Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Deputy Sheriff Brandy Lyn Winfield

Marion County Sheriff's Department, Ohio

End of Watch Thursday, October 14, 2004

Leave a Reflection

Reflections for Deputy Sheriff Brandy Lyn Winfield

Brandy I have been thinking about you.
I can't believe that Landon is five,boy the year just flew by. I bet you are proud of your boys and all they have accomplished. You look down from heaven and always have that smile on your faces. Sara is doing a great job with COPS and I would like to hear her speak when she gets up near Akron/Cleve area. I wish that I could have gotten to know you better before you were taken. Thanks for all you have done.
Sara's cousin Debbie

Debbie Gray

March 23, 2006

Just got the boys in bed. Tonight Landon and I made a model fire truck from a home depot kit. We sat talking about how much you would have loved to help Landon do something like that. I asked him if it makes him sad that Daddy can't help him do stuff like that, he said no. I said really. He said it makes him happy to think about how Daddy would have liked to help him with it. That made me smile from ear to ear. Just like you always finding the positve out of life. I reminded him that Mommy can help him with stuff like that too. It might take a little longer and look a little rougher but by god I will do it. I started to panic at first because I couldn't figure out the stupid little pictures of how to put it together. I had to unscrew things a couple of time because I had it backwards...Hey I understand why you always cussed and said all the pieces couldn't possibly be there now!!!! Landon was so good with the screwdriver. I started all the screws for him and he screwed them all in. Tyler did a couple too but didn't have the patience to sit all the way through. At the end Landon looked at me and said, Thank you Mommy for my fire truck. It just melted my heart. He is very proud of his fire truck and can't wait to take it to school to show Jacob and Kyle. He has two best friends now and wants to invite them over sometime. He is growing up so fast. Jacob and Kyle came to his birthday party. When they first walked in the door my heart skipped a beat. One because our little guy is growing up so fast, I thought best friends would be a few more years. It is such a milestone to have friends at the house, next he will be sleeping over and all that big stuff whew where did the time go. I was also a little nervous because at the back of my mind I started to panic, you know me. What if the other parents see all the photos of you and the flag and realize you were murdered. Will they tell their kids they can't play with Landon because they don't want them to realize the violence that is in this world or that parents can die? What if that happened? I would be crushed for Landon. I know that it probably isn't going to happen but it was just a nagging little fear when these friends from school showed up. Most people know what happened but what about years from now when it is not so fresh in everyone's mind?? I know sometimes I worry myself sick over the tiniest things that probably will never happen.

Tyler has been a windbag. He never shuts up. He talks and talks and talks and talks constantly. I asked him a question about preschool yesterday, they are learning Nursery Rhymes this week. I asked about the itsy bitsy spider and he said, No we have corn and I don't care in our room this week. It cracked me up. Landon came home today telling me all about Humpty Dumpty. He reported it to me in great detail like I had never heard it before. I said what did you learn today. He said Humpty Dumpty. I said really what did Humpty Dumpty do. He said he sat on a wall. I said really and what happened? He said he fell and broke all apart and all the kings horses couldn't even put him together. It was so funny. He was soooo serious about it all.

Bacon had surgery and the lump was removed. Now they have to test him for some disorder. I have been back and forth to the vet constantly. He swelled up with fluid and they had to put a drain tube in the area. Talk about GROSS!!! He is leaking all over the house. But at least he is going to be okay....

Well I have some work to finish around the house since they are finally asleep....Love you. Missing you as much as ever.


March 22, 2006

We think of you everyday...somedays are alot tougher than others but we know you are watching over all of us. Keep giving your boys those angel kisses.

March 22, 2006

We think of you everyday...somedays are alot tougher than others but we know you are watching over all of us. Keep giving your boys those angel kisses.

March 22, 2006

I cannot believe that it has been over a year, Brandy. Things were so uncomplicated back when. I will ALWAYS remember you and Sara showing uo at one of the "outings" sporting matching Tommy Jeans and how everyone made fun of you guys but you didn't care. You were just back from your honeymoon and soooo in love.


I am just so amazed by your strength and control. We always talk about Brandy and all of the "memories". We wish you and the boys the best!

