Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer Michael Patrick Gordon

Chicago Police Department, Illinois

End of Watch Sunday, August 8, 2004

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Reflections for Police Officer Michael Patrick Gordon

I wanted to extend my deepest sympathy to the family, friends, and fellow officers of Michael Gordon for their painful loss. It sounds like Michael loved being a street cop, but what else would you expect from such a distinquished family of law enforcement. The reflections to him are very touching and honor his memory, and unfortunately, memories are all some of us have now. Those loving memories do help make the unbearable bearable as does the support of the brotherhood and sisterhood of law enforcement. Michael has my gratitude and admiration for his service to his country and community. I would especially like to tell Michael's parents that their messages to him convey so many sentiments I would like to say to my own son, but cannot at this time. My son, Larry Lasater was shot on April 23rd in PIttsburg, Ca during a pursuit of two criminals who had just committed a bank robbery. Larry was my youngest son and I was so very proud of him, just the way you were and are of Michael. Larry's wife was seven months pregnant with their first child when he was killed and we are so looking forward to the imminent arrival of Cody considered very much a gift from God and our link to Larry. Mr. Gordon, when you wrote that all you ask is that your son be remembered, I totally understood what you meant. Life will never be same without our sons. I do want justice for my son's senseless murder but I am resigned that it will be a long wait.
Every time I open this web page (what a great web site), my heart sinks when I read of another fallen officer. My thoughts and prayers are sent with the utmost repect to all of you who loved Michael.

Phyllis Loya, Mother of fallen officer

Phyllis Loya, mother of fallen officer

July 7, 2005

To the wife of Officer Gordon,
I am the wife of an Indianapolis Police Officer. Last year 10 days after tradgedy stuck Chicago, it struck Indianapolis. We lost one of ours (Jake Laird)to gunfire. I was reading about your husband and saw that you had 4 children. There is a poem I got on my e-mail yesterday and thought I would share this with you.
My heart is heavy for you. I will be praying for you and your family.
Know that when your husband joined the police force your family grew more than you can imagine. You are my sister... God bless you, to give you strength when you think that you are too weak to stand, to give you patience, to let love conquer all.

Wife of an Indianapolis Police Officer

July 6, 2005

Well the boys are in Chicago. I flew with them up there over the weekend. They seem to be having a great time with everyone. Your Mom and I went to the cemetery on Friday. You marker is truly the most beautiful one I have ever seen and the cemetery was very peaceful and serene. Your brother Bob took the boys out on Saturday and they had a chance to visit the cemetery too. I was a little worried at first that they would not want to go, but I figured if anyone would be able to take them for the first time it would be their Uncle Bob. He can make anything seem like its fun. I think they were a little worried about what it was going to be like out there. The last time they saw it was during the funeral.
Guin and I went to the CPD’s 170th anniversary fund raiser and I had a chance to meet a few of the officers you worked with in the 11th. I have to say they were a great bunch of people. They all welcomed me with open arms and made sure my glass was never half empty! I had a really good time.
We spent some time with Gracie and David. David is becoming such a handsome young man and he is such a big help with the kids. In fact I tried to even convince him to think about going to UNLV- Hey, free baby sitting is free babysitting! Gracie is such a little cutie. I can’t believe how much she has grown. She is very independent and smart and she looks just like you. Her crooked smile lights up the room.
Well, that’s it for now. Take care and please continue to watch over us all.
Talk to you soon,

India S. Gordon

July 1, 2005

Dear Daddy,

I miss you since you have left. We are now visiting grandma and grampa Gordon for the summer. I have been riding my bike and Cullen will learn how to ride a two wheeler this year we hope. We are going to the Cabin on the 4th. We saw Gracie and she really got big. We have been swimming at Barbara's pool, she told us how she use to babysit you when you were little. Uncle Bob took us to the cemetery to see you and then we went with him to a lake where we went row boating. I will talk to you soon and tell you how things are going this summer. Oh, I almost forgot, I got all 3 honor rolls this year. I love you and miss you.

