Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer III Siegfred D. R. "Dove" Mortera

Guam Police Department, Guam

End of Watch Saturday, February 14, 2015

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Reflections for Police Officer III Siegfred D. R. "Dove" Mortera

Thank you for your service and sacrifice. Rest In Peace Officer Mortera. Our deepest heartfelt condolences to all of your family, friends, and brothers and sisters at Guam Police Department.

Scott Horne U.S. Postal Inspector
U.S. Postal Inspection Service

February 20, 2015

Thank you for your service Officer Mortera. You will never be forgotten. Rest in peace...

Chief Joseph A. Edwards
Columbia Illinois Police Department

February 20, 2015

An Officer’s Heart
By Kathy Farace

I chose to work in law enforcement;
It’s my duty and my call.
I will serve no matter what the risk
In a crisis great or small.

Protecting life and liberties
From jeopardy and from threat.
No matter what the time or cause,
I’ll respond with no regret

The thin blue line of courage is a symbol that reflects,
The depth of strength to conquer,
Fear our commitment and respect.

Duty calls, the race begins, days end is unbeknown.
Though focused on the work at hand
My heart is back at home.

As an officer I know I’m not in this alone.
You stand with me by my side and pray my safety home.

I give you this special gift a heart for us to share;
Holding precious words of love far days so hard to bear.

Every moment of every day, in my heart you’ll always be.
We’ll never be far apart……. You have “A Piece of Me”

You will be missed brother, Thank you for your sacrifice.
-Heald College- Modesto CJ Capstone Class 1-15

Dalton Graves

February 19, 2015

The law enforcement community is deeply saddened by the untimely passing of Police Officer Siegfred Mortera. Our deepest sympathies and prayers go to the family, friends, and coworkers of Officer Mortera. We thank him for his service, may his soul rest in peace.

Zone Five Academy Session 58
New York State Zone Five Regional Law Enforcement

February 19, 2015

Rest In Peace Brother

Captain Steve Yancey
Forest Hill Police Department, TX

February 19, 2015

Rest in peace Officer Mortera!
You will not be forgotten!

Willie Bell Hopewell VA!
Friend Of All Law Enforcement Officers!

February 19, 2015

God's peace and speed Officer Mortera. Thank you for your many years of brave, dedicated service. RIP Brother.

P/O R. Popelka #7903
Chicago P.D.

February 19, 2015

Our prayers to his family at his unexpected loss. May GOD be with them in these difficult times

Retired Sergeant Charles Carty
Benton, AR Police Dept.

February 19, 2015

Rest in peace, Brother Mortera. We have the watch from here.

Officer Joseph Walker
Niobrara, NE Police Department

February 18, 2015

Feel His presence as God answers the prayers of many who have fallen to their knees on your behalf. Since the day of my son's death, I have carried every law enforcement officer and their family in my heart.

Every morning I go to my knees. During that time I pray:

“Lord, Be with all law enforcement officers. Keep them safe and free from harm. They are Your soldiers on the front line of the battle against evil. If one should fall this day - wrap their family in your loving arms. Surround them with Your angels, loving family, friends, neighbors and caring people to comfort them. Ease their pain. Help them to mourn well. In Jesus' name and for Your Glory, Amen.”

I have lifted you and your family to God every morning for over three years. Feel those prayers. God is with you; He knows and will ease your pain.

Our faith helps us to see beyond the grave.

Pamela Hotsinpiller
Mother of
Deputy United States Marshal
Derek W. Hotsinpiller
EOW 2-16-2011

February 18, 2015

Rest in peace my brother! We have the watch from here. May God Bless your family and friends.


February 18, 2015

Off Mortera, may you rest in peace our brother. You will never be forgotten.

Sgt Richard Eckert
Town of Chester PD

February 18, 2015

Rest in peace Brother.

Lt. Arrend Hoopes
Spotsylvania Sheriff's Office Va.

February 18, 2015

I believe I met Officer Mortera at a citizen's academy type event when I lived on Guam almost 8 years ago. I am now a police officer in South Carolina.

It always saddens me when I hear of any law enforcement officer death, but it is especially sad when I hear of one in a place where I've lived. My heart hurts for the fellow officers and family of Officer Mortera. You have my prayers and prayers of my family.

Detective Jim Plonk
Greenville Police Department

February 18, 2015

Rest in Peace my Brother in Blue

FTO D. Vaquero
San Diego Police Department

February 17, 2015

Rest in peace Officer Mortera. My sincere ondolences to your family and to your department. God speed as you now patrol the streets of gold. I was there in 1969 aboard my ship the USS Esteem Minesweeper Ocean #438.. It was beautiful. Thank you for your great service.

Ofc Terry F. Zech (ret)

February 17, 2015

Rest In Peace Brother.

Det. Andreoli

February 17, 2015



February 17, 2015

To the family of Police Officer Siegfred Mortera, friends, Chief of Police Fred E. Bordallo, Jr. and the Guam Police Department.
You are in my thoughts and prayers. May God comfort and hold you close now and always. Thank you for your service. Matthew 5:9

Patrolman A.S. Batson
Cherry Police Department Goldsboro, NC

February 17, 2015

Rest in peace my brother of blue.

Officer J. Rhodes
Maize Police Department, Kansas

February 17, 2015

Our thoughts and prayers are with your family, friends and coworkers during this difficult time. Your service and ultimate sacrifice will never be forgotten.

Supervisory FAM, Thomas Kelly Jr.
Federal Air Marshal Service

February 17, 2015

A tragic loss for all who know and love Officer Mortera best. I truly believe he will always be with them.

God Bless and may you forever Rest in Peace, Brother.

Ptl. Jim Leahy, Jr.
Harvard University Police Dept.

February 17, 2015

Rest in eternal peace, Officer Mortera, for we have the watch now. Your family and your brothers and sisters in uniform, our brothers and sisters, too, are in our thoughts and prayers. May they find comfort in remembrances of your dedication and service.

Deputy Warden Patricia Powers
Philadelphia Prison System

February 17, 2015

Rest in Peace brother

Chief Deputy John M. Tomaino Sr.
Retired Mahoning County Sheriffs Office Youngstown Ohio

February 17, 2015

Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your families. Our condolences for your loss. God bless in this time of sorrow.

Chief David J Ellis
Carson City Police Dept.

February 17, 2015

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