as you would.
I will never forget you. You are an amazing man with so much life that you are still with us. Everyday. Forever.
I am blessed to have been a part of your life right up to the end. I will never forget that day. I see your big puppy dog eyes looking up at me everyday.
Blessed are the peace maker for they shall be called the sons of God. That is you my brother, a Son of God.

Jeff Brandt
Oceanside Police Department

Sergeant Jeff Brandt

May 31, 2007

Danny Boy,

Well buddy, I'm 25 now and feeling old...I just got back from Hawaii. I didn't really have a lump of cash just laying around but I went anyway because I knew it would be a great time...and well if I get to come visit you sooner than later I guess Visa will be stuck paying for my trip. The trip was awesome, did some pretty amazing things...I'll tell you about them later. I did some diving too while I was there and got to swim with a whole family of sea and Richie never did make it down to Brooks Street to get certified.

Things have been getting progressively better but everytime I start to think it's okay...well...let's just say I realize that it's not. Those are the worst times...that's when I really wish we could eat some fried contraption that Crisna whipped up to make us feel better and have a cocktail while you beat me at pool and laugh at how ridiculously bad I am at that and darts.

Oh, and you would be proud of Richie...he's growing up on us...buyin' into the real estate market. The best part is that he's starting out coastal so I don't have to help him move from here to the 951 only to realize N. County Coastal is where it's at and have to move him back again like somebody I know. Miss you, love you buddy...

Off. Jonathan Hoover
Friend and OHPD

May 30, 2007

Oh Dan,

Today was one of those days that was just a little more difficult than some of the others. You know Rob and I have had photo's of you displayed in our home for the past few year's and I just look at them in such disbelief that they are just memories...each one telling its own story of course! Thanks...thanks for making us laugh. Thanks for helping to keep our daily perspective straight and reminding us that we live on borrowed time and we better LIVE while we can! Rob still wants his RUBICON back...he'd have given anything to go off roading with you and Randy and anyone else that would have joined in!! Someday when I just have some cold hard cash laying around...I'm gonna buy it for him again, so that he and Garrett can go make dirt memories together that time Wyatt will be old enough to join him!! :) Just day's before the Lord called you home...I had glanced up a that photo of you, Rob and Island Joe on our desk and thought...Gosh Garrett is going to grow up and look just like Dan. I have all of these photos of you for the scrapbook I am slowly, but surely getting together for Katelyn and Wyatt and when I look at your school photo's it is hard to believe how much you and Garrett resemble each other. I am so thankful that you and Rob were friends and it has been a blessing to get to know Katelyn even better than before...Thank you for that...Wyatt is so dang cute!! He needs a lot of sunsceen when he gets out in the sun and he has a lot less HAIR than you and Rob... :) I hope that at some point Rob can sit here and write to let you know how much he cared about you and how much I know he misses you...I know you can see the hands of God reaching out to take care of your entire family and it is so exciting to see the community come together in this fallen world we live in! There is such a void without your sense of humor! It is so special to read these entries people have written...your life was a reflection of the way each of us should live and we will carry on for you and support Katelyn & Wyatt for you all the day's of their don't you worry! I was at the Motorcycle Rally and as everyone told you previously...You'd have been proud and I am sure you were smiling from heaven! Each day as I drive East and West on the 78 (what seems to be 10 times a day!!) I think of you and that comment that was made about how COOL you probably thought it was that they closed the freeway just for YOU that day!! There isn't anywhere I go it seems and in the strangest ways someone I know, knew you or Katelyn or someone in your family...EVERYDAY this happens and I am thankful that I have those opportunities to reflect back on who you were and still what you represent. Pray for us down here as well...we need it!! Dan, you've etched a place in our families heart forever and Sophia and Garrett continue as well to think of you, Katelyn, Wyatt and your family in their daily prayers...I hope that your legacy continues to Rock this World and we will never let the memories die!! Take care bud...we'll write again!


Tamara :)

Tamara Sarracino
Wife OPD Officer Robert Sarracino

May 24, 2007

Hi Danny... it's been a while since I've written you but I wanted to tell you about something today. My new department (Tustin PD) is very different from Oceanside. I miss all our brothers and sisters in Oceanside but I'm starting to feel the same connections to my new brothers and sisters here. A couple of our officers rode in the Officer Down Memorial Motorcycle Rally in your honor. One of them brought me a t-shirt from the rally, and a pin of your badge... I can't tell you how honored I was that he thought of me and realized how much it would mean to me.

Then, just last week one of my lieutenant's gave me a wonderful framed gift with your photo and your name etched with pencil lead from the memorial in Sacramento. It was from him and one of the sergeants that I have become good friends with. I was touched, deeply, so much so that there were no words to thank them enough for such a precious gift. It's on my desk and it's awesome, I'm sure you've seen it! Isn't it cool?

