Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Trooper Bertram Zimmerman, III

New Jersey State Police, New Jersey

End of Watch Thursday, February 5, 2004

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Reflections for Trooper Bertram Zimmerman, III

As we hit the road tomorrow, to do the job you loved so much - You will be heavy in our hearts and minds. Its been 3 years now, it doesn't get easier. Keep us safe, you are missed.


February 4, 2007

Bert- 3 years- wow! Seems like yesterday that ive seen you and sometimes it feels like forever. We all miss you sooo much and are thinking of you as feb. 5th comes around again!
Michele and Family

Michele and Family

January 26, 2007

I always seem to run into your memory, whether its seeing a message left on Officer Danny Faulkners reflections by a retired Phila. Officer, driving down the road and seeing your name and badge number on the rear windshield of a vehicle or opening my kitchen drawer and finding your card, which I received from attending your funeral. I will pray for you and your family. Your sacrifice will not be forgotten.

Voorhees Township Police

January 25, 2007

Hi honey...snow is coming! I remember how much you loved snow, especially how much you loved to use your snow blower with the headlights! always reminded me of that dunkin donuts commercial where one snowflake falls and 4 snowplow guys are racing to get it...I think of you everytime! Ill never forget the time our little monster saw her first snow...we couldnt even find her in it but she loved it! And she still does!

As you know so many of our friends are having babies! How fun and exciting! Michele and Shawn...Beth and brother and Danielle...the list goes on! I am so excited for all of them and I know you would have been too.

We miss and love you and you are always in our hearts.
Love, Denise and Jayda

Denise Zimmerman
Wife of NJ State Trooper Bert Zimmerman

January 25, 2007

Bert – I can’t believe next month it is going to be 3 years. I was cleaning last weekend and came across a picture from when Joey was born which was only a week after you passed away. It was of Jenna, Bobby, Michelle, & Joey. I knew the kids were young when you passed away but I didn’t realize just how young they were until I saw that picture. And of course me the emotional pregnant person that I am I cried looking at it and it just broke my heart.

Please continue to look over me and my little one. July just can’t come quick enough. I can’t wait to get this little baby in my arms. Plus I will get to spend the whole summer with Jenna & Bobby which will be awesome. In a few weeks I will find out if your getting a niece or a nephew but I’m sure some how you already know. I know somehow you & dad sent this baby to me. I also know the 2 of you will be with me every step of the way. We finally decided on names and I am happy with both of them. I LOVE you Bert and I will MISS you FOREVER!!! Jenna & Bobby send lots of HUGS & KISSES to their Uncle Bert!!!



January 20, 2007

Hey Bert,
Well, it has almost been 3 years, but it doesn't feel feels like an eternity!!! I still think of you just as often as I did before, now just wishing you were here. Just know I miss ya and still think of you and wish you were here!!!!!

January 18, 2007

just thinking alot about you today, and all the happiness you have brought to our family through the years. and that goes way back. i will miss u forever boy, lol,i remember how you hated me to call u boy.
your i my heart today and everyday. rest in peace my dear.


January 14, 2007

Happy New Year’s Bert!!! I know on Sunday you, dad, & Uncle Robert were together watching the Eagles game. I know how much the 3 of you loved the Eagles and how happy you were that they won. And because of that win they are the “NFC East Division Champions”. The Eagles had three of the biggest fans flying high above cheering them on. I know you guys are thinking what I am --- Bring on the Giants!!!! We’ll make sure this Sunday you guys are up their flying high above the “Linc” cheering nice & loud for our Eagles. Because I will be down here with Bobby sitting right next to me cheering just as loud for them. E-A-G-L-E-S-----EAGLES!!!!!

Please continue to watch over me & my little one. I LOVE & will MISS you FOREVER Bert!!!