Love Malik


July 1, 2005

Dear Daddy,

I miss you. I wish you were still alive. I visiting grandma and grandpa Gordon this summer. I am going to the cabin with Gracie, Gigi to do fireworks on the 4th of July. I have played wiffle ball with your favorite bat and hit 5 homers with it. Talk to you again soon. I love you.

Love Cullen


July 1, 2005

Tomorrow, in honor of your Mom's cancer survivorship, I will light a luminaria in her name for you. I wish that she and your Dad could join me at the ACS Relay For Life in Pekin. The two of us could walk the survivor lap and talk of our sons.

Cathy Barnard
Mother of Officer Patrick Righi-Barnard EOW 11/25/2004

June 24, 2005

its almost a year now and the image is still very vivid of that morning when you went home. i know its gonna be hell on the 08th but i know that when we gather at the site, you'll be standing right next to us.
see you soon.


June 22, 2005

One more holiday past, and it was no easier then any of the others. It tore me up to not buy you presents or cards from the kids. I remember how we joked that only a copper would get binoculars or a telescoping ladder for fathers day. I'll never forget how happy you were when you got that ladder - you were like a kid on Christmas. It always made me so happy to see you that way.

Babe, I wish you could see Gracie right now... she looks so much like you and is such a happy baby. She is a handful though, guess she's going to be a tough one like most of the women in our families. Dave is doing good, he'll be a senior in the fall. He's grown up so fast. I still remember him wearing your blue tie to his grade school graduation. Cullen and Malik are coming to spend the summer with us, they'll be here this weekend. They are so excited and so are all of us. You'd be so proud Sweetie, they are growing up to be such good boys.

John Jr. and Alec are growing like weeds. John can't get enough of Gracie and we all have a feeling that Alex and Grace will be our little 'hell-raisers' when they are together.

Nicolette is starting to smile and is just beautiful. You were totally right about your brother...... he's a GREAT father and is so in love with her.

The guys in 11 have been absolutely wonderful. They are family now and are always looking out for us. I know they miss you terribly.

I have so much more to tell you but I'll save it for tonight when we talk.

You are my moon and my stars. For-ev-er. Please watch over everyone.

Until I see you again...... Guin

Guin Gordon

June 22, 2005

Happy Father's Day Mike. You're always in my thoughts.

John Gordon

June 19, 2005


Wanted to stop in and wish you a Happy Fathers Day. Mom asked me what I wanted for Fathers Day and my answer was that there was only one thing and no one could give that to me, that would be to have you here. Malik and Cullen wanted me to put their pictures at the cemetery for you, I will do that this weekend. They are both dressed in Cub uniforms. I will also put one of Grace with them in her little pink Cub uniform. I am not looking forward to Sunday at all, but it is another day that I will have to get through. When me and Mom look back at our lives and the rest of the family and how happy we all were just one year ago, how life can change in just a split second. Each day is a challenge for us and we take one day at a time, thats all we can do. There is not an hour in a day that goes by that we don't think about you. Well, take care, say hi to Jeff for us and we need the both of you to keep looking down on all of us left behind. Put your arms around the children and protect them from harm. Comfort the rest of us too as we sure need it. You have not been forgotten and you never will. I can not tell you in words how much we all miss you.

Love Dad


June 17, 2005

I just started thinkin about you and thought to look you up on the net. I still remember the few times we were at the gym, early, to lift some weights. We would pass each other by in the halls, wearing those dumb Elmer Fudd blue hats, and acknowledge each other. All though we never really hung out and bonded, I still remember you and our short time in the academy. Handle your beat up there and show them how the real police do it.

CPD-007 "Da Wood"

June 8, 2005

So many of these needless things. I have lit a candle and have sent my prayers.

The Lord will certainly bless you all.