Brandi, Ron, Drew & Tommy Schnieder
OSHP 739

Brandi D. Schneider
OSHP Wife (Ron Schneider Granville Post)

March 21, 2006

Miss you so much buddy, your picture is on my desk and I think of you daily.

March 21, 2006

I've known Rick for a few years now. My brother was really good friends with Brandy. When I heard what had happened, I just couldn't belive it. I know Brandy is very love and missed more and more every day. I just want the family to know that they are in the thoughts and prayers of me and my family. Love you guys!

Jeanie Williams

Jeanie -Friend of Rick

March 20, 2006

Landon!!! Happy Birthday...!!!!!

An Officers Wife

March 13, 2006

Hi Sara,

I still remember the very first reflection I read (15 months ago) that left me sobbing so hard. You were making grill cheese sandwhiches and soup and expressed how your evening went. It broke my heart. After reading that heartbroken reflection I had to come on just to make sure you were doing okay.

I just wanted to say thank you for keeping us updated. People care and will always care.

Dear Landon,
HAPPY Belated BIRTHDAY all the way from OKLAHOMA!!!

A trooper's wife

March 13, 2006

Happy Birthday Landon!! Sure wish we could have spent the day with you!! I am sure that Daddy was loving you from up above. Keep on being the wonderful little boy that you have always been!

March 10, 2006

Today our little baby turned 5. He is getting so big. I told him his birthday story today like I always do. I told him how happy his Daddy was to hold his first son in his arms the night he was born, how you cried when you saw him, how nervous we were, how you went out to buy a birthday present for me and him the day before he was born. My birthday present from 5 years ago sets in the top of your curio cabinet above all your awards.

Landon is so excited about his birthday. He snuck into the car and found all his presents. He got a batman costume, a police costume, lincoln logs, and a flying batman doll. He got out the policeman costume and pretended he was a policeman before the bus came. He insisted on taking his handcuffs and police radio to school with him. He wanted to make sure he would be able to arrest all the bad guys (just in case he comes across any).

The boys had a birthday party for me last night. They were at Missy's house because I had been at a training in Toledo. When I pulled in the drive they came running out. They had streamers, a cake, flowers, and cards for me. (Tyler was very impressed by the "screamers" as he called them) They helped Mom light all the candles on the cake and sang Happy Birthday to me. They loved it. Birthday parties are the best when thrown by kids. I remember how upset I was because Landon wasn't born on my birthday. Now I am glad because he gets his very own special day.

The training in Toledo was awesome. The presenter for the second day was someone you would have loved. You would have been so impressed by his stories and "credentials". He reminded me of my grandpa. When I got home last night I was inspired by one of his stories....Tyler came running up to me with a police badge he found. I remembered Ed's story so I swore Tyler in as a junior deputy. He raised his right hand and swore to uphold and protect the laws of the Great State of Ohio...I think it was the cutest oath I have ever heard. The smile beaming across his face was priceless. I pinned his little badge on him and he was off to arrest some bad guys. But not before he handcuffed me, threw me down on the floor, and kissed me. Later he was upset because the badge left a hole in his shirt....

Landon has imaginary friends now. He told me he has a girlfriend named Jessica and she has a baby named Erica. (Starting a little young I guess). He is not real sure if the baby is his baby but Jessica lives next to Santa Claus at the North Pole on a farm with cows, horses, and chickens. He wants to call her every night so he can go to her house to ride horses.

Tyler has been so silly. The other night he was laughing at me so hard he snorted. I said Tyler you snorted. He said yeah I snorted. We had to call everyone to tell them that Tyler snorted. Now if he is in a mood or having a fit all I have to say is Tyler can you snort. He looks at me with his rotten little blue eyes and starts sniffing as hard as he can with his nose.

Gabby went to doggy jail last week. She got out when the guys were working on the patio. She ignores me so much I didn't even know she was gone. I thought she was off sleeping some place. When she wasn't home by morning I knew either something happened to her and you were going to haunt me forever for it or she was at the pound. I called the dog warden and she was there. He asked if she was an ugly little thing that looked like a minature lion. Sorry dear I don't want to offend you but she is pretty darn ugly. I went to the Doggy Jail (the kids really liked that whole idea of an outlaw dog and all) and bailed her out for 70 dollars. You would be proud though, this is the first time she has ran away since we moved. The fence really helps with that. That little dog never ran away from you, she always listened to you. Just more proof that she was the other jealous woman in your life, I took her man away and she has never forgiven me for that.

Bacon has a big lump on his neck. I took him to the vet. At first they just thought that little bratty dog of yours bit him. However the aspiration had something in it so I have to take him in for x-rays today to check for a tumor. I am praying that it is no big deal and they can just remove the tumor. Our boys don't need anymore loss in their lives right now. They love that stupid fat dog. I named him well, he is just like you except for the fat part. He farts and snorts and eats all the food in the house. Just like his namesake.....People laugh when they hear the name Bacon. He actually purrs when you pet him. I would buy a dog that purrs. If he starts meowing I am giving him away.

That reminds me of the first pet I ever brought home. That stupid kitten Cheyenne. I remember you were walking through the apartment with an armload of stuff and stepped on her. I went crazy crying just sure that you had killed my little kitten. You scooped her up and rushed her to the vet. I sat on the couch sobbing sure that you had crushed her skull. You came back home with our bloody little kitten. She had a bloody nose and a concussion. You felt so horrible. Once again another pet that hated me even though I bought her. That cat loved you. I remember how she would roll all over your feet when you got out of the shower. You went to jail school at OPOTA for a week and she went into heat. I didn't sleep that whole week. She meowed and rolled all over the floor at 3am every night. As soon as you got home she stopped.... You met those other cops at jail school and brought them home for dinner one night. Ever the social one, meeting people and being like their best friend in a matter of minutes. People just loved you.

At the training one of the pastors asked me how we met. I love to tell that story. I was never going on a date with you again because you were such a nerd but I moved in two weeks later because your personality was just so infectious. You didn't give up, how could I not fall madly in love with you. You were so full of energy and life and had such a positve outlook. I try to embrace those traits in my own life now. I try to remember that you always found the best in a given situation and worked with it. You never let the world and all that life threw at you bring you down. You might complain about it sometimes but you didn't let it change your course. I try to remember has been hard at times but I have just maintained my course towards rebuilding the pieces that I have been left with. It isn't always easy and I have faultered but I hope that you are proud.

I had a long conversation with Kylie last night. We were both laughing about the how you and Ethan would have looked when you were older. It felt good to hear her laugh even in tough times. She was talking about how she always wandered if his butt would get really wrinkly. I shared that I always wandered if you would have hair growing out your ears. Sometimes it is so easy to get caught up in the loss and feel so bad for yourself. I almost started crying at Bingo last week. Aunt Marilyn said something about you would have been 31 this year. It suddenly struck me that I was going to be 29, I was going to be the same age as you were when you died. I was going to bypass you in age, you are forever 29. It was so strange to realize that I was going to grow older than you. Then I started thinking about those moments when you would be asleep in bed and I would be staring at you wandering how you would look when you were in your sixties and we were an old couple with grandchildren. I got teary eyed and told Marilyn that it makes me so sad that the oppourtunity to grow old together was taken from us. That I would never know what you would look like as an old man. Our future was gone, but I have to remind myself that it really isn't. Our future remains strong in our two little guys and even though you aren't here on earth to see it it lives on.....

Missing you more than ever. Love you.


March 9, 2006

Brandy, Met your wife at a COPS training in Toledo, she is doing well but it is hard to imagine what she is going through. She is strong. Lots of people looking out for her. Mike Eberle

Chief Deputy Mke Eberle
Auglaize County S.O. Ohio

March 7, 2006

Think of you everyday and pray for your wife and children. Please keep them safe and watch over them.

March 7, 2006

I heard you speak March 1 at the City Council Meeting for the City of Dayton. Thank you!! Not only for coming to speak on behalf of the Officer's of this city, but for sharing your tragedy, your heartache with the people in attendance. I will never forget your words or the reason for the meaning behind them. May God continue to give you the strength to speak out on behalf of all fallen Officers! I grieve for your loss and your little boys loss as well, but Brandy has granted you the strength to accomplish much! You are a hero and your husband is a hero who will always be remembered and honored!!