It just amazes me that we can touch each others lives like this, just like you've touched all of us... I am very blessed to have so many people that care about me... I know you feel the same as you read all these reflections from people who love you dearly. Give Tony a big hug for me! I miss you.


May 23, 2007

Officer Bessant- we had the opportunity to meet your grandparents in DC during National Police Week. We couldn't do anything but listen to the story of how you were taken away much too early from your loved ones. It is so clear how much you meant to them and how deeply you are missed. Thank you for your service. God Bless all of you!

The DelNagro Family
NYSP - SP Rochester, New York

May 19, 2007

I was sorry to hear Rich didn't have the crawdad festival this year. I remember this time last year I had just missed you and Katelyn when I came. I really wanted to congratulate you on becoming a dad! It's been almost 5 months and Audrey and I still talk about some of the stories like you never left. It's hard to believe your gone. I talked to Mo the other day just to check on each other. When you left us it just left this huge hole in us that I don't think it can ever heal. Everyday I pray for you and Katelyn and Wyatt and your family. Audrey and I have vowed to keep your spirit with us everytime we drink. You would have loved our stories from St. Patty's Day in Boston! I am trying to do my part in keeping on with making a difference- just like you did. It's funny how everyone's life is connected and for some reason I still continue to get stories from people you've had contact with or arrrested that told me how much of a difference you made to them. I promise you that one kid will make it out of that neighborhood a success. I make sure that kids knows what you were trying to do down there in the Valley and everyday I see him we talk about you. But man, some days are harder than others. I asked Alan to save the "Shark Chair" and never throw that thing out. I remember how you hated that chair! I better check with Mo and make sure it's still sitting in the lounge as an homage to you. God bless...

Kristina Nehls
San Diego Sheriff's Department- Vista Patrol Station

May 18, 2007

Thinking of you and thought I would stop by to say hi!


May 14, 2007

well dan last night doyle, greg white and i got together to discuss our thresher shark fishing trip on wednesday.... and of course you got brought up since the last time we went you were with us. and all you and i could talk about is how boring shark fishing was as we ate chips. well im gonna do it again knowing it will probably be another horrible experience of pure boredom. wish you could go with us.

richie scaggs

May 14, 2007

For Wyatt:

I hope the days come easy and the moments pass slow,
and each road leads you where you wanna go,
and if you're faced with a choice, and you have to choose,
I hope you choose the one that means the most to you.
And if one door opens to another door closed,
I hope you keep on walkin' till you find the window,
if it's cold outside, show the world the warmth of your smile.
But more than anything, more than anything...

My wish, for you, is that this life becomes all that you want it to,
your dreams stay big, your worries stay small,
You never need to carry more than you can hold,
and while you're out there getting where you're getting to,
I hope you know somebody loves you, and wants the same things too,
Yeah, this, is my wish.

I hope you never look back, but you never forget,
all the ones who love you, in the place you left,
I hope you always forgive, and you never regret,

and you help somebody every chance you get,
Oh, you find God's grace, in every mistake,
and always give more than you take.
But More than anything, yeah, more than anything...

My wish, for you, is that this life becomes all that you want it to,
your dreams stay big, your worries stay small,
You never need to carry more than you can hold,
and while you're out there getting where you're getting to,
I hope you know somebody loves you, and wants the same things too,
Yeah, this, is my wish. Yeah.

My wish, for you, is that this life becomes all that you want it to,
your dreams stay big, your worries stay small,
You never need to carry more than you can hold,
and while you're out there getting where you're getting to,
I hope you know somebody loves you, and wants the same things too,
Yeah, this, is my wish.

May 13, 2007

Hey Dan,

I'll tell you what, brother, today's motorcycle rally was unbelievable. I know you saw it all up there and were smiling down on us from heaven and blessing us with great weather all day. I just wish more of your family could have been here to see the overwhelming, and I mean OVERWHELMING support received from the public.

It's so easy to get cynical and jaded in this profession sometimes, especially when you think of all the tragedy and sickness people inflict on one another out there in the course of our duties, but what a total revival of the heart to see so many people, people who never had the chance to know you, come out and spend their day in your honor and for the sake of your family. I am still really in awe of the incredible display of community and support we had today. It definitely restores some faith in humanity and shows what a class act some people can be. I met your uncle, Tom, today and also Katelyn's Grandma who came out to join us. They are still so hurt with you being gone, but seeing both of them smile at the outpouring of support from everyone is something I won't forget and am so honored to have played a part in.

I have been given a new conviction and resolve in these efforts because of men like you and I can think of no greater cause to spend my energy toward. We fathers need to stick together and look out for each other's children.

I know if the tables were turned you'd be there for mine.

I'm still so amazed by your family and their strength. I saw some updated pictures of Wyatt today and he is one big dude. I'm sure he'd kick my ass and by the looks of it, keeps everyone smiling too.

Tonight when all of my girls were sleeping I went into their rooms and spent about a half hour with each one of them, laying in bed with them. I thought of you as I layed there in the dark, holding their hand and listening to them breathe and started crying with each one because I just could not imagine not being with them. The rollercoaster of emotions with your death is at times the most inspirational lesson in grace and humility and at others, the most staggering and heart wrenching journey I've ever taken. I try to find the balance between both and feel ridiculous at times when I consider my speck of pain in comparison to your family's mountain. All in all, it keeps me grounded and forever grateful for each day I have on this earth and the people I have it with. It puts so many things into perspective and shows how ridiculous much of the world and its problems really are. We all just wish you could come back. I'd give anything to bump into you at court again.

Talk to you soon, buddy.

Thanks for the strength...

Officer Damian Jackson
Escondido PD

May 13, 2007

As a City employee I feel we all share some type of link.
I attended the Motor cycle rally today along with my brother, and many of your fellow officers. It was a great turn out. Although I never met you, your loss of a peace officer in my community and neighborhood really hit home.
I as many others who showed up today were honored to take part in this event to support your son.

Keith Pirillo
City Of Oceanside
Engineering Department Inspector

City of Oceanside

May 13, 2007

Officer Bessant,

It was an inspiration to see the generosity and respect shown from all different walks of life of the community. Someone said it best that we are all just part of a big jigsaw puzzle contributing our own piece to this community. There were so many people that just came up to me, shook my hand and said, "thank you," just for making this thing a reality. Everything done today was for you and your family. Your picture was placed at the top of our "grinder" watching us all day. Many of us spent the entire week doing whatever we could to make this the success it was today and it paid off. Despite being a long 14 hour day, our efforts today alone will pay for Wyatt's college education. One day of service and the lives of one family are changed permanently. Sounds like a good day of police work if you ask me. This is just one of many events we plan to hold in your honor all year and hopefully we can keep this momentum and move right into the next. Thank you again brother, your sacrifice will never be forgotten.

Cadet Greggor J. Park II #1517
Palomar College Police Academy

May 13, 2007


Tomorrow's the day...4th Officer Down Memorial Motorcycle Rally in your honor. I know you'll be looking down on us and all of those who will show up to support us and to never forget you. We'll all be doing everything for Wyatt and remembering you at the same time. I picked up a picture of Wyatt at your parents house today so that I could display it at our rally...what a precious little boy... His eyes and his smile, so innocent... I know everyone who comes out to our event tomorrow will know that they are making a difference in his life. This ones for you and Wyatt!!!

God Bless you and your family,

Shanon Dreyer, Supervisor
Palomar College Police Academy

May 11, 2007

What's going on brother? I miss you man! The other day me and some of the fellas were in the report writing room listening to the mock dispatch tapes you made. They were so funny! We couldn't stop laughing! By the way, my K9 partner "Stryker" said to tell you hello! Speaking of Stryker, he has been driving me absolutely crazy lately while on patrol. He paces in the back seat all night long just yipping and barking in my ear. I don't know what to do to calm him down. I guess I should probably start by not putting those Monster Energy drinks in his water bowl!

I just wanted to let you know that your legacy has had a profound affect on my life as of late. I no longer take for granted the time that I have with my family and friends or how I go about doing my job day to day as a police officer. You have made me take a good look in the mirror and reevaluate my life and the purpose that am I serving. I know now, more than ever before that being a police officer is truly an honor bestowed upon us by the citizens of the communities that we serve and that we as police officers should never take that for granted. It is indeed the noblest and most honorable profession that anyone can be in. But more importantly Dan, you have caused me to reevaluate my relationship that I have with my God and my family. I am living my life with more purpose and conviction. I am also living each day to the fullest as though it were my last. I hope that I can be half the man and police officer that you were.

Anyway, until we meet again, be sure to save a place up in heaven for me! Tell Tony "Z" I miss him as well and that he has also been just as importnat in my life. Love you bro, be safe!

K. Sadler

Police Officer, K9 Unit, Kedrick Sadler
Oceanside PD

May 11, 2007

I just wanted to take a minute and thank everyone who has left reflections here. It's clear you honor my son and for that I'm grateful. It's unbelievably difficult to continue life without my precious Danny Boy but it helps a bit reading how his life made a positive impact on so many. It's humbling that God gave me 25 years here on earth with such a great person and I lean on the fact that I will have eternity with him. I know Danny is having too much fun in heaven to read this but if he takes a peak I hope he sees that I'm doing my best to stay strong and "not bring everybody down." I will be positive and fun just like my big-eyed boy. Thanks again to all.

Jeanne Bessant
Danny's mom

May 8, 2007

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