Most sincerely,

George Nottoli

Ofcr. 2 George Nottoli
Monrovia PD CA (Ret)

June 6, 2005


Happy Memorial Day to a deserving veteran. The "Michael Gordon Law" made it through the State Senate with a vote of 55-0 and has been sent to the Governor for review and approval. Hopefully soon this law will be passed and officers able to start using it later this summer. For those that read this and don't know what the Michael Gordon Law entails: Aggravated DUI: If a Driver is over .08, and no Drivers License and No Vehicle Insurance, they are arrested for a Class 4 Felony. We don't see any problem with the Gov. signing the law. Well, just wanted to let you know how the Law was coming and wish you a Happy Memorial Day, say the same to Jeff as he's a vet too and deserves recognition. Miss you terribley.

Love, Dad


May 30, 2005

Officer Gordon,

I get to see your son every week here in Las Vegas, and you would be very proud of him. He is doing wonderful in school, and is a very good hearted kid. He speaks of you all the time, and says you are a hero. I tell him all the time that you are a hero, and his whole class knows it also. We will always remember you, and so will your son.....your memory lives on through him forever.

State Trooper Robert Borchardt
Nevada Highway Patrol

May 27, 2005

Meet your family in DC. What wonderful people but you know that. Your Mom and I hit it off right away. We are making plans to see each other soon. She misses her Michael Patrick as much as I miss my Patrick Michael.

Cathy Barnard
Mother of Patrick Righi-Barnard EOW 11/25/2004

May 24, 2005


Riverside remembered you this past weekend with the final of several memorials the month of May had to offer. All recognized you as a great man and a great police officer. You would have loved all the 'pomp and circumstance.'

While each tribute was awesome to experience, the fact that you are gone hit home all the more. At times it was like reliving the funeral without the shock and haziness. So many thoughts of shattered dreams and being cheated. Thoughts of the children of the Gordon boys never truly knowing you. Then Chief Karczewski said something to me that I will never forget. He said that even if the kids don't remember everything about you, they will remember that you were a hero. To me that speaks volumes. I miss you baby brother.

John Gordon

May 23, 2005


Riverside had their 10 Annual Police Memorial yesterday. Was the last of the 8 memorials that have been given in your name over the past few weeks. It's been hard attending them but we did it in your honor. Guin did 2 more than us. Met allot of wonderful people, unfortunate that we have to meet them under those circumstances. When the Chicago Memorial is finally built it will be beautiful and a place that I can take the kids and just sit and reflect. As you know Riverside made you Officer of the Year, great looking plaque. All the medals, plaques and pomp and circumstance can never replace you and we will keep your name alive for as long as the Gordon name lives on. Everyone knows what a great cop you were and all wonder what you would have become if you only were given more time. We know how much you loved being "the real Police" as you called it. Even the people in the ghetto told the television news people they respected you but they didn't know you by your name, only by, "The Real Tall Guy." I guess that is a great tribute to you if you left an impression on them. Riverside Chief K gave a great speach, I was finally given the opportunity to talk, the Chief had already said most of what I wanted to say in my speach but thats okay, the word got out. I may have to go down to the State Capital one more time on the Michael Gordon Law and they don't think there will be a problem with it going through the State Senate, I may have to be with the Chief and AC Weitzel in the Governor's office for a press conference when he signs it into law. I don't care what it takes lets just get that Michael Gordon Law passed and on the books. Well, you take care, there is not a day that goes by we don't think of you. Say hi to Jeff and I ask that the both of you watch over your respective families as we are all having a bad time of it at times and ask that you comfort and protect us. I don't know if you ever met the two twin brothers that are involved in Exploring, Bahouska brothers, they were at the Riverside Memorial, both
Airborne, Korean War Vets, served together. I showed them your tattoo, they said, "Boy, He Really Was Airborne" to have a tattoo like that. Their answer to me was, "All The Way."



May 22, 2005

Dear Mike,
We returned from our trip to D.C. just a couple of days ago. There we met your parents, your wife, and the baby. What a little treasure. You have wonderful parents and their love for you was very evident. Just as we are still grieving, so are they, but during the conference we learned that the bond between parent and child will never change. There will never be a "back to normal" for us. You and Jeff are and always be our children with a very special place in our hearts that will never filled or replaced. We have the right to cry, to be angry, to suffer and to hurt and to move forward the best way we know how.
A parents love is eternal.
You are so special.
God bless and keep you,
Pat (Jeff's mom)

May 20, 2005

We represented you in DC in good spirits. We still miss you.