Thank you and take care!

Michelle Davis-Student

March 4, 2006

Stll thinking of you and all of your family sure are missed!!!!

February 27, 2006

I met you Friday at the Panini's benefit. We talked a littl about "the hawk". As I said, Melissa Foster was killed on the road behind us. Today, our big lab was barking and growling at the door. I looked out and there was a giant hawk in our yard having his "supper". Despite letting the dog out, etc. he didn't hesitate and the dog didn't go near him (which is weird since his life revolves around chasing bunnies and birds). I thought that was a sign of some sort.
Anyway, it was so nice to meet you. You are a great and amazing woman!

February 26, 2006

Miss you man.......

February 25, 2006

Had a flashback today of you and me going on one of our late night Burger King runs and messing with the order taker. You'd crack up so hard over me making my voice cut out so that they thought the speaker was shorting out.
Man, do I miss those times, bro. Still missing you.

Dublin, Ohio

February 21, 2006

I cannot believe that it has been over a year. I really did not know Brandy very well, but this has effected me greatly.


I remember talking to you a couple of months after the funeral. We began talking about the hawk that was at the service. That is one thing that I will never forget. That hawk just sat, perched, as if he were looking over the service. Even throughout the 21-gun salute, this hawk still did not fly away. I will never forget this. I am glad that you are doing well. If there is ever anything that you need, you know where to find us. I hope to talk to you soon. I was also very touched when going over the over-pass, the 2 ladder trucks from the fire department had the American Flag flying over the street. There was also one girl, standing out in the rain, who held a sign that simply said "Thank You." I will never forget that day.

Patrolman Travis Fisher
Richwood Police Department, Richwood Ohio

February 17, 2006

I got another tatoo today. I took Kylie to get one and just had to get one myself. I wanted something to honor all my friend's husbands also but I just can't decide on a design for that one. I decided to get a modified version of the poker run logo. I put your badge with 6 in the middle with the Harley V-Twin motors. Nascar just got a similiar one but with the 6 with angel wings.

When I got home the boys wanted to see it. They decided they don't want a tatoo because it makes you bleed. Later Landon said he wants a Scooby Doo tatoo and so did Logan. I told him he might need to wait a few years on that one....Missy was making fun of me calling me Marysville Ink after the new show on TV called Miami Ink. When I called Mom she pouted because she wants an OSU tatoo.

Kylie loved her tatoo. It was good to see a big smile on her face. We discovered more of the numbers that Linda swears by today, Kylie's birthday is the same as yours. FREAKY world it is....

I keep dreaming about that tape of the call. I keep hearing you say, "Standby a minute". In my dream I am the dispatcher and just want you to answer the check up. I want you to come back and say 6 is okay. I am sitting waiting in anticipation to hear you answer your check up. I wake myself up and can't fall back asleep. Why couldn't you just be okay........... why couldn't it just end up like any other disabled motorist call. Why wasn't there any indication that something was wrong? Did you really beleive his stupid story about another car or were you just entertaining him to get an ID on him? I know these questions will never be answered and it is useless to do this to myself. In the end the outcome is still the matter how much I analyze it all. I guess it is just a way for me to process different parts of it.

I have discovered something about Landon. He grinds his teeth in his sleep. There is a little of me in that little boy afterall. I wasn't just a carrier of your little identical twin. Guess I will need to let the dentist know that. I know you would be cringing at the thought of another grinder. I remember the first night I spent the night with you. We woke up in the morning (after sleeping in that stupid twin bed, how the hell did we manage that for over a month) you looked very sleepy because you didn't sleep at all. You looked at me and said, "What the heck do you do with your mouth in the middle of the night?" When I wasn't grinding my teeth I was smacking my lips over and over again. Maybe that is why you loved midnights so much, you didn't have to hear me grind my teeth all night.

There is a cold front coming through tonight. It is very windy out. Of course Landon wanted to know if he could sleep with me because there was a bad storm. He is curled up in the computer chair next to me.