January 3, 2007

HAPPY NEW YEAR BERT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

January 1, 2007

Happy New Year honey. I know all your days and months and years are happy up there. Especially since you have a front row seat at the Eagles game tonite and unlimited Coors Light haha. Not a day goes by we dont think about you and miss you. Still seems unreal sometimes. Love Denise and Jayda

Denise Zimmerman
Wife of NJ State Trooper Bert Zimmerman

December 31, 2006

remembering those that served on this grey and cold afternoon.And as the police officer stood in front on THE LORD,THE LORD said i've watched thee on earth,rest your mind and soul for this place is where you belong AMEN!
(PSALM ONE)I hope it gives you strengh this time of the year!stay steadfast in the faith denise it helps us though times like these.
james nowacki
westwood nj_concerns of police survivors

concern of police survivors

December 30, 2006


God bless you, Denise and your entire family. Give them the strength to get through this most difficult time. Your family knows all too well that it never gets easier, it just gets older.

God bless you Bert and continue to keep your fellow troopers safe.

December 28, 2006

Hey Bert! Shawn and I just wanted to say Merry Christmas and we hope you know we miss and love you!
Michele and Shawn

Friend of Denise and Bert

December 28, 2006

Bert – I hope you, dad & Uncle Robert had a Very Merry Christmas. I know the 3 of you were together watching over us and sending us all the strength we needed to get through the holiday. I laughed, I cried, but most of all I missed you guys very much and wished you were there with us. We continued on with the tradition of going over Andrea’s exchanging gifts and having Christmas dinner over there. We laughed about the Christmas when dad wrapped mom’s stuff and not only did he write down in a composition book what he wrapped but he numbered each gift in the order that he wanted her to open them. That was definitely a Christmas Classic and a story that gets told each year. Jenna & Michele got something for Christmas that will forever remind them of you and something that they can hold close to their heart and remember their Uncle Bert by. I know they are very happy to have them. I looked at Jenna & I don’t think she new whether to smile or cry. It just broke my heart to see the look on her face. They love you very much and miss you every day. I know they would trade in what they got to have you back. I know those 2 girls were your pride & joy. They were your girls and you spoiled them rotten.

I LOVE you Bert & will MISS you FOREVER!!! Please continue to watch over me & my new little one.




December 27, 2006

Merry Christmas honey!

Love, Denise and Jayda

Denise Zimmerman
Wife of NJ State Trooper Bert Zimmerman

December 25, 2006

Merry Christmas Bert! We miss you!
Christine and Dave Taitt

Christine and Dave Taitt

December 24, 2006


December 24, 2006

Hi honey! I cant believe that 3 years ago tonite you gave me the best present I EVER got....Jayda! I remember for months and months you kept telling me no dog. And I was so upset! I kept saying how bad I wanted a Weimaraner and I was convinced by all the weeks of you telling me no that we'd never get a dog. But then 3 years ago today, we had Michele and Shawn over and I remember you bringing them out front to show them the camera with the pictures of all the little puppies (bc you KNEW that I would think you were just teasing me if you only told me we were getting a dog without pictures haha). And you wanted them to be there when you told me. You wrapped up this little statue of a weimaraner and had me open it up. I was so excited! Haha I was soooo excited and I kept jumping on you and kissing your head and your face and you showed me the pictures and I couldnt believe it! Shawn took out our video camera to film you telling me about the dog and I still just can never watch it. I have still pictures from that night but I can't watch the video. In fact, its STILL in the camera from that night. Everytime I stop and think and look at Jayda, shes like the link between you and me from heaven to earth. I will always be thankful to you for giving her to me. She is my best friend and has been there for me since the day you left us way too soon.
Merry Christmas Eve Bert. We will always love you, you will always be in our hearts, we will always miss you, and we will never forget you. Ever.

Love, Denise and Jayda

Denise Zimmerman
Surviving Spouse of NJ State Trooper Bert Zimmerman

December 24, 2006

To the entire Zimmerman family, may you find peace this holiday season and remember all the good times with Bert fondly. I know the holidays are hard, and no matter how many years have passed since the EOW we will always remember. Hold your memories near and dear to your heart, as Bert will forever be a part of you.