PO Camarillo
Chicago Police Department -011

May 19, 2005

Guen,Joh,Bob,and kids: I dont have any clue what to say. Since the day Phil died i have not learned how to deal with it. The only thing i can tell u guys is remember everything and dont be afraid of it. although he's gone mike can still see and here all of us.

Somthing tells me there watching us and they have it all covered.

Love another Gold Star member
Michael O'Reilly

Michael O'Reilly

May 18, 2005

Although we never met, we share the same age. I read where your dad mentioned the billboard in your district that has your image. Out of respect for you and your family I drove there one night(probably an area I shouldn't really be driving around in at night, but I work 2 full time jobs right now and it was the only time I had to see it). I wanted to see it and stop and say a prayer for you, your family, and your fellow comrades. I aspire to be the caliber of police officer that you were. As the new recruits begin on their beats I have no doubt that you're watching down on them and keeping an eye on them. Someone like you will never be forgotten and that I can guarantee. When I think of the word CPD it almost seems synonymous with Mike "Flash" Gordon. God bless you and yours.

Soon to be CPD

May 17, 2005


We made it back from Washington, DC. Was very emotional for us all being our first time there. I know you were looking down on us all and saw how wonderful we were treated. I know you got a laugh out of the honor guard that met us at the gate at the airport, six officers surround us, people began to move out of the way probably thinking me and Mom were under arrest. Your brother yelled out, "We love ya Mike" as they read your name off, caught me off guard. Mom was able to make her way up to the President where she put little Grace up in front of him and told the President who you were, he kissed little Grace and then asked what about Mom and kissed her too. I wasn't able to get the boys to meet him, I could only get about 3 feet from him. Your brothers got to meet him and gave him one of your T shirts, maybe he'll wear it bike riding but he turned it over and read your name off the front out loud. There were allot of your friends there from 11 and Riverside plus other departments and I ask that you continue to watch over them as well as all of us. On our way in and out of the Memorial Service on Sunday, Chicago PD had their group salute all of us which was nice of them. Your name on the wall is across the courtyard from Jeff's so you guys can watch over one another. I also met a woman who is a volunteer at the wall and is there just about everyday, as she passes she will be saying hi to you guys on a daily basis as a way of someone being there with you both. Keep watching over us all and know that we love and miss you so much and think of you every day.

Love Dad


May 17, 2005

I never met you, but I met your brother, wife, and kids this past weekend in DC. They are great and caring people. We all light a candle for you and the vigil and raised our glasses high, several times in fact. Hearing of your death hurt me twice as bad. Not only were you my brother in blue, you were my Airborne Brother. I know of one thing though, Heavens Gate is safer now, because God has another Paratrooper standing watch. I'll look for you when my time comes, on that great big DZ in the sky. Until that time comes, you will be missed here. I will wear your memorial shirt proudly and never tarnish it's image. Rest in Peace Brother.


Mitch Hardin D-1
Oakland County Sheriff's Office

May 17, 2005

Dear Mike,

I never met you in person, but I did get to meet your beautiful daughter, Grace. I was honored to be able to care for her during the National Police Week activities. She is truly a great little girl and so pleasant spirited. I was also at the Cubs game versus the Nationals during Police Week and was extremely pleased that they honored you during the game and had the Color Guard from your department display the colors. Your Mom said you were a big Cubs fan. Please know that you will be forever remembered and reflected in beautiful Grace,


May 15, 2005

I never met you, however I know you died doing what you loved, helping the people who couldnt help themselves. As a "real cop," I know you are in a better place now. To the family, I offer my prayers to you. Im from Minnesota and love the city of Chicago. I am now considering becoming CPD, and could only hope to be half the man Mike is.

Police Officer
Atlanta Police

May 4, 2005

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