The trial for Bryan Hurst started. I am going to go a couple of days to support Marissa. That will be something new, we didn't have to agonize through that for you. Hopefully justice is served, we can only hope. There are so many liberal people out there and people afraid to give the death penalty. If only they had to walk in our shoes for a day they might view the death penalty in a very different light. I would like one of them to answer some of the questions of a 5 year old little boy just once then tell me they couldn't extend the death penalty to the jerk that did this to him. Even today Landon got all hopeful. I told him to get dressed for school. He looked at me with such hope in his eyes and said, "When I get off the bus today will Daddy be here?" It broke my heart in a million pieces. I once again had to explain that Heaven is forever. We talked about it for a few minutes, when he discovered that I still couldn't give him his Daddy back he got his disappointed, angry look and said, "I Don't Want to Talk about that no more." Sometimes he just says, "Okay" then moves on to the next subject. I just want one person that defends these people to spend a day with Landon and tell me that they still deserve the rights they get.

I got all my police week from National. Landon is going this year. He is going to fly in with your parents over the weekend. I thought it might be easier that way since I will be busy with the new families. He will come in just in time to attend the kids activities. I think he will love it. I will take Tyler when he turns 5 also. Your Dad was very excited to have Landon come down with them.

Well it is 2:30 and once again I am not in bed yet. Good night dear.

I love you.............


February 17, 2006

Happy Valentines in heaven. Our 2nd apart...

The boys got Harley T-shirts and a little motorcycle for valentines day. I stopped at the Harley store to get a donation for the poker run. Tyler picked out all kinds of cool motorcycle stuff for them. He wanted to buy a real motorcycle but just couldn't convince the dealer to make the deal with M&M's. Tyler had his annual kidney check up today. I don't know the results yet.

The boys have been really rotten lately. I have my hands full with them. They are into everything. One is fine alone but when you put the two together they are hell on wheels....

Tonight I have Hayden and Logan also. They are a wild crew together. Hayden and Landon are always arguing about something. They are more like brothers.

Today at Tyler's appointment they had to update all my information. They still had your old cell phone number in the system. She asked who Brandy was because you were still in the system as a contact. I told her you were deceased. She was trying to finish the page but couldn't get out of it unless she put in a zip code. She asked if I knew the zip code in heaven. I laughed and told her I didn't but if she found it to let me know because the boys are always wanting to send things to you in heaven.

I have been really busy with COPS. Lots going on recently. I did a payroll deduction for donation from Marion County. They have the cabinet done in the lobby with your picture and William Benders picture. They are still working on it. They plan to display different historical things in it. I offered to let them borrow your awards for display for a month or so. I thought all the guys would like to see them. I got the tape of the radio traffic. It bothered me more than I thought it would. It did give me a whole new perspective. I guess having been a dispatcher it made me see it in a whole new way, as a professional instead of as your wife. I could hear the panic and hopelessness in everyone's voices. I could tell everyone was trying to figure out what happened. One minute you say stand by the next you aren't answering them anymore. You sounded so upbeat at the beginning of the call. Then I could tell you were annoyed about something when you said Standby a minute. I was okay through the tape up until I heard the medic tell Matt to notify the ER of a trauma alert. Matt marked back requesting an ETA. They said, "3 seconds out CPR in progress." I started crying, I don't know why that bothered me so much. I guess it is the moment that you really knew the outcome of the call unless you were on the scene. Andy called the SO at one point. I could tell how panicked he was, he said he's not answering his 2-way either, where the heck was he. It is wierd because up until you sound annoyed saying Standby there was NO indiction that anything was wrong. You were just giving the guy a ride. As a dispatcher even then I wouldn't have been concerned with the way you said Standby.

Tyler wants Mommy to come watch Dora with him so I have to be going. Love you miss you more than ever.


February 14, 2006

Happy Valentines Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!

February 14, 2006



February 14, 2006

Happy Valentine's Day Brandy. Please send angel hugs and kisses Sara and the boys way.

February 14, 2006

I think about every day. I have relatives in Law Enforcement,but I never gave a thought reguarding their saftey until 10-14-2004. Now I worry about them every day,not only when they are on duty but also when the are off duty.
Please watch over them for me.
Thank you so much my BLUE ANGEL.

A Marion Ohio resident.

February 11, 2006

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