Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer David R. Payne

Lewiston Police Department, Maine

End of Watch Saturday, July 23, 1988

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Reflections for Police Officer David R. Payne

Officer Payne, it has been 36 years since you were taken from us. Northern New England law enforcement has continued to thrive, learn and become safer due to the traditions and sacrifices you, your family, and many others have made for us. Thank you for your 2 years of law enforcement service.

Chief (Ret) Steven Marshall
Georges Mills, NH

July 23, 2024

David, like so many others who have submitted, I know you so well through your parents. I met them at a Chaplain's training I attended in NJ and became quite close to them. They came to NH several times at my invitation to speak to departments I was associated with. Never did they dwell on the sadness of losing you, but always the pride they have for you, your career, and the family you and your wife raised. I know you are feeling that now with Mom and Dad in the hero's heaven with you.

Chief (Ret) Steven Marshall
Georges Mills, NH

July 23, 2023

Officer Payne,
On today, the 35th anniversary of your death I would just like to say thank you for your service and sacrifice for the citizens of Lewiston. And to your Family and loved ones, I wish to extend my deepest sympathy.


United States Border Patrol

July 23, 2023

Thank you for your service and today we take the time to remind you and your family that your sacrifice is one that will never, ever be forgotten. Rest in peace always.

Detective Cpl/3 Steven Rizzo
Delaware State Police (Retired)

July 23, 2020

Another year, officers there that day are fewer and fewer, you are still remembered 32 years later.

Howard Cooke
DPS/BLE retired

July 23, 2020

July 23, 2019

Thirty one years today, still seems like yesterday, always remembered.

Howard E. Cooke, Jr.
Officer, retired - dps/ble

July 23, 2019

David was my room mate at the Maine Criminal Justice Academy. He was very enthusiastic and energetic and loved helping people. We graduated together on November 21st, 1986. It was so surreal when I heard of his death. I remember his memorial service. The procession was so long, that there were cruisers still departing the service area while others were arriving at the gravesite. RIP brother.

Marine Patrol Officer Don Lockhsrt
Maine Marine Patrol

March 31, 2019

I never knew David Payne that was ambushed and shot. I knew of him through his parents and the Ministry they tried carry out in David's Memory. We would text each other. Then I lost contact with them. It is my hope there Ministry was not in vain and God allowed them to finish what they started. Rest in Peace and Thanks David / Ray & Barb.

David A. Payne
Horn Lake Police (Former Animal Control Officer)

August 26, 2018

Please add “retired” after name, thanks.

Master Detective W. Paul Bryant, retired
Mashpee Police Department

July 24, 2018

David this is the 30th anniversary of your LOD death. I did not know you, but had the pleasure of knowing your parents, Ray & Barb for many years and their tireless work for police family survivors of LOD deaths. Sadly both have passed in the last few years and I sure they rejoice with you in heaven with Christ forever more, PTL.

Master Detective W. Paul Bryant
Mashpee Police Department, Massachusetts.

July 24, 2018

You may be gone, but you have never been forgotten. You are in my thoughts and in my heart.

Principal Clerk, Belinda Woodsome
Lewiston Police Department (CID)

July 23, 2017

Another year and the killing of officers goes on - still remembered by all in law enforcement in Maine.

BLE/DPS (retired)

July 23, 2017

28 years, really can't believe it's been that long, take good care of Barb and Ray and a watch over this violent time in history.

Officer (ret)Howard Cooke

July 24, 2016

so many more deaths of Police Officers
so much intentional violence against those in Blue who have sworn to protect.
my heart still grieves the loss of David, my only brother, but I grieve, too, for the continuing criminal acts against all who serve selflessly--for little pay, little thanks.

praying for safety. for the ability to keep on doing what needs to be done. for strength and courage to face another day. another call.

God bless all men and women in Blue.

Ginny Dow

July 19, 2016


Officer Crisci

July 23, 2015

We all still remember - twenty six years later, now Ray & Barb are both with u - may all RIP

H.E.C.,Jr. DPS/BLE retired.

Maine dps/ble

August 3, 2014

Rest in God's loving embrace, hero. You will never be forgotten.

Retired Wisconsin L.E.O.

July 23, 2014

I knew David as a great supporter of ours in EMS. He arrived with a singular theme when we called, that we were safe. I was there at the end with Shawn Metayer. His memories live in my heart. Forever.

Captain Mike Hilliard
Former United Ambulance paramedic

July 24, 2013

Twenty five years have come and gone all we all still remember u, Attempts to contact family failed yesterday and I feel bad, first time in 25 years I have not made contact on 7/23. I noted in today's paper the PD had memorial run on 23rd - thank you for your service, say HI to Ray!!!

Howard E. Cooke, Jr
BLE/DPS - Maine (retired)

July 24, 2013

I personally knew Officer Payne and his family. I had the pleasure of interviewing David for a Police Officer position with our agency and had made him an offer to work with our team, when he was hired by the City of Lewiston. David was a devoted christian and I know his family was very proud of him and his chosen career choice in Law Enforcement. God bless you David, you shall always be remembered.

Chief Joseph E. Young, Sr.
Winthrop Police Department

July 23, 2013

We carry your memory on. 25 years since the end of your watch. We run in your memory. From the site where you fell to the site where you rest. LPD will never forget the sacrifice you made.

Detective Danielle Murphy
Lewiston Police Dept.

July 23, 2013

Although I never knew David, I've known his parents since 1990. Barb and Ray Payne are two of the most devoted parents to keeping their son's memory alive I've ever been blessed to see.
When Ray lost his battle with Multiple Myeloma last September, I know his family's sadness was comforted in having faith that David and Ray were together again in Heaven. God bless you brother.

Sgt. Michael Hafke
Clinton Twp PD, NJ

January 10, 2013

I am so grateful for your service. Although, I am a distance cousin, I am proud to be related to a hero. I am sorry that I never had the pleasure to meet you. Unfortunately, you are the second office in my family to have fallen. I also remember Constable Luther T. Hardison my Grandfather - EOW: Saturday, February 17, 1951.
Peace to your family who has done so much to honor you and your fallen brothers and sisters.


August 14, 2012

Your heroism and service is honored today, the 22nd anniversary of your death. Your memory lives and you continue to inspire. Thank you for your service. My cherished son Larry Lasater was a fellow police officer who was murdered in the line of duty on April 24, 2005 while serving as a Pittsburg, CA police officer.

Time never diminishes respect. Your memory will always be honored and revered. I pray for the solace of those who love and miss you for I know both the pain and pride are forever. In reading your reflections, I see that your parents are well-respected for their reaching out and caring for so many others.

Rest In Peace.

Phyllis Loya

Phyllis Loya
mother of fallen officer Larry Lasater

July 24, 2010

David -

Talked with your mom and dad at 9 this morning, both seem good, but u know that! DEad is getting tired and he needs to rst a bit, let him know....Just a note to say we remember 21 years later and will always remember.

Howard Cooke

Howard Cooke
DPS/BLE (ret>)

July 23, 2009

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