Stacy Cullinane Smith
Surviving Spouse of Ptl Mickey Cullinane, EOW 8/26/92
Sea Isle City NJ Police Department AND
Proud Wife of a Montgomery County, MD Police Officer

December 24, 2006

Bert – I can’t believe Christmas is just 2 days away. Last weekend we were down at your memorial again. I know you love how we decorated it for Christmas. When I go their I feel so close to you. I can't help but look down the road and think that on the morning of 2/5/04 that it was where you life was taken. On that morning my life changed for ever and my heart was shattered into a thousand pieces. No matter how many years go by I don’t think it will ever get any easier. The holidays will just never be the same without you & dad here. The only thing that is a little comfort to me is that I know the two of you have each other and are together up their.

I went to the doctors this week. I got to see my precious little one again and got some more pictures. Wow what a difference in 4 weeks. The baby has grown so much and now looks like a little person. Jenna & Bobby went with me this time and got to see the Ultrasound of their new brother or sister. Just seeing the expressions on their faces was just priceless and something I will never forget. It seems like I just found out and next week I will be 3 months. I can’t tell you how happy I am to be having a new little one but at the same time I am so sad because you are not here to share in my joy. I remember how happy you were when I told you that I was going to have both Jenna & Bobby. I can still remember the conversation that I had with you the day I had my ultrasound with Bobby and found out I was going to have a little boy. I couldn’t wait to call you to tell you that you were finally getting your nephew. You were at work and I remember how excited you were and you told me to hold on so that you could tell all the guys that you were going to have a nephew. I know you will be watching over me and will be with me the day my little one comes into the world. I truly believe that both you & dad sent this baby to me.

I want to wish you, dad & Uncle Robert a Merry Christmas!!! I love you all and miss you everyday. You will forever be in my heart. Please continue to look over all that love you.



December 23, 2006

Just wanted to say that we are thinking of you during this holiday season and miss you VERY much! Cant believe you have been gone this long! Thinking of you always!
Michele and FAmily


December 19, 2006

Mrs. Zimmerman, III,

I was at a wedding for a retired Trooper of Baptist faith the end of last month when I heard this verse and thought of you. I know you were only married a short time, but I bet the best Christmas present you could have given your husband in 2003 was your love and hand in marriage. Merry Christmas too you and your family.

They Became One Flesh (Genesis 2:18-24)

The LORD God said: "It is not good for the man to be alone.
I will make a suitable partner for him."

So the LORD God formed out of the ground various wild animals and various birds of the air, and he brought them to the man to see what he would call them; whatever the man called each of them would be its name. The man gave names to all the cattle, all the birds of the air, and all wild animals; but none proved to be the suitable partner for the man.

So the LORD God cast a deep sleep on the man, and while he was asleep, he took out one of his ribs and closed up its place with flesh. The LORD God then built up into a woman the rib that he had taken from the man. When he brought her to the man, the man said:

"This one, at last, is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; this one shall be called woman, for out of her man this one has been taken."

That is why a man leaves his father and mother and clings to his wife, and the two of them become one flesh.

December 18, 2006

Bert – We’ll I don’t have to share my great news with you. I’m sure you knew before I did that in July we will be getting a new addition to our family. Jenna & Bobby are so excited and can’t wait for their new brother or sister. I know both you & dad are watching over me and my new precious little one. I just wish the both of you could be here with me right now. But I know that you & dad will be with me every step of the way. I truly believe that you & dad sent this baby to our family. I know how much you loved your nieces & nephews and how happy you were to hear that you were going to be an Uncle again. It makes me very sad to know that my baby will never have the chance to know his Uncle Bert. But I promise you that I will share every story, memory, and all the pictures that I have of you. This baby will know what an awesome person his Uncle Bert was.

I LOVE you Bert & I will MISS you FOREVER!!! You will FOREVER be in my heart. Jenna & Bobby send lots of HUGS & KISSES to you. I’m sure you know how much they both miss you. Please continue to watch over those who love you. You will NEVER BE FORGOTTEN!!!




December 11, 2006

This is the time of year everyone thinks of those that are close to them, and loved. I just wanted you to know you are thought of constantly and are dearly missed. Watch over all of us for the holidays and always.

December 8, 2006


Hope you, dad, and Uncle Robert had a nice Thanksgiving yesterday. We really missed you yesterday. We saved that leg for you knowing how you loved to eat it. I am just glad that you had your last Thanksgiving at my house!


November 24, 2